how to disable the ODBC connection wizard - ado

I use ADO connectionstring to MariaDB in dBase and when the connection is unsuccessful (invalid userid, pwd, port number, IP address, databasename or if the server is not running), I get the MariaDB datasource connector wizard. Once I cancel or complete the wizard (both successfully or unsuccessfully), I get the ADO error into dBase.
Is there a way to disable this wizard and just return the error?

For anyone interested, adding 16 (for NO_PROMPT) to the "option" part of the connectionstring disables the popup.

Just in case anyone is looking for the same option for SQLserver, look here:
oConn.Properties("Prompt") = adPromptNever or any other desired option from the above link
oConn.Open "Driver={SQL Server Native Client 10.0};Server=myServerAddress;Database=myDataBase;"


Delphi 7 + Zeos 7.1.4 + libmysql55.dll connect with PostgreSQL move to MySQL

I'm trying to get data from PostgreSQL from another computer and move to MySQL on my local computer.
I got libmysql55.dll from Zeos repository.
I had to create a program to fix a lot of mistakes over database.
One error is happening:
SQL Error: Access denied for user 'xxxx'#'localhost' (using password: YES)
I have information about: database, hostname, user and password.
ZConPropro.HostName := edtProproIP.Text;
ZConPropro.User := edtUser.Text;
ZConPropro.Password := edtPassword.Text;
ZConPropro.Database := edtDatabase.Text;
The problem is happening when I try to connect:
ZConPropro.Connected := True;
I selected protocol: PostgreSQL and after postgresql9 and nothing is happening.
I would like to know if someone has this problem and there is some parameter to change.
I'm connecting to this database with HeidiSQL without a problem...same user, password, and database.
You need postgresql client library libpqXX.dll for connection. libmysql55.dll using for MySQL only. Given error message look like MySQL error message. It is said that user xxxx successfully connected to system but it is not authorized to connect this server from localhost. You need to check mysql.user table for user xxxx host config and/or change it. Don't forget run flush privileges after any change.

Sharing ADOConnectionString accross multiple applications-Delphi

I am working on Delphi 7, SQL Server 2008 R2 and i am using ADO to connect to database.
My Connection String:
Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=TESTDataBase;Data Source=TestDataSource
when i make my TADOconnection.Connected to True Connectin string is changing it to
Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=TESTDataBase;Data Source=TestDataSource; Use Procedure for Prepare=1;
Auto Translate=True;Packet Size=4096;Workstation ID=MYMachineName;Use Encryption for Data=False;Tag with column collation when possible=False
There are more than 10 applications and i am planning to use the same connection string in all applications.
so when i connect to FirstApplcation i am creating ADO Connection string, saving it in registry or some where so i can use the same connection string for other applications also.
Same user can run more than one application(it can be 2 or 3 or 5 applications).
Here i have 3 questions
1)when i need to share connection?
i mean create the connection string and share the same Connection string(write to registry or some where)
create the connection string , connect to database and share the same connection string(write to registry or some where)
2) In my application when i get the shared connection string do i need to connect to database again(TADOConnection.Connected= true)? i think i should connect it again, since it is different application :)
3) For all my applications i open connection at application(main form) form show and i will be closing connection at application(main form) form close.So connection will get close only when application closes and TADOCOnnection.KeepConnection = True. is this create performance issues or burden on database server?
A shared UDL file can be good for sharing a connection. Use the required properties only for your connection string, i.e:
Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security
Info=False;Initial Catalog=TESTDataBase;Data Source=TestDataSource
Don't worry about the extra properties that are added by the ADO after you connect. it's the default properties for the specific provider you use (SQLOLEDB.1). The same properties will be set in all your other applications if you use the exact connection string or UDL file (with a common provider).
ADO connections to SQL Server are pooled by default.
You can simply set e.g.
MyConnection.ConnectionString := 'FILE NAME=c:\my_shared_path\shared.udl';
A good place to hold a shared connection object (TADOConnection) is in a shared Data Module for the entire application.
Open it in the data module or the main form OnCreate event.
The connection is automatically closed once the TADOConnection is destroyed.

