Google Sheets formula recalculation quirk - google-sheets

This may simply be a convoluted duplicate of an existing question, and I have been able to find one or two issues that match what I'm seeing here, but I am very curious to see if the cause is just user error on my part or if this is something I am just not aware of.
I have a worksheet titled Sheet1 with 999 rows. On this sheet in cells A3, B3, and C3 down are Year values (2021), Month numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.), and Quarter (Q1, Q2, etc.). In cell D, I have the following long but simple formula:
=SUMPRODUCT((MONTH(INDIRECT("TestSheet ("&C2&" "&A2&")!$C$3:$C$999"))=B2)*(YEAR(INDIRECT("TestSheet ("&C2&" "&A2&")!$C$3:$C$999"))=A2)*(INDIRECT("TestSheet ("&C2&" "&A2&")!$E$3:$E$999")))
What this formula does is sum the monetary values from sheets with variable names by month (INDIRECT is used to refer to sheets with the name "TestSheet (x y)", where x is the Quarter value and y is the year (ie: "TestSheet (Q1 2021)").
This formula functions as intended, and correctly sums the values on the variable sheet names when those sheets exist. The issue I'm running into is that it seems to take a length of time for Sheets to identify that a sheet exists, even when "On change and every minute" is selected under the Calculation tab under Spreadsheet Settings. From testing on a fresh workbook in which this formula is the only one present and there are no other formulas present that could be slowing down the recalculation, the cell values do not appear to update at all even an hour after the relevant cells have been updated with data.
Is there any indication based on what I have so far that stands out as a possible cause? Any suggestions would be appreciated.

INDIRECT("TestSheet ("&C5&" "&A5&")!C2:C"), "yyyyM"), A5&B5,
INDIRECT("TestSheet ("&C5&" "&A5&")!E2:E")))


Google sheets: inter-sheet formula seems to ignore MATCH criteria... (Copy data from one sheet to another using 1 Match criteria)

I have a Google spreadsheet with 5 tabs (sheets) and I want to copy rows of data from one sheet to another, IF a criteria matches in one of the sheet.
Sheet1 has hundreds of rows of data, across numerous columns. One of the columns lists dates. That column is mostly set to Date format. That date col also uses various Conditional Formatting rules. (I cannot change these or the formatting of this column!).
In sheet5 I have a formula that is supposed to look at sheet1 and find all the rows with a certain date in the date col and then copy the data in that row to a row in sheet5.
It looks like this: =INDEX(sheet1!$A1:$O2002,MATCH($B$1,sheet1!$Q:$Q,0),0)
It kind of works... if I just paste the formula in one cell in sheet5, it finds a row matching the date criteria and copies data over. But if I want to query more of sheet1, by dragging the cell down and find more rows of data to copy over... it just copies all the rows from sheet1 after the initial find... completely ignoring what it's comparing in $B$1 to $Q:$Q... I suspect that what I think it's comparing in MATCH($B$1,sheet1!$Q:$Q,0) may not be what's actually happening, hence the result not matching my expectations...
Here is a screen capture of the sheet I want to copy data from: This sheet is set up and controlled by another party. I CANNOT change data; I CANNOT change data format that is already entered (eg I can't change a col set to Date to Plain Text!) See red notes.
But I can convert Dates in col N to Plain Text in col Q. Column Q is what I am querying/comparing in the formula in the destination sheet (see second screen capture below)
Sheet1 capture: data to copy, criteria date col
In sheet5 I have this formula that queries sheet1:
Here is a screenshot of what that formula produces in sheet5
Sheet5 capture: result of using formula
Notice, it kind of works...(when I just paste the formula into my starting cell... it found the one line with the criteria I set) but then if I drag B3 down to query sheet1 more... it just grabs everything, even if $Q:$Q doesn't match the criteria set in B1...
Any help or clarifying questions are appreciated. Thanks
when dragging you did not lock the rows with $
your formula:
=INDEX(Sheet1!$A1:$Q100, MATCH($B$1, Sheet1!$Q:$Q, 0), 0)
should be:
=INDEX(Sheet1!A$1:Q$100, MATCH($B$1, Sheet1!Q:Q, 0))
coz with your initial formula you just created sort of a "sliding range" by every drag-down. to understand the formula... you are indexing range A1:A100 (from row 1 to row 100) where you narrow it down to just 13th row (MATCH outputs row 13 coz there is the match found. next you drag down and indexing range changes to A2:A101 but the MATCH formula always outputs 13 so 13th row from range A2:A101 is row 14, etc.
anyway, use this in Sheet5!B3 after you delete everything in B3:B range:
=FILTER(Sheet1!A:P, Sheet1!N:N*1=B1*1)

