Need to capture and respond to utterance not in slot - amazon-lex

Hello StackOverflow Friends:
Slots 1-5 below work great.
The problem is now I have to ask the user (after slot 5) "Describe the bug you encountered".
I suspect it is to broad / vague to put into a slot. I.e. if they say "the video crashed" and not "the player stopped" it keeps asking them to, "Describe the bug you encountered".
How do I respond with a "thank you" after the user types in, in their own words, the bug they encountered?

As per this documentation:, there are no built-in slot types that can support free-form text/speech
As a workaround, you could create a slot of any type (e.g. AMAZON.NUMBER or AMAZON.Alphanumeric) so that you can use it to ask the 6th question for bug description. In addition, implement a code-hook lambda function for your intent.
At the end after 1-5 slots are filled, when this dummy slot is elicited with the required question, it will always turn up empty, however in the input event received by the code-hook lambda function- you can find the inputTranscript- this will capture what the caller has provided as input, even if the dummy slot value comes up as empty.
In your lambda function, you may ignore empty value of slot and go ahead with closing the Bot, by sending response as 'Fulfilled' after 1-5 are filled and you are received a non-empty value of inputTranscript for the 6th question.
Alternatively, you may return ElicitIntent (rather than ElicitSlot) from the code-hook lambda after slots 1-5 are filled. In this case you will not need to create a dummy slot as we are not using ElicitSlot. You will need to create a Fallback Intent and associate it with the lambda code-hook so that input transcript can be captured and saved as what the caller says may not match with utterances required for your original intent.
For more details on lambda code-hook for lex-intents, refer:


Remove duplicates across window triggers/firings

Let's say I have an unbounded pcollection of sentences keyed by userid, and I want a constantly updated value for whether the user is annoying, we can calculate whether a user is annoying by passing all of the sentences they've ever said into the funcion isAnnoying(). Forever.
I set the window to global with a trigger afterElement(1), accumulatingFiredPanes(), do GroupByKey, then have a ParDo that emits userid,isAnnoying
That works forever, keeps accumulating the state for each user etc. Except it turns out the vast majority of the time a new sentence does not change whether a user isAnnoying, and so most of the times the window fires and emits a userid,isAnnoying tuple it's a redundant update and the io was unnecessary. How do I catch these duplicate updates and drop while still getting an update every time a sentence comes in that does change the isAnnoying value?
Today there is no way to directly express "output only when the combined result has changed".
One approach that you may be able to apply to reduce data volume, depending on your pipeline: Use .discardingFiredPanes() and then follow the GroupByKey with an immediate filter that drops any zero values, where "zero" means the identity element of your CombineFn. I'm using the fact that associativity requirements of Combine mean you must be able to independently calculate the incremental "annoying-ness" of a sentence without reference to the history.
When BEAM-23 (cross-bundle mutable per-key-and-window state for ParDo) is implemented, you will be able to manually maintain the state and implement this sort of "only send output when the result changes" logic yourself.
However, I think this scenario likely deserves explicit consideration in the model. It blends the concepts embodied today by triggers and the accumulation mode.

How a CAN Bus addressing works?

How a CAN Bus controller decides based on message identifier that this particular message belongs to it?Is it like the receiver already know that if identifier has suppose value 5 then its for me . And we program receiver to tell it that you should be interested in value 5 ?
The software in the CAN node must decide what message IDs it is interested in, based on the network specification which is usually some kind of document or other electronic representation of which messages contain what sorts of information. If a message arrives that is of no interest, it simply does not process it and the software returns to what it was doing just before the message arrived (assuming interrupt driven CAN handling).
Some CAN controllers (ie the part of the chip which does the CAN protocol transmission and reception) have message filtering which means that uninteresting messages can be dropped before they reach the software. Other controllers have message filtering which can be set to accept only a single message ID in a particular "message box", and these can be configured to accept the messages you are interested in. Again, other messages are dropped. Some controllers have both filters and message boxes.
At the CAN protocol level all nodes in a CAN network are equal and make a decision about whether to process a message or not. A "CAN controller" is a higher-level concept; it still needs to examine the message identifier like any other node.
Note that "processing" a message is different to the CAN protocol message check and acknowledgement. All nodes take part in that processing unless they're in "listen only" mode.
How you decide which message to process depends on what you are trying to do and the higher level protocol in use over CAN. In principle you mask out the ID bits that are relevant and then test them to see whether the message should be processed.
For example if you want to process all messages with 5 (binary 0101) in the low order four bits, your mask is 15 (binary 1111), you binary-and this with the received message ID, and then you compare the result with five.
For example:
(msg_id & 15) == 5
is a way of coding that test. Which bits you care about, and your implementation details depend on many other factors.
Specifically for PDU1 (Protocol Data Unit) messages, a destination address is specified (byte 3). If a device receives a message not addressed to it, it can simply ignore it. Addresses are assigned by various standards, or a manufacturer may assign them ad-hoc.
In the general case the CAN-ID (bytes 0-4) contains all the details about what kind of message it is, and devices can inspect particular fields to decide whether they care about the message. For example the transmission controller probably doesn't care about battery status messages, nor the fuel gauge about which doors are locked.

