What is the correct Twilio Function callback? - twilio

I am new to Twilio and want to include a kind of switch in my Studio Flow Chart that checks if we are in the defined business hours. If yes (success), it forwards to the number, if no (fail), it forwards to voicemail.
I tried to build a function, somewhat derived from this twilio git: https://github.com/twilio-labs/function-templates/tree/main/voicemail.
const moment = require('moment');
const DEFAULT_WORK_WEEK_START = 1; // Monday
const DEFAULT_WORK_WEEK_END = 5; // Friday
const DEFAULT_WORK_HOUR_START = 8; // 8:00, 8AM
const DEFAULT_WORK_HOUR_END = 18; // 18:59, 6:59PM
function getInteger(stringValue, defaultValue) {
const parsedNumber = parseInt(stringValue, 10);
if (isNaN(parsedNumber)) {
return defaultValue;
return parsedNumber;
exports.handler = function(context, event, callback) {
const timezone = getInteger(context.TIMEZONE_OFFSET, DEFAULT_UTC_OFFSET);
const workWeek = {
start: getInteger(context.WORK_WEEK_START, DEFAULT_WORK_WEEK_START),
end: getInteger(context.WORK_WEEK_END, DEFAULT_WORK_WEEK_END),
const workHour = {
start: getInteger(context.WORK_HOUR_START, DEFAULT_WORK_HOUR_START),
end: getInteger(context.WORK_HOUR_END, DEFAULT_WORK_HOUR_END),
const currentTime = moment().utcOffset(timezone);
const hour = currentTime.hour();
const day = currentTime.day();
// between monday and friday
const isWorkingDay = day <= workWeek.end && day >= workWeek.start;
// between 8am and 7pm
const isWorkingHour = hour <= workHour.end && hour >= workHour.start;
if (isWorkingDay && isWorkingHour) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
From the error I get (82002 – runtime application timed out), the callback must be different. What is the correct way for callback(err, response)?

Twilio developer evangelist here.
In a Twilio Function, in order to return a result you must call the callback function that is passed in as the third parameter to your handler function. You are getting a timeout here because you never call the callback so the function runs for 10 seconds then times out.
I'd try returning the data like this:
if (isWorkingDay && isWorkingHour) {
return callback(null, true);
} else {
return callback(null, false);
Note that it might not like primitive boolean values, so if that doesn't work, try a JavaScript object like:
if (isWorkingDay && isWorkingHour) {
return callback(null, { inWorkingTime: true });
} else {
return callback(null, { inWorkingTime: false });


Chrome mv3 await sendMessage to background service worker [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
chrome.runtime.onMessage response with async await
(7 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I am having an issue of asynchronicity (I believe). sendResponse() in contentscript.js does not wait for getThumbnails() to return.
I am sending a message in popup.js:
chrome.tabs.sendMessage(tabs[0].id, {message: "get_thumbnails", tabUrl: tabs[0].url},
function (respThumbnails) {
const thumbUrl = respThumbnails.payload;
console.log("payload", thumbUrl)
Then, in contentscript.js I listen for this message:
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(async function(request,sender,sendResponse) {
if(request.message === "get_thumbnails") {
const payload = await getThumbnails();
console.log("thumbPayload after function:", payload)
async function getThumbnails() {
let tUrl = null;
var potentialLocations = [
{sel: "meta[property='og:image:secure_url']", attr: "content" },
{sel: "meta[property='og:image']", attr: "content" },
for(s of potentialLocations) {
if(tUrl) return
const el = document.querySelector(s.sel);
if(el) {
tUrl = el.getAttribute(s.attr) || null;
return tUrl;
But it is also possible that the problem is coming from my getThumnails() function, because most of the times, payload is null and not undefined. So getThumbnails() might return before it is completely executed.
If this is the case, I have no idea why...
I also tried this code for getThubnails():
async function getThumbnails() {
let x = await function() {
let tUrl = null;
var potentialLocations = [
{sel: "meta[property='og:image:secure_url']", attr: "content" },
{sel: "meta[property='og:image']", attr: "content" },
for(s of potentialLocations) {
if(tUrl) return
const el = document.querySelector(s.sel);
if(el) {
tUrl = el.getAttribute(s.attr) || null;
return tUrl;
return x;
But this does not work, it seems to break my code...
The callback of onMessage should return a literal true value (documentation) in order to keep the internal messaging channel open so that sendResponse can work asynchronously.
Your callback is declared with async keyword, so it returns a Promise, not a literal true value. Chrome extensions API doesn't support Promise in the returned value of onMessage callback until https://crbug.com/1185241 is fixed so it's just ignored, the port is immediately closed, and the caller receives undefined in response.
Remove the async keyword from before (request, sender, sendResponse), then...
Solution 1
Call an async function that can be embedded as an IIFE:
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener((request, sender, sendResponse) => {
if (request.message === "get_thumbnails") {
(async () => {
const payload = await getThumbnails();
console.log("thumbPayload after function:", payload)
return true; // keep the messaging channel open for sendResponse
Solution 2
Declare a separate async function and call it from the onMessage listener:
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener((msg, sender, sendResponse) => {
if (msg.message === "get_thumbnails") {
return true; // keep the messaging channel open for sendResponse
async function processMessage(msg) {
console.log('Processing message', msg);
// .................
return 'foo';

