Bottom Safe Area color goes through the translucent keyboard iOS - ios

I currently have the bottom safe area's color set as blue by setting the view's background color as
However, the problem is when the keyboard comes up as a first responder, I still get a slight tint of that blue coming through from that background. Is there a way to make this translucent keyboard not happen?


iPhone's Top Bar is the Wrong Color

The top bar (the bar at the very top of the device's screen with the time, battery, WiFi, etc.) in my iOS app is the same color as the background color, making it invisible.
Usually, the device automatically sets the bar color based on the background color, but this time it isn’t.
Here is a photo of the problem.
I can tell it is not hidden because when there is an alert presented, and the background is slightly dimmed, the top bar is visible.
Is there a way to set this directly?

iOS: the background of the home indicator(area below toolbar) grayed for a while during push

The toolbar's translucent is false. The color of the toolbar and the area below toolbar is white. When pushing a new view controller of the same class(both have toolbar in the bottom), the color of the area below toolbar will be changed to gray and then back to white at the end.
If I set the background color for the navigation controller or the key window to red, the red color will also be darkened a little bit during transition.
This problem occurs in iOS 13, 14, 15, and maybe present from the beginning since the introduction of iPhone X.
Any help is welcome, thanks in advance.
It seems during push transition, the old tableview are also grayed, which make the area below toolbar become gray.
My final solution is to make the toolbar extend to outside safe area by setting clip bounds to false.

Statusbar is transparent while navigationbar is not

I'm developing an iOS app with a table view. The navigationbar in the app has an gradient image as a background.
However, as you can see from the picture, while the navigationbar itself is opaque, the statusbar is semi transparent. The content of the tableview is shown through the statusbar when scrolling, while the navigationbar itself is opaque.
I've tried to set the Translucent-property of the navigationbar to false. This makes the statusbar opaque, but it messes up my constraints, so I cannot use it.
Any idea how to fix this?

UIPageViewController Page Spacing + Background Color

I have a couple of UIViewControllers embedded in a UIPageViewController.
Since the bouncing of the UIPageViewController apparently can't be disabled without ugly hacks, I would like to change the color that appears in the background when bouncing.
I know I can set the backgroundColor with view.backgroundColor, but I would like to have a different color for the background and the little space (Page Spacing) between the VCs.
How can I for example set a blue color for the spacing and a white color for the background that appears when bouncing?
Thank you!

How to reproduce the night mode animation in Tweetbot 4

It is not difficult to change the background color of the table view and every single cell. The difficult part is to animate this change with a sliding effect. As the dark color slides from the top of the screen to the bottom, you also have to coordinate the color change of the navigation bar and tab bar. Any ideas possible solutions?
