Unround iOS simulator corners in Big Sur? - ios

In macOS Big Sur, is there a way to remove the rounded corners from the iOS Simulator windows? I'm not looking to change this setting system-wide, just for the simulator.
Why? For older simulators like iPhone 8 and older iPads, the rounded corners in the non-bezel windows clip part of what the end user would see. It's small, but it matters in my use case.

Choose Window > Show Device Bezels so that it is checked. Now the simulated screen display is a rectangle without rounding.


iOS text labels work on simulator and older devices, disappear on newer devices

I am developing an app that has several vertical stacks of alternating buttons and text labels. The app appears and functions fine in the simulator on all devices, but when downloaded onto actual devices, the text labels are not visible with newer devices such as iPhone X.
Turns out the default text color is different on the newer devices. Black text on the iPhone 7. White text on a white background on the iPhone X was the problem. Weirdly, this issue was not correctly simulated on the simulator so debugging in XCode wasn't helpful- it had to be run on actual devices. Thanks DonMag for the suggestion on the background color.

Xcode emulator XS: why the border on XS iPhone becomes a rectangle in the screenshot?

I want to save different screenshots of my App on XS iPhone version. Unfortunately I have this problem (Xcode 10.1):
The screenshot border obtained from simulator (File > New Screen shot):
So I can't understand why the border image is not like in the simulator?
AFAIAA Screenshots do not include the simulator border, just the internal screen (without physical cutouts).
If you want to add the Phone frame, I would suggest:
Adding them manually as required using an image editor for your App Store uploads.
Look at some of the various iOS Shortcuts available which are supposed to help with this -
NOTE: I could not quite get this one to work on very quick install.
Look for an app in the iOS or MAC App Store which allows you to take screen
shots and add borders automatically.

Xcode 7.1 iOS 9.1 Simulator transparent

I just recognized that I can see thru the iOS Simulator if an UIView is defined with (semi-) transparent content. But I can not make a screenshot of it, on the screenshot the effect is gone.
The (custom) navigation bar on top has alpha set to CGFloat(0.9).
Here a screenshot taken with an iPhone 6:
Zoom in and you can see thru the simulator window on Xcode. I assume this is a bug, or is it intended behavior of the OS X transparency effects? If it is intended, can I turn it off?
Ok, I have found the problem. Actually it is not a transparency effect but a display problem. I am using an iMac 27inch with an IPS LCD display, which suffers heavily from "screen burning". Xcode is standing on this position for hours so it burned in into the display. That's why I can not make a screenshot - it is a hardware problem.
Yeah this is going to be a hardware / screen problem. Should not translate to your app.

Always hide iPhone/iPad graphic bezel from iOS Simulator?

If you build to a simulator with dimensions too large to fit on your screen, it'll throw it into a nice, neat little regular OS window, rather than the "Oh look, it's an iPhone on my screen!" thingy.
I'd like it to always do that, even with a non-retina phone whose dimensions can fit on my display. I don't ever want to see the graphic bezel around the outside.
Is that possible?
To not show the graphic bezel either change the iOS Simulator device under hardware -> device to iPhone Retina 3.5 inch or iPhone Retina 4 inch. Another solution is you can keep the "iPhone" device setting and change the window scale. Either of these will remove the bezel.

On Xcode 4.3.1 4E1019, Launch screen (Default.png, etc) has white line (1 pt tall) at bottom of image on launch

This is odd. I have a Default.png, Default-Landscape.png, Default-Portrait.png and Default#2x.png.
The normal "default screen zoom animation" is where the Default.png zooms from the center of the screen out "into" place. This happens with all apps on iOS so this is the time when you can really see that white-line on the bottom of the "Default" image. It is a 1 pt (or so) line, going from left-to-right at the bottom of all my Default.png's (Default#2x.png, Default-Landscape.png, etc)... It occurs on both of my devices: "iPhone 4" and "iPad 1". It does NOT occur on any of the simulators.
The images have not changed between my builds. Indeed, last week I built an earlier version (with the same launch graphics) and this did not happen.
The images are the correct size. I even changed the .ipa to a .zip, uncompressed and looked in the package. The pngs are the correct size, so nothing killed that.
When I revert back to the AdHoc from the last build of my app, the issue goes away. When I move to the current build, the issue comes back.
Any ideas?
BTW: Addendum: I grabbed my old source code (for the version that is okay), compiled with Xcode 4.3.1 and have the same issue. white line on the bottom of the launch screen.
Okay, well one thing we noticed:
Our PNGs for ipad were 1024x768 and 768x1024 instead of 1004x768 and 748x1024
We fixed that (weird that they worked before) and iPad launch was fixed and displays properly. iPhone is still broken.
the iOS Human Interface Guidelines/ Custom Icon and Image Creation Guidelines says iPhone are supposed to be 320x480 and 640x960
I must've gotten confused when i originally created iPad graphics, but they have been working up until XCode 4.3.1!!! (2 years!) I know my iPad sizes were off, but wonder what made XCode change this and decide they were borked now?
This is the same issue as:
iOS 5.1 : -[UIColor colorWithPatternImage:] background color draws solid black
Basically: iOS 5.1 fails to decode the last line of pixels in an indexed-color PNG (PNG8) or any grayscale PNG.
The workaround is to use PNG32, or add dummy lines to the end of the PNG8.
I filed a bug with Apple (#11069678) and advise you to do the same :)
Photoshop users:
Use the Image menu to change the mode to RGB.
Then use the Image menu to switch to 16 Bits/Channel.
