Problem exposing port with Docker swarm and windows containers - docker

I am trying to run a container in docker swarm mode using docker stack deploy. I have read quite a lot of things about exposing ports of deployed services in docker swarm for windows containers, but none of them work for me.
I am trying to access a container from my local machine and the swarm stack is deployed on the same machine.
I have tried
mode: global
- target: 80
published: 8080
mode: host
but that does not work. In this case it seems like the container fails to start and new containers are being created immediately. How can I inspect and see what the reason for the crashing is? When I do docker container ls no results are returned.
I have also tried to assign an external NAT network but this does not seem to work and I get the following message
network is declared as external, but it is not in the right scope: "local" instead of "swarm"
so I cannot attach to it.
endpoint_mode: dnsrr
has no results, as well. What I do in this case is to look at the IP when getting into the service, but for an IP address I get which does not allow me to connect to the service from my host.
I would really appreciate if someone can give me some tips what I am doing wrong and how I can access my own container in a docker swarm service from my machine.
I have been stuck for quite a while and I am probably missing some important bits.


Issues with Docker networking on a GCP instance

I'm trying to build and run a simple Docker container (using docker-compose to do this) on a GCP Instance (Ubuntu 20.04), and it seems that the container cannot access the internet, unless I run it using
docker run --net=host [...]
or use in my docker-compose.yml something like:
network: host
network_mode: host
I'm wondering why it is so, that a simple docker container on a standard GCP instance with Ubuntu 20.04 should require some specific configuration to access Internet, and why I see almost no mention of this while searching for this issue on the web.
Am I doing something wrong, is there a better way to do this?
See Container networking for Docker and the principle is applied consistently across other container runtimes too.
Using --net=host or network_mode: host binds container(s) to the host's network.
Rather than broadly publishing all of a container's or service's ports to the host network (and thus making them host public), you can be more precise using --publish=[HOST-PORT]:[CONTAINER-PORT] or ports to expose container ports as host ports (and potentially remap these too).
One (of several advantages) to the not-published-by-default behavior is that you must take a second step to publish a container's ports to a host where there is increased possibility that the service may be accessed (via its ports) by undesired actors.

disable IP forwarding if no port mapping definition in docker-compose.yml file

I am learning docker network. I created a simple docker-compose file that starts two tomcat containers:
version: '3'
container_name: tomcat-server-1
image: .../apache-tomcat-10.0:1.0
- "8001:8080"
container_name: tomcat-server-2
image: .../apache-tomcat-10.0:1.0
After I start the containers with docker-compose up I can see that tomcat-server-1 responses on http://localhost:8001. At the first glance, the tomcat-server-2 is not available from localhost. That great, this is what I need.
When I inspect the two running containers I can see that they use the following internal IPs:
I see that the tomcat-server-1 is available from the host machine via as well.
Then the following surprised me:
The tomcat-server-2 is also available from the host machine vie despite port mapping is not defined for this container in the docker-compose.yml file.
What I would like to reach is the following:
The two tomcat servers must see each other in the internal docker network via hostnames.
Tomcat must be available from the host machine ONLY if the port mapping is defined in the docker-compose file, eg.: "8001:8080".
If no port mapping definition then the container could NOT be unavailable. Either from localhost or its internal IP, eg.:
I have tried to use different network configurations like the bridge, none, and host mode. No success.
Of course, the host mode can not work because both tomcat containers use internally the same port 8080. So if I am correct then only bridge or none mode that I can consider.
Is that possible to configure the docker network this way?
That would be great to solve this via only the docker-compose file without any external docker, iptable, etc. manipulation.
Without additional firewalling setup, you can't prevent a Linux-native host from reaching the container-private IP addresses.
That having been said, the container-private IP addresses are extremely limited. You can't reach them from other hosts. If Docker is running in a Linux VM (as the Docker Desktop application provides on MacOS or Windows) then the host outside the VM can't reach them either. In most cases I would recommend against looking up the container-private IP addresses up at all since they're not especially useful.
I wouldn't worry about this case too much. If your security requirements need you to prevent non-Docker host processes from contacting the containers, then you probably also have pretty strict controls over what's actually running on the host and who can log in; you shouldn't have unexpected host processes that might be trying to connect to the containers.

How docker containers expose services?

I'm deploying a stack of services through the command:
docker stack deploy -c <docker-compose.yml> <stack-name>
And I'm mapping ports of one of these services on docker compose with ports: 8000:8000.
The network driver being used is overlay.
I can access these services via localhost:8000, via Peers IP(?).
When I inspect the network created, I can see the local IPs of each container (for instance, But Where is the external IP of container (the one like 172.0. ...) ?
I am running these docker container on a virtual machine ubuntu.
How can I access the services running on containers from other nodes running on other networks? Isn't possible to access via hostIP:port?
If so, how do I get the host IP? When I do docker-machine IP I get "host is not running".
[EDIT: I wasn't doing port mapping between the host and the VM in virtualbox. Now it works!]
Whats the best way to communicate between containers on the same swarm?
Whats the best way to communicate between containers on the same swarm? Through name discovery?
In general if you communicate between containers you should use the container/service name.
And for your other problem you probably wan't a reverse proxy like nginx or traefik.