Connect to H2 database using IntelliJ database client

My Grails app uses a h2 database in dev mode (the default behaviour for Grails apps). The DB connection settings in DataSource.groovy are
dataSource {
pooled = true
jmxExport = true
driverClassName = "org.h2.Driver"
username = "sa"
password = ""
dbCreate = "create-drop" // one of 'create', 'create-drop', 'update', 'validate', ''
url = "jdbc:h2:mem:devDb;MVCC=TRUE;LOCK_TIMEOUT=10000;DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=FALSE"
I'm trying to setup a connection for this database using IntelliJ IDEA's database client tools. I start off creating the connection like so
Then in the following dialog, I enter the JDBC URL
And choose all available databases on the "Schemas & Tables" tab.
The "Test Connection" button indicates success, but as you can see from the red circle, no tables are found. It seems like I've correctly setup a connection to the h2 server, but not the schema itself.
BTW, I try to setup this connection once the app is running, so I'm sure that the schema/tables do actually exist.
Your configuration is for an h2:mem database. Memory Databases have no tables upon connecting to them, and any & all tables are lost when all the connections are closed. Furthermore, a (named) in memory database is unique to the JVM process that opens it. From the H2 documentation:
Sometimes multiple connections to the same in-memory database are required. In this case, the database URL must include a name. Example: jdbc:h2:mem:db1. Accessing the same database using this URL only works within the same virtual machine and class loader environment. (Emphasis added)
This means IDEA will create a unique devDb in its JVM (and classloader) space and your application will create a unique devDb in its JVM (and classloader) space. You can not connect to an in memory database from an external JVM process.
If you want to connect both your application and IntelliJ IDEA (or any other DB tool) to an H2 database at the same time, you will need to either
use an embedded database (that writes to a file) in your application and use Mixed Mode to allow IntelliJ IDEA (and/or other database tools) to connect to it
use a server mode database
See for more information.
This article has a great write up on how to set up the IntelliJ database client to connect to an H2 in-memory database if you happen to be using Spring Boot:
Basically, you wrap the in-memory database with a tcp server, then you have an access point to connect with a sql client via remote access.
Try to open http://localhost:8080/dbconsole and fill your jdbc url
During development you can use grails h2 dbconsole
Let's imagine you've already created entities (Users, Addresses)
Step 1. In application.yml file add H2 properties.
port: 8080
url: jdbc:h2:~/data/parserpalce (for Mac OS)
username: sa
password: password
driver-class-name: org.h2.Driver
database-platform: org.hibernate.dialect.H2Dialect
ddl-auto: update
enabled: true
Step 2. Add H2 Database client
Step 3. Configure H2 database client properties based on your application.yml properties.
Step 4. Run the application.
Step 5. Check if tables(Users, Addresses) are created.
Or you can use H2 console for it in browser:
P.S. Do not forget to paste appropriate values in fields!

MVC Application cannot send mail through local HMailServer

I am building a form in C#, .NET, and MVC. On the back end the form will send its contents over email. For testing, I am using a local install of hMailServer.
Initially I set HMS to run as localhost.localdomain; the SMTP setting for "local host name" is localhost. I attempted to connect to it on port 587, like so:
SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient
Host = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["emailServer"],
Port = 587,
EnableSsl = true,
DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network,
UseDefaultCredentials = true,
Credentials = networkCredential
I have double- and triple-checked that the credentials are the mail server user and password that I set. Here they are, in case this helps:
<add key="emailUser" value="user#localhost.localdomain"/>
<add key="emailPassword" value="~~~"/>
<add key="emailServer" value="localhost.localdomain"/>
When using localhost.localdomain, sending mail throws an exception, with the outer message: "Failure sending mail", and the inner message: "The remote name could not be resolved: 'localhost.localdomain'."
So I tried using Sending mail throws an exception, with the outer message: "Failure sending mail", and the inner message: "Unable to connect to the remote server."
I expect either my HMS domain config is wrong or my protocol config is wrong. The HMS documentation didn't help me, but I may not have known what to look for.
hMail server status shows zero processed messages in a week, despite all my testing.
Here is how I configured it for development:
Created host file entry like following:
Once done, I opened command prompt and make sure it is updated. I tested it by following:
It should return if host file entry is updated.
Next, in hmail, we need to create a new domain: and add an email address with password. so your email address would be something like
Next is, in advance you need to double check the protocols configuration and IP range vs authentication configuration as well.
In my case I configured to block external incoming and outgoing emails and skipped authentication for internal emails. So basically that;s what you can do in advance - IP range configuration. Then with the development, you just need to make sure all your emails are * and it should work.
Also enable logging in hmail to get detailed error that can help solve the problem because hmail's help documentation works directly with their error codes nicely.
hMail is actually good choice for real emails. For development, I would recommend using smtp4dev though.

