CloudWatch Events Metrics - DeadLetterInvocations - amazon-sqs

The documentation says:
Metric: DeadLetterInvocations
Measures the number of times a rule’s target is not invoked in
response to an event. This includes invocations that would result in
triggering the same rule again, causing an infinite loop.
Valid Dimensions: RuleName
Units: Count
Can someone give a simple explanation of what the above description means in layman's terms.

I was also confused about dead letter invocation before,
correct explanation:
DeadLetterInvocations: Invocations that are failed temporarily and are being retried by the event rule itself. Only some events, such as those that fail due to a throttling or timeout error, are retried.
InvocationsSentToDlq: Permanently failed invocations sent to SQS DLqueue configured in the target.


Transactions not expired after timeout expired

We're using neo4j (3.1.5-enterprise) for one of our services. (Over HTTP)
We set dbms.transaction.timeout=150s in our neo4j config file .
We have a scenario which may take more time than 150 seconds, but what we would like is for the transaction to be expired after 150 seconds anyway.
For some reason its not happening and the transaction continue until it fully executed but its not being stopped after 150 seconds, any guess why?
In our application logs I can see the following exception (more stacktrace details below):
neo.db.NeoHttpDriver - Errors in response:
message='Transaction timeout. (Overtime: 23793 ms).',
stackTrace='org.neo4j.kernel.guard.GuardTimeoutException: Transaction timeout. (Overtime: 23793 ms).
Also, our service steps(in the specific scenario that may take long time) in general is open a transaction, lock some common entity and proceed. Since the transaction is not expired and released(and therefor the common entity continue to be locked) after 150 seconds, then other threads may also be locked for a long time.
Exception stacktrace:
15:00:59.627 [DefaultThreadPool-7] DEBUG c.e.e.m.neo.db.NeoHttpDriver - Errors in response: [NeoResponseError{code='Neo.DatabaseError.Statement.ExecutionFailed', message='Transaction timeout. (Overtime: 23793 ms).', stackTrace='org.neo4j.kernel.guard.GuardTimeoutException: Transaction timeout. (Overtime: 23793 ms).
at org.neo4j.kernel.guard.TimeoutGuard.check(
at org.neo4j.kernel.guard.TimeoutGuard.check(
at org.neo4j.kernel.guard.TimeoutGuard.check(
at org.neo4j.kernel.impl.api.GuardingStatementOperations.nodeCursorById(
at org.neo4j.kernel.impl.api.OperationsFacade.nodeHasProperty(
at org.neo4j.cypher.internal.spi.v3_1.TransactionBoundQueryContext$NodeOperations.hasProperty(TransactionBoundQueryContext.scala:319)
at org.neo4j.cypher.internal.compatibility.ExceptionTranslatingQueryContextFor3_1$ExceptionTranslatingOperations$$anonfun$hasProperty$1.apply$mcZ$sp(ExceptionTranslatingQueryContextFor3_1.scala:245)
at org.neo4j.cypher.internal.compatibility.ExceptionTranslatingQueryContextFor3_1$ExceptionTranslatingOperations$$anonfun$hasProperty$1.apply(ExceptionTranslatingQueryContextFor3_1.scala:245)
at org.neo4j.cypher.internal.compatibility.ExceptionTranslatingQueryContextFor3_1$ExceptionTranslatingOperations$$anonfun$hasProperty$1.apply(ExceptionTranslatingQueryContextFor3_1.scala:245)
at org.neo4j.cypher.internal.spi.v3_1.ExceptionTranslationSupport$class.translateException(ExceptionTranslationSupport.scala:32)
at org.neo4j.cypher.internal.compatibility.ExceptionTranslatingQueryContextFor3_1.translateException(ExceptionTranslatingQueryContextFor3_1.scala:34)
at org.neo4j.cypher.internal.compatibility.ExceptionTranslatingQueryContextFor3_1$ExceptionTranslatingOperations.hasProperty(ExceptionTranslatingQueryContextFor3_1.scala:245)
at org.neo4j.cypher.internal.compiler.v3_1.spi.DelegatingOperations.hasProperty(DelegatingQueryContext.scala:221)
at org.neo4j.cypher.internal.compiler.v3_1.pipes.AbstractSetPropertyOperation.setProperty(SetOperation.scala:98)
at org.neo4j.cypher.internal.compiler.v3_1.pipes.SetEntityPropertyOperation.set(SetOperation.scala:117)
at org.neo4j.cypher.internal.compiler.v3_1.pipes.SetPipe$$anonfun$internalCreateResults$1.apply(SetPipe.scala:31)
at org.neo4j.cypher.internal.compiler.v3_1.pipes.SetPipe$$anonfun$internalCreateResults$1.apply(SetPipe.scala:30)
at scala.collection.Iterator$$anon$
at scala.collection.Iterator$$anon$
at scala.collection.Iterator$$anon$
at org.neo4j.cypher.internal.compiler.v3_1.ClosingIterator$$anonfun$next$1.apply(ResultIterator.scala:71)
at org.neo4j.cypher.internal.compiler.v3_1.ClosingIterator$$anonfun$next$1.apply(ResultIterator.scala:68)
at org.neo4j.cypher.internal.compiler.v3_1.ClosingIterator$$anonfun$failIfThrows$1.apply(ResultIterator.scala:94)
