Grails <g:link> rewriting links to match UrlMappings instead of controller/action - grails

Currently using grails 4.0.3.
I'm trying to generate a link to a controller action using a simple <g:link> tag:
<g:link controller="myController" action="myAction" params="[someParam:'myValue']">Link text</g:link>
In my UrlMappings file, I have this controller mapped to a common URL for external calls. This mapping forces some parameters that I want forced when coming to this mapping:
class UrlMappings {
static mappings = {
"/service/someExposedUrl" {
controller = "myController"
action = "myAction"
someParam = "defaultValue"
However, the link that gets written to the page in my application gets written using the UrlMapping definition.
instead of
In this case, the parameters are ignored on the /service URL because they're hard-coded in the UrlMapping.
Is there a way to force grails to link to the specified controller/action instead of the mapping?

Up front caveat: I have not tested this for this specific situation, though I have used these pieces individually. Second caveat: I would not be remotely surprised to learn there's an even better way to do this...grails has a lot of options sometimes!
You should be able to create a named mapping in your UrlMappings, then reference that in your createLink.
name arbitraryName: "/myController/myAction" {
controller = "myController"
action = "myAction"
<g:link mapping="arbitraryName" params="[someParam:'myValue']">Link text</g:link>

You may be able to get what you need with a combination of Custom URL mapping and the exclude keyword in the original URLMappings.
Create MyControllerUrlMappings. This guide gives several examples of different ways of writing them out. I found it helpful.
class MyControllerUrlMappings {
static mappings = {
// Url Mappings specific only to this controller
Your app will still be running the original UrlMappings file though. So you'll have the new custom Url mappings and the default ones. To fix that you can exclude your controller and it's methods in the original UrlMappings file.
class UrlMappings {
static excludes = [
static mappings = {...}
Not as elegant as I'd like, but in a similar situation this is how I got it working.


Grails Reverse Url Mapping: Is there a way to build links based on the currently matched route?

I'm trying to build some dynamic URL mappings that are based on the domain classes of the grails project. The goal is to use a single generic controller, but the URL decides which domain is being used for processing. The problem is now, that I don't get the desired URLs when using the <g:link /> tag.
I tried the following variants to create the URL mappings:
static mappings = {
Holders.grailsApplication.domainClasses.each {
"/admin/${it.propertyName}/$action?/$id?"(controller: "admin")
static mappings = {
"/admin/$domainClass/$action?/$id?"(controller: "admin")
Both variants work for the actual URL matching. But I personally don't like the behavior of the reverse URL mapping by grails. In case of variant 1, the reverse mapping always resolves to the last added URL mapping for the AdminController. For case 2 I have the problem that I would have to pass the domainClass-Parameter to every link-creating call, even though it is theoretically not necessary, since the information is already present in the current request.
I know there is the possibility of using named URL mappings and then using something like <g:link mapping="mapping_name" />. The problem is that I am using some generic application-wide partial-views, where I try to only provide the necessary information for creating a link, like <g:link action="something" />.
This leads to my two questions:
Is there a possibility to get g:link to build the URL based on the matched mapping in the current request?
Is there a way to get a reference to the mapping that matched the current request, so I can implement to desired behavior myself?
You could define named mappings like
Holders.grailsApplication.domainClasses.each { dc ->
name((dc.propertyName):"/admin/${dc.propertyName}/$action?/$id?" {
controller = "admin"
domainClass = dc.propertyName
With the mapping name saved in the params you can now do
<g:link mapping="${params.domainClass}">link text</g:link>

Grails urlmappings, can one prefix urlmappings?

So for instance, say i have an API on a webapp, and i wish to use the same controllers and actions in the API as the rest of the webapp.
In my urlmappings file i have
and i also have a mapping like this:
"/blog/$year/$month/$day/$action" {
controller = 'blog'
Now the question is, can i somehow prefix the api urlmapping to the blog urlmapping so i can benefit from the $year, $month, $day variables? in such a way that a GET request to the following url would be valid:
GET /api/0.1/bs23mk4m2n4k/blog/2001/01/05/list
or am i forced to do the following request instead?
GET /api/0.1/bs23mk4m2n4k/blog/list?year=2004&month=01&day=05
Need help from an urlmappings GURU or a groovy runtime urlmappings maniuplation WIZARD :)
I want a solution that can reuse existing non-api urmappings, instead of having to redeclare them with the api path as a prefix.
You could have an ApiController strip off the api parameters, then redirect to the blog controller. For example:
"/api/$version/$apiKey/$rest**" {
import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.util.WebUtils
class ApiController {
def grailsUrlMappingsHolder
def default = {
// validate apiKey, etc
WebUtils.forwardRequestForUrlMappingInfo(request, response, grailsUrlMappingsHolder.match("/${}"))
The API controller has access to the version and apiKey params, and passes on the rest of the params to be processed by the blog controller's UrlMapping.
I think you want to use embedded variables. Check the url mapping reference: URL Mappings
just add the following mapping:
static mappings = {
now you can use this url for example:
now you get redirected to the list action in the blog controller.
there you can use params to show the parameters from the url (as defined in the mapping).
I had somewhat the same problem, solved it using named url mapping:
Hope this helps!
in urlMapping:
name blogWithYear:"/api/$version/$apiKey/$controller/$year/$month/$day":{
controller = 'blog'
action = 'youraction'
<g:link mapping="blogWithYear" params="[$version:'0.1', ....., '$year: 2011']">
Show blog
With g:link you can now compile the url however you want, adding parameters.

