How to do batch inferenece for Hugging face models? - machine-learning

I want to do batch inference on MarianMT model. Here's the code:
from transformers import MarianTokenizer
tokenizer = MarianTokenizer.from_pretrained('Helsinki-NLP/opus-mt-en-de')
src_texts = [ "I am a small frog.", "Tom asked his teacher for advice."]
tgt_texts = ["Ich bin ein kleiner Frosch.", "Tom bat seinen Lehrer um Rat."] # optional
inputs = tokenizer(src_texts, return_tensors="pt", padding=True)
with tokenizer.as_target_tokenizer():
labels = tokenizer(tgt_texts, return_tensors="pt", padding=True)
inputs["labels"] = labels["input_ids"]
outputs = model(**inputs)
How do I do batch inference?


How to fine tune a masked language model?

I'm trying to follow the huggingface tutorial on fine tuning a masked language model (masking a set of words randomly and predicting them). But they assume that the dataset is in their system (can load it with from datasets import load_dataset; load_dataset("dataset_name")). However, my input dataset is a long string:
text = "This is an attempt of a great example. "
dataset = text * 3000
I followed their approach and tokenized each it:
from transformers import AutoTokenizer
from transformers import AutoModelForMaskedLM
import torch
from transformers import DataCollatorForLanguageModeling
model_checkpoint = "distilbert-base-uncased"
model = AutoModelForMaskedLM.from_pretrained(model_checkpoint)
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_checkpoint)
def tokenize_long_text(tokenizer, long_text):
individual_sentences = long_text.split('.')
tokenized_sentences_list = tokenizer(individual_sentences)['input_ids']
tokenized_sequence = [x for xs in tokenized_sentences_list for x in xs]
return tokenized_sequence
tokenized_sequence = tokenize_long_text(tokenizer, long_text)
Following by chunking it into equal length segments:
def chunk_long_tokenized_text(tokenizer_text, chunk_size):
# Compute length of long tokenized texts
total_length = len(tokenizer_text)
# We drop the last chunk if it's smaller than chunk_size
total_length = (total_length // chunk_size) * chunk_size
return [tokenizer_text[i : i + chunk_size] for i in range(0, total_length, chunk_size)]
chunked_sequence = chunk_long_tokenized_text(tokenized_sequence, 30)
Created a data collator for random masking:
data_collator = DataCollatorForLanguageModeling(tokenizer=tokenizer, mlm_probability=0.15) # expects a list of dicts, where each dict represents a single chunk of contiguous text
Example of how it works:
d = {}
d['input_ids'] = chunked_sequence[0]
>>>{'input_ids': [101,
for chunk in data_collator([ d ])["input_ids"]:
print(f"\n'>>> {tokenizer.decode(chunk)}'")
>>>'>>> [CLS] this is a great [MASK] [SEP] [CLS] this is a great [MASK] [SEP] [CLS] this is a great [MASK] [SEP] [CLS] this is a great [MASK] [SEP] [CLS] this'
However, the remaining steps (which I believe is just the training component) seem to only work using their trainer method, which can only take their dataset.
How can this work with a dataset in the form of a string?

Find the best pipeline model using CrossValidator and ParamGridBuilder

I have an acceptable model, but I would like to improve it by adjusting its parameters in Spark ML Pipeline with CrossValidator and ParamGridBuilder.
As an Estimator I will place the existing pipeline.
In ParamMaps I would not know what to put, I do not understand it.
As Evaluator I will use the RegressionEvaluator already created previously.
I'm going to do it for 5 folds, with a list of 10 different depth values in the tree.
How can I select and show the best model for the lowest RMSE?
ACTUAL example:
from import Pipeline
from import DecisionTreeRegressor
from import VectorIndexer
from import RegressionEvaluator
dt = DecisionTreeRegressor()
pipeline = Pipeline(stages=[vectorizer, dt])
model =
regEval = RegressionEvaluator(predictionCol = "Predicted_XX", labelCol = "XX", metricName = "rmse")
rmse = regEval.evaluate(predictions)
print("Root Mean Squared Error: %.2f" % rmse)
(1) Spark Jobs
(2) Root Mean Squared Error: 3.60
from import CrossValidator, ParamGridBuilder
dt2 = DecisionTreeRegressor()
pipeline2 = Pipeline(stages=[vectorizer, dt2])
model2 =
regEval2 = RegressionEvaluator(predictionCol = "Predicted_PE", labelCol = "PE", metricName = "rmse")
paramGrid = ParamGridBuilder().build() # ??????
crossval = CrossValidator(estimator = pipeline2, estimatorParamMaps = paramGrid, evaluator=regEval2, numFolds = 5) # ?????
rmse2 = regEval2.evaluate(predictions)
#bestPipeline = ????
#bestLRModel = ????
#bestParams = ????
print("Root Mean Squared Error: %.2f" % rmse2)
(1) Spark Jobs
(2) Root Mean Squared Error: 3.60 # the same ¿?
You need to call .fit() with your training data on the crossval object to create the cv model. That will do the cross validation. Then you get the best model (according to your evaluator metric) from that. Eg.
cvModel =
myBestModel = cvModel.bestModel

