In DL4J, is there a way to ignore columns for training/scoring without removing them so they can be accessed later? - deeplearning4j

In DL4J, is there a way to access the columns of preprocessed data after at the scoring step? I have a case where I have a csv of data that includes fields that are not used by the neural net for prediction, but they are important to include in my output after the predictions are made.
Before I train my model, I have been using this step for preprocessing to remove the columns prior to training:
TransformProcess transformProcess =
new transformProcess.Builder(schema).removeColumns(columnsToOmit).build());
RecordReader transformProcessRecordReader =
new TransformProcessRecordReader(recordReader, transformProcess);
The problem I am running into is that after this transformation, I can of course train or make predictions, but I can no longer access those columns that are removed.
Is there a way to "ignore" the columns rather than removing them so that I can access them after the model makes a prediction?
In my debugger I can see some protected fields that show the data is still there but i'm really trying to avoid a custom implementation of iterator if there is a simpler way to do this.


Should I retrain the model with the whole dataset after using a train-test split to find the best hyper parameters?

I split my dataset into training and testing. At the end after finding the best hyper parameters for the training dataset, should I fit the model again using all the data? The point is to reach the highest possible score for new data.
Yes, that would help to generalize your model, as more data generally means better generalization.
I don't think so. If you do that, you will no longer have a valid test set. What happens when you come back to improve the model later? If you do this, then you will need a new test set each model improvement, which means more labeling. You won't be able to compare experiments across model versions, because the test set won't be identical.
If you consider this model finished forever, then ok.

What's an approach to ML problem with multiple data sets?

What's your approach to solving a machine learning problem with multiple data sets with different parameters, columns and lengths/widths? Only one of them has a dependent variable. Rest of the files contain supporting data.
Your query is too generic and irrelevant to some extent as well. The concern around columns length and width is not justified when building a ML model. Given the fact that only one of the datasets has a dependent variable, there will be a need to merge the datasets based on keys that are common across datasets. Typically, the process followed before doing modelling is :
step 0: Identify the dependent variable and decide whether to do regression or classification (assuming you are predicting variable value)
Clean up the provided data by handling duplicates, spelling mistakes
Scan through the categorical variables to handle any discrepancies.
Merge the datasets and create a single dataset that has all the independent variables and the dependent variable for which prediction has to be done.
Do exploratory data analysis in order to understand the dependent variable's behavior with other independent variables.
Create model and refine the model based on VIF (Variance Inflation factor) and p-value.
Iterate and keep reducing the variables till you get a model which has all the
significant variables, stable R^2 value. Finalize the model.
Apply the trained model on the test dataset and see the predicted value against the variable in test dataset.
Following these steps at high level will help you to build models.

Different scenario based queries on Imputing and Machine Learning

I am new to Data Science and learning to impute and about model training. Below are my few queries that I came across when training the datasets. Please provide answers to these.
Suppose I have a dataset with 1000 observations. Now I train the model on the complete dataset in one go. Another way I did it, I divided my dataset in 80% and 20% and trained my model first at 80% and then on 20% data. Is it same or different? Basically, if I train my already trained model on new data, what does it mean?
Imputing Related
Another question is related to imputing. Imagine I have a dataset of some ship passengers, where only first-class passengers were given cabin. There is a column that holds cabin numbers (categorical) but very few observations have these cabin numbers. Now I know this column is important so I cannot remove it and because it has many missing values, so most of the algorithms do not work. How to handle imputing of this type of column?
When imputing the validation data, do we impute with same values that were used to impute training data or the imputing values are again calculated from validation data itself?
How to impute data in the form of a string like a Ticket number (like A-123). The column is important because the 1st alphabet tells the class of passenger. Therefore, we cannot drop it.
Suppose I have a dataset with 1000 observations. Now I train the model
on the complete dataset in one go. Another way I did it, I divided my
dataset in 80% and 20% and trained my model first at 80% and then on
20% data. Is it same or different?
It's hard to say: is it good or not. Generally, if your data (splits) are taken from the same distribution - you can perform additional training. However, not all model types are good for it. I advice you to run some kind of cross-validation with 80/20 splitting and error measurement checking before additional training and after.
Basically, if I train my already
trained model on new data, what does it mean?
If you take the datasets from the same distribution: you perform additional learning what theoretically should have positive influence on your model.
Imagine I have a dataset of some ship passengers, where only first-class passengers were given cabin. There is a column that holds cabin numbers (categorical) but very few observations have these cabin numbers. Now I know this column is important so I cannot remove it and because it has many missing values, so most of the algorithms do not work. How to handle imputing of this type of column?
You need clearly understand what do you want to do by imputation. If only first-class has values, how you can perform imputation for the second- or third-class? What do you need to find? Deck? Cabin number? Do you want to find new values or impute by already existing values?
When imputing the validation data, do we impute with same values that were used to impute training data or the imputing values are again calculated from validation data itself?
Very generally, you run imputation algorithm on the whole data you have (without target column).
How to impute data in the form of a string like a Ticket number (like A-123). The column is important because the 1st alphabet tells the class of passenger. Therefore, we cannot drop it.
If you have the finite number of cases, you just need to impute values as strings. If not, perform feature engineering: try to predict letter, number, first digit of the number, len(number) and so on.