URL Mapping prefix in Grails

Recently, I'm trying to migrating my application from CakePHP to Grails. So far it's been a smooth sailing, everything I can do with CakePHP, I can do it with much less code in Grails. However, I have one question :
In CakePHP, there's an URL Prefix feature that enables you to give prefix to a certain action url, for example, if I have these actions in my controller :
I can simply access it from the URL :
instead of:
Is there anyway to do this in Grails, or at least alternative of doing this?
Grails URL Mappings documentation doesn't help you in this particular case (amra, next time try it yourself and post an answer only if it's any help). Daniel's solution was close, but wouldn't work, because:
the action part must be in a closure when created dynamically
all named parameters excluding "controller", "action" and "id" are accessible via the params object
A solution could look like this:
action = { "admin_${params.adminAction}" }
The key is NOT to name the parameter as "action", because it seems to be directly mapped to an action and can not be overriden.
I also tried a dynamic solution with generic prefixes and it seems to work as well:
action = { "${params.prefix}_${params.adminAction}" }
I didn't test it, but try this:
action = "${prefix}_${method}"
It constructs the action name from the prefix and the method.
Just take a look on grails URL Mappings documentation part

Grails UrlMappings with .html

I'm developing a Grails web application (mainly as a learning exercise). I have previously written some standard Grails apps, but in this case I wanted to try creating a controller that would intercept all requests (including static html) of the form:
test 1
test 2
test 3
test 4
The intent is to do some simple business logic (auditing) each time a user clicks a link. I know I could do this using a Filter (or a range of other methods), however I thought this should work too and wanted to do this using a Grails framework.
I set up the Grail UrlMappings.groovy file to map all URLs of that form (/$myPathParam?) to a single controller:
class UrlMappings {
static mappings = {
constraints {
"/$path?" (controller: 'auditRecord', action: 'showPage')
In that controller (in the appropriate "showPage" action) I've been printing out the path information, for example:
def showPage = {
println "params.path = " + params.path
render(view: resultingView)
The results of the println in the showPage action for each of my four links are
Why is the last one "testHtml", not "testHtml.html"?
In a previous (Stack Overflow query) Olexandr encountered this issue and was advised to simply concatenate the value of request.format - which, indeed, does return "html". However request.format also returns "html" for all four links.
I'm interested in gaining an understanding of what Grails is doing and why. Is there some way to configure Grails so the params.path variable in the controller shows "testHtml.html" rather than stripping off the "html" extension? It doesn't seem to remove the extension for any other file type (including .htm). Is there a good reason it's doing this? I know that it is a bit unusual to use a controller for static html, but still would like to understand what's going on.
This is related to content negotiation, which you can read about in section 6.8 of the Grails user guide. If Grails recognises the extension as a particular type, the extension is removed from the URL and the type is added to the "format" parameter.
You can disable this behaviour by adding this entry to grails-app/conf/Config.groovy:
grails.mime.file.extensions = false

link directly to GSP

In a GSP, is it possible to create a direct link to another GSP? I know I can use:
<g:createLink controller="user" action="foo"/>
and in UserController define the foo action to just show the corresponding GSP
class UserController {
def foo = {}
But is there any way I can achieve the same result without having to create the empty foo action?
The createLink tag is geared for use with controller actions and won't do what you want it to outside of the url attribute.
You can always get to a gsp by directly: /user/foo.gsp with a combination of the link and resource tags.
<g:link url="${resource(dir:'user', file:'foo.gsp')}">user/foo.gsp</g:link>
Othewise you can create a URL Mapping that maps a request directly to a view.
class UrlMappings {
static mappings = {
Using Grails 1.2 you can create a named URL Mapping that maps directly to a view:
class UrlMappings {
static mappings = {
name userFoo: "/user/foo"(view:"user/foo")
and then use it with the link tag:
<link:userFoo>User Foo</link:userFoo>
<g:link mapping="userFoo">User Foo</g:link>
There's a uri attribute that's undocumented , but you can see it in the source:
As of Grails 2.x, this is not possible. The ability to link directly to a .gsp was a security flaw that could be used to avoid the #Secured annotation. The URL mapping method does still work though as seen in #Colin Harrington's answer.
See: GRAILS-7542: Views are accessible via a URL pattern
