How to work with Media Picker in Umbraco 8? - umbraco

I'm new to Umbraco and I'm trying to use media picker on my site but for some reason the value is always null or empty.
I followed the steps in here but when inspecting the html code i get the following results:
<img class="img-fluid" src="" style="background-image: url('')" alt="">
Here is my code:
Layout = "Master.cshtml";
var image = Model.Value<IPublishedContent>("mainImage");
if (image != null)
<img class="img-fluid" src="#image.Url" style="background-image: url('#image')" alt="" />
} }
In the Backoffice i added my image in Media first and i did click save and publish.
I'm running on version 8.14.1

As you are probably using the new (to 8.14+) media picker, you might need to do things a bit differently (like so: ) .

I've had to reload models builder + recompile in order for it to trigger. Try giving that a go.


New tab is not showing image in IE?

I have a View where I show image links that will open in a new window. It works fine in Chrome and Firefox, but in IE the image is not showing. Here is my cshtml code:
#for (var i = 0; i < Model.ImagesByteses.Count; i++)
<a href="#">
<img id="img #i" class="img-responsive" src="data:image/jpg;base64,#(Convert.ToBase64String(Model.ImagesByteses[i]))" onclick="'data:image/jpg;base64,#(Convert.ToBase64String(Model.ImagesByteses[i]))', '_blank')" alt="" />
The code is running fine in Firefox and Chrome but in IE new window open but image is not showing. What should I do?
Internet Explorer does not allow navigation to data-URIs. This is a security measure that has been put in place to prevent certain spoofing attacks.
Instead you could open the new window, and pass the data-URI to it, perhaps using .postMessage.

Umbraco 4.9 Display Media Picker Image in Template

I'm trying to allow content editors to be able to choose the main banner image on a page by having it chosen through a Media Picker property.
I've tried the standard inline XSLT of:
<umbraco:Item runat="server" field="banner" xslt="concat('<img src="', umbraco.library:GetMedia({0},0)/umbracoFile, '" />')" xsltDisableEscaping="true" />
But in my simple template of:
<asp:Content ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolderDefault" runat="server">
<header class="home-header">
<div class="logo-wrapper">
<umbraco:Item runat="server" field="banner" xslt="concat('<img src="', umbraco.library:GetMedia({0},0)/umbracoFile, '" />')" xsltDisableEscaping="true" />
The rendered HTML comes out at:
<header class="home-header">
<div class="logo-wrapper">
I've read about using a macro to render images but my Umbraco knowledge is limited. If someone could provide steps for actually adding an XSLT macro, I'd be happy to try that out.
Unfortunately we are stuck on Umbraco v4.9 for now too so no <umbraco:Image /> tag for me.
I suggest you use a c# Umbraco macro instead of xslt. Umbraco 4.9 can do that.
An macro can in a differt file or simple use a inline macro:
<umbraco:Macro runat="server" language="cshtml">
#if (#Model.visual != "")
<img src="#Model.Media("banner", "umbracoFile")" class="foto" />
Same as <img src="#node.Media("banner", "umbracoFile")" />
If anyone else finds this and you are not using MVC you can use this approach inside your template to get the image path you selected from the media picker
<umbraco:Item field='headerImage' runat='server'xslt='umbraco.library:GetMedia({0},true())/umbracoFile'xsltDisableEscaping='true'></umbraco:Item>
Where headerImage is the alias for your attribute name in your document type. This will render something like "/media/1002/sample.jpg" for instance

MVC 3 - _Layout.cshtml. Add a logo to the site

I'm new to MVC 3, I'm trying to add an Image to the _Layout.cshtml file.
I tried
<img runat="server" id="img_logo" alt="Logo" src="Content/Images/mailworks.png" />
no success. The logo only appear on some views. on others views for some reason the image is supposed to be in some other location - found it using firebug.
Try this:
<img id="img_logo" alt="Logo" src="#Url.Content("~/Content/Images/mailworks.png")" />
Use this:
<img src="#Url.Content("~/Content/Images/mailworks.png")"...
I found another quick solution : just append '/' at the beginning of the src's path.

change the image of a link for active , hover(mouseover) and mouseleave in MVC masterpage

In my requirement i want to change the background image of a link for hover,mouse out and active in my master page i tried a couple ways but it is not giving a right solution for me .Kindly any one guide me to get the solution and my format is like the below
<a href='<%: Url.Action("ListTask", "Task") %>'>
<img id="taskImage" src='<%: Url.Content("~/Content/Images/MasterPage/TaskMenuNormal.png") %>' onmouseover="this.src='../Content/Images/MasterPage/TaskMenuHover.png'"
onmouseout="this.src='../Content/Images/MasterPage/TaskMenuNormal.png'" /></a>
the above code will work fine and here i need to fix the hover image at the active of the link and not to be changed at the time of active view(MVC) in the master page.(This code will be in the master page).
can anyone provide solution in javascrip or jqery.
you could do:
Use the hover function. The first parameter is used on mouseover, the second on mouseout.
<img id="taskImage" src="<%: Url.Content("~/Content/Images/MasterPage/TaskMenuNormal.png") %>" />
function() {
function() {
Personally, I'd amend your markup to include the image in the A tag as a background in CSS. then you can use A:hover, and A:active CSS states to amend your link. This then means no javascript needs to be used.

How to integrate Yoxview to Rails 3 application when pictures are protected by Controller?

I'm trying to integrate Yoxview to my Rails 3 application that uses Paperclip to upload pictures.
The main problem is that the pictures (both original and thumbs) are not in the public area, i.e. they are accessible via Controller as described here.
The relevant HTML looks like:
<div id="my_wrapper">
<img src="/assets/1/thumb" />
<img src="/assets/2/thumb" />
When a thumbnail is clicked, I expect the Yoxview player to be opened, but what happens is that the original picture is opened in a browser.
When the pictures are in the public area like this:
<div id="my_wrapper">
<img src="/images/thumbs/1.jpg" />
<img src="/images/thumbs/2.jpg" />
everything works perfectly!
Any ideas ?
I tried also:
<div id="my_wrapper">
<img src="/images/thumbs/1.jpg" />
<img src="/images/thumbs/2.jpg" />
<img src="/assets/1/thumb" />
<img src="/assets/2/thumb" />
Here, if I click on thumbs/1.jpg or thumbs/2.jpg the player is opened properly, but shows only these two (original) pictures. If I click on one of the other two thumbs, their original picture is opened in a browser.
I found the answer. It's so simple. Just had to use the allowedUrls option of Yoxview:
allowedUrls: /^\/assets\/\d+\/(thumb|original)$/i