at org.neo4j.cypher.internal.compiler.v3_1.ClosingIterator.decoratedCypherException(ResultIterator.scala:103)
at org.neo4j.cypher.internal.compiler.v3_1.ClosingIterator.failIfThrows(ResultIterator.scala:92)
at scala.collection.Iterator$class.foreach(Iterator.scala:893)
at org.neo4j.cypher.internal.compiler.v3_1.ClosingIterator.foreach(ResultIterator.scala:49)
at scala.collection.generic.Growable$class.$plus$plus$eq(Growable.scala:59)
at scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer.$plus$plus$eq(ListBuffer.scala:183)
at scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer.$plus$plus$eq(ListBuffer.scala:45)
at scala.collection.TraversableOnce$
at scala.collection.TraversableOnce$class.toList(TraversableOnce.scala:294)
at org.neo4j.cypher.internal.compiler.v3_1.ClosingIterator.toList(ResultIterator.scala:49)
at org.neo4j.cypher.internal.compiler.v3_1.EagerResultIterator.<init>(ResultIterator.scala:35)
at org.neo4j.cypher.internal.compiler.v3_1.ClosingIterator.toEager(ResultIterator.scala:53)
at org.neo4j.cypher.internal.compiler.v3_1.executionplan.DefaultExecutionResultBuilderFactory$ExecutionWorkflowBuilder.buildResultIterator(DefaultExecutionResultBuilderFactory.scala:109)
at org.neo4j.cypher.internal.compiler.v3_1.executionplan.DefaultExecutionResultBuilderFactory$ExecutionWorkflowBuilder.createResults(DefaultExecutionResultBuilderFactory.scala:99)
at org.neo4j.cypher.internal.compiler.v3_1.executionplan.DefaultExecutionResultBuilderFactory$
at org.neo4j.cypher.internal.compiler.v3_1.executionplan.InterpretedExecutionPlanBuilder$$anonfun$getExecutionPlanFunction$1.apply(ExecutionPlanBuilder.scala:164)
at org.neo4j.cypher.internal.compiler.v3_1.executionplan.InterpretedExecutionPlanBuilder$$anonfun$getExecutionPlanFunction$1.apply(ExecutionPlanBuilder.scala:148)
at org.neo4j.cypher.internal.compiler.v3_1.executionplan.InterpretedExecutionPlanBuilder$$anon$
at org.neo4j.cypher.internal.compatibility.CompatibilityFor3_1$ExecutionPlanWrapper$$anonfun$run$1.apply(CompatibilityFor3_1.scala:275)
at org.neo4j.cypher.internal.compatibility.CompatibilityFor3_1$ExecutionPlanWrapper$$anonfun$run$1.apply(CompatibilityFor3_1.scala:273)
at org.neo4j.cypher.internal.compatibility.exceptionHandlerFor3_1$runSafely$.apply(CompatibilityFor3_1.scala:190)
at org.neo4j.cypher.internal.compatibility.CompatibilityFor3_1$
at org.neo4j.cypher.internal.PreparedPlanExecution.execute(PreparedPlanExecution.scala:26)
at org.neo4j.cypher.internal.ExecutionEngine.execute(ExecutionEngine.scala:107)
at org.neo4j.cypher.internal.javacompat.ExecutionEngine.executeQuery(
Most likely the problem is that the tx is waiting on a lock. Prior to Neo4j 3.2, dbms.transaction.timeout cannot cover the case of terminating a transaction that's waiting on a lock (or rather, it will mark it for termination, but the actual termination won't happen until the lock is acquired).
In Neo4j 3.2, dbms.lock.acquisition.timeout was introduced, which interrupts waiting on a lock and allows the thread to check if the tx has been terminated and take appropriate action.
The following is based on an answer provided by Neo4j Support:
As a starting point, dbms.lock.acquisition.timeout was only added in Neo4j 3.2, it does not exist for 3.1. where we don't yet have lock acquisition timeout, hence wait times on locks can over-runs past the set limit. Things like GC can also extend the time. However, as you're currently on 3.1.5, dbms.lock.acquisition.timeout would not yet be enforced.
dbms.transaction.timeout marks a transaction for termination, but the actual logic of checking this and performing the termination happens on a running thread, not one waiting on locks, and doesn't cause the thread to wake up and check. Presumably the logic for terminating a thread upon timeout is that some other thread periodically checks execution time for a transaction, and if it has exceeded the transaction timeout, sets a boolean variable on the transaction to indicate that it is marked for termination. The actual termination of the thread likely happens in an event loop for the transaction, where it checks that variable to see if it's marked for termination, then terminates and rolls back. A thread that attempts to acquire a lock enters a waiting state when the lock is already held by another thread. During this waiting state, the event loop is not being processed, so the thread never reaches the point in the event loop where it can check if it's been marked as terminated and take care of it.
Bottom line:
dbms.transaction.timeout does not cause a hard timeout, it only marks the transaction as timed-out, which will cause it to rollback once the flag is checked.

