imagemagick php HEIC - imagemagick

I have an ubuntu 2.0 with NGINX and imagemagick 7 running, I was able to get HEIC support in imagemagick and can convert an HEIC file at the prompt, but php still throws an error imagemagick can not support HEIC files. Any ideas?

I ended up re-installing PHP ImageMagick extension with PECL and it worked


Possible to add imagick webp support for PHP in AWS Linux 2?

I'm running PHP 7.4 on an AWS Linux 2 instance. PHP 7.4 comes with imagick module 3.4.4 compiled by ImageMagick 6.9.10-6, but it doesn't have support for WEBP enabled.
I've installed the libwebp-devel library, but I can't figure out how to recompile the imagick module to support webp. I tried installing from the PECL source a la this comment, but when I check php -i WEBP still isn't listed under supported formats.
I also tried installing ImageMagick from source, and while I was able to get WEBP conversion going in the command line, the PHP extension still doesn't show support.
I'm not currently expert at PHP, but after reading this post Understanding PHP library installation and knowing some linux ecosystem, I think that after recompiling ImageMagick, you have to tell to the imagick module, that you have new version of ImageMagick. Or even recompile module (according to this site:

How to get Imagemagick to use littlecms2 on WHM Centos 7

I have Imagemagick running fine. However it is missing the lcms2 library that lets it utilise icc color profiles.So it was installed via RPM and also with for different versions of PHP with the PECL php wrapper. I have installed lcms2 also from RPM.
However imagemagick doesn't know anything about lcms2.
How can I add lcms2 delegate/library to my current imagemagick install?
Do I have to make my own build of imagemagick with flags to include lcms2? I hear lcms was removed from the Centos Imagemagick RPM due to security concerns.

Rails - Failed to manipulate with MiniMagick, maybe it is not an image? Original Error: ImageMagick/GraphicsMagick is not installed

So I have image uploading to google cloud storage working fine with carrierwave. Now I want to have all images converted to .png using minimagick. I added the mini_magic gem and tested it out on my mac and it works fine. When I deployed the changes and tested it in production I get the error:
Value Failed to manipulate with MiniMagick, maybe it is not an image? Original Error: ImageMagick/GraphicsMagick is not installed
I'm using a Google Cloud Publisher VM on the flexible environment. So I connected it via SSH and ran sudo apt-get install imagemagick. It finished and it looks like imagemagick installed successfully.
root#cs-6908-devshell-vm-5a72c8c9-d84d-4072-a5ba-29d989ab6282-131:/home/user# convert -version
Version: ImageMagick 6.8.9-9 Q16 x86_64 2016-06-01
Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2014 ImageMagick Studio LLC Features: DPC Modules OpenMP
Delegates: bzlib cairo djvu fftw fontconfig freetype jbig jng jpeg lcms lqr ltdl lzma openexr pangocairo png rsvg tiff wmf x xml zlib
Problem is that I still get the same error. I've seen this problem in other questions but there were for mac and windows.

iOS command line tool to convert jpeg to png?

I am looking for a command line tool to use in my bash script that converts a jpg image to a png one.
edit: to be clear, the platform the script runs on is iOS. So I am looking for a binary that's compiled for the ARM plaform.
Since you mentioned iOS, I assume you are using Mac OSX. If so, you can install ImageMagick via Homebrew or MacPorts and use the following command in your script
convert my_image.jpg my_image.png
ImageMagick is a powerful tool for manipulating all sorts of images. Check out the documentation if you wish to go a bit more advanced

fftw3 delegate for ImageMagick

I installed fftw3 package for Ubuntu 11.10, then installed ImageMagick. While performing fft of images, i get following error
convert: delegate library support not built-in `framed_clown.jpg' (FFTW) # warning/fourier.c/ForwardFourierTransformImage/611.
there was no fftw delegate listed on
convert -list configure
how can i resolve this ??
I believe that uninstalling imagemagick, installing fftw and reinstalling IM afterwards should solve the problem.
For Windows users there are these precompiled binaries -
