how to setup Apache Flume with HTTP source and save data in local using File_Roll Sink - flume

The objective of this Question is How to create an Apache Flume setup in which we will get data from HTTP Flume Source and using File-Roll Flume Sink, we will save that data. Here we have taken input data from the user. After receiving the data from the user, we will save that data in a text file.

This configuration file is used to configure the Flume service. Using this file the Flume service runs with HTTP and saves the information in the files.
# Base Config
# Configure the source
# Sink Configuration
# Channel configuration
# Link stuff together
Now using this command to run the Flume service.
./bin/flume-ng agent --conf $FLUME_HOME/conf --conf-file $FLUME_HOME/conf/nc_source.conf --name a1 -Dflume.root.logger=INFO,console
Now after the flume service starting, the client sends data to the flume...
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:8888' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '[{"body": "type here data to send flume"}]'
Creates the data file at the location mentioned in the config file (/home/flumedata/).


Run Artifactory as Docker container response 404

I created docker container with this command:
docker run --name artifactory -d -p 8081:8081 \
-v /jfrog/artifactory:/var/opt/jfrog/artifactory \
-e EXTRA_JAVA_OPTIONS='-Xms128M -Xmx512M -Xss256k -XX:+UseG1GC' \
and started artifactory, but the response I get is 404 - not found
If u access u see it
If you follow the Artifactory Docker install documentation, you'll see you also need to expose port 8082 for the new JFrog Router, which is now handling the traffic coming in to the UI (and other services as needed).
This new architecture is from Artifactory 7.x. By setting latest as the repository tag, you don't have full control of what version you are running...
So your command should look like
docker run --name artifactory -p 8081:8081 -d -p 8082:8082 \
-v /jfrog/artifactory:/var/opt/jfrog/artifactory \
For controlling the configuration (like the Java options you want), it's recommended to use the Artifactory system.yaml configuration. This file is the best way to control all aspects of the Artifactory system configuration.
I start my instance with
sudo groupadd -g 1030 artifactory
sudo useradd -u 1030 -g artifactory artifactory
sudo chown artifactory:artifactory /daten/jfrog -R
docker run \
-d \
--name artifactory \
-v /daten/jfrog/artifactory:/var/opt/jfrog/artifactory \
--user "$(id -u artifactory):$(id -g artifactory)" \
--restart always \
-p 8084:8081 -p 9082:8082
This is my /daten/jfrog/artifactory/etc/system.yaml (I changed nothing manually)
## #formatter:off
## HOW TO USE: comment-out any field and keep the correct yaml indentation by deleting only the leading '#' character.
configVersion: 1
## NOTE: JFROG_HOME is a place holder for the JFrog root directory containing the deployed product, the home directory for all JFrog products.
## Replace JFROG_HOME with the real path! For example, in RPM install, JFROG_HOME=/opt/jfrog
## NOTE: Sensitive information such as passwords and join key are encrypted on first read.
## NOTE: The provided commented key and value is the default.
## A shared section for keys across all services in this config
## Java 11 distribution to use
#javaHome: "JFROG_HOME/artifactory/app/third-party/java"
## Extra Java options to pass to the JVM. These values add to or override the defaults.
#extraJavaOpts: "-Xms512m -Xmx2g"
## Security Configuration
## Join key value for joining the cluster (takes precedence over 'joinKeyFile')
#joinKey: "<Your joinKey>"
## Join key file location
#joinKeyFile: "<For example: JFROG_HOME/artifactory/var/etc/security/join.key>"
## Master key file location
## Generated by the product on first startup if not provided
#masterKeyFile: "<For example: JFROG_HOME/artifactory/var/etc/security/master.key>"
## Maximum time to wait for key files (master.key and join.key)
#bootstrapKeysReadTimeoutSecs: 120
## Node Settings
## A unique id to identify this node.
## Default auto generated at startup.
#id: "art1"
## Default auto resolved by startup script
## Sets this node as primary in HA installation
#primary: true
## Sets this node as part of HA installation
#haEnabled: true
## Database Configuration
## One of mysql, oracle, mssql, postgresql, mariadb
## Default Embedded derby
## Example for postgresql
#type: postgresql
#driver: org.postgresql.Driver
#url: "jdbc:postgresql://<your db url, for example: localhost:5432>/artifactory"
#username: artifactory
#password: password
I see this in router-request.log
{"BackendAddr":"localhost:8040","ClientAddr":"","DownstreamContentSize":95,"DownstreamStatus":404,"Duration":3608608,"RequestMethod":"GET","RequestPath":"/access/api/v1/users/jffe#000?expand=groups","StartUTC":"2021-12-30T11:49:19.56803042Z","level":"info","msg":"","request_Uber-Trace-Id":"664d23ea1941d9b0:410817c2c69f2849:31b50a1adccb9846:0","request_User-Agent":"JFrog Access Java Client/7.29.9 72909900 Artifactory/7.29.8 72908900","time":"2021-12-30T11:49:19Z"}
{"BackendAddr":"localhost:8040","ClientAddr":"","DownstreamContentSize":95,"DownstreamStatus":404,"Duration":4000683,"RequestMethod":"GET","RequestPath":"/access/api/v1/users/jffe#000?expand=groups","StartUTC":"2021-12-30T11:49:19.567751867Z","level":"info","msg":"","request_Uber-Trace-Id":"23967a8743252dd8:436e2a5407b66e64:31cfc496ccc260fa:0","request_User-Agent":"JFrog Access Java Client/7.29.9 72909900 Artifactory/7.29.8 72908900","time":"2021-12-30T11:49:19Z"}
{"BackendAddr":"localhost:8040","ClientAddr":"","DownstreamContentSize":95,"DownstreamStatus":404,"Duration":4021195,"RequestMethod":"GET","RequestPath":"/access/api/v1/users/jffe#000?expand=groups","StartUTC":"2021-12-30T11:49:19.567751873Z","level":"info","msg":"","request_Uber-Trace-Id":"28300761ec7b6cd5:36588fa084ee7105:10fbdaadbc39b21e:0","request_User-Agent":"JFrog Access Java Client/7.29.9 72909900 Artifactory/7.29.8 72908900","time":"2021-12-30T11:49:19Z"}
{"BackendAddr":"localhost:8040","ClientAddr":"","DownstreamContentSize":95,"DownstreamStatus":404,"Duration":3918873,"RequestMethod":"GET","RequestPath":"/access/api/v1/users/jffe#000?expand=groups","StartUTC":"2021-12-30T11:49:19.567751891Z","level":"info","msg":"","request_Uber-Trace-Id":"6d57920d087f4d0f:26b9120411520de2:49b0e61895e17734:0","request_User-Agent":"JFrog Access Java Client/7.29.9 72909900 Artifactory/7.29.8 72908900","time":"2021-12-30T11:49:19Z"}
{"BackendAddr":"localhost:8040","ClientAddr":"","DownstreamContentSize":95,"DownstreamStatus":404,"Duration":2552815,"RequestMethod":"GET","RequestPath":"/access/api/v1/users/jffe#000?expand=groups","StartUTC":"2021-12-30T11:49:19.569112324Z","level":"info","msg":"","request_Uber-Trace-Id":"d4a7bb216cf31eb:5c783ae80b95778f:fd11882b03eb63f:0","request_User-Agent":"JFrog Access Java Client/7.29.9 72909900 Artifactory/7.29.8 72908900","time":"2021-12-30T11:49:19Z"}
I've to change the port to 8084 (it's already occupied) But I run into 404 as well.
Who knows how to solve it ?