What is the use of train_on_batch() in keras?

How train_on_batch() is different from fit()? What are the cases when we should use train_on_batch()?
For this question, it's a simple answer from the primary author:
With fit_generator, you can use a generator for the validation data as
well. In general, I would recommend using fit_generator, but using
train_on_batch works fine too. These methods only exist for the sake of
convenience in different use cases, there is no "correct" method.
train_on_batch allows you to expressly update weights based on a collection of samples you provide, without regard to any fixed batch size. You would use this in cases when that is what you want: to train on an explicit collection of samples. You could use that approach to maintain your own iteration over multiple batches of a traditional training set but allowing fit or fit_generator to iterate batches for you is likely simpler.
One case when it might be nice to use train_on_batch is for updating a pre-trained model on a single new batch of samples. Suppose you've already trained and deployed a model, and sometime later you've received a new set of training samples previously never used. You could use train_on_batch to directly update the existing model only on those samples. Other methods can do this too, but it is rather explicit to use train_on_batch for this case.
Apart from special cases like this (either where you have some pedagogical reason to maintain your own cursor across different training batches, or else for some type of semi-online training update on a special batch), it is probably better to just always use fit (for data that fits in memory) or fit_generator (for streaming batches of data as a generator).
train_on_batch() gives you greater control of the state of the LSTM, for example, when using a stateful LSTM and controlling calls to model.reset_states() is needed. You may have multi-series data and need to reset the state after each series, which you can do with train_on_batch(), but if you used .fit() then the network would be trained on all the series of data without resetting the state. There's no right or wrong, it depends on what data you're using, and how you want the network to behave.
Train_on_batch will also see a performance increase over fit and fit generator if youre using large datasets and don't have easily serializable data (like high rank numpy arrays), to write to tfrecords.
In this case you can save the arrays as numpy files and load up smaller subsets of them (traina.npy, trainb.npy etc) in memory, when the whole set won't fit in memory. You can then use and then using train_on_batch with your subdataset, then loading up another dataset and calling train on batch again, etc, now you've trained on your entire set and can control exactly how much and what of your dataset trains your model. You can then define your own epochs, batch sizes, etc with simple loops and functions to grab from your dataset.
Indeed #nbro answer helps, just to add few more scenarios, lets say you are training some seq to seq model or a large network with one or more encoders. We can create custom training loops using train_on_batch and use a part of our data to validate on the encoder directly without using callbacks. Writing callbacks for a complex validation process could be difficult. There are several cases where we wish to train on batch.
From Keras - Model training APIs:
fit: Trains the model for a fixed number of epochs (iterations on a dataset).
train_on_batch: Runs a single gradient update on a single batch of data.
We can use it in GAN when we update the discriminator and generator using a batch of our training data set at a time. I saw Jason Brownlee used train_on_batch in on his tutorials (How to Develop a 1D Generative Adversarial Network From Scratch in Keras)
Tip for quick search: Type Control+F and type in the search box the term that you want to search (train_on_batch, for example).

How to normalize test data in the same way as training data?

I have used weka.filters.unsupervised.instance.Normalize in order to normalize my training data before building my model.
But now I face the question of normalizing the instances that I need to classify once the model is built. weka.filters.unsupervised.instance.Normalize does not output parameters that I could use in order to normalize the attributes of my instance. Or am I mistaken?
I understand you intend to apply exactly the same normalization to training and test data. The way to do it is to make use of the batch option. You can find an explanation on how to do it in the command line at the Batch Filtering page.
