Why won't the following Agda code typecheck? - agda

I'm new to Agda and am puzzled by this one.
open import Data.Vec
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Nat.DivMod
open import Data.Fin hiding (_+_ ; splitAt)
open import Data.Product
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
difference : ∀ m (n : Fin m) → ∃ λ o → m ≡ toℕ n + o
difference zero ()
difference (suc m) zero = suc m , refl
difference (suc m) (suc n) with difference m n
difference (suc m) (suc n) | o , p1 = o , cong suc p1
takeFin : ∀ {A : Set} {m : ℕ} (n : Fin m) → Vec A m → Vec A (toℕ n)
takeFin {A} {m = m} n vec with difference m n
... | o , p rewrite p with splitAt (toℕ n) vec
... | xs , _ , _ = xs
The takeFin function gives the error message:
m != lhs of type ℕ
when checking that the type
{m : ℕ} (n : Fin m) (o : ℕ) (p : m ≡ toℕ n + o) (lhs : ℕ) →
lhs ≡ toℕ n + o → {A : Set} (vec : Vec A lhs) → Vec A (toℕ n)
of the generated with function is well-formed
but the following functions do compile
takeFin' : ∀ {A : Set} {m : ℕ} (n : Fin m) → Vec A m → Vec A m
takeFin' {A} {m = m} n a vec with difference m n
... | o , p rewrite p with splitAt (toℕ n) vec
... | xs , ys , _ = xs ++ ys
takeFin'' : ∀ {A : Set} {m : ℕ} (n : Fin m) → A → Vec A m → Vec A (toℕ n)
takeFin'' {A} {m = m} n a vec = replicate a
Can anyone help me out?

As new Agda users tend to do, you did complicate matters a lot more than you needed to. What you intend to prove can actually be done in a much simpler way, as follows:
open import Data.Vec
open import Data.Fin
takeFin : ∀ {a} {A : Set a} {m} {n : Fin m} → Vec A m → Vec A (toℕ n)
takeFin {n = zero} (x ∷ v) = []
takeFin {n = suc _} (x ∷ v) = x ∷ takeFin v
You should always try to write simple inductive proofs rather than using unnecessary intermediate lemmas.
As to why your version does not typecheck (it's not compilation, it's type checking) the reason lies in your rewrite call which is made on an element of m ≡ toℕ n + o while your goal is of type Vec A (toℕ n) and does not contain any occurrence of m. What you want to do instead is to transform the type of vec in your context, while rewrite only acts over the goal. Here is how I would make it work:
takeFin : ∀ {A : Set} {m} {n : Fin m} → Vec A m → Vec A (toℕ n)
takeFin {m = m} {n} vec with difference m n
... | _ , p = proj₁ (splitAt (toℕ n) (subst (Vec _) p vec))
It works but as you can see it is far less elegant (and it also requires the difference function that you defined) and, more importantly, it uses subst which is often discouraged.
As a side note, and mostly for fun, it's possible to make the function a bit more concise and elegant (but less understandable) as follows:
open import Function
takeFin : ∀ {A : Set} {m} {n : Fin m} → Vec A m → Vec A (toℕ n)
takeFin {n = n} = proj₁ ∘ (splitAt (toℕ n)) ∘ (subst (Vec _) (proj₂ (difference _ n)))
This version, while a lot more complicated to read, shows how powerful Agda is in inferring the values of parameters, as only n is explicitly given.


agda: How do I tell the type system that two types are equal?

Say I have type dependent on Nat
data MyType : (i : ℕ) → Set where
cons : (i : ℕ) → MyType i
and a function:
combine : {i₁ i₂ : ℕ} → MyType i₁ → MyType i₂ → MyType (i₁ ⊔ i₂)
Now I'm trying to write a function:
create-combined : (i : ℕ) → MyType i
create-combined i = combine {i} {i} (cons i) (cons i)
Unfortunately, I get the error message:
i ⊔ i != i of type ℕ
when checking that the inferred type of an application
MyType (i ⊔ i)
matches the expected type
MyType i
I know I can prove i ⊔ i ≡ i, but I don't know how to give that proof to the type system in order to get this to resolve.
How do I get this to compile?
You can use subst from Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.
You give it:
the proof that i ⊔ i ≡ i
the dependent type that should be transformed with the proof, in your case MyType
the term to be transformed, in your case combine {i} {i} (cons i) (cons i)
Or you can use the rewrite keyword as well on your proof, which is usually to be preferred.
Here is an (artificial) example of both possibilities applied on vector concatenation:
module ConsVec where
open import Data.Vec
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Nat.Properties
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
_++₁_ : ∀ {a} {A : Set a} {m n} → Vec A m → Vec A n → Vec A (n + m)
_++₁_ {m = m} {n} v₁ v₂ = subst (Vec _) (+-comm m n) (v₁ ++ v₂)
_++₂_ : ∀ {a} {A : Set a} {m n} → Vec A m → Vec A n → Vec A (n + m)
_++₂_ {m = m} {n} v₁ v₂ rewrite sym (+-comm m n) = v₁ ++ v₂

How is Agda inferring the implicit argument to `Vec.foldl`?

