How to read a specific line only if contains a specific data - lua

Basically im trying to get the last modified timestamp of a file without external libraries
OS: Windows
local cache_out = io.popen("dir /T:W %CD%\\data\\actions\\scripts\\cache.lua", "r")
local cache_data = cache_out:read("*a")
It prints:
My question is: How can start reading from 29/06/2021 to get the modified time which in this case is '04:45'? I know it can be done using string.find or string.gmatch but i have no clue how

Lua uses regex with its own classes for matching characters:
. -- all characters
%a -- letters
%c -- control characters
%d -- digits
%l -- lower case letters
%p -- punctuation characters
%s -- space characters
%u -- upper case letters
%w -- alphanumeric characters
%x -- hexadecimal digits
%z -- the character with representation 0.
To get the class of all characters except the group just use uppercase. For example, if you want to match any character except space (like tab and space) you would use %S.
To match multiple parts of a string you can use parenthesis in string.match() like so
local d, t, _ = string.match(cache_data, "(%d%d/%d%d/%d+)%s+(%d%d:%d%d)%s+([ap].m.)")
and just validate the data for anything other than nil.
For more detailed info I recommend reading this


How do I remove point symbol from the decimal number?

I'm trying to take decimal number as an input and I need output of all numbers but without the point symbol in it.
Example input: 123.4
Wanted output 1234
The problem I have that when converting decimal number into string and trying to remove "." using :gsub('%.', '') its removing the point symbol but outputs 1234 1 .
I have tried :gsub('.', '') as well but it outputs 5.
I'm clueless where those numbers come from, here is the screenshot:
Use this syntax to get what you want and discard/ignore what you dont need...
local y = 123.4
-- Remove decimal point or comma here
local str, matches = tostring(y):gsub('[.,]', '')
-- str holds the first return value
-- The second return value goes to: matches
-- So output only the string...
print(str) -- Output: 1234
-- Or/And return it...
return str
There are two issues at play here:
string.gsub returns two values, the resulting string and the number of substitutions. When you pass the results of gsub to print, both will be printed. Solve this by either assigning only the first return value to a variable (more explicit) or surrounding gsub with parenthesis.
. is a pattern item that matches any character. Removing all characters will leave you with the empty string; the number of substitutions - 5 in your example - will be the number of characters. To match the literal dot, either escape it using the percent sign (%.) or enclose it within a character set ([.]), possibly adding further decimal separators ([.,] as in koyaanisqatsi's answer).
Fixed code:
local y = 123.4
local str = tostring(y):gsub("%.", "") -- discards the number of substitutions
this is unreliable however since tostring guarantees no particular output format; it might as well emit numbers in scientific notation (which it does for very large or very small numbers), causing your code to break. A more elegant solution to the problem of shifting the number such that it becomes an integer would be to multiply the number by 10 until the fractional part becomes zero:
local y = 123.4
while y % 1 ~= 0 do y = y * 10 end
print(y) -- note: y is the number 1234 rather than the string "1234" here

How to capture a string between signs in lua?

how can I extract a few words separated by symbols in a string so that nothing is extracted if the symbols change?
for example I wrote this code:
function split(str)
result = {};
for match in string.gmatch(str, "[^%<%|:%,%FS:%>,%s]+" ) do
table.insert(result, match);
return result
str = "<busy|MPos:-750.222,900.853,1450.808|FS:2,10>"
for key, value in pairs(status) do
print(my_status[1]) --
print(my_status[2]) --
print(my_status[3]) --
print(my_status[4]) --
print(my_status[5]) --
print(my_status[6]) --
print(my_status[7]) --
output :
This code works fine, but if the characters and text in the str string change, the extraction is still done, which I do not want to be.
If the string change to
str = "Hello stack overFlow"
In other words, I only want to extract if the string is in this format: "<busy|MPos:-750.222,900.853,1450.808|FS:2,10>"
In lua patterns, you can use captures, which are perfect for things like this. I use something like the following:
str = "<busy|MPos:-750.222,900.853,1450.808|FS:2,10>"
local status, mpos1, mpos2, mpos3, fs1, fs2 = string.match(str, "%<(%w+)%|MPos:(%--%d+%.%d+),(%--%d+%.%d+),(%--%d+%.%d+)%|FS:(%d+),(%d+)%>")
print(status, mpos1, mpos2, mpos3, fs1, fs2)
I use string.match, not string.gmatch here, because we don't have an arbitrary number of entries (if that is the case, you have to have a different approach). Let's break down the pattern: All captures are surrounded by parantheses () and get returned, so there are as many return values as captures. The individual captures are:
the status flag (or whatever that is): busy is a simple word, so we can use the %w character class (alphanumeric characters, maybe %a, only letters would also do). Then apply the + operator (you already know that one). The + is within the capture
the three numbers for the MPos entry each get (%--%d+%.%d+), which looks weird at first. I use % in front of any non-alphanumeric character, since it turns all magic characters (such as + into normal ones). - is a magic character, so it is required here to match a literal -, but lua allows to put that in front of any non-alphanumerical character, which I do. So the minus is optional, so the capture starts with %-- which is one or zero repetitions (- operator) of a literal - (%-). Then I just match two integers separated by a dot (%d is a digit, %. matches a literal dot). We do this three times, separated by a comma (which I don't escape since I'm sure it is not a magical character).
the last entry (FS) works practically the same as the MPos entry
all entries are separated by |, which I simply match with %|
So putting it together:
start of string: %<
status field: (%w+)
separator: %|
MPos (three numbers): MPos:(%--%d+%.%d+),(%--%d+%.%d+),(%--%d+%.%d+)
separator: %|
FS entry (two integers): FS:(%d+),(%d+)
end of string: %>
With this approach you have the data in local variables with sensible names, which you can then put into a table (for example).
If the match failes (for instance, when you use "Hello stack overFlow"), nil` is returned, which can simply be checked for (you could check any of the local variables, but it is common to check the first one.

