Extracting multiple sections of text from google sheets cell - google-sheets

I'm trying to grab a subset of covid data from a cell in google sheets that contains a lot of superfluous data.
Specifically, the LDH vaccine information tab here has a tab containing "Vaccination by Gender by Parish" which has two things repeated 64 times: A line containing information on total series initiated and completed per parish, and a chart showing the percentage breakdowns by gender for that parish.
I'm importing this tab by copy/pasting into a google form (splitting it in 2 halfway through to get around the character limit). It returns a massive cell (or, two cells rather) containing 32(x2) instances of both the lines containing parish vaccine data and several lines containing the chart data.
Is there a way I'm not seeing to create an array formula that will isolate the two segments? I don't need the gender breakdown information, just the top-line numbers per parish. If I can get the top-line numbers into a separate cell together, I can use a split function on them, but can't separate everything correctly using the split function from a single cell.
This is the shortest of three lists/charts that display the information as a raw string (on the front-facing side, which I need to use because other people will be inputting this data into the sheet).
Edit: Here's a viewable version of the sheet.
To get to the correct tab, click "Vaccination Information" at the top of the ArcGIS dashboard. Then, click the left arrow at the bottom of the dashboard until it displays "Vaccination by Gender by Parish."

Since it is not possible to use automatic import using formulas and you have to use copy-paste, you can get the result you want faster this way.
Copy from the site and paste the data on the sheet.
Filter and remove unnecessary rows.
Split the text into columns using the "-" separator.
Search and replace, remove text and spaces from the data columns.


Google Sheets: How to make a stacked/aggregate chart

I have made a bar chart which aggregates my data, but is there any way I can split each bar based on the data it is aggregating - similar to how a stacked bar chart would look?
Here is a bad artists impression (thick blue lines mine). The idea is that it's important to know from looking at the graph if I sold 5 at £1, or 1 at £5.
Ideally this would work even if the price for each item is variable, but that is not essential (eg: if there is a 'hack' with hardcoding Apple = 3, I can live with that.)
I'm also fine inputting helper columns etc, within reason, but I would want to be able to easily continue to add things to the list on the left without having to add new helper columns each time (calculated ones are fine, of course.)
Thanks in advance.
UPDATE: With thanks to Kin Siang below, I ended up implementing a slightly modified version of their solution, which I am posting here for completeness.
I added a very large (but finite) number of helper columns to the right, with a formula in each cell which would look for the nth occurrence of the item in the main list (wrapped in an iferror to make the unused cells blank).
Theoretically it could run out of space one day, but I have made it suitably large that this should not be an issue. It has the advantage over the other solution that I do not need to sort or otherwise manipulate the input range and can continue trickling in data to the main list and have the chart automatically update.
Yes, it is possible to display the chart in your case, however need some data transpose in order to do so, let me show you the example with dataset
Assuming this is your original data:
First sort the data by alphabet, and enter this formula in new column
Next add new column for categorical purpose, by using concatenate function
In the transform data for chart purpose, enter this formula to split all price into different row, different column for different product
After that i select stack bar chart and ensure the price in under series, in case in 23 will have some problem to set price at series correctly, you can use 33 data create stack bar chart and update the data range again, it will work also
Here is the cute chart you expected, accept if help :)
*When certain fruit has less price record, it is advised to fill in 0, as the data table need in same column (see the orange price 3), although I didnot test if blank

How to group columns by header in Google Sheets?

I have multiple tables populated in the same sheet, but need them in a single table. How do I dynamically create a single table? The raw data will change, so it needs to accept additional rows as they populate.
Here is a demo document with the raw data and desired effect.
Your raw data should remain alone in its sheet. So first, remove everything you currently have in Sheet1!A12:D, since it will interfere with your ability to write formulas that allow the raw data in A:D to expand downward.
Once you've removed that, add a new sheet. In that sheet, use this formula:
=QUERY({Sheet1!A3:D3;Sheet1!A4:D;Sheet1!F4:I},"Select * Where Col1 Is Not Null")
The curly brackets allow the formation of a virtual array. Within those curly brackets, a semicolon means "place what comes next below" while a comma would mean "place what comes next beside." Understand that such virtual arrays must keep parallel structure at all times; for instance, you can't place a range that's four columns wide over one that's only three columns wide.
As written, those stacked ranges go all the way to the bottom of the sheet, since there is no row number on the second part of the range (e.g., A4:D means "the range that starts with A4 in the upper left and runs to the bottom of Column D, wherever that is"). By doing this, you are always able to include more data without adjusting the formula.
All that is left to do is weed out blank rows. The outer QUERY as written allows us to trim that virtual array to to only those rows where the first column is not empty.

Is there a way to make google sheets import range function stick to the range when it changes in the source sheet?

So I have been using query and importRange to pull data from my other sheets in conjunction with importRange. This is because importRange did not get all the data from the spreadsheet. But it seems as though when I re-open the sheet, after leaving it for a day, the data in the new spreadsheet moves cells from where I placed them.
I have time-series data that have different dates and so the data is placed in different cells to each other relative to the dates. I have placed an example below:
So for instance in the second picture, the data for Softcat will move to a different cell location rather than where I imported it from. The same for Trainline (the third picture).
Is there a function I can use to prevent it from leaving these cells that I have attached them to? Especially for the ones at the lower end of the spreadsheet?
Should I move data in the source sheet (move around columns), is there a way to make importRange or some other means to stick with this column that has this specific data set? I tried fixing it with the '$' sign but it still displays different data from the listed column reference.
This is the sheet

Creating a formatted, ordered pair in a single cell using Google Sheets functions

I'd like to do something like a Google Sheets array, but have it display in a single cell.
Given a column of data (grades, for example):
={MAX(A1:A10), MIN(A1:A10)}
where the output inside of a single cell would look like (High Score, Low Score).
This currently works, but displays the array across two side by side cells. I wouldn't mind if they displayed on top of each other, if one cell isn't possible. Is either of these options possible?
all you need is:
=MAX(A1:A10)&", "&MIN(A1:A10)
In addition to the answer I accepted, the following works in the case where you want to arrange the array vertically:
={MAX(A1:A10) ; MIN(A1:A10)}

Editing labels of series in Google Spreadsheets

I have data listed in columns as below and by highlighting it all including the names and the units and then clicking Insert -> Diagram..., I can easily make the following graph:
The labels are correct LabelA, Labelb, and LabelC in this case.
But if the label names are not in the same column as the data, then I cannot make this graph. In the data structure below where names and data are in different columns, I again highlight all data cells as well as their units and names (by holding down the ctrl button and clicking all the cells with the cursor):
It is clear that the software does not know that it should assign the names as labels. Is there a method to make the graph show the correct labeling as in the first scenario but with the second scenario's data structure?
you could combine the data in another place with formula:
and then plot the diagram as usual.
