How to make Chrome native messaging host to start with an argument - chrome-native-messaging

I am currently trying to implement a communication between an exe native host program written by someone else, and my browser extension.
In manifest, when I specify path to host, everything is working just fine, but problem starts when I want to add an argument. The exe program requires this argument:
But when I put the argument into the manifest file like this:
"path": "C:\\..correct path.\\crypto-extension-host.exe -Dconfig.file=test-application.conf"
I get this warning in chrome log when I try to connect to the host] Found manifest, but not the binary for native messaging host Host path specified in the manifest: C:\..correct path.\crypto-extension-host.exe -Dconfig.file=test-application.conf
Is it even possible to start the application with argument? I wanted to create a bat file that would start the exe with argument, but it looks like when I start it using bat file, it's not communication using stdio like it should.
Any help please?

I made a bat file with this content:
#echo off
crypto-extension-host.exe -Dconfig.file=test-application.conf
The important part is the #echo off
I am now able to communicate with the bat program.


trying to run an .exe file in lua

recently i have been trying to run a script in lua that through os.execute() will execute a script in C# compiled into an executablethat is in the same directory as my script.
In my first attempt adding the entire directory until the executable worked:
however I need this script to work on other computers, which means I can't add the entirely path to the file.I tried countless methods to execute the .exe file inside the same directory without using the entire path and none of the methods worked
os.execute [[".\testcode.exe"]]
os.execute "testcode.exe"
I even tried to create an environment variable and run the entire directory from it xD
os.execute("set wTest=%cd%")
but nothing worked. I also tried to use io.popen() but didn't get results either (because the executable will close a computer process, it does not give any output :V)
does anyone know how I can do this?????

Unable to run MiniZinc from command line - Even after adding installation location to PATH

Initially, I had the error: minizinc is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. when running minizinc mzn-cbc model.mzn data.mzn in the Git CMD.
Later on, following the instructions found at with suggestions from!topic/minizinc/IFpUM_TSNGU, I did: export PATH=$PATH:{MINIZINC} where {MINIZINC} is the installation location. However, my terminal returned the error: 'export' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. This also happens when I tried running the above with the windows command prompt..
Is there a way to go about solving this?
If it helps, the folder in which MiniZinc is installed looks something like this on my computer:
I'm afraid the instruction given in the GitHub issue only works within bash and derived shells. By default Windows uses batch instead. To change the PATH system variable, which is what it is called on Windows, you need to take different steps. They are explained here:

Dart pub global run can't resolve script name

I have a simple dart project that has one executable in bin folder (test.dart). I have activated it with dart global activate and now I can run it directly with just typing the name of that executable file.
Inside that dart file I would like to know the path of that script. Basically for now I'm just printing something like this:
print('1: ' + Platform.script.toString());
print('2: ' + Platform.script.path);
print('3: ' + Platform.executable);
print('4: ' + Platform.packageRoot);
print('5: ' + Platform.resolvedExecutable);
When I run it directly:
or with pub:
pub global run test
or even with package name:
pub global run test:test
I always get the same result:
1: http://localhost:53783/test.dart
2: /test.dart
3: E:\apps\dart-sdk\bin\dart
5: E:\apps\dart-sdk\bin\dart.exe
The issue here is that I can't get the absolute path for test.dart file.
When I run it like this:
dart /path/to/project/bin/test.dart
I get what I need:
1: file:///E:/projects/dart/test/bin/test.dart
2: /E:/projects/dart/test/bin/test.dart
3: dart
5: E:\apps\dart-sdk\bin\dart.exe
Is there a way how to get absolute path for a script that is currently running, regardless of a way how it was executed?
tl;dr: There's not a great way of doing what you want, but it's in the works.
The notion of a "path for a script that is currently running" is more complicated than it might sound at first blush. There are a number of ways that the Dart ecosystem invokes main(). Off the top of my head, here are a few:
Manually running the file with dart.
Running the file in an isolate.
Compiling the file to a snapshot and either manually running it or running it in an isolate.
Automatically compiling the file to a cached executable and running that either in a subprocess or in an isolate.
Adding a wrapper script that imports the file and invokes main(), and either running that in a subprocess or in an isolate.
Serving the file over HTTP, and running it either in a subprocess or in an isolate.
In some of these cases, the "script that is running" is actually a wrapper, not the original file you authored. In others, it's a snapshot that may have no inherent knowledge of the file from which it was created. In others, the file has been modified by transformers and the actual Dart code that's running isn't on disk at all.
I suspect what you're actually looking for isn't the executable URL itself, but the location of your package's files. We're working on a collection of APIs that will make this possible, as well as a resource package that will provide a nice API for dealing with your packages' resources.
Until that lands, there is a dart:mirrors hack you can use. If you give one of your library files an explicit library tag, say library, you can write:
var libPath = currentMirrorSystem().findLibrary(;
This will give you the path to your library, which you can use to figure out where your package's lib/ files live.
If you want a reliable way to access the current file while running in pub you'll need to use mirrors.
Here's a sample usage with dartdoc tests -
import 'dart:mirrors';
Uri get _currentFileUri =>
(reflect(main) as ClosureMirror).function.location.sourceUri;
void main() { ... }
Not particularly pretty, but it's easy to just put into a util file.

Erlang - Is it possible to make the messages that appear on erlang shell appear on linux shell too?

I have created a small test application and when on a linux machine I would like to see the messages that appear on the erlang shell to appear on the linux as well. I am not sure how it could be done, but is it possible?
I am running the application in detached mode(erlang shell).
I meant the message passing to the linux shell.
When I start my application using,
test application <start/stop>
I would get a message on the Linux shell Test Application has successfully started
But if I was like copying files, I would like the progress of the file copy to be displayed on the Linux shell like,
Copy successful. Number of files copied : 1
Copy successful. Number of files copied : 2
So is it possible to do the above using the message passing from Erlang to Linux?
I believe you can use some logger for this purposes. For example lager can redirect logs to several facilities at the same time, e.g. file and erlang console.
Other option is to use "run_erl", utility which comes with erlang distribution and allows "redirect the standard input and standard output streams so that all output can be logged".
Try erl -man run_erl or you can see can generate "release" with rebar, it will generate startup scripts which use "run_erl".

What is the default current working directoy of a service in Windows?

I'm adapting a program to run as a service, and the first thing it does is open a local configuration file, but it doesn't exist because I don't know what is the current directory.
The current working directory is the location of the executable of the service, unless modified using the win32 API call SetCurrentDirectory
Calling GetCurrentDirectory at the service entry point returns "C:\WINDOWS\system32". After setting it to the executable's directory with SetCurrentDirectory everything worked as expected.