What causes dask job failure with CancelledError exception

I have been seeing below error message for quite some time now but could not figure out what leads to the failure.
concurrent.futures._base.CancelledError: ('sort_index-f23b0553686b95f2d91d4a3fda85f229', 7)
On restart of dask cluster it runs successfully.
If running a dask-cloudprovider ECSCluster or FargateCluster the concurrent.futures._base.CancelledError can result from a long-running step in computation where there is no output (logging or otherwise) to the Client. In these cases, due to the lack of interaction with the client, the scheduler regards itself as "idle" and times out after the configured cloudprovider.ecs.scheduler_timeout period, which defaults to 5 minutes. The CancelledError error message is misleading, but if you look in the logs for the scheduler task itself it will record the idle timeout.
The solution is to set scheduler_timeout to a higher value, either via config or by passing directly to the ECSCluster/FargateCluster constructor.

Dataflow concurrency error with ValueState

The Beam 2.1 pipeline uses ValueState in a stateful DoFn. It runs fine with a single worker but when scaling is enabled will fail with "Unable to read value from state" and the root exception below. Any ideas what could cause this?
Caused by: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: Unable to fetch data due to token mismatch for key ��
... 16 more
Caused by: Unable to fetch data due to token mismatch for key ��
... 17 more
I believe that exception should just be rethrown. It is thrown by the state mechanism to indicate that additional work on that key should not be performed, and will be automatically retried by the Dataflow runner.
These typically indicate that either that particular work should be performed on a different worker (thus proceeding wouldn't be helpful).
It may be possible that misusing state -- storing the state object from one key and attempting to use it on a different key -- could also lead to these errors. If that is the case, you may be able to see more diagnostic messages in either the worker or shuffler logs in Stackdriver logging.
If neither retrying nor looking at logging and how you use the state objects help, please provide a job ID demonstrating the problem.