Unable to read Pub/Sub messages from local emulator in Apache beam

I am trying to run a simple Apache Beam pipeline with the DirectRunner that reads from a Pub/Sub subscription and writes the messages to disk.
The pipeline works fine when I run it against GCP, however when I try to run it against my local Pub/Sub emulator, it doesn't seem to be doing anything.
I am using a custom Options class that extends the class.
public interface Options extends PubsubOptions {
#Description("Pub/Sub subscription to read the input from")
ValueProvider<String> getInputSubscription();
void setInputSubscription(ValueProvider<String> valueProvider);
The pipeline is quite simple
.apply("Read Pub/Sub Messages", PubsubIO.readMessagesWithAttributes()
.apply("Add a fixed window", Window.into(FixedWindows.of(Duration.standardSeconds(WINDOW_SIZE))))
.apply("Convert Pub/Sub To String", new PubSubMessageToString())
.apply("Write Pub/Sub messages to local disk", new WriteOneFilePerWindow());
The pipeline is executed with the following options
mvn compile exec:java \
-Dexec.mainClass=DefaultPipeline \
-Dexec.cleanupDaemonThreads=false \
-Dexec.args=" \
--project=my-project \
--inputSubscription=projects/my-project/subscriptions/my-subscription \
--pubsubRootUrl= \
I am using this Pub/Sub emulator docker image and executing it with the following command:
docker run --rm -ti -p 8681:8681 -e PUBSUB_PROJECT1=my-project,topic:my-subscription marcelcorso/gcloud-pubsub-emulator:latest
Is there more configuration required to make this work?
Turns out that an Apache Beam pipeline is unable to read from a local Pub/Sub emulator if you have GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable set.
Once I removed this environment variable which was pointing to a GCP service account, the pipeline worked seamlessly with the local Pub/Sub emulator.
You can troubleshoot the local emulator by issuing manual HTTP requests to it (via curl), like so:
$ curl -d '{"messages": [{"data": "c3Vwc3VwCg=="}]}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST localhost:8681/v1/projects/my-project/topics/topic:publish
"messageIds": ["5"]
$ curl -d '{"returnImmediately":true, "maxMessages":1}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST localhost:8681/v1/projects/my-project/subscriptions/my-subscription:pull
"receivedMessages": [{
"ackId": "projects/my-project/subscriptions/my-subscription:9",
"message": {
"data": "c3Vwc3VwCg==",
"messageId": "5",
"publishTime": "2019-04-30T17:26:09Z"
Or by pointing the gcloud command-line tool at it:
$ CLOUDSDK_API_ENDPOINT_OVERRIDES_PUBSUB=localhost:8681 gcloud pubsub topics list
Also, note that when the emulator comes up, it creates the topic and subscription from scratch, so there are no messages on them. If your pipeline expects to immediately pull messages on the subscription, that would explain why it seems “stuck”. Note that when you run the pipeline at GCP, the topic and subscription you use there may already have messages on them.

