Docker container live migration in kubernetes - docker

I am searching for a tutorial or a good reference to perform docker container live migration in Kubernetes between two hosts (embedded devices - arm64 architecture).
As far as I searched on the internet resources, I could not find a complete documentation about it. I am a newbe and it will be really helpful if someone could provide me any good reference materials so that I can improve myself.

Posting this as a community wiki, feel free to edit and expand.
As #David Maze said in terms of containers and pods, it's not really a live migration. Usually pods are managed by deployments which have replicasets which control pods state: they are created and in requested amount. Any changes in amount of pods (e.g. you delete it) or using image will trigger pods recreation.
This also can be used for scheduling pods on different nodes when for instance you need to perform maintenance on the node or remove/add one.
As for your question in comments, it's not necessarily the same volume as it can I suppose have a short downtime.
Sharing volumes between kubernetes clusters on premise (cloud may differ) is not a built-in feature. You may want to look at nfs server deployed in your network:
Mounting external NFS share to pods


Kubernetes Architecture / Design /?

I’m trying to figure out and learn the patterns and best practices on moving a bunch of Docker containers I have for an application into Kubernetes. Things like, pod design, services, deployments, etc. For example, I could create a Pod with the single web and application containers in them, but that’d not be a good design.
Searching for things like architecture and design with Kubernetes just seems to yield topics on the product’s architecture or how to implement a Kubernetes cluster, and not the overlay of designing the pods, services, etc.
What does the community generally refer to this application later design in the Kubernetes world, and can anyone refer me to a 101 on this topic please?
Kubernetes is a complex system, and learning step by step is the best way to gain expertise. What I recommend you is documentation about Kubernetes, from where you can learn about each of components.
Another good option is to review 70 best K8S tutorials, which are categorized in many ways.
Designing and running applications with scalability, portability, and robustness in mind can be challenging. Here are great resources about it:
Architecting applications for Kubernetes
Using Kubernetes in production, lessons learned
Kubernetes Design Principles from Google
Well, there's no Kubernetes approach but rather a Cloud Native one: I would suggest you Designing Distributed Systems: patterns and paradigms by Brendan Burns.
It's really good because it provides several scenarios along with pattern approached and related code.
Most of the examples are obviously based on Kubernetes but I think that the implementation is not so important, since you have to understand why and when to use an Ambassador pattern or a FaaS according to the application needs.
The answer to this can be quite complex and that's why it is important that software/platform architects understand K8s well.
Mostly you will find an answer on that which tells you "put each application component in a single pod". And basically that's correct as the main reason for K8s is high availability, fault tolerance of the infrastructure and things like this. This leads us to, if you put every single component to a single pod and make it with a replica higher than 2 its will reach a batter availability.
But you also need to know why you want to go to K8s. At the moment it is a trending topic. But if you don't want to Ops a cluster and actually don't need HA or so, why you don't run on stuff like AWS ECS, Digital Ocean droplets and co?
Best answers you will currently find are all around how to design and cut microservices as each microservice could be represented in a pod. Also, a good starting point is from RedHat Principles of container-based Application Design
or InfoQ.
Un kubernetes cluster is composed of:
A master server called control plane
Nodes: nodes which execute the applications / Containers or pods
By design, a production kubernetes cluster must have at least a master server and 2 nodes according to the kubernetes documentation.
Here is a summary of the components of a kubernetes cluster:
Master = control plane:
kube-api-server: expose the kubernetes api
etcd: key values store ​​for the cluster
kube-scheduler: distributed the pods on the nodes
kube-controller-manager: controller of nodes, pods, cluster components.
Nodes = Servers that run applications
Kubelet: runs on each node, It makes sure that the containers are running in a pod.
kube-proxy: Allows the pods to communicate in the cluster and outside
Runtine container: allows to run the containers / pods
Complementary modules = addons
DNS: DNS server that serves DNS records for Kubernetes services.
Webui: Graphical dashboard for the cluster
Container Resource Monitoring: Records metrics on containers in a central DB, provides UI to browse them
Cluster-level Logging: Records container logs in a central log with a search / browse interface.

How to change k8s's pods limts without killing the original pod?

