xAxis label is not visible properly in Highcharts - highcharts

if I have a large amount of data then the xAxis label is not showing properly. you can see in this code: https://jsfiddle.net/4nvmuc25/127/
if I have a low amount of data then it's fine my xAxis label is showing correctly.
so I want to show the xAxis label properly if I have a large amount of data.
Restriction: 1:you can't change the rotation property for xAxis.
2:xAxis labels should not intercept each other.
3:you can't do by css.
Not restriction: you can set tickInterval, step property in xAxis but remember the amount of data is dynamic, it could be any number.

You should not use category x-axis type in this case. In API we can read:
step: number
By default, when 0, the step is calculated automatically to avoid
overlap. To prevent this, set it to 1. This usually only happens on a
category axis, and is often a sign that you have chosen the wrong axis
As a solution use linear axis with a custom formatter function for labels:
const labels = [
Highcharts.chart('container', {
xAxis: {
labels: {
formatter: function() {
return labels[this.pos]
Live demo: https://jsfiddle.net/BlackLabel/Lk8aogpq/
API Reference: https://api.highcharts.com/highcharts/xAxis.labels


Pie chart labels - dynamic position (distance)

I'd like to get some datalabels showing inside segments of a doughnut chart where there is suitable space to do so.
I know I can use negative distance values on the the data labels config options, but I wonder how I can achieve this dynamically based on the values\size of the segments.
Is such a technique achievable? Can I have a mix of data labels outside of the segments connected with lines (connectors) and others inside the actual segments?
My starting point so far based off the official highcharts example pie chart code: https://jsfiddle.net/parky12/tbnjypse/1/
You can for example use chart.load event and change distance, x or y properties for an individual point. For example:
events: {
load: function() {
this.series[0].points.forEach(point => {
if (point.y > 5) {
dataLabels: {
distance: -50
// avoid redraw after each update
}, false);
Live demo: https://jsfiddle.net/BlackLabel/Lco29fdj/
API Reference: https://api.highcharts.com/class-reference/Highcharts.Point#update

HighCharts xAxis show on 0 line with tick marks between all columns

I've developed a bunch of bar charts in HighCharts cloud with positive and negative values.
First question:
is it possible to have the xAxis appear at the 0 line (not at the bottom of the chart)?
What I've done so far is offset the xAxis so it's placed on the 0 line, which kinda works but I was hoping for a better solution. The other method I was think was to use plotLines code on the yAxis, but I don't get the ticks:
plotLines: [{
color: '#010101',
width: 2,
value: 0,
zIndex: 5
Second question:
is it possible to have the tick marks to appear between each bar, and not just the bars that have an xAxis label?
This is what's rendering for me at the moment, and I'm trying to get a tick between all the bars while showing the same number of labels https://cloud.highcharts.com/show/cLtfEDClS
First question:
You can merge this configuration into chart options in Cloud’s custom code section:
chart: {
events: {
load: function() {
var yAxis = this.yAxis[0];
offset: -yAxis.toPixels(Math.abs(yAxis.min), true)
Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/BlackLabel/6712zrod/
It automatically positions x axis so that it works as y = 0 line.
Second question:
Try setting X Axis[0] > Labels > Step to 1.
API reference: https://api.highcharts.com/highcharts/xAxis.labels.step
Explanation from Docs:
To show only every n'th label on the axis, set the step to n. Setting the step to 2 shows every other label.
By default, the step is calculated automatically to avoid overlap. To prevent this, set it to 1. This usually only happens on a category axis, and is often a sign that you have chosen the wrong axis type.

Amcharts 4, xychart, limiting the number of tooltips and combining infos in one tooltip

