Splitting file processing by initial keys - google-cloud-dataflow

Use Case
I have some terabytes of US property data to merge. It is spread across two distinct file formats and thousands of files. The source data is split geographically.
I can't find a way to branch a single pipeline into many independent processing flows.
This is especially difficult because the Dataframe API doesn't seem to support a PTransform on a collection of filenames.
Detailed Background
The distribution of files is like this:
StateData - 51 total files (US states + DC)
CountyData - ~2000 total files (county specific, grouped by state)
The ideal pipeline would split into thousands of independent processing steps and complete in minutes.
1 -> 51 (each US state + DC starts processing)
51 -> thousands (each US state then spawns a process that merges the counties, combining at the end for the whole state)
The directory structure is like this:
Sample Data
This is extremely abbreviated, but imagine something like this:
State Level Data - 51 of these (~200 cols wide)
County Level Data - thousands of these (~300 cols wide)
Roland Heights
Roland Heights
Roland Heights
So we join many county-level to a single state level, and thus have an aggregated, more-complete state-level data set.
Then we aggregate all the states, and we have a national level data set.
Desired Outcome
I can successfully merge one state at a time (many county to one state). I built a pipeline to do that, but the pipeline starts with a single CountyData CSV and a single StateData CSV. The issue is getting to the point where I can load the CountyData and StateData.
In other words:
# I need to find a way to generalize this flow to
# dynamically created COUNTY and STATE variables.
from apache_beam.dataframe.convert import to_pcollection
from apache_beam.dataframe.io import read_csv
COUNTY = "county-data/AL/*.csv"
STATE = "state-data/AL.zip"
def key_by_uid(elem):
return (elem.uid, elem)
with beam.Pipeline() as p:
county_df = p | read_csv(COUNTY)
county_rows_keyed = to_pcollection(county_df) | beam.Map(key_by_uid)
state_df = pd.read_csv(STATE, compression="zip")
state_rows_keys = to_pcollection(state_df, pipeline=p) | beam.Map(key_by_uid)
merged = ({ "state": state_rows_keys, "county": county_rows_keyed } ) | beam.CoGroupByKey() | beam.Map(merge_logic)
merged | WriteToParquet()
Starting with a list of states
By state, generate filepatterns to the source data
By state, load and merge the filenames
Flatten the output from each state into a US data set.
Write to Parquet file.
with beam.Pipeline(options=pipeline_options) as p:
merged_data = (
| beam.Create(cx.STATES)
| "PathsKeyedByState" >> tx.PathsKeyedByState()
# ('AL', {'county-data': 'gs://data/county-data/AL/COUNTY*.csv', 'state-data': 'gs://data/state-data/AL.zip'})
| "MergeSourceDataByState" >> tx.MergeSourceDataByState()
| "MergeAllStateData" >> beam.Flatten()
merged_data | "WriteParquet" >> tx.WriteParquet()
The issue I'm having is something like this:
I have two filepatterns in a dictionary, per state. To access those I need to use a DoFn to get at the element.
To communicate the way the data flows, I need access to Pipeline, which is a PTransform. Ex: df = p | read_csv(...)
These appear to be incompatible needs.

Here's an alternative answer.
Read the state data one at a time and flatten them, e.g.
state_dataframe = None
for state in STATES:
df = p | read_csv('/path/to/state')
df['state'] = state
if state_dataframe is None:
state_dataframe = df
state_dataframe = state_dataframe.append(df)
Similarly for county data. Now join them using dataframe operations.

I'm not sure exactly what kind of merging you're doing here, but one way to structure this pipeline might be to have a DoFn that takes the county data in as a filename as an input element (i.e. you'd have a PCollection of county data filenames), opens it up using "normal" Python (e.g. pandas), and then reads the relevant state data in as a side input to do the merge.