Requst:limits of a pod may be set to low at the beginning, to make full use of node's resource, we need to set the limits higher. However, when the resource of node is not enough, to make the node's still work well, we need to set the limits lower. It is better not to kill the pod, because it may influence the cluster.
Background:I am currently a beginner in k8s and docker, my mentor give me this requests. Can this requests fullfill normaly? Or is it better way to solve this kind of problem? Thanks for your helps!
All I tried:I am trying to do by editing the Cgroups, but I can only do this in a container, so may be container should be use in privileged mode.
I expect a resonable plan for this requests.
The clue is you want to change limits without killing the pod.
This is not the way Kubernetes works, as Markus W Mahlberg explained in his comment above. In Kubernetes there is no "hot plug CPU/memory" or "live migration" facilities the convenient hypervisors provide. Kubernetes treats pods as ephemeral instances and does not take care about keeping them running. Whether you need to change resource limits for the application, change the app configuration, install app updates or repair misbehaving application, the "kill-and-recreate" approach is applied to pods.
Unfortunately, the solutions suggested here will not work for you:
Increasing limits for the running container within the pod ( docker update command ) will lead to breaching the pod limits and killing the pod by Kubernetes.
Vertical Pod Autoscaler is part of Kubernetes project and relies on the "kill-and-recreate" approach as well.
If you really need to keep the containers running and managing allocated resource limits for them "on-the-fly", perhaps Kubernetes is not suitable solution in this particular case. Probably you should consider using pure Docker or a VM-based solution.
I do no think this is possible, there is an old issue tracking such thing on the kubernetes github ( from 2015 and it is open.
Also, you should not rely on pod not being recreated while using kubernetes. Applications should be able to stateless to a point where if it dies in mid of a process, it could handle this failure and start it from the begin once it is started again.
I understand the idea behind trying to optimize the resource usage to it maximum but you should be also worried about a reliable process.
I think you should check out the Kubernetes' Vertical Pod Autoscaler, as it automates the resources of a pod depending on its usage. Maybe that could be an alternative:
You have to find the container ID's those running inside the pods and run this below command to increase the resources.
docker update --cpu-shares NewValue -m NewValue DockerContainerID

how to use docker in development

I am new to docker and I have done some ground work on docker like how to build a image, how to create a container, what is dockerfile.yml, docker-compose.yml file does etc. I have done my practice in my local machine. I am having following questions when it is coming to real time development using docker.
1) Does each developer in a team has to do development on docker and create images in their local machine and push it to docker registry ? or developers work without docker and one person will be creating final image from the committed code?
2) For each release, do we maintain the container or an image for that release?
3) what is the best practice to maintain the database means do we incorporate the database in image and build the container or we include only application related things and build image and container, and this container will communicate to database which is in outside container or physical database server ?
Thanks in advance.
Questions like these generally do not have a definitive answer. It depends heavily on your company, your team, the tooling that is being used, the software stack, etc. The best thing to do would be to lean on the senior development resources and senior technical leadership in your organization to help shape the answers to questions like these.
Take the following answers with a silo of salt as there is no way to answer these kinds of questions definitively.
1) Depends on what is most convenient for the developers and what language you are using. Some developers find an all container workflow to be convenient, some developers find they can iterate faster with their existing IDE/CLI workflow and test against running container images last.
In most cases you will want to let CI/CD tooling take care of the builds that are intended for production.
2) Yes. You can use container tagging for this purpose.
3) Running databases in containers is possible, but unless your team is experienced with containers and container orchestration I would leave the databases on traditional bare-metal or VMs.
Containers are a fancy wrapper around a single linux process. Generally the rule of thumb is one container for one process. You should not be combining multiple things in a single container. (This story gets slightly more complicated when you go to something like Red Hat OpenShift or Kubernetes as the discussion revolves around how many containers per pod).
The setup I'm used to is that developers mostly ignore Docker, until they need it to deploy. Tools like Node's node_modules directory or Python's virtual environments can help isolate subproject from each other. Any individual developer should be able to run docker build to build an image, but won't usually need to until the final stages of testing a particular change. You should deploy a continuous integration system and that will take responsibility for testing and building a final Docker image of each commit.
You never "maintain containers". If a container goes wrong, delete it and start a new one. Your CI system should build an image for each release, and you should deploy a registry to hold these.
You should never keep the database in the same container as the application. (See the previous point about routinely deleting containers.) My experience has generally been that production databases are important and special enough to merit their own dedicated non-Docker hosts, but there's nothing actually wrong with running a database in Docker; just make sure you know how to do backups and restores and migrations and whatever else on it.
There's no technical reason you can't use Docker Compose for production, but if you wind up needing to deploy your application on more than one physical server you might find it limiting. Kubernetes is more complex but seems to be the current winner in this space; Docker Swarm has some momentum; Hashicorp Nomad is out there; or you can build a manual deployment system by hand. (Note that at least Kubernetes and Nomad are both very big on the "something changed so I'm going to delete and recreate a container" concept, and both make it extremely tricky to do live development in a quasi-production setup.)
Also note that where I say "deploy" there are public-cloud versions of all of these things (Docker Hub, CircleCI, end-to-end solutions including a registry and Kubernetes built on top of AWS or Azure or GCP) and if you're comfortable with the cost-to-effort tradeoff and the implications of using an external service in your build/deploy chain then these can help you get started faster

