iOS: How can you change the color of a part of UIImage? - ios

In the Nike app on iOS if you customize a shoe somehow they let you select different colors for different sections of the shoes (midsole red, or tongue green for example). I am wondering how do you do this on iOS? The shapes are pretty irregular so making a Bezier curve seems unlikely. The image doesn't move either so it doesn't seem like they are swapping images. Does anyone have any clue about a way to do is?
One thing I did notice is the images is fuzzy when you make a change and then comes into focus after a delay but not sure if that is a clue or not. :shrug:
Here is an example
grey toe
black toe

They are swapping images, in fact they are all fetched when entering this screen. So they are all present on the memory when swapping between them, that's why it seems that they are changing colors.


How do I "parse" image locations on a minimap with OpenCV (or other tool)?

I've been trying to work on a small hobby project that involves plotting players' positions from a game onto a heatmap, to see where the most active areas are at various points in time.
I'm a bit new to OpenCV and its tools, but I've managed to successfully run some text matching and extraction on the scoreboard and timers in the game, now trying to take the characters' positions from the in-game minimap.
It looks like this, which is the biggest resolution image I'm able to get with (about 185x185):
I'm trying to obtain the positions of only two things: the characters (big circles) and "wards", which are represented by these icons:
So given the assets to them, I thought that because there was too much "noise" in the source image, I'd try to subtract the background of in game minimap from its image, and then try to pattern match the original character and ward image with the resulting image together (which is meant to be the minimap, minus its background). But that didn't even get close to working as you can see:
> >
Even if that did work, I wouldn't be really sure how to handle cases where the icons are partially covering each other, or how I could obtain the positions of those little ward markers.
I'd really appreciate some help, as I've been searching the Internet and banging my head for a few days and haven't gotten anywhere. I've tried a bunch of difference techniques, read guides and articles, and tried a few GUI tools to experiment with but haven't gotten any closer to a method to work this out.
Please help me with what techniques I could or should be using instead, to get the locations of all the characters and wards.
I'm not an OpenCV user, but I can speak to some general problems.
First and foremost, you goofed in subtracting the background map. It appears that you did a straight, arithmetic subtraction of the map's RGB values. For instance, the blue-team icons in the lower-left corner are roughly #99FFFF, and you're subtracting the grayish background of maybe #D0D0FF. This leaves you with #002F00, a very dark green.
Also note that you're subtracting the original map, not the part that shows. Paths beyond view are shaded, but you appear to subtract the original value.
What you need to subtract is a masked background. Unfortunately, building that mask means that you have to find the icons. Masking won't work well at this stage.
Back to the subtraction: don't just blindly subtract. Rather, look for a match in hue. When you find a hue match, simply set that pixel to 0. You have two special cases to watch: icons on the background of their own colour, especially for the blue team. In this case, you need to define the region boundaries.
Start from a pixel that's an exact match to the original background. It won't be shaded, since all such problem pixels are in plain sight of an icon. Expand from that pixel so long as you have the exact match to the original background colour. That will give you the region you can blank out.
Your next problem is to identify icons. You should now have a map with only icons, many of which are fully revealed. Those are easy matches; identify and subtract them, one key icon at a time.
You now have a map of partial icons. Switch the match algorithm: a key icon is now a match to either the exact color, or to black (indicating it was previously covered). Iterate until you have no more matches.
This does still leave you with one problem: an icon that no longer has enough pixels showing to identify. These will be icons that were either entirely covered, or covered except for a small portion that is not unique, such as a few pixels of a red circular border.
For this, a general approach is to keep track of game progress to a small extent: from an earlier time, you know where the icon used to be. Track each icon as a software object. If other icons cover it, assume it's still there until you discover otherwise.
This will handle most cases. You'll still have some problems with minions or sensors that get shot out from underneath a legend's icon, but I trust that your heat map application is not so fragile as to take modelling damage from that situation. The legend will move soon enough, revealing the small item's death. A moving minion isn't covered by a legend for long; they don't move with the same intelligence.