Load and merge many files from S3 using Dask

I have about 1m "result" files in S3 bucket which I want to process. Each result file should be merge with additional columns from an associated "context" file, which I have about 50k of (i.e. each context is associated with about 20 results)
Processing it serially is slow so I am using dask to parallelize some of the work.
In my serial code, I just load everything up-front and merge them, e.g.
contexts_map = {get_context_id(ctx_file): load_context(ctx_file) for ctx_file in ctx_files}
data = []
for result_file in result_files:
ctx_id, res_id = get_context_and_res_id(result_file)
ctx = contexts_map[ctx_id]
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
Initially I thought to divide the data and process in batches using dask (i.e. run the above in parallel on several batches) but then I read about dask bag and dask dataframe from_delayed and thought to use it. What I have:
delayed_get_context = delayed(get_context)
# load the contexts
ctx_map = {}
for ctx_file in ctx_files:
ctx_id = get_context_id(ctx_file)
ctx_map[ctx_file] = delayed_get_context(ctx_item)
# process the contexts
delayed_get_context_stats = delayed(get_context_stats)
ctx_stat_map = {ctx_id: delayed_get_context_stats(ctx) for ctx_id, ctx in ctx_map}
# the main bag of result files to process
res_bag = db.from_sequence(res_items, npartitions=num_workers * 2)
# prepare a list of corresponding delayed per results
# the order in this list corresponds to order of res_bag
res_context_list = [
ctx_stat_map[get_context_and_res_id(item)[0]] for item in res_items
# then create a bag from that list
ctx_bag = db.from_sequence(res_context_list, npartitions=num_workers * 2)
# create delays for the results
delayed_extract = delayed(extract_stats)
# from what I understand, if one of the arguments is also a bug
# it is distributed in accordance to the "main" bag
results = res_bag.map(delayed_extract, ctx_stats=ctx_bag)
df = ddf.from_delayed(results)
df = df.compute()
This create a computation graph similar to the following:
When I run this on a subset (as in the image above) it works ok. Running the code on 1m items, I don't see anything happen (maybe didn't wait enough for it to finish building the graph and moving things around?)
With that, does the code above makes sense? Should I have done it another way?
One of the things I am "afraid" of with the above implementation is that there's a lot of data movement.
I could potentially spend some time up-front to arrange context+results and then treat that as the "unit-of-work" and maybe get better results?
Any feedback here would be appreciated - is there a better approach?
And another question - what number of partitions I should use? I saw in the docs it will default to about 100, but is there some rule of thumb to use here?

How to limit number of lines per file written using FileIO

Is there a possible way to limit number of lines in each written shard using TextIO or may be FileIO?
Read rows from Big Query - Batch Job (Result is 19500 rows for example).
Make some transformations.
Write files to Google Cloud storage (19 files, each file is limited to 1000 records, one file has 500 records).
Cloud Function is triggered to make a POST request to an external API for each file in GCS.
Here is what I'm trying to do so far but doesn't work (Trying to limit 1000 rows per file):
BQ_DATA = p | 'read_bq_view' >> beam.io.Read(
use_standard_sql=True)) | beam.Map(json.dumps)
BQ_DATA | beam.WindowInto(GlobalWindows(), Repeatedly(trigger=AfterCount(1000)),
| WriteToFiles(path='fileio', destination="csv")
Am I conceptually wrong or is there any other way to implement this?
You can implement the write to GCS step inside ParDo and limit the number of elements to include in a "batch" like this:
from apache_beam.io import filesystems
class WriteToGcsWithRowLimit(beam.DoFn):
def __init__(self, row_size=1000):
self.row_size = row_size
self.rows = []
def finish_bundle(self):
if len(self.rows) > 0:
def process(self, element):
if len(self.rows) >= self.row_size:
def _write_file(self):
from time import time
new_file = 'gs://bucket/file-{}.csv'.format(time())
writer = filesystems.FileSystems.create(path=new_file)
writer.write(self.rows) # may need to format
self.rows = []
BQ_DATA | beam.ParDo(WriteToGcsWithRowLimit())
Note that this will not create any files with less than 1000 rows, but you can change the logic in process to do that.
(Edit 1 to handle the remainders)
(Edit 2 to stop using counters, as files will be overridden)

If my pipeline rekeys elements - how do I get values for one key in the same worker without GroupByKey?

Let's say I have a pipeline, and I have a series of ParDo operations where element keys change. How can I ensure that elements for the same key some to the same worker without having to do a GroupByKey with windowing?
input_pcoll = p | beam.ReadFromXYZ(...)
rekeyed_pcoll = (input_pcoll
| beam.FlatMap(some_operation)
| beam.Map(lambda x: (compute_new_key(x), x['value'])))
After this, I would like to have elements of the same key go to the same worker without having to run a GroupByKey that uses windowing or triggering.
There are two ways to accomplish this.
The first one is by doing a GroupByKey, and having a trigger that triggers after every single element. Something like so:
keys_together_pcoll = (rekeyed_pcoll
| beam.WindowInto(window.GlobalWindows()
| beam.GroupByKey()
| beam.FlatMap(lambda x: x[1]))
result_pcoll = (keys_together_pcoll
| beam.ParDo(DoFnWithElementsInCorrespondingWorkers()))
Granted, this is a little awkward.
Another way to do this is to make your DoFn stateful. This will force the runner to shuffle the elements into their corresponding workers by key. Something like this:
class DoFnWithElementsInCorrespondingWorkers(beam.DoFn):
UNUSED_STATE = BagStateSpec('unused', VarIntCoder())
def process(self,
# .. My processing
result_pcoll = (rekeyed_pcoll
| beam.ParDo(DoFnWithElementsInCorrespondingWorkers()))
Why does this happen?
Remember that in Beam (and Flink, and similar systems), state is organized by key, so if you insert a stateful DoFn, Beam will recognize that elements need to be shuffled into the correct workers according to their keys.

