Neo4j: Unsupported administration command: CREATE DATABASE demo - neo4j

I want create new database 'demo' in neo4j, but I see a bug:
I was search but can't find result, can you help me? Thank all!

In the URL you used to install Neo4j, there is a remark about the community version of Neo4j and how it doesn't support multiple databases.
Note: The Community Edition of Neo4j supports running a single
database at a time. Additionally, the Community version does not
include the capability to assign roles and permissions to users so
those steps are not included in this tutorial. For more information
about various features that are supported by the Community Edition of
Neo4j, consult the Neo4j Documentation here.

Go to the neo4j.conf file and uncomment this line
Change the neo4j to whatever database name you want for a new database.
Note: names must have between 3 and 63 characters.
For example: dbms.default_database=mydatabase
after that add a new database name. then we can maintain new DB but we can't switch to old one, if we need to do that we have to comment above mentioned line again


How do I edit neo4j.conf in an AuraDB instance?

I am trying to edit the settings of my AuraDB hosted neo4j instance, specifically, trying to set the following line:
I have looked at the official tutorial and many other places, and for the life of me, I am not able to find out where either the "settings" button is located, or how to locate the neo4j.conf or apoc.conf files. It seems that something has possibly changed in a newer version. I have tried both in the browser at and in Neo4J Desktop. For the desktop application, I am running it on Ubuntu via the .appimage. I created my database on the website and connected via remote connection following this guide.
Some things that might help me solve the issue:
Is it possible to open a shell in auradb to let me run normal bash commands?
Is the .conf accessible "within" the .appimage?
From the official description of File locations, I am supposedly able to do the following in Neo4j Desktop to find the configuration file:
From the Open dropdown menu of your Neo4j instance, select Terminal,
and navigate to /conf/neo4j.conf.
Yet, when I press the Open dropdown menu, I do not see a Terminal option. What I get is Neo4j Browser, Neo4j Bloom, and Neo4j ETL Tool.
Aura is a managed database - which is to say that you don't get low-level access to configuration of the kind you're describing. The documentation you're looking at relates to self-hosted instances of Neo4j, where you're the one managing and configuring the instance from scratch and where you have that level of access to the underlying configuration.
To the problem you're trying to solve, the following article entitled Loading data into Neo4j Aura is your best bet for the currently available options for loading data into your managed database.
Per the documentation, APOC is installed in Aura databases, but only a limited set of functions and procedures are enabled (as of May 2022). In particular, only a small subset of apoc.import procedures are available - from what I can see, CSV and GraphML support is enabled via apoc.load.csv and apoc.load.graphml, while you also have access to apoc.load.json and apoc.load.xml.
Lists of the currently supported procedures and functions are available at the foot of that document:
Neo4j Aura Supported APOC procedures (updated).json
Neo4j Aura Supported APOC functions (updated).json
From a Neo4j Aura Knowledge Article:
In Aura, we currently do not support changing any property that may
exist in the Neo4j product and defined in neo4j.conf.

Tibero Create Database TBR-7067: Specified database name 'dbnewproj' doest not match parameter database name int tip file 'tibero'

I'm new to this Tibero database, the installation of this to a docker container is interesting. But upon creating a new database, that's where I'm struggling now.
I'm trying to create a separate, new tibero database which we'll be using for a new project.
Reading the online Tibero 6 Online Manual, I don't see a guide on how to create a new database. I dunno if I'm missing something I checked it many times but it's not there.
Tibero 6 Online Manual - Tibero Administrator's Guide
I learned about the CREATE DATABASE syntax from the reference guides we received that are written in Korean.
Link is here Set up Tibero on Docker
I tried creating a new database about 3 times but I always get this error:
7067: Specified database name \'%1$s\' does not match parameter database name in tip file \'%2$s\'.
On Tibero Error Reference Guide it's described like this
I have questions on this as well. Where can I find this parameter file the guide is talking about?
I read again the guide written in korean, when tibero license is a demo / trial license, the database creation is limited to name 'tibero' only.
This could help future users of tibero as future reference.

Problem for Neo4j loading .dump file correctly, but failed to show the database

My Neo4j version is community-4.2.4 in the Mac OS.
I used 'bin/neo4j-admin load --from=xxx/g.db.dump --database=xxx.db --force'. And succeed in finding db file in /data/databases as photo showed below.
enter image description here
But the result returned in Browser adding 'show databases' and cannot find the database what I want.
Thanks u guys all for helping me.
OR sending email for communicating more at
So neo4j-admin load and neo4j-admin restore take care of setting up the db in the filesystem. Back in the 3.5.x days this was enough, provided the name of the graph directory matched the name of the active graph configured in the neo4j.conf.
In Neo4j 4.x we support multidatabase, and the system database is where we can do things such as creating new databases, and if you CREATE DATABASE in the system db with the name of the new database, it will use just use the files it finds and create the entry in the system db, allowing you to use it and switch to it in Neo4j.
Since you're on community edition, you won't be able to create a new database, you're restricted to only the neo4j database, so your import would have to force it using neo4j as the db name, and it would overwrite your current neo4j db.
If you need to create multiple databases besides neo4j and system, then you need to be using enterprise edition.

Error occurs when creating a new database under Neo4j 4.0

I'm using Debian 9.9 and the version of Neo4j is 4.0. I'm having problems creating a new database using the neo4j browser. The instruction I followed is this.
I have tried the following Cypher command:
create database myNewDatabase
However, an error pops up like this:
Unsupported administration command: create database myNewDatabase
Please let me know what the error message means and how I can solve it. Thx in advance:-)
In v. 4 (release Feb. 2020) of the professional version of Neo4j, it's easy to create new databases. Documentation
In the community edition, it takes a hack:
1. Edit the file NEO4J_HOME\conf\neo4j.conf
2. Un-comment the line: dbms.default_database=neo4j
3. Change the neo4j to whatever database name you want for a new database. Note: names must have between 3 and 63 characters. For example: dbms.default_database=mydatabase
4. Save the file
5. (If applicable) Kill the database server, and close the browser window with the Neo4j UI
6. Start the neo4j server, and open a new browser window, pointed as usual to http://localhost:7474/
7. Both the old (default) database, "neo4j" and the one you just created will show up. However, attempting to switch between them causes an error. If a switch is desired, repeat the above steps starting from (3)
Note: the above steps will create a folder named mydatabase (or whatever name you used), in NEO4J_HOME\data\databases , and it will populate its contents.
I personally think that switching between databases is such a BASIC operation that Neo4j ought to make it easily accessible in the Community edition!
I think I've got the answer to my question. It turns out that my license (the community edition) is not supported for working with multiple databases. An alternative could be this.

Unable to switch neo4j database

I am new in neo4j and i am using "neo4j-community-3.0.1" . I want to switch database and retrieve nodes .After google i found how to switch database . But there is no file with name
There are two files neo4j.conf and neo4j-wrapper.conf . But there is not any configuration such
Can any one help me how to switch database and i am able to see node using
As of Neo4J 3.0, all the configuration files have been streamlined and unified into one file. Which is "neo4j.conf".
You need to change the DB path in this file.
If you are using Linux the file can be found at
The actual entry you need to change will be
If you are using the windows client for Neo4J Community. You should have an option to browse to a database directory before starting the database.
Quoting this link.
"The new file, config and log structures in Neo4j 3.0 are designed to streamline operations and to bring Neo4j better into line with operational IT expectations. One notable change is to move from multiple config files to a single namespaced files."
The ops manual might also be of use to you.