Failed to Connect with Websphere MQ SSL Channel through JNDI

My JMS client connects to WMQ through JNDI. The initial context factory used is
Currently, at WMQ side, there's a queue manager called TestMgr. Under this queue manager I created two channels. One is PLAIN.CHL which does not specify an SSL Cipher Spec, the other one is SSL.CHL which configured SSL Cipher Spec with RC4_MD5_US and SSL Authentication with Optional.
I have created a key store for the queue manager using IBM Key Management tool. The path of key db is [wmq_home]\qmgrs\TestMgr\ssl\key.
For channel PLAIN.CHL, I defined a queue connection factory like:
And under the SSL channel SSL.CHL, I defined a queue connection factory like:
Now I only can create connection using the PlainQCF. But failed to look up the SSL queue connection factory. My code looks like:
Hashtable environment = new Hashtable();
environment.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "");
environment.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "");
Context ctx = new InitialContext( environment );
QueueConnectionFactory qcf = (QueueConnectionFactory) ctx.lookup("SSLQCF");
Am I missing some context properties when looking up the SSL factory? connection And then I found the code is hanging on the line new InitialContext( environment ) for a long time, almost 5 minutes, and I got CC=2;RC=2009;AMQ9208... error.
Any suggestion would be appreciated. Is it true that SSL channel can't be connected by JNDI?
#T.Rob, thanks for your reply very much. But we still want to use WMQInitialContextFactory, so I'm afraid I still need to find solution for this.
I just defined the connection factory one time. The displayed info for the SSL queue connection factory like:
The JNDI Provider should be fine because I can look up the plain connection factory successfully. Also, for my client app, I extracted the cert from the key store which created for MQ server and imported it to the trust store(cacerts) of my JRE with alias name ibmwebspheremqtestmgr.
You are correct, with 2009 error there are some log entries:
4/20/2012 20:24:27 - Process(13768.3) User(MUSR_MQADMIN) Program(amqzmur0.exe)
Host(xxxx_host of my MQ) Installation(mqenv)
VRMF( QMgr(TestMgr)
AMQ6287: WebSphere MQ V7.1.0.0 (p000-L111019).
WebSphere MQ system information:
Host Info :- Windows Server 2003, Build 3790: SP2 (MQ Windows 32-bit)
Installation :- C:\IBM\WebSphereMQ (mqenv)
Version :- (p000-L111019)
4/20/2012 20:24:27 - Process(7348.116) User(MUSR_MQADMIN) Program(amqrmppa.exe)
Host(xxxx_host of my MQ) Installation(mqenv)
VRMF( QMgr(TestMgr)
AMQ9639: Remote channel 'SSL.CHL' did not specify a CipherSpec.
Remote channel 'SSL.CHL' did not specify a CipherSpec when the local channel
expected one to be specified.
The remote host is 'xxx_host of my app ('.
The channel did not start.
Change the remote channel 'SSL.CHL' on host 'xxx_host of my app (' to
specify a CipherSpec so that both ends of the channel have matching
----- amqcccxa.c : 3817 -------------------------------------------------------
4/20/2012 20:24:27 - Process(7348.116) User(MUSR_MQADMIN) Program(amqrmppa.exe)
Host(my app host) Installation(mqenv)
VRMF( QMgr(TestMgr)
AMQ9999: Channel 'SSL.CHL' to host 'xxx_host of my app (' ended
I also got some confusion with the error log. My app staged at at a machine which is different from my MQ. But the log says the Change the remote channel 'SSL.CHL' on host 'xxx_host of my app (' to
specify a CipherSpec so that both ends of the channel have matching
CipherSpecs. How can I change the channel cipher spec on my app host?
updates on MQEnvironment...
reply the comments.
The value of MQEnvironment.sslCipherSuite is null, so it throws out NullPointerExcetpion when i put it the the env hashtable. But i tried another one environment.put(MQC.SSL_CIPHER_SUITE_PROPERTY, "SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5") and it still failed with 2009 error.
For JMSAdmin tool, i had changed the config to use WMQInitialContextFactory. The configuration like(JMSAdmin.config):
The rest configuration leaves as default.
Kindly note, here i use the default channel SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN so that i can logon to admin console. If I change the channel to the SSL oneSSL.CHL, I also can't logon to admin console. The error happened here is just like the one in my client app.
Another clarification, in my client, i use follow code can connect to connect qmgr(TestMgr) successfully through channel SSL.CHL.
MQConnectionFactory factory = new MQConnectionFactory();
MQConnection connection = (MQConnection) factory.createConnection();
And now the problem is just like you said, that's the initial context failed connect to qmgr through SSL channel. The option(use plain channel for initial context and ssl channel for connection factory) you provided works too. But I still want to know how to get initial context with ssl channel work. Thanks for you patience very much. Your updates will be appreciated.