send hex variable via TCP socket

Probably it's an easy thing, but I'm a Lua beginner...
I'm creating a very simple QSC QSYS plugin to control a projection server using KVL API. Server API is based on hex strings.
For example this command asks the server to load a the playlist with 9bf5455689ed4c019731c6dd3c071f0e uuid:
Controls["LoadSPL"].EventHandler = function()
Now I need to be able to create a string with a variable UUID, according to the text indicated in a textbox (or a list of available UUIDs read from the server) in the user interface.
I will concatenate this string to the fixed part of the command.
How can I correctly make a string like
ad17fc696b49454db17d593db3e553e5 become
Try this:
local input = "ad17fc696b49454db17d593db3e553e5"
local output = input:gsub("%w%w", function(s) return string.char(tonumber(s, 16)) end)
Explanation: this takes every pair of characters, interprets them as base 16 numeric string, and then takes the character with that number, and uses that to replace the original characters.
EDIT: To make it clear what's going on, and why the other answers are wrong, backslash escape sequences like \xad are a feature of the Lua source code, in memory it's represented by a byte with value 173, just like A is represented by a byte with value 65. Trying to concatenate a literal backslash character with hexadecimal characters does not create an escape code. So the way to do that is manually with string.char.
#! /usr/bin/env lua
str = 'ad17fc696b49454db17d593db3e553e5'
strx = ''
for i = 1, #str, 2 do -- loop through every-other position in your string
chars = str :sub( i, i+1 ) -- capture every 2 chars
strx = strx ..'\\x' ..chars
end -- append a literal backslash, the letter x, then those 2 chars
target = [[\xad\x17\xfc\x69\x6b\x49\x45\x4d\xb1\x7d\x59\x3d\xb3\xe5\x53\xe5]]
print( x, x == target ) -- print results, and test if it meets expected target
\xad\x17\xfc\x69\x6b\x49\x45\x4d\xb1\x7d\x59\x3d\xb3\xe5\x53\xe5 true
This can be code-golfed into a one-liner
x=''for i=1,#s,2 do x=x..'\\x'..s:sub(i,i+1)end

GSub with a plus/minus character

I am trying to convert a text source into an HTML readable page.
The code I have have tried:
local newstr=string.gsub(str,"±", "±")
local newstr=string.gsub(str,"%±", "±")
However, the character shows up as  in the output.
I can't seem to find any other documentation on how to handle this specific special character. How do I handle this character when reading in so that it will output properly?
Edit: After trying suggestions I'm able to determine this:
local function sanitizeheader(str)
if not(str)then return "" end
str2 = "Depth ±"
local newstr=string.gsub(str2, string.char(177), "±")
return newstr
In the testing, if I use str2 ± does show up in the output. However, when I try to use str as it is passed in from reading the excel file, it doesn't pick up the character and still returns the  character.
Lua string assume strings as sequence of bytes. You are trying utf8 multi byte character. The code you are trying should work as it just replacing a sequence of bytes. However, Lua 5.3 has utf8 library to handle unicode character
local str="±®ª"
for code in str:gmatch(utf8.charpattern) do
print("&#" .. utf8.codepoint(code) .. ";")
Check Lua Reference Manual for more info.

Lua string.gsub() by '%s' or '\n' pattern

English isn't my mother tongue,so it's a little hard to describe the question.
I wanna to get 'd=40' in str by lua string.gsub(),but there's some problem.
------code below---
local str =
-- a=10
- -b=20
local pat1 = [=[%s[%s]]=]
local pat2 = [=[\n[%s]]=]
str:gsub(pat1, function(s) print("pat1>>" .. s) end) --pat1>>d=40
str:gsub(pat2, function(s) print("pat2<<" .. s) end) --not match
local re1,_ = str:gsub("\n","$")
local re2,_ = str:gsub("%s","$")
print(re1) --a=10$- -b=20$ --c=30$d=40$
print(re2) --$a=10$-$-b=20$$ --c=30$d=40$
As Lua 5.1 Reference Manual Say
%s: represents all space characters.
I Think it equal to '\n',' 'and'\t'.
Question : Why pat2 can't match?
But I think pat2 is right,there's a '\n'befor'd=40' ,
so I think It can match ,but it can't work,why?
When you use [[]] notation for strings, that's a special string literal that takes the string exactly as you provide it. No character escaping is done. You can put some number of = characters in the brackets, to make it a bit easier to let you use [ characters in the string.
The string literal "\n" is one character, representing the newline. That's because of the use of the escape character \. The escape character applied to the 'n' character means "the newline character."
The string literal [[\n]] is exactly what it says: the character '\' followed by the character 'n'. Because no escaping is done, \n is not treated specially. It's exactly what it looks like.
Therefore, when you say local pat2 = [=[\n[%s]]=] You're saying "the first character should be '\' followed by 'n' followed by a space. That's not what you want; you want the escaping to work. So you should use a regular string literal: local pat2 = "\n[%s]".