Game Center turn timeouts

This might seem like a pretty obvious question, but I've been combing through Apple's documentation and can't seem to find a straight answer.
What actually happens when a turn times out - that is to say, the time interval passed as the turnTimeout parameter to endTurnWithNextParticipants:turnTimeout:matchData:completionHandler: has passed? Logic dictates that either there would be a callback similar to handleTurnEventForMatch:didBecomeActive: to explicitly handle no move being made, or the next player in the nextParticipants array would receive a turn notification.
Unfortunately, although Apple are quite happy to describe how turnTimeout limits how long a player has to act (and to tell you that it's up to your game to decide how to handle this), there's no information about what methods are called or what data is supplied, and I'm seeing some very odd behavior - namely the player who passed is getting a handleTurnEvent notification with the same match data as the turn they just timed out on. Anyone have any advice?
Apple's documentation on what it does:
If the next player to act does not take their turn in the specified
interval, the next player in the array receives a notification to act.
This process continues until a player takes a turn or the last player
in the list is notified.
In the case of a 2 player match, at least during testing, nothing actually happens. If P1 plays a turn the list of next participants looks like [ P2, P1 ]. If P2 times out, P1 should get notified as it is the last one in the list, however P1 just went, Apple must consider "end of the list" as when you get back to the person that last played and not when you actually run out of people. This prevents people from playing two turns in a row. Although is not what I would expect to happen based on the documentation. I have not tested this in a 3+ player game.

Maxiumum number of custom events in Flurry analytics?

What is the maximum number of custom events you can report per session with Flurry analytics?
The number of events you can report per session in Flurry is 1000. I asked this question to Flurry support, as I couldn't find it elsewhere (and none of the answers here really answered the question). They answered and also sent me a short document titled "Flurry Methodology and Best Practices" that contained, among other things, this summary:
300 unique events per app
1000 events max per session
100 unique event names per session
10 params max per event
Key/Value for params must be Strings
Key max length 255 chars
Value max length 255 chars
As the definition of "session" is important, I quote, from the same document:
Flurry analytics is based on a session model that only “phones home”
at the launch and backgrounding of a session. This prevents
“talkiness” from the SDK, conserves battery by not always running the
radios and allows data to travel in a coherent package."
One addition to the Flurry session model is the concept that a user
may bounce out of an app for a very brief time and reenter the app and
still be within the original session. A time may be set, in millis,
that is colloquially referred to as the “session timeout”. It is
configurable at app launch (see setContinueSessionMillis for more
details) within a range of 5 seconds to 1 minute with a default of 10
seconds. If, when the user comes back into the app, the “session
timeout” has not been exceeded, then the SDK will treat the “new”
session as a continuation of the former session.
Upon this new launch, if there are any sessions not sent, they will be
sent. At that time, as well, the SDK will make a decision on whether
or not to continue a session or start a new one.
The document is here. Flurry support sent it to me in late February, 2015.
The limit appears to be 300 different event ids, and therefore 300 custom events. Quoting:
Your application is currently limited to counting occurrences for 300
different Event ids (maximum length 255 characters).
Addional details from here
Yes, there is a limit of 300 Events for each application. Each event
can have up to 10 parameters, and each parameter can have any number
of values.
I believe it is infinite:
Each Event can have up to 10 parameters, and each parameter can have
an infinite number of values associated with it. For example, for the
‘Author’ parameter, there may be 1,000 possible authors who wrote an
article. We can keep track of each author via this single parameter.
So if you can have an infinite number of values you could have 10 million authors. Since they are all just values each one can be tracked (via the parameter). If they "can keep track of each author via this single parameter" then I don't think your event count would be mitigated. This would assume you setup your event types properly like in their example:
NSDictionary *articleParams =
[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
#"John Q", #"Author", // Capture author info
#"Registered", #"User_Status", // Capture user status
[Flurry logEvent:#"Article_Read" withParameters:articleParams];
One event with a maximum of 10 dictionary items, with an infinite number of possible values... I think it would be safe to say you aren't limited here.
There is a limit of 300 Events for each app. Each event can have up to 10 parameters, and each parameter can have any number of values. Please check all details here

Ajax Security Question: Supplying Available usernames dynamically

I am designing a simple registration form in MVC 1.0
I want to allow the username to be validated while the user is typing (as per the related questions linked to below)
This is all easy enough. But what are the security implications of such a feature?
How do i avoid abuse from people scraping this to determine the list of valid usernames?
some related questions: 1, 2
To prevent against "malicious" activities on some of my internal ajax stuff, I add two GET variables one is the date (usually in epoch) then I take that date add a salt and SHA1 it, and also post that, if the date (when rehashed) does not match the hash then I drop the request otherwise fulfill it.
Of course I do the encryption before the page is rendered and pass the hash & date to the JS. Otherwise it would be meaningless.
The problem with using IP/cookie based limits is that both can be bypassed.
Using a token method with a good, cryptographically strong, salt (say something like one of Steve Gibson's "Perfect Passwords" ) it would take a HUGE amount of time (on the scale of decades) before the method could reliably be predicted and there for ensures a certain amount security.
you could limit the number of requests to maybe 2 per 10 seconds or so (a real user may put in a name that is taken and modify it a bit and try again). kind of like how SO doesn't let you comment more than once every 30 seconds.
if you're really worried about it, you could take a method above and count how many times they tried in a certain time period, and if it goes above a threshold, kick them to another page.
Validated as in: "This username is already taken"? If you limit the number of requests per second it should help
One common way to solve this is simply by adding a delay in the request. If the request is sent to the server, wait 1 (or more) seconds to respond, then respond with the result (if the name is valid or not).
Adding a time barrier doesn't really effect users not trying to scrape, and you have gotten a 60-requests per minute limit for free.
Bulding on the answer provided by UnkwnTech, which is some pretty solid advice.
You could go a step further and make the client perform some of calculation to create the return hash - this could just be some simple arithmatic like subtrating a few numbers, adding the data and multiplying by 2.
The added arithmatic does mean an out-of-box username scraping script is unlikely to work and forces the client into using up greater CPU.