ReactiveCocoa 4: How to send error to an observer without interrupting the signal

let (signal, sink) = Signal<[CLBeacon], BeaconManagerError>.pipe()
When I call this because the user disabled the Bluetooth:
sendError(self.sink, error)
the Signal is interrupted and I don't receive more next nor interrupted events after enabling the Bluetooth back again. The Signal is broken.
How can I send error types to the observer without interrupting / breaking the Signal? I can't find in the RAC 4 documentation. Thanks!
By design, an error causes the signal to finish. The documentation says:
failures should only be used to represent “abnormal” termination. If
it is important to let operators (or consumers) finish their work, a
Next event describing the result might be more appropriate.
If you want to turn errors into Next events, you can use flatMapError operator as described here or use retry if you want to allow only several occurances of the error.
If you want different semantics than Next* (Error|Completed) I recommend encoding that in the type. You can use a Signal that can't fail, but which values can be either success or failure, by using Result:
Signal<Result<[CLBeacon], BeaconManagerError>, NoError>
That signal will emit no errors, but its Next events will be Result.Success<[CLBeacon]> or Result.Failure<BeaconManagerError>, **and the signal won't terminate when receiving a Result.Failure.

QTP Recovery scenario used to "skip" consecutive FAILED steps with 0 timeout -- how can I restore original timeout value?

Suppose I use QTPs recovery scenario manager to set the playback synchronization timeout to 0. The handler would return with "continue with next statement".
I'd do that to make sure that any following playback statements don't waste their time waiting for the next non-existing/non-matching step before failing:
I have a lot of GUI tests that kind of get stuck because let's say if 10 controls are missing, their (consecutive) playback steps produce 10 timeout waits before failing. If the playback timeout is 30 seconds, I loose 10x30 seconds=5 minutes execution time while it really would be sufficient to wait for 30 seconds ONCE (because the app does not change anymore -- we waited a full timeout period already).
Now if I have 100 test cases (=action iterations), this possibly happens 100 times, wasting 500 minutes of my test exec time window.
That's why I come up with the idea of a recovery scenario function setting the timeout to 0 after/upon the first failed playback step. This would accelerate the speed while skipping the rightly-FAILED step, yet would not compromise the precision/reliability of identifying the next matching GUI context (which creates a PASSED step).
Then of course upon the next passed playback step, I would want to restore the original timeout value. How could I do that? This is my question.
One cannot define a recovery scenario function that is called for PASSED steps.
I am currently thinking about setting a method function for Reporter.ReportEvent, and "sniffing" for PASSED log entries there. I'd install that method function in the scenario recovery function which sets timeout to 0. Then, when the "sniffer" function senses a ReportEvent call with PASSED status during one of the following playback steps, I'd reset everything (i.e. restore the original timeout, and uninstall the method function). (I am 99% sure, however, that .Click and .Set methods do not call ReportEvent to write their result this option might probably not work.)
Better ideas? This really bugs me.
It sounds to me like you tests aren't designed correctly, if you fail to find an object why do you continue?
One possible (non recovery scenario) solution would be to use RegisterUserFunc to override the methods you are using in order to do an obj.Exist(0) before running the required method.
Function MyClick(obj)
If obj.Exist(1) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Click failed, no object", "Object does not exist"
End If
End Function
RegisterUserFunc "Link", "Click", "MyClick"
RegisterUserFunc "WebButton", "Click", "MyClick"
''# etc
If you have many controls of which some may be missing and you know that after 10 seconds you mentioned (when the first timeout occurs), nothing more will show up, then you can use the exists method with a timeout parameter.
Something like this:
timeout = 10
For Each control in controls
If control.exists(timeout) Then
do something with the control
timeout = 0
End If
Now only the first timeout will be 10 seconds. Each and every subsequent timeout in your collection of controls will have the timeout set to 0 which will save your time.