Office Outlook 365 Addin SSO API Permission

Is there some one who can really help here?
I can't get anything from sso.getGraphData in the office addin generated from Yeoman generator.
Here is my code in ssoauthhelper.js:
export async function getGraphData() {
try {
let bootstrapToken = await OfficeRuntime.auth.getAccessToken({ allowSignInPrompt: true });
let exchangeResponse = await sso.getGraphToken(bootstrapToken);
if (exchangeResponse.claims) {
// Microsoft Graph requires an additional form of authentication. Have the Office host
// get a new token using the Claims string, which tells AAD to prompt the user for all
// required forms of authentication.
let mfaBootstrapToken = await OfficeRuntime.auth.getAccessToken({ authChallenge: exchangeResponse.claims });
exchangeResponse = sso.getGraphToken(mfaBootstrapToken);
if (exchangeResponse.error) {
// AAD errors are returned to the client with HTTP code 200, so they do not trigger
// the catch block below.
} else {
/*const response = await sso.makeGraphApiCall(exchangeResponse.access_token);
const _EndPoint = "/me/messages";
const _UrlParams = "?$select=receivedDateTime,subject,isRead&$orderby=receivedDateTime&$top=10";
const response = await sso.getGraphData(exchangeResponse.access_token, _EndPoint, _UrlParams);
sso.showMessage("Your data has been added to the document.");
} catch (exception) {
if (exception.code) {
if (sso.handleClientSideErrors(exception)) {
} else {
sso.showMessage("EXCEPTION: " + JSON.stringify(exception));
the code in documentHelper.js:
function writeDataToExcel(result) {
/*return Excel.run(function (context) {
const sheet = context.workbook.worksheets.getActiveWorksheet();
let data = [];
let userProfileInfo = filterUserProfileInfo(result);
for (let i = 0; i < userProfileInfo.length; i++) {
if (userProfileInfo[i] !== null) {
let innerArray = [];
const rangeAddress = `B5:B${5 + (data.length - 1)}`;
const range = sheet.getRange(rangeAddress);
range.values = data;
return context.sync();
return Excel.run(function (context) {
const sheet = context.workbook.worksheets.getActiveWorksheet();
const rangeHeadings = sheet.getRange("A1:D1");
rangeHeadings.valueTypes = [["ReceivedDateTime", "subject", "Read?", "ID"]];
const _Contents = result.value;
for (let i = 0; i < _Contents.length; i++) {
if (_Contents !== null) {
let _TempArr = [];
let _Data = [];
const _rangeaddress = `A${2 + i}:D${2 + i}`;
const _rangedata = sheet.getRange(_rangeaddress);
_rangedata.values = _Data;
return context.sync();
When i run the add-in, it does not proceed after GET/ auth? as shown in below image.
Here are my permission in the Azure APP Registration:
I can't understand what is really happening. When i click on the button in the sideloaded task pane, nothing is sent from the Graph API as shown in the command prompt image. I am really grateful, if someone could point out where the error is.
I have defined the scopes in my manifiest file as well.
Please help.