I never really liked very much. It stores the managed objects on a queue. So in order to lookup the connectionFactory, which tells JMS how to connect to the QMgr, it is first necessary to connect to the QMgr to make the JNDI call. Therefore, before you can debug the SSL connection, you need to know whether the underlying JNDI provider is working.
If you want to skip the MQ-based JNDI provider and just use the filesystem, see the updated version of Bobby Woolf's article here. If you want to continue with, read on but be prepared to provide more configuration info.
When you run the JMSAdmin tool, do you display the objects after creating them? For example, here is one of my JMSAdmin.bat scripts:
# Connection Factory for Client mode
# Delete the Connection Factory if it exists
# Define the Connection Factory
TRAN(client) +
# Display the resulting definition
This deletes the object (because JMSAdmin doesn't have a define with replace option) then defines the object, then displays it. Do you in fact see both objects defined? Can you connect and interactively display them both? Can you update your question with the contents displayed?
If so, then what does the JNDI provider configuration look like with each sample program? The 2009 indicates that there is at least a connection to the QMgr being made, so it is important to determine whether the thing that suffering the broken connection is your app or the JNDI provider. To diagnose that requires the config info you are using for the JNDI provider and whether it is the same in the working and failing cases. If not, how do they differ?
Once you know whether it's the app or the JNDI provider that is causing the problem (or switch to another JNDI provider that doesn't require an MQ connection such as the filesystem initial context) then it will be possible to determine the next steps.
The article linked above has samples of code and managed object scripts that use a filesystem JNDI provider. You may notice my scripts pasted in above use the same QMgr name. That's because I wrote that part of the article. When I want to switch to SSL using those same samples, I just update the connectionFactory to point to the SSL channel and it works.
Here are the other bits from the sample that I've modified:
java ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
-cp "%CLASSPATH%" ^ -pub -topic JMSDEMOPubTopic %*
Note: The ^ is Windows version of line continuation.
Then if there are problems, I follow the debugging scenario I described in this SO answer. Note that the app will require a truststore, even if you have SSLCAUTH(OPTIONAL) on your channel. This is because the app must always validate the QMgr's certificate, even if the app does not present its own certificate. In my case I was using SSLCAUTH(REQUIRED) so my app needed both a keystore and a truststore. Your question mentions that the QMgr has a keystore but does not say what you did for the application.
Finally, a 2009 will usually generate an entry in the QMgr error logs. If you continue to get the problem, please update your question with those log entries.
Responding to the comments, the JMSAdmin tool is part of the WMQ package. However, WMQ it comes with jars for filesystem context and LDAP context. The WMQInitialContextFactory is optional and is delivered as SupportPac ME01. When using WMQInitialContextFactory with the JMSAdmin tool (or the JMSAdmin GUI or with WMQ Explorer) it is necessary to configure the PROVIDER_URL with the host, port and channel. For example:
PROVIDER_URL: <Hostname>:<port>/<SVRCONN Channel Name>
So after reviewing your post again, I realized that you did provide the config info for WMQInitialContextFactory. I was looking for a JMSADmin.config file but you have it in the environment hash table. And that is where the problem is. You are attempting to use the SSL channel for both the WMQInitialContextFactory and the connection factory. This is what is causing the lookup to fail. The WMQInitialContextFactory first makes a Java connection to the QMgre in order to look in the queue to obtain the administered objects such as QCF. In order to do that, it needs to know the ciphersuite that the channel is set up for in order to negotiate the handshake. Right now, the *only * place that ciphersuite is recorded is in the QCF definition.
Try adding the following line:
environment.put(MQEnvironment.sslCipherSuite, "SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5");
As per this Infocenter page, that should tell the context factory classes what ciphersuite to use. Of course, they also need to know where the trust store is (and possibly keystore if the channel has SSLCAUTH(RQUIRED) set) so you still need to get those values in the environment. You can use the command-line variables or try loading them into the environment using code. You'll need both and
The other option is to continue to use the plaintext channel for the WMQInitialContextFactory and the SSL channel for the application. If the plaintext channel has an MCAUSER for a non-privileged user ID, it can be restricted to only connect to the QMgr and access the queue that contains the administered objects. With those restrictions, anyone will be able to read the administered objects using that channel but not the application queues or administrative queues.