I am using amcharts 4 to display temperature lines. At times there are many stations so I would like to have just one tooltip and just for the value the cursor is at instead of one tooltip for every line (because then they overlap and some are unreadable).
And there might be several stations with the same temperature so I would have to list all of them in the tooltip.
Anyone knows how to achieve that?
In amcharts 3 I used a balloonFunction attached to the graphs to create my own tooltip. But yet I couldn't find how to do it with the series in amcharts 4.
Thanks for a hint!
So as David Liang mentioned, since all the data items converge along their x axis value (a datetime in this case), you can limit tooltips down to one by only setting one series' tooltipText, and it will have access to the rest of the data fields via data placeholders. E.g. even though series1's value field is E852_t4m, it can use series30's value by just putting "{median_tBel}".
But if you want to have a tooltip based on which line you're hovering over, how to do that depends whether or not you require the Chart Cursor.
If you don't need it, simply set the tooltipText on the line's bullets, e.g.
series1.bullets.getIndex(0).tooltipText = "{name} {valueY}°C";
Here's a demo of your fiddle with that:
But if you require Chart Cursor, unfortunately there isn't a supported option at the moment. There's a kind of workaround but it's not the best experience. You start with doing the above. The Chart Cursor will trigger hover effects on all lines and their bullets, including triggering their tooltips. A bullet's tooltip is actually its series' (series1.bulletsContainer.children.getIndex(0).tooltip === series1.tooltip). If we remove the reference to the bullet's tooltip, e.g. series1.bullets.getIndex(0).tooltip = undefined;, the chart will check up the chain and refer to series' anyway. If we do the same to the series' tooltip, it'll go up the chain to chart.tooltip, if we do this to all series, we basically turn chart.tooltip into a singleton behavior of sorts. But it's not as responsive to mouseovers.
You'll see what I mean with this demo:
Oh, also in the above, you'll have to adjust the chart's tooltip to appear on the left/right of bullets with this:
chart.tooltip.pointerOrientation = "horizontal";
Since the first method sufficed, I've updated it with an adapter that checks for other fields in range. In the adapter, the target will be the CircleBullet, target.dataItem.valueY is the currently hovered value, and target.dataItem.dataContext are the other fields at the same date.
This is how I modified tooltipText to show other series within +/-0.5C range of the currently-hovered bullet:
// Provide a range of values for determining what you'll consider to be an "overlap"
// (instead of checking neighboring x/y coords.)
function inRange(valueA, rangeA, rangeB) {
return valueA >= rangeA && valueA <= rangeB;
// Provide adapters for tooltipText so we can modify them on the fly
chart.series.each(function(series) {
.adapter.add("tooltipText", function(tooltipText, target) {
// the other data fields will already match on the date/x axis, so skip
// the date and this bullet's data fields.
// (target.dataItem.component is the target's series.)
var skipFields = ["date", target.dataItem.component.dataFields.valueY];
// this bullet's value
var hoveredValue = target.dataItem.valueY;
// all the other data fields at this date
var data = target.dataItem.dataContext;
// flag for adding additional text before listing other nearby bullet values
var otherPoints = false;
Object.keys(target.dataItem.dataContext).forEach(function(field) {
// if the field is neither date, nor bullet's
if (!~skipFields.indexOf(field)) {
if (inRange(data[field], hoveredValue - 0.5, hoveredValue + 0.5)) {
if (!otherPoints) {
tooltipText += "\n\nOthers:";
otherPoints = true;
// Keep {data placeholder} notation to retain chart formatting features
tooltipText += "\n" + field + ": {" + field + "}°C";
return tooltipText;
If your series' data points have different x values, it's impossible to combine all the information into one tooltip.
But if they do have same x values, you can just turn on the tooltip for just one of the series:
series: [{
type: "LineSeries",
tooltipHTML: `xxx`,
}, {
type: "LineSeries",
}, {
type: "LineSeries",
And within the tooltip HTML, you have access to the data:
tooltipHTML: `
<strong>Year: </strong>{year}<br />
<strong>Cars: </strong>{cars}<br />
<strong>Motorcycles: </strong>{motorcycles}<br />
<strong>Bicycles: </strong>{bicycles}
demo: http://jsfiddle.net/davidliang2008/aq9Laaew/286519/

Highchart: xAxis Label text not displayed when plotting 2 points

I am using a Area/line chart and plotting for 2 points. Also using a xAxis Label formatter property for customizing the label to display as follows. But when using this the chart is not generated. And also I tried to remove the formatter property, the chart id generated but the xAxis label is displayed as 0.5 [At least we need to get label text from categories]. I have included 2 jsfiddle url where we tried two approaches. Please help and provide solution for displaying the xAxis label what we provided in the categories.
labels: {
formatter: function() {
return this.value.substring(0, this.value.indexOf('_'));
Thanks in advance!
You've essentially told the chart, with your min and max values, to cut off the first and last label.
Get rid of this:
min: 0.5,
max: categories.length - 1.5,
And use this:
Updated Fiddle:
You can save categories in an array and use xAxis.formater() to display specific label in your first example:
var categories = ['Jan 12_Jan 12', 'Feb 12_Feb 12'];
formatter: function() {
return categories[this.value];
Also, do not use min and max properties. In the second example getting rid of min/max should be enough.

HighCharts Column Chart: Data Labels on Stacks Overlap

I have a column chart in HighCharts and having issues where data labels are running into each other. The graph has a static width and I could potentially have 4 series with at most 4 data points inside each series (4 stacks next to each other). I do have positive and negative values. I am seeing that if the series have similar values, each column is then the same height which causes the data labels to run into each other.
Any way to fix this issue? I cannot seem to find an library option that will help.
Added the groupPadding option worked for me:
enabled: true,
formatter: function() { return this.y + '%' }
groupPadding: 0.125
Have you tried increasing the width of the bars? What about adjusting the font size of the labels? A combination of these 2 APIs should help get around this given you have a static sized chart and a maximum of 4 series with 4 data points...
