How to see all ROS topics and messages used by turtlebot3? - ros

I am looking for all topics and messages used by turtlebot3. I know I can find with rostopic and rosmsg commands but it is a bit wasteful. Is there any document or tool for this ? Like turtlebot3 uses 'x' topic with 'y' message to publish laser scan data. Thanks in advance.

There are tools available.
The first, that comes to my mind is rosnode info. You need to call it with the name of the node. Node names can be discovered with rosnode list. Those tools easily shows you services, subscriptions, and publications of a given node.
$ rosnode info /turtle_pointer
Node [/turtle_pointer]
* /rosout [rosgraph_msgs/Log]
* /turtle2/cmd_vel [geometry_msgs/Twist]
* /tf [tf2_msgs/TFMessage]
* /tf_static [unknown type]
* /turtle_pointer/get_loggers
* /turtle_pointer/set_logger_level
* /turtle_pointer/tf2_frames
Another good solution is rqt_graph. It will plot all nodes and messages as


Can Telegraf combine/add value of metrics that are per-node, say for a cluster?

Let's say I have some software running on a VM that is emitting two metrics that are fed through Telegraf to be written into InfluxDB. Let's say the metric are no. successfully handled HTTP requests (S), and no. of failed HTTP requests (F), on that VM. However, I might configure three such VMs each emitting those 2 metrics.
Now, if I would like to have a computed metric which is the sum of S from each VM, and sum of F from each VM, and store as new metrics, at various instants of time. Is this something that can be achieved using Telegraf ? Or is there a better, more efficient, more elegant way ?
Kindly note that my knowledge of Telegraf and InfluxDB are theoretical, as I've recently started reading up about them, so I have not actually tried any of the above, yet.
This isn't something telegraf would be responsible for.
With Influx 1.x, you'd use a TICKScript or Continuous Queries to calculate the sum and inject the new sampled value.
Roughly, this would look like:
CREATE CONTINUOUS QUERY "sum_sample_daily" ON "database"
SELECT sum("*") INTO "daily_measurement" FROM "measurement" GROUP BY time(1d)
CQ docs

How to transform "Tags Values" in Telegraf

How can I transform the Tag Values in Telegraf?
I am trying to import Web access logs into InfluxDB with Telegraf. However, some of the URL PATHs include identifiers (session IDs, product IDs, etc).
I need to search and aggregate per path type (ids excluded), therefore, I can't(?) have them vary like that.
In the input plugin "logparser" I can use a grok extraction pattern but I can't do transformations of the values extracted that I know of.
And the only processor plugin (in between Input and Output) is merely a "printer".
I can't find any clean way of doing this with Telegraf. Maybe I could do some gymmics with Telegraf (multiple Grok parsers + ex/inclusions?) but after some quite extensive attempts I didn't manage to make anything work - it appeared quite fiddly.
This is only half an answer but:
I managed to achieve what I was trying with LogStash instead, outputting to InfluxDB (LogStash has its own output plugin to InfluxDB). Not as desirable, since now I'm having to run both Telegraf + LogStash but it's working.
I've created a feature request on Telegraf's GitHub:

What snitch am I running?

I recently ran;
sudo nodetool describecluster
and got the following output;
Snitch: org.apache.cassandra.locator.DynamicEndpointSnitch
Which confused me because in cassandra.yaml on each of my nodes, I have the following;
endpoint_snitch: GossipingPropertyFileSnitch
In fact - I can't even see
as a valid option in the cassandra.yaml file.
Are the two the same thing?
Am I just misinterpreting the output of nodetool?
As always - Thanks!
Cassandra's dynamic snitching feature wraps the snitch specified in the cassandra.yaml file with the DynamicEndpointSnitch. This snitch sorts endpoints by latency with an adapted phi failure detector thus providing a way to select the highest performing nodes for reads.

how to cluster percentile of events by time delta?

After a mailing at t0, I will have several "delivered" (and open and click) events (schema and example)
mailing_name, timestamp, email_id, event_type
niceattack, 2016-07-14 12:11:00, 42, open
niceattack, 2016-07-14 12:11:08, 842, open
niceattack, 2016-07-14 12:11:34, 847, open
I would like to see for a mailing how long it takes to be delivered to half of the recipients. So say that I'm sending an email to 1000 addresses now, the first open event is in 2 min, the last one is going to be in a week (and min/max first last seems to be easy to find) but what I'd like to see is that half of the recipients opened it in the first 2 hours after it was sent.
The goal is to send being able to compare is sending now vs on sat morning makes a difference on how fast it's open on average, or if one specific mailing get quicker exposure, and correlate that with other events (how many click on a link, take a specific action on our site...)
I tried to use a cumulate function (how many open event for mailing for each point), but it seems that the cumulative function isn't yet implemented
How do you solve that problem with influxdb?
Solving this problem with InfluxDB alone is not currently possible, however if you're willing to add Kapacitor into the mix, then it should be possible. In particular you'll need to write a User Defined Function (UDF) for that cumulative function in Kapacitor.
The general process will look like the following:
Install and Configure Kapacitor
Create a UDF for the cumulative function you're looking for
Enable that UDF inside of Kapacitor
Write a TICKscript that uses the UDF and writes the results back to InfluxDB
Enable a task defined by the TICKscript you've written
Query the InfluxDB instance to get the results of the cumulative function.
My appoligies for being so high level on this. This is a fairly involved process, but should give you the result you're looking for.

Why does Riak store all my documents on only one node? n_val is equal to 3

I have built a 5-node cluster using Riak 2.0pre11 on EC2 servers. Installed Riak, got it working, then repeated the same actions on 4 more servers using a bash script. At that point I used riak-admin cluster join on nodes 2 thru 5 to form a cluster.
Using the Python Riak client I wrote a script to send 10,000 documents to Riak. Works fine and I can wrote another script to retrieve a doc which worked fine. Other than specifying the use of protobufs I haven't specified any other options when storing keys. I stored all the docs via a connection to node1.
However Riak seems to be storing all 3 replicas on the same node, in other words the storage used on node1 is about 3x the original HTML docs.
The script connected to node 1 and that is where all docs are stored. I changed the script to connect to node 2 and send 10,000 more which also all ended up in node 1. I used the command du -h /data/riak/bitcask to verify the aggregate stored size of the objects. On nodes 2 thru 4 there is only a few K which is the overhead of an empty Bitcask datastore.
For each document I specified the key similar to this
The first part of all keys are identical (testing), only the .html name and the ISO 8601 timestamp are different. Is it possible that I have somehow subverted the perfect hashing function?
Basically I used a default config. What could be wrong? Since Riak 2.0 uses a different config format, here is a fragment of the generated config for riak-core in the old format:
If the bitcask directory only grows on a single node, it sounds like the nodes might not be communicating. Please run riak-admin member-status to verify that all nodes in the cluster are active.
Once you have issued the riak-admin cluster join <node> commands on all the nodes joining the cluster, you will also need to run riak-admin cluster plan to verify that the plan is correct before committing it using riak-admin cluster commit. These commands are described in greater detail here..