Learning2Search (vowpal-wabbit) for NER gives weird results

We are trying to use Learning2Search from vowpal-wabbit for NER
We are using ATIS dataset.
In ATIS there are 127 Entities (including Others category)
Training set has 4978 and test has 893 sentences.
How ever when we run it on test set it is mapping everything either class 1(Airline name) or class 2(Airport code)
Which is wired.
We tried another dataset (, same behavior.
Looks like I am not using it the right way. Any pointers will be of great help.
Code snippet :
with open("/tweetsdb/ner/datasets/atis.pkl") as f:
train, test, dicts = cPickle.load(f)
idx2words = {v: k for k, v in dicts['words2idx'].iteritems()}
idx2labels = {v: k for k, v in dicts['labels2idx'].iteritems()}
idx2tables = {v: k for k, v in dicts['tables2idx'].iteritems()}
#Convert the dataset into a format compatible with Vowpal Wabbit
training_set = []
for i in xrange(len(train[0])):
zip_label_ent_idx = zip(train[2][i], train[0][i])
label_ent_actual = [(int(i[0]), idx2words[i[1]]) for i in zip_label_ent_idx]
# Do like wise to get test chunk
class SequenceLabeler(pyvw.SearchTask):
def __init__(self, vw, sch, num_actions):
pyvw.SearchTask.__init__(self, vw, sch, num_actions)
def _run(self, sentence):
output = []
for n in range(len(sentence)):
pos,word = sentence[n]
with self.vw.example({'w': [word]}) as ex:
pred = self.sch.predict(examples=ex, my_tag=n+1, oracle=pos, condition=[(n,'p'), (n-1, 'q')])
return output
vw = pyvw.vw("--search 3 --search_task hook --ring_size 1024")
Code for training the model:
sequenceLabeler = vw.init_search_task(SequenceLabeler)
for i in xrange(3):
Code for Prediction:
pred = []
for i in random.sample(xrange(len(test_set)), 10):
test_example = [ (999, word[1]) for word in test_set[i] ]
test_labels = [ label[0] for label in test_set[i] ]
print 'input sentence:', ' '.join([word[1] for word in test_set[i]])
print 'actual labels:', ' '.join([str(label) for label in test_labels])
print 'predicted labels:', ' '.join([str(pred) for pred in sequenceLabeler.predict(test_example)])
To see the full code, pls refer to this notebook:
I am also new to this algorithm, but did some pilot studies recently.
To your problem, the answer is that you set a wrong parameter in
vw = pyvw.vw("--search 3 --search_task hook --ring_size 1024")
Here, the search should be set as '127', and in this way, vw will use your 127 tags.
vw = pyvw.vw("--search 127 --search_task hook --ring_size 1024")
Also, my feeling is that vw doesn't work really well with so many tags. I might be wrong, please let me know your result :)

Training data for UnigramTagger= Brown corpus , testing data = new sentences tagged by nltk.pos_tag

Kindly let me know if we can train the UnigramTagger with brown corpus and evaluate the same UnigramTagger on the testing data which was tagged using nltk.pos_tag?
if Yes, how do we interpret the accuracy?
**data3 = []
for i in data:
brown_tagged_sents = brown.tagged_sents(categories = ['news'])
unigram_tagger_brown = nltk.UnigramTagger(brown_tagged_sents)
accuracy_value = unigram_tagger_brown.evaluate(data3)
print("Unigram Tagger Accuracy for brown is ",accuracy_value)**

svm classifier for text classification

I am trying with SVC classifier to classify text.
#self.vectorizer = HashingVectorizer(non_negative=True)
#self.vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(sublinear_tf=True, max_df=0.5, stop_words='english')
self.hasher = FeatureHasher(input_type='string',non_negative=True)
from sklearn.svm import SVC
self.clf = SVC(probability=True)
for text in
text = self.modifyQuery(text.decode('utf-8','ignore'))
raw_X = (self.token_ques(text) for text in training_data)
#X_train = self.vectorizer.transform(training_data)
X_train = self.hasher.transform(raw_X)
y_train =, y_train)
test classifier:
raw_X = (self.token_ques(text) for text in test_data)
X_test = self.hasher.transform(raw_X)
#X_test = self.vectorizer.transform(test_data)
pred = self.clf.predict(X_test)
print("pred=>", pred)
self.categories = self.data_train.target_names
for doc, category in zip(test_data, pred):
print('%r => %s' % (doc, self.categories[category]))
index = 1
predict_prob = self.clf.predict_proba(X_test)
for doc, category_list in zip(test_data, predict_prob):
#print values
I tried with hashing, feature, tfidf vectorizer but still it gives wrong answer for all queries (class with highest datasize comes as answer). While using naive bayes it gives correct result as per class and input query.
Am I doing anything wrong in code?
I have total 8 classes, and each class having 100-200 lines of sentences. One class with 480 lines. This class always comes as a answer currently