foldl : ∀ {a b} {A : Set a} (B : ℕ → Set b) {m} →
(∀ {n} → B n → A → B (suc n)) →
B zero →
Vec A m → B m
foldl b _⊕_ n [] = n
foldl b _⊕_ n (x ∷ xs) = foldl (λ n → b (suc n)) _⊕_ (n ⊕ x) xs
When translating the above function to Lean, I was shocked to find out that its true form is actually like...
def foldl : ∀ (P : ℕ → Type a) {n : nat}
(f : ∀ {n}, P n → α → P (n+1)) (s : P 0)
(l : Vec α n), P n
| P 0 f s (nil _) := s
| P (n+1) f s (cons x xs) := foldl (fun n, P (n+1)) (λ n, #f (n+1)) (#f 0 s x) xs
I find it really impressive that Agda is able to infer the implicit argument to f correctly. How is it doing that?
foldl : ∀ {a b} {A : Set a} (B : ℕ → Set b) {m} →
(∀ {n} → B n → A → B (suc n)) →
B zero →
Vec A m → B m
foldl b _⊕_ n [] = n
foldl b _⊕_ n (x ∷ xs) = foldl (λ n → b (suc n)) _⊕_ (_⊕_ {0} n x) xs
If I pass it 0 explicitly as in the Lean version, I get a hint as to the answer. What is going on is that Agda is doing the same thing as in the Lean version, namely wrapping the implicit arg so it is suc'd.
This is surprising as I thought that implicit arguments just means that Agda should provide them on its own. I did not think it would change the function when it is passed as an argument.

How can I implement a `rotate` function on Vec by using `splitAt`?

I'm trying to implement a rotate function on Vec, which moves every element n positions to the left, looping around. I could implement that function by using splitAt. Here is a sketch:
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Nat.DivMod
open import Data.Fin
open import Data.Vec
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
rotateLeft : {A : Set} -> {w : ℕ} -> {w≢0 : False (w ≟ 0)} -> ℕ -> Vec A w -> Vec A w
rotateLeft {A} {w} n vec =
let parts = splitAt (toℕ (n mod w)) {n = ?} vec
in ?
The problem is that splitAt requires two inputs, m and n, such that the size of the vector is m + n. Since the size of the vector here is w, I need to find a k such that k + toℕ (n mod w) = w. I couldn't find any standard function handy for that. What is the best way to proceed?
Some possibilities?
Perhaps it would be helpful if k = n mod w gave me a proof that k < w, that way I could try implementing a function diff : ∀ {k w} -> k < w -> ∃ (λ a : Nat) -> a + k = w. Another possibility would be to just receive a and b as inputs, rather than the bits to shift and size of the vector, but I'm not sure that is the best interface.
I've implemented the following:
add-diff : (a : ℕ) -> (b : Fin (suc a)) -> toℕ b + (a ℕ-ℕ b) ≡ a
add-diff zero zero = refl
add-diff zero (suc ())
add-diff (suc a) zero = refl
add-diff (suc a) (suc b) = cong suc (aaa a b)
Now I just need a proof that ∀ {n m} -> n mod m < m.
Here's what I came up with.
open import Data.Vec
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Nat.DivMod
open import Data.Fin hiding (_+_)
open import Data.Product
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Data.Nat.Properties using (+-comm)
difference : ∀ m (n : Fin m) → ∃ λ o → m ≡ toℕ n + o
difference zero ()
difference (suc m) zero = suc m , refl
difference (suc m) (suc n) with difference m n
difference (suc m) (suc n) | o , p1 = o , cong suc p1
rotate-help : ∀ {A : Set} {m} (n : Fin m) → Vec A m → Vec A m
rotate-help {A} {m = m} n vec with difference m n
... | o , p rewrite p with splitAt (toℕ n) vec
... | xs , ys , _ = subst (Vec A) (+-comm o (toℕ n)) (ys ++ xs)
rotate : ∀ {A : Set} {m} (n : ℕ) → Vec A m → Vec A m
rotate {m = zero} n v = v
rotate {m = suc m} n v = rotate-help (n mod suc m) v
After talking with adamse on IRC, I've came up with this:
open import Data.Fin hiding (_+_)
open import Data.Vec
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Nat.Properties
open import Data.Nat.DivMod
open import Data.Empty
open import Data.Product
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable
diff : {a : ℕ} → {b : Fin a} → ∃ λ c → toℕ b + c ≡ a
diff {zero} {()}
diff {suc a} {zero} = suc a , refl
diff {suc a} {suc b} with diff {a} {b}
... | c , prf = c , cong suc prf
rotateLeft : {A : Set} → {w : ℕ} → {w≢0 : False (w ≟ 0)} → ℕ → Vec A w → Vec A w
rotateLeft {A} {w} {w≢0} n v =
let m = _mod_ n w {w≢0}
d = diff {w} {m}
d₁ = proj₁ d
d₂ = proj₂ d
d₃ = subst (λ x → x ≡ w) (+-comm (toℕ (n mod w)) d₁) d₂
v₁ = subst (λ x → Vec A x) (sym d₂) v
sp = splitAt {A = A} (toℕ m) {n = d₁} v₁
xs = proj₁ (proj₂ sp)
ys = proj₁ sp
in subst (λ x → Vec A x) d₃ (xs ++ ys)
Which is nowhere as elegant as his implementation (partly because I'm still learning Agda's syntax so I opt to just use functions), but works. Now I should return a more refined type, I believe. (Can't thank him enough!)
For your last question to just prove k < w, since k = toℕ (n mod w), you can use bounded from Data.Fin.Properties:
bounded : ∀ {n} (i : Fin n) → toℕ i ℕ< n