Is it possible to do a zip operation in apache beam on two PCollections?

I have a PCollection[str] and I want to generate random pairs.
Coming from Apache Spark, my strategy was to:
copy the original PCollection
randomly shuffle it
zip it with the original PCollection
However I can't seem to find a way to zip 2 PCollections...
This is interesting and a not very common use case because, as #chamikara says, there is no order guarantee in Dataflow. However, I thought about implementing a solution where you shuffle the input PCollection and then pair consecutive elements based on state . I have found some caveats in the way but I thought it might be worth sharing anyway.
First, I have used the Python SDK but the Dataflow Runner does not support stateful DoFn's yet. It works with the Direct Runner but: 1) it is not scalable and 2) it's difficult to shuffle the records without multi-threading. Of course, an easy solution for the latter is to feed an already shuffled PCollection to the pipeline (we can use a different job to pre-process the data). Otherwise, we can adapt this example to the Java SDK.
For now, I decided to try to shuffle and pair it with a single pipeline. I don't really know if this helps or makes things more complicated but code can be found here.
Briefly, the stateful DoFn looks at the buffer and if it is empty it puts in the current element. Otherwise, it pops out the previous element from the buffer and outputs a tuple of (previous_element, current_element):
class PairRecordsFn(beam.DoFn):
"""Pairs two consecutive elements after shuffle"""
BUFFER = BagStateSpec('buffer', PickleCoder())
def process(self, element, buffer=beam.DoFn.StateParam(BUFFER)):
previous_element = list(buffer.read())[0]
previous_element = []
unused_key, value = element
if previous_element:
yield (previous_element, value)
The pipeline adds keys to the input elements as required to use a stateful DoFn. Here there will be a trade-off because you can potentially assign the same key to all elements with beam.Map(lambda x: (1, x)). This would not parallelize well but it's not a problem as we are using the Direct Runner anyway (keep it in mind if using the Java SDK). However, it will not shuffle the records. If, instead, we shuffle to a large amount of keys we'll get a larger number of "orphaned" elements that can't be paired (as state is preserved per key and we assign them randomly we can have an odd number of records per key):
pairs = (p
| 'Create Events' >> beam.Create(data)
| 'Add Keys' >> beam.Map(lambda x: (randint(1,4), x))
| 'Pair Records' >> beam.ParDo(PairRecordsFn())
| 'Check Results' >> beam.ParDo(LogFn()))
In my case I got something like:
INFO:root:('one', 'three')
INFO:root:('two', 'five')
INFO:root:('zero', 'six')
INFO:root:('four', 'seven')
INFO:root:('ten', 'twelve')
INFO:root:('nine', 'thirteen')
INFO:root:('eight', 'fourteen')
INFO:root:('eleven', 'sixteen')
EDIT: I thought of another way to do so using the Sample.FixedSizeGlobally combiner. The good thing is that it shuffles the data better but you need to know the number of elements a priori (otherwise we'd need an initial pass on the data) and it seems to return all elements together. Briefly, I initialize the same PCollection twice but apply different shuffle orders and assign indexes in a stateful DoFn. This will guarantee that indexes are unique across elements in the same PCollection (even if no order is guaranteed). In my case, both PCollections will have exactly one record for each key in the range [0, 31]. A CoGroupByKey transform will join both PCollections on the same index thus having random pairs of elements:
pc1 = (p
| 'Create Events 1' >> beam.Create(data)
| 'Sample 1' >> combine.Sample.FixedSizeGlobally(NUM_ELEMENTS)
| 'Split Sample 1' >> beam.ParDo(SplitFn())
| 'Add Dummy Key 1' >> beam.Map(lambda x: (1, x))
| 'Assign Index 1' >> beam.ParDo(IndexAssigningStatefulDoFn()))
pc2 = (p
| 'Create Events 2' >> beam.Create(data)
| 'Sample 2' >> combine.Sample.FixedSizeGlobally(NUM_ELEMENTS)
| 'Split Sample 2' >> beam.ParDo(SplitFn())
| 'Add Dummy Key 2' >> beam.Map(lambda x: (2, x))
| 'Assign Index 2' >> beam.ParDo(IndexAssigningStatefulDoFn()))
zipped = ((pc1, pc2)
| 'Zip Shuffled PCollections' >> beam.CoGroupByKey()
| 'Drop Index' >> beam.Map(lambda (x, y):y)
| 'Check Results' >> beam.ParDo(LogFn()))
Full code here
INFO:root:(['ten'], ['nineteen'])
INFO:root:(['twenty-three'], ['seven'])
INFO:root:(['twenty-five'], ['twenty'])
INFO:root:(['twelve'], ['twenty-one'])
INFO:root:(['twenty-six'], ['twenty-five'])
INFO:root:(['zero'], ['twenty-three'])
How about applying a ParDo transform to both PCollections that attach keys to elements and running the two PCollections through a CoGroupByKey transform ?
Please note that Beam does not guarantee order of elements in a PCollection so output elements might get reordered after any step but seems like this should be OK for your use-case since you just need some random order.