Need help creating a Time Gate in Twilio Function

I'm new to Twilio Studio, Functions, and by extension node.js . I'm trying to create a function that will evaluate the current day and time. If that time is outside the window i want to return false, otherwise true. This is what i have so far:
exports.handler = function(context, event, callback) {
let twiml = new Twilio.twiml.VoiceResponse();
var day = Twilio.Date.toString();
callback(null, twiml);
take a look at the below Twilio Function, and modify accordingly.
// Time of Day Routing
// Useful for IVR logic, for Example in Studio, to determine which path to route to
// Add moment-timezone 0.5.31 as a dependency under Functions Global Config, Dependencies
const moment = require('moment-timezone');
exports.handler = function(context, event, callback) {
let twiml = new Twilio.twiml.VoiceResponse();
function businessHours() {
// My timezone East Coast (other choices: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones)
const now = moment().tz('America/New_York');
// Weekday Check using moment().isoWeekday()
// Monday = 1, Tuesday = 2 ... Sunday = 7
if(now.isoWeekday() <= 5 /* Check for Normal Work Week Monday - Friday */) {
//Work Hours Check, 9 am to 5pm (17:00 24 hour Time)
if(now.hour() >= 9 && now.hour() < 17 /* 24h basis */) {
return true
// Outside of business hours, return false
return false
const isOpen = businessHours();
if (isOpen) {
twiml.say("Business is Open");
} else {
twiml.say("Business is Closed");
callback(null, twiml);

How do I obtain available worker count in twilio function calling node library?

Im looking to invoke a twilio function and obtain a count of available workers.
I have a feeling it might be related to TaskQueues and the Matching Workers who are available?
Ive come up with the following. However, users are still listed as available when they are interacting with a task, which means this wont work necessarily.
exports.handler = function (context, event, callback) {
const client = require('twilio')(context.ACCOUNT_SID, context.AUTH_TOKEN);
.then(workers => {
data = {
availWorkersCount: Object.keys(workers.filter(x=> x.available === true && x.attributes.includes("sales"))).length
const response = new Twilio.Response();
response.appendHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*');
response.appendHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'OPTIONS POST GET');
response.appendHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'Content-Type');
response.appendHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
callback(null, response);
I know this is a bit late, but this is the chunk of code I use in a twilio function to do just this. We call the function from the studio flow and use the results to decide if I am going to route the call into voicemail or play some IVR options for picking what queue they should be put in. To use it you can pass in an optional skill to filter down the agents even more. We grab all available workers then filter down to only the ones that have the needed skill.
You could then take this and check if any of the agents that are available also have a task assigned to them then remove them from the count.
const fetch = require("node-fetch");
exports.handler = function(context, event, callback) {
let response = new Twilio.Response();
// Set the status code to 200 OK
// Set the Content-Type Header
response.appendHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*');
response.appendHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'OPTIONS, POST, GET');
response.appendHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'Content-Type');
response.appendHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
let body = {
TotalAvailable: 0
let client = context.getTwilioClient();
available: 'true',
limit: 50
.then((workers) => {
let agents = [];
let i = 0;
for(i = 0; i < workers.length; i++){
let worker = workers[i];
let item = {};
let attributes = JSON.parse(worker.attributes);
if(attributes && attributes.routing && attributes.routing.skills && attributes.routing.skills.length > 0){
item.skills = attributes.routing.skills;
item.nid = attributes.nid;
item.first_name = attributes.first_name;
item.last_name = attributes.last_name;
// TODO: filter here
body.TotalAvailable = agents.length;
body.Agents = agents;
callback(null, response);
.catch((ex) => {
body.error = true;
body.message = ex;
callback(null, response);

Twilio Functions - Blocking Spam/800#s

I am trying to block spam and 800#s in one shot using a twilio function, but it's not working...
You could modify the function as below:
exports.handler = function(context, event, callback) {
// set-up the variables that this Function will use to forward a phone call using TwiML
// REQUIRED - you must set this to the number you want calls forwarded to
let phoneNumber = event.PhoneNumber || "+16787801234";
let callerId = event.CallerId || null;
let timeout = event.Timeout || null;
// OPTIONAL +266696687 = ANONYMOUS Callers
let blacklistedCallers = event.blacklistedCallers || ["+14073601234","+15185001234", "+266696687"];
// generate the TwiML to tell Twilio how to forward this call
let twiml = new Twilio.twiml.VoiceResponse();
let allowedThrough = false;
if (blacklistedCallers.length > 0) {
if ((blacklistedCallers.indexOf(event.From) === -1) && (event.From.substring(0,5) != "+1800")) {
allowedThrough = true;
let dialParams = {};
if (callerId) {
dialParams.callerId = callerId;
if (timeout) {
dialParams.timeout = timeout;
if (allowedThrough) {
twiml.dial(dialParams, phoneNumber);
else {
twiml.reject({reason: 'rejected'});
// return the TwiML
callback(null, twiml);