spring cloud dataflow http post errors

trying the a demo on getting-started from Spring-Cloud DataFlow's website, I debugged the Spring-Cloud DataFlow local server 1.4.0.RELEASE in IDEA, ran the SCDF shell with command line(windows),and i finished the steps as follows in shell:
app register --name http --type source --uri maven://
app register --name log --type sink --uri maven://
stream create --name httptest --definition "http --server.port=9000 | log" --deploy
http post --target http://localhost:9000 --data "hello world"
step 1-3 were fine, but when I ran the step 4, I kept getting error messages like:
"error":"Internal Server Error",

F5 BIG IP update VIP using REST API cause code:400, message:0107028c:3

I am trying to call my F5 Big IP REST API to update some VIP configurations, for example I want to update the VIP description using this command:
curl -s -k --tlsv1.2 -u admin:password -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT https://ManagmentIP/mgmt/tm/ltm/virtual/~MyPool~MyVIP_887 {"description":"THIS IS JUST A TEST"}
I am getting this error:
{"code":400,"message":"0107028c:3: The source (::%10) and destination ( addresses for virtual server (/MyPool/MyVIP_887) must be be the same type (IPv4 or IPv6).","errorStack":[],"apiError":3}
My F5 Big IP version: BIG-IP 12.1.3 Build 0.0.378 Final
Am I missing something?
The answer is taken from F5 DevCentral:
You have to use -d 'data' = The JSON data to send. Note that you need to quote the entire json blob, and each "name":"value" pairs must be quoted. When you have nested quotes, make sure you escape () them.
Refer the cookbook if it helps.
So something like,
curl -sku admin -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PATCH
https:///mgmt/tm/ltm/virtual/ -d
'{"description": "Hello World!"}'

check_disk not generating alerts: nagios

I am new to nagios.
I am trying to configure the "check_disk" service for one host but I am not getting the expected results.
I should get the emails when when disk usage goes beyond 80%.
So, There is already service defined for this task with multiple hosts, as below:
define service{
use local-service ; Name of service template to use
host_name localhost, host1, host2, host3, host4, host5, host6
service_description Root Partition
check_command check_local_disk!20%!10%!/
contact_groups unix-admins,db-admins
The Issue:
Further I tried to test single host i.e. "host2". The current usage of host2 is as follow:
# df -h /
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/rootvg-rootvol 94G 45G 45G 50% /
So to get instant emails, I written another service as below, where warning set to <60% and critical set to <40%.
define service{
use local-service
host_name host2
service_description Root Partition again
check_command check_local_disk!60%!40%!/
contact_groups dev-admins
But still I am not receive any emails for the same.
Where it going wrong.
The "check_local_disk" command is defined as below:
define command{
command_name check_local_disk
command_line $USER1$/check_disk -w $ARG1$ -c $ARG2$ -p $ARG3$
Your command definition currently is setup to only check your Nagios server's disk, not the remote hosts (such as host2). You need to define a new command definition to execute check_disk on the remote host via NRPE (Nagios Remote Plugin Execution).
On Nagios server, define the following:
define command {
command_name check_remote_disk
command_line $USER1$/check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -c check_disk -a $ARG1$ $ARG2$ $ARG3$
register 1
define service{
use genric-service
host_name host1, host2, host3, host4, host5, host6
service_description Root Partition
check_command check_remote_disk!20%!10%!/
contact_groups unix-admins,db-admins
Restart the Nagios service.
On the remote host:
Ensure you have NRPE plugin installed.
Instructions for Ubuntu:
Instructions for CentOS / RHEL:
Ensure there is a command defined for check_disk on the remote host. This is usually included in nrpe.cfg, but commented-out. You'd have to un-comment the line.
Ensure you have the check_disk plugin installed on the remote host. Mine is located at: /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_disk
Ensure that allowed_hosts field of nrpe.cfg includes the IP address / hostname of your Nagios server.
Ensure that dont_blame_nrpe field of nrpe.cfg is set to 1 to allow command line arguments to NRPE commands: dont_blame_nrpe=1
If you made any changes, restart the nrpe service.