Spawn many processes erlang

I wanna measure the performance to my database by measuring the time taken to do something as the number of processes increase. The intention is to plot a graph of performance vs number of processes after, anyone has an idea how? i am a beginner in elrlang please helo
Assuming your database is mnesia, this should not be hard. one way would be to have a write function and a read function. However, note that there are several Activity access contexts with mnesia. To test write times, you should NOT use the context of transaction because it returns immediately to the calling process, even before a disc write has occured. However, for disc writes, its important that you look at the context called: sync_transaction. Here is an example:
Fun = fun(R)-> mnesia:write(R) end,
The function above will return only when all active replicas of the mnesia table have committed the record onto the data disc file. Hence to test the speed as processes increase, you need to have a record generator,a a process spawner , the write function and finally a timing mechanism. For timing, we have a built in function called: timer:tc/1, timer:tc/2 and timer:tc/3 which returns the exact time it took to execute (completely) a given function. To cut the story short, this is how i would do this:
%% ensure this table is {type,bag}
%% Assuming table (book) already exists
%% Assuming mnesia running already
spawn_many(0)-> ok;
spawn_many(N - 1).
gproc:reg({n, l,guid()},ignored),
<<"stop">> -> exit(normal)
proplists:get_value(size,ets:info(gproc)) div 3.
case lists:keymember(gproc,1,application:which_applications()) of
true -> ok;
false -> application:start(gproc)
MD5 = erlang:md5(term_to_binary([random:uniform(152629977),{node(), now(), make_ref()}])),
MD5List = lists:nthtail(3, binary_to_list(MD5)),
F = fun(N) -> f("~2.16.0B", [N]) end,
L = [F(N) || N <- MD5List],
#book{isbn = guid(),title = guid(),price = guid()}.
Record = generate_record(),
Fun = fun(R)-> ok = mnesia:write(R),ok end,
%% Here is now the actual write we measure
{Time,ok} = timer:tc(mnesia,activity,[sync_transaction,Fun,[Record],mnesia_frag]),
%% The we save that time, the number of processes
%% at that instant
NoteTime = #write_time{
isbn = Record#book.isbn,
num_of_processes = total_processes(),
write_time = Time
Now there are dependencies here, especially: gproc download and build it into your erlang lib path from here Download Gproc.To run this, just call: stress_test:start(). The table write_time will help you draw a graph of number of processes against time taken to write. As the number of processes increase from 0 to the upper limit (?LIMIT), we note the time taken to write a given record at the given instant and we also note the number of processes at that time.UPDATE
f(S)-> f(S,[]).
f(S,Args) -> lists:flatten(io_lib:format(S, Args)).
That is the missing function. Apologies.... Remember to study the table write_time, using the application tv, a window is opened in which you can examine the mnesia tables. Use this table to see increasing write times/ or decreasing performance as number of processes increase from time to time. An element i have left out is to note the actual time of the write action using time() which may be important parameter. You may add it in the table definition of the write_time table.
Also look at http://wiki.basho.com/Benchmarking.html
you might look at tsung http://tsung.erlang-projects.org/