Using subst in an application would screw up type of the result

I have a definition with the following type:
insert : ∀ {n} → (i : Fin (suc n)) → ∀ t → Env n → Env (suc n)
weaken : ∀ {t t₀ n} {Γ : Env n} → (i : Fin (suc n)) → (e : Γ ⊢ t₀) → (insert i t Γ) ⊢ t₀
Given two environments Γ : Env n and Γ′ : Env n′, and a pointer to a position in the second one, i : Fin (suc n), I would like to weaken an e : (Γ′ ++ Γ) ⊢ t₀.
In theory, this should be easy by using something like
let i′ = raise n′ i
weaken {t} i′ e : insert i′ t (Γ′ ++ Γ) ⊢ t₀
However, in practice it doesn't work out so nicely, because the typechecker is not convinced that raise n′ i has type Fin (suc _) (required by weaken):
(n′ + suc n) != (suc (_n_550 i e)) of type ℕ
when checking that the
expression i′ has type Fin (suc (_n_550 i e))
My problem is, I could use something like +-suc : ∀ n′ n → n′ + suc n ≡ suc (n′ + n) to substitute the type of i′, but then the resulting type from weaken i′ e will not have the form insert i′ t (Γ′ ++ Γ) ⊢ t₀.
Given two environments Γ : Env n and Γ′ : Env n′
Those are contexts.
It should be possible to change the type of insert to
data Bound : ℕ -> Set where
zero : ∀ {n} -> Bound n
suc : ∀ {n} -> Bound n -> Bound (suc n)
insert : ∀ {n} → (i : Bound n) → ∀ t → Env n → Env (suc n)
without changing the body of the function.
You can write a version of raise that raises under suc:
raise′ : ∀ {m} n → Fin (suc m) → Fin (suc (n + m))
raise′ zero i = i
raise′ (suc n) i = suc (raise′ n i)
But the actual solution is to rename terms using either functions:
Ren : Con -> Con -> Set
Ren Γ Δ = ∀ {σ} -> σ ∈ Γ -> σ ∈ Δ
keepʳ : ∀ {Γ Δ σ} -> Ren Γ Δ -> Ren (Γ ▻ σ) (Δ ▻ σ)
keepʳ r vz = vz
keepʳ r (vs v) = vs (r v)
ren : ∀ {Γ Δ σ} -> Ren Γ Δ -> Γ ⊢ σ -> Δ ⊢ σ
ren r (var v) = var (r v)
ren r (ƛ b ) = ƛ (ren (keepʳ r) b)
ren r (f · x) = ren r f · ren r x
or order preserving embeddings.

Problems with a conductive proof

I'm trying to understand coinduction (I'm reading Sangiorgi's book) using Agda. I already managed to prove some simple equalities between streams, but I'm stuck trying to prove that all natural numbers (values of type ℕ) are in the stream allℕ --- function allℕisℕ. Any tip on how should I proceed with this?
open import Coinduction
open import Data.Nat
module Simple where
data Stream (A : Set) : Set where
_∷_ : A → ∞ (Stream A) → Stream A
infix 4 _∈_
data _∈_ {A : Set} : A → Stream A → Set where
here : ∀ {x xs} → x ∈ x ∷ xs
there : ∀ {x y xs} → (x ∈ ♭ xs) → x ∈ y ∷ xs
enum : ℕ → Stream ℕ
enum n = n ∷ (♯ enum (suc n))
allℕ : Stream ℕ
allℕ = enum 0
allℕisℕ : ∀ (n : ℕ) → n ∈ allℕ
allℕisℕ n = ?
Just sharing the complete solution...
open import Coinduction
open import Data.Nat
module Simple where
data Stream (A : Set) : Set where
_∷_ : A → ∞ (Stream A) → Stream A
infix 4 _∈_
data _∈_ {A : Set} : A → Stream A → Set where
here : ∀ {x xs} → x ∈ x ∷ xs
there : ∀ {x y xs} → (x ∈ ♭ xs) → x ∈ y ∷ xs
enum : ℕ → Stream ℕ
enum n = n ∷ (♯ enum (suc n))
allℕ : Stream ℕ
allℕ = enum 0
∈-suc : ∀ {n m : ℕ} → n ∈ enum m → suc n ∈ enum (suc m)
∈-suc here = here
∈-suc (there p) = there (∈-suc p)
allℕisℕ : ∀ (n : ℕ) → n ∈ allℕ
allℕisℕ zero = here
allℕisℕ (suc n) = there (∈-suc (allℕisℕ n))
