Suppressing display in docker - docker

I have a docker image with a medical data analysis app installed in it. The app works from both gui and console. Normally, in my linux, I run the app from the terminal as
./dsi_studio --action=trk ...
and it works quite smoothly. If you click on this app, it'll try to open a GUI. While I'm trying to use this inside the docker image, it tries to connect to the display in any case (even if I run as shown in the terminal). And, of course, since I didn't do any setup for showing GUI from docker, I get the following error, stating that it couldn't find a display to connect.
qt.qpa.xcb: could not connect to display
qt.qpa.plugin: Could not load the Qt platform plugin "xcb" in "" even though it was found.
This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.
I don't know why the app is trying to open a display while running in terminal, because it doesn't open a GUI in my linux. I just want to suppress this warning somehow, as if there is a fake display. I don't want to connect my display to docker image, because this image is going to run in batch in an HPC.
So, How can I do this?

You should probably export the DISPLAY environment variable to point to your linux terminal.
Just to test, run
xhost +
in your linux terminal and add
-e DISPLAY=:0.0
to your docker command line


WebKitWebProcess / Gdk-Error when trying to run a Tauri app in a container via x11 connection

I'm trying to display a basic Tauri app GUI running in a Docker container but connected to the host's X11 server through a unix socket. But I get the following warning and error when running npm run tauri dev:
(WebKitWebProcess:6009): Gdk-ERROR **: 00:17:37.147: The program 'WebKitWebProcess' received an X Window System error.
This probably reflects a bug in the program.
The error was 'BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)'.
(Details: serial 258 error_code 2 request_code 152 (GLX) minor_code 34)
(Note to programmers: normally, X errors are reported asynchronously;
that is, you will receive the error a while after causing it.
To debug your program, run it with the GDK_SYNCHRONIZE environment
variable to change this behavior. You can then get a meaningful
backtrace from your debugger if you break on the gdk_x_error() function.)
I get opened a GUI window on the host but it's blank (but should contain some text / HTML markup).
As I am able to get Firefox and Gedit running from within the container but not the gnome-terminal, I think it's some permissions issue or there is some missing package to get the Webkit based GUI window connecting to my host's X server.
$DISPLAY and /tmp/.X11-unix are set properly. On the host I set xhost +
The container is running as node user. Cargo is installed in /home/node/.cargo/bin. /home/node is owned by root:node with 775 permissions on folders and 664 on files (+x on executable scripts).
I'm just getting started with Rust and Tauri and also not a big expert on X server and Docker networking.
Any ideas how to get it work?
I ended up using Qemu + Virt-Manager instead of docker. For the starters I've used an Ubuntu template as the clipboard sharing works out of the box with my host running on Ubuntu as well. Sound sharing and video playback works out of the box, too. And if I should get in the situation where I would need a separate VM for each app, then I would use my minimalist Arch template to spin up the VM's - the size should be pretty close to that of a docker container.
LXC/LXD and Podman might be even better alternatives, I have been told.

Docker Desktop is shutting down and Docker failed to initialize

I'm trying to install Docker Desktop onto my Windows OS. I have WSL 2 with Ubuntu already set up and have the Virtual Machine Platform also checked in the windows features. My OS build is 19043.1766 which means it should work, and I have tried deleting the Docker related information in the App Data folder to no avail. The first time I installed it, it asked me to log out. Ever since then no matter if I reinstall or restart it will always say Docker failed to initialize. This is my first time downloading it and I have never been able to open the program.