Kubernetes Deployments, Pod and Container concepts

I have started recently getting familiar with Kubernetes, however while I do get the concept I have some questions I am unable to answer clearly through Kubernete's Concept and Documentation, and some understandings that I'd wish to confirm.
A Deployment is a group of one or more container images (Docker ..etc) that is deployed within a Pod, and through Kubernetes Deployment Controller such deployments are monitored and created, updated, or deleted.
A Pod is a group of one or more containers, are those containers from the same Deployment, or can they be from multiple deployments?
"A pod models contains one or more application containers which are relatively tightly coupled". Is there any clear criteria on when to deploy containers within the same pod, rather than separate pods?
"Pods are the smallest deployable units of computing that can be created and managed in Kubernetes" - Pods, Kuberenets Documentation. Is that to mean that Kubernetes API is unable to monitor, and manage containers (at least directly)?
Appreciate your input.
your question is actually too broad for StackOverflow but I'll quickly answer before this one is closed.
Maybe it get's clearer when you look at the API documentation. Which you could read like this:
A Deployment describes a specification of the desired behavior for the contained objects.
This is done within the spec field which is of type DeploymentSpec.
A DeploymentSpec defines how the related Pods should look like with a templatethrough the PodTemplateSpec
The PodTemplateSpec then holds the PodSpec for all the require parameters and that defines how containers within this Pod should look like through a Container definition.
This is not a punchy oneline statement, but maybe makes it easier to see how things relate to each other.
Related to the criteria on what's a good size and what's too big for a Pod or a Container. This is very opinion loaded and the best way to figure that out is to read through the opinions on the size of Microservices.
To cover your last point - Kubernetes is able to monitor and manage containers, but the "user" is not able to schedule single containers. They have to be embedded in a Pod definion. You can of course access Container status and details per container (e.g. through kubeget logs <pod> -c <container> (details) or through the metrics API.
I hope this helps a bit and doesn't add to the confusion.
Pod is an abstraction provided by Kubernetes and it corresponds to a group of containers which share a subset of namespaces, most importantly the network namespace. For instances the applications running in these containers can interact like the way applications in the same vm would interact, except for the fact that they don't share the same filesystem hierarchy.
The workloads are run in the form of pods, but POD is a lower level abstraction. The workloads are typically scheduled in terms of Kubernetes Deployments/ Jobs / CronJobs / Daemonsets etc which in turn create the Pods.

Autoscale volume and pods simultaneously (Kubernetes)

I'm using Kubernetes deployment with persistent volume to run my application, like this example;
, but when I try to add more replicas or autoscale, all the new pods try to connect to the same volume.
How can I simultaneously auto create new volumes for each new pod., like statefulsets(petsets) are able to do it.
The conclusion I reached for K8S 1.6 is you can't. However, you can use NFS. If, like CrateDB, your cluster can create a folder for each node under the volume mount, then you can auto-scale. So, I auto-scale CrateDB as a Deployment using this configuration:
which relies on an nfs-server, which I deploy as an RC with PVC/PV:
It is on my TODO list to exlpore distributed file systems such as GluterFS. For K8S Deployments, your choice of file system is your remedy.
You can also engage the scalability and storage SIGs in the K8S community to help prioritize this use-case. Adding the capability to K8S removes the requirement for a clustering solution to handle node separation in a shared volume, as well as prevent the introduction of additional points of failure between the clustered app and the PV.
GITHUB kubernetes/community
Hopefully, we can see a K8S OTB solution by 2.0.
(NOTE: Had to change 2 of the GITHUB links because I don't have "10 reputation")