How to use confluent/cp-kafka image in docker compose with advertising on localhost and my network container name kafka?

How to use confluent/cp-kafka image in docker compose with exposing on localhost and my network container name kafka?
Do not link this as duplicate of:
Connect to docker kafka container from localhost and another docker container
Cannot produce message to kafka from service running in docker
These do not solve my issue because the methods they use are depreciated by confluent/cp-kafka and I want to connect on localhost and on the docker network.
In the configure script on confluent/cp-kafka they do this annoying task:
# By default, LISTENERS is derived from ADVERTISED_LISTENERS by replacing
# hosts with This is good default as it ensures that the broker
# process listens on all ports.
if [[ -z "${KAFKA_LISTENERS-}" ]]
It always sets whatever I give KAFKA_ADVERTISED_LISTENERS to! Using the docker network, doing
I expect the listeners to be either localhost:9092 or and some docker ip PLAINTEXT:// (whatever kafka resolves to on the docker network)
Currently I can get only one or the other to work. So using localhost, it only works on the host system, no docker containers can access it. Using kafka, it only works in the docker network, no host applications can access it. I want it to work with both. I am using docker compose so that I can have zookeeper, kafka, redis, and my application start up. I have other applications that will startup without docker.
So when I set PLAINTEXT://localhost:9092 I can access kafka running docker, outside of docker.
When I set PLAINTEXT://kafka:9092 I cannot access kafka running docker, outside of docker.
This is expected, however doing this: PLAINTEXT://localhost:9092,PLAINTEXT://kafka:9093 I would expect to access kafka running docker, both inside and outside docker. The confluent/cp-kafka image is wiping out localhost and kafka. Setting them both to, then throwing an error that I set 2 different ports to the same ip...
Maybe I'm just clashing into some opinionated docker image and should look for a different image...
Maybe I'm just clashing into some opinionated docker image and should look for a different image...
The image is fine. You might want to read this explanation of the listeners.
tl;dr - you don't want to (and shouldn't?) use the same listener "protocol" in different networks.
Use the advertised.listeners, no need to edit the listeners
When PLAINTEXT://localhost:9093 is being loaded inside of the container, you need to add port mappings for 9093, which should be self explanatory, and you connect to localhost:9093 and it should work.
Then, if you also had PLAINTEXT://kafka:9092, that will only work within the Docker Compose network overlay, not externally to your DNS servers, because that's how Docker networking works. You should be able to run other applications as part of that Docker network with the --network flag, or link containers using Docker Compose
Keep in mind that if you're running on Mac, the recommended way (as per the Confluent docs) is to run these containers in Docker Machine, in a VM, where you can manage the external port mappings correctly using the --net=host flag of Docker. However, using the blog above, it all works fine on a Mac outside a VM.

docker deploy won't publish port in swarm

I've got a swarm set up with a two nodes, one manager and one worker. I'd like to have a port published in the swarm so I can access my applications and I wonder how I achieve this.
version: '2'
build: .
- "80:80"
This exposes port 80 when I run docker-compose up and it works just fine, however when I run a bundled deploy
docker deploy my-service
This won't publish the port, so it just says 80/tcp in docker ps, instead of pointing on a port. Maybe this is because I need to attach a load balancer or run some fancy command or maybe add another layer of config to actually expose this port in a multi-host swarm.
Can someone help me understand what I need to configure/do to make this expose a port.
My best case scenario would be that port 80 is exposed, and if I access it from different hostnames it will send me to different applications.
It seems to work if I run the following commands after deploying the application
docker service update -p 80:80 my-service_server
docker kill <my-service_server id>
I found this repository for running a HA proxy, it seems great and is supported by docker themselves, however I cannot seem to apply this separate to my services using the new swarm mode.
There's a nice description in the bottom describing how the network should look:
Internet -> HAProxy -> Service_A -> Container A
However I cannot find a way to link services through the docker service create command, optimally now looks like a way to set up a network, and when I apply this network on a service it will pick it up in the HAProxy.
-- Marcus
As far as I understood for the moment you just can publish ports updating the service later the creation, like this:
docker service update my-service --publish-add 80:80
Swarm mode publishes ports in a different way. It won't show up in docker ps because it's not publishing the port on the host, it publishes the port to all nodes so that takes it can load balancing between service replicas.
You should see the port from docker service inspect my-service.
Any other service should be able to connect to my-service:80
docker service ls will display the port mappings.