How to do Water color painting in iOS using CoreGraphics? [duplicate]

I have been working with OpenGL in iOS, and setting the colors with glColor4f(r,g,b,a) and then drawing my own color on a white UIImageView. I basically have a brush, which is then moved around my user's touch, and then it paints the color onto the canvas. But this color needs to be water paint (like smudged color)
Does anyone understand/knows how to get a water color like this app does, and how the background UIImageView has a texture on it?
or checkout water paint in this.
I created a bounty on this as I am really having a hard time to grasp how to derive such smooth flowing colors out of the normal colors. Even if you guys point me in the right direction, or to some sample code on how I can get the effect of water-paint, it would be really helpful ^_^
And as a bonus, it would be also be helpful if you can point out to me how to get canvas on which it is painted on looks realistic, and blended with the paint? Does Blending/GLSL have to do with any of this?
Is there any sample project on this?
If you are still struggling with the basics of getting realistic looking water colors working, you may want to experiment/prototype in photoshop first. shows some very effective tricks for creating watercolor images with simple tools.
The most interesting one is to multiply a group of watercolor layers with a greyscale watercolor paper image. The texture of the paper makes some parts remain white, and other parts saturate with color, just like real watercolor.
Each layer remains 'wet' in the sense that the colors within it blend, but the layers are 'dry' with respect to each other.
She also explains some of her brush and blur settings and shows what they do.
Once you can produce the desired effect in photoshop, you'll have clear specifications of what you want to do and you'll be quite a bit closer to programming it out.
Looking at the examples you posted, it looks like they are using a simple Gaussian Blur with a radius of double your brush size. This may be an incomplete solution, but it's at least the first level.

Render water-paint in iOS

I have been working with OpenGL in iOS, and setting the colors with glColor4f(r,g,b,a) and then drawing my own color on a white UIImageView. I basically have a brush, which is then moved around my user's touch, and then it paints the color onto the canvas. But this color needs to be water paint (like smudged color)
Does anyone understand/knows how to get a water color like this app does, and how the background UIImageView has a texture on it?
or checkout water paint in this.
I created a bounty on this as I am really having a hard time to grasp how to derive such smooth flowing colors out of the normal colors. Even if you guys point me in the right direction, or to some sample code on how I can get the effect of water-paint, it would be really helpful ^_^
And as a bonus, it would be also be helpful if you can point out to me how to get canvas on which it is painted on looks realistic, and blended with the paint? Does Blending/GLSL have to do with any of this?
Is there any sample project on this?
If you are still struggling with the basics of getting realistic looking water colors working, you may want to experiment/prototype in photoshop first. shows some very effective tricks for creating watercolor images with simple tools.
The most interesting one is to multiply a group of watercolor layers with a greyscale watercolor paper image. The texture of the paper makes some parts remain white, and other parts saturate with color, just like real watercolor.
Each layer remains 'wet' in the sense that the colors within it blend, but the layers are 'dry' with respect to each other.
She also explains some of her brush and blur settings and shows what they do.
Once you can produce the desired effect in photoshop, you'll have clear specifications of what you want to do and you'll be quite a bit closer to programming it out.
Looking at the examples you posted, it looks like they are using a simple Gaussian Blur with a radius of double your brush size. This may be an incomplete solution, but it's at least the first level.

Lightning Shadow effect in CORONA SDK

I am trying to create a spotlight effect in my story book such that as the character moves around from one location to the other then the light focus moves towards that same character.Is it possible to do that in Corona SDK? How can I do that coz sprites aren't
helping me.Any idea regarding this.
I found some reference telling me that I can't do that
Those two threads seem pretty definitive. You could create a spotlight pretty easy, but you can't cast shadows and the light moves different directions very easily.
If you want to do a spotlight without shadows, just create an image that's all black with a transparent hole in them middle that has some feathering around the hole. Make the black partially transparent so you can see the scene but have it a bit darker. You can them move the image around to be your spot light. You can also do it with a maskk (see the Flashlight example in the sample code)

Coloring Shapes in iOS app

We are building an iPad kids application in which a kid is requested to color different shapes with specific color. For example, consider an image with sky and trees , etc. all overlapping and a kid has selected a color for example "Blue" and then he taps the sky , the sky should turn to blue otherwise it should say "wrong color"
My questions are:
1- How to implement the coloring of the sky only with the selected color. We have implemented a Coco2d Floodfilling but it is too slow.
2- How to tie each part of the image with a specific right color. We suggested loading a fully colored image in a background layer and testing it at the tap .... BUT how to implement it.
Are the shapes originally vectorial? If so, a solution would be to work directly with them as vectors, parsing them into CoreAnimation shapes.
You can give a try to SVGKit or get some inspiration from it. You'll get CAShapeLayers where you can change the fillColor property.
I believe that this way would be much more responsive (and the app size much more lighter) than doing tricks with images ;-)