Lookup Acct. Balance on specified day in Google Sheets

Sounded so simple! I have a sheet called "Account", containing a running balance in column "G" and I have another sheet called "Performance", with a table which lists historical dates and column "D" needs to lookup the account balance on the day stated in column "A".
"Account" Sheet
"Performance" Sheet
For example, Performance!D2 should be "210,000.00".
Performance!D7 should be "110,000.00".
Performance!D9 would be "40,000.00".
To make this slightly more difficult I like to put formulas into the heading row as arrayformulas where possible, to avoid problems when copying and pasting data or adding new rows, etc.
I've tried many different possibilities and nothing has worked. I'm currently trying to make the following formula work, which is in Performance!D1.
=ARRAYFORMULA(if(row(D1:D) = 1, "Cash", VLOOKUP(A1:A, MIN('Balance'!A4:A <= A1:A), 7, 1)))
I've also tried some solutions involving MATCH(), FILTER(), VLOOKUP() and LOOKUP() but so far no cookie!
this should work:
=ARRAYFORMULA({"Cash";if(A2:A="",,VLOOKUP(A2:A, SORT('Account'!A4:G),7,TRUE))})
VLOOKUP(...,true) returns the value associated with the closest match in the first column without going over. Provided that the range into which you're doing the vlookup is sorted by the first column of that range.

Google Sheet SUMIF not summing range

I am trying to SUM all rows based on the condition that a row's value is greater than 0. However, the formula is only calculating the first row and ignoring the rest of the range. I encountered this issue on a different spreadsheet but I isolated the issue on a new spreadsheet to show you and ask questions.
The answers should be B1 ($5), B2 ($15), B3 ($30).
I followed the formula's usage as explained in the Google Docs
The formula with respective row number =SUMIF(A1, ">0", A$1:A1)
Update - The below is my intended purpose. I have a spreadsheet that calculates money In and Out. For each of these transactions, I simply want the balance as a result of such transactions. This only works for the first row. (I hardcoded the values for the rest of the rows just to show my goal.)
if you prefer dragging do:
=SUMIF(INDIRECT("A1:A"&ROW()), ">0")
SUMIF(ROW(D2:D), "<="&ROW(D2:D), D2:D)-
SUMIF(ROW(E2:E), "<="&ROW(E2:E), E2:E)))

Any way to highlight current date column in my google spreadsheet?

I have this planning sheet I am working on:
As you can see events are planned out on a sort of calendar look.
I will be using this every day and I would like it to highlight the current date to me automatically. I've highlighted today's date manually.
Do you see any way to do this?
It does not need to be the whole column it can just be the day number and week of day on the top if it's easier.
I would greatly appreciate any help you can give me regarding this!
Thanks a lot.
I found this question when searching for a way to highlight a whole column/row.
Here's the way to do it:
Apply to range: A1:Z1000 (this is the range of all columns/rows including the dates)
Format cells if...: [Custom formula is]
Formula (for columns): =A$1=TODAY()
Formula (for rows): =$A1=TODAY()
The dollar sign ($) will keep the reference cell fixed. So if the formula uses A$1 it takes A1, B1, C1 etc to look for the date and then highlights the entire column A, B, C etc.
If the formula uses $A1 it takes A1, A2, A3 etc to look for the date and then highlights the entire row 1, 2, 3 etc.
Just make sure that "range" covers the entire rectangle of cells and not just one date. It's easy to adapt if your dates are in a different row/column.
Hope this helps the next person who comes here with a similar problem :)
You would have to use conditional formatting
on the column with the dates. Rule should be "Date is today". Choose a color to your likings.

Formula to SUM cells to the left?

I need a Sheets formula for a Year to Date field. Essentially, I need to sum up the cells to the left of a given cell, up and to the 11 previous cells (there are multiple years in a single row). In Excel, this is accomplished via OFFSET and a -Width value. Sheets won't play nice with -Width.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
For what it's worth, the formula that doesn't work in Sheets (but does in Excel) is as follows:
Where -$I$2 is a variable number of months field.
I used indirect and the RC format. This secret sauce is the max(COLUMN()-11,1).
=sum(INDIRECT("R"&row()&"C"&max(COLUMN()-11,1)&":R"&row()&"C"&(COLUMN()-1), FALSE))
or with your $I$2 cell
=sum(INDIRECT("R"&row()&"C"&max($I$2-11,1)&":R"&row()&"C"&($I$2-1), FALSE))
With the additional info, assuming your entry is in br, your first month is in bc, the sheet your interested in is sh and you want to go back $I$2-1 columns (because bc counts as one)