Running gdb in Debian docker image results

I have some trouble when running gdb in a docker image and I am not sure what is causing the problems since I am a complete newbie when it comes to gdb and docker.
I am trying to write a c++ program for the Lego EV3 which runs on ev3dev. In order to compile it, I have set up docker with the ev3dev image on my Windows machine and am able to successfully build inside that image, transfer the binary to the EV3 and execute it there. This all works well until I need to start (remote) debugging. My plan is to start a gdbserver on the EV3 with the program and the open a gdb session inside the docker container in my Windows machine and connect to the EV3 gdbserver. After I have fixed the first error when remote debugging - I needed to use gdb-multiarch on my Windows machine - I have encountered more problems which I don't really find a solution too.
When running gdb directly on my Windows machine inside the docker container (or when connecting to the gdbserver from docker using gdb-multiarch) I always get the following output after starting the program with run:
(gdb) run
Starting program: /src/ev3/build/src/EV3_main
warning: Unable to find dynamic linker breakpoint function.
GDB will be unable to debug shared library initializers
and track explicitly loaded dynamic code.
Cannot insert breakpoint -1.
Cannot access memory at address 0x4f58
and when using next or step I get:
(gdb) next
Cannot find bounds of current function
Since I couldn't really find any solution online, I would really appreciate any help!
Thanks in advance!
I always get the following output after starting the program with run
This error usually means that the dynamic loader in your docker container has been fully stripped. It's a packaging mistake by the creator of that container.
If you are not using dlopen(), this isn't a big problem.
(gdb) next
Don't do that: you are not stopped in a location where GDB knows where the next line is. Do continue instead.

How to setup dockerized binaries in VSCode

I have learned to use docker as development server (LAMP and MEAN) and now I feel I should take next step, By removing PHP and node binaries from system and use binaries from containers. So on a fresh Solus install, I setup containers for PHP, node, Ruby etc. Solus already recommends using containers for such tasks. But I got stuck on first day.
I installed vs code (Code-oss) on installed extensions (prettier, PHPCS etc) on it, and they need path of installed binaries (path/to/phpcs, path/to/node etc).
I initially set up configuration path as
docker run -it --rm herloct/phpcs phpcs
based on but using more updated container. It didn't work, So I set it up as alias thinking it would fool VSCode into thinking it is native command, but it didn't work either. I have confirmed that using those command directly from terminal does work, But VSCode PHPIntellisense extension does not want to work.
Any suggestion?
P.S. Any tip to keep container running in background as to avoid container bootup delay everytime I use PHPCS or javac from container? I can keep LAMP server running but everytime I enter terminal tools, it loads up new container to execute command, and then kill container causing delay for bootup and closing.
In case it is still relevant to someone: You might want to create a VS Code development container to use dockerized binaries.
For this to work, a .devcontainer.json is required which could be as simple as:
"image": ""

Can Jenkins start up GenyMotion on Ubuntu 14, if I access the Jenkins website from my Mac?

Is it possible for this setting to work?
1) Ubuntu 14 with Jenkins, Genymotion, and Virtual Box installed
2) The job inside Jenkins will restore and run Genymotion from a command line following this tutorial:
From my Mac, I tried to access the Jenkins website and run the build.
Firstly, Genymotion failed because it couldn't "connect to X server".
So, I installed Xvnc Plugin on Jenkins which solved the error.
Unfortunately, Genymotion still failed to start up with the error "Cannot get IP address".
Please note that I only have "ssh -X" access to the server.
I can manually start up Genymotion but the process was terminated when I logged off. As a result, I could not leave the GenyMotion run on the Server as suggested by this solution: Jenkins - Use Genymotion VM instead of Android Emulator
Any advice?
Here is the way to make Genymotion works on a continuous integration server.
First, the computer running Genymotion needs to respect the hardware requirements
You won't be able to run Genymotion if you don't have an X server running.
I don't think xVNC supports OpenGL so I advise you to run your standard X server.
You can launch the Xorg server by running startx.
Then you need to set your ssh connection in Jenkins without the -X parameter because we want the rendering to be done locally
Then you need to declare the environement variable DISPLAY to the default X client's value. Most of the time it is :0
This value will ask to open all the windows you launch through the ssh connexion into the first X client. It is the one running on the computer screen.
To check the DISPLAY value you need to enter, you need to access the computer physically and type echo $DISPLAY. Most of the time this value is :0
Also, if your computer is not compatible with the hardware requirements, you can use another computer on your network to run your tests thanks to the Jenkins nodes. Here is a good tutorial to set it up.
And finally, I want to mention we will soon release a command line tool for Genymotion and a Gradle Plugin that will allows you to control your Genymotion devices running during your tests directly from your build.gradle file.
It`s a bit late, but maybe this could help you out
### Get IP address of selected VM
VM_IP=`VBoxManage guestproperty get $VM_SELECTED androvm_ip_management | awk - F ": " '{print $2}'`
I found this here (repo) respectively here (slides)
