why the auto_renew_adam_id and expiration_intent is null when received apple server notification - in-app-purchase

Now I am develop an in app purchase. I write a endpont to receive apple server notification. but now I found the auto_renew_adam_id and expiration_intent is null when received request from apple server, this is my receive entity define:
#ApiModelProperty(value = "auto_renew_adam_id")
private String autoRenewAdamId;
#ApiModelProperty(value = "expiration_intent")
private Integer expirationIntent;
is it actually be null or my code not right? apple doc did not tell the value should be nul or not.


Old message is not removing in iPhone notification try

I am using push plugin in ionic 3 app, everything is working fine but from my server end we are sending one message at a time and im receiving message to iPhone, but old message should overwrite with new message or once we receive new message then old message is clear automatically..
I'm not able to find anything related to this, please anybody help me to solve this.
const options: PushOptions = {
android: {},
ios: {
alert: 'true',
badge: true,
sound: 'false'
windows: {},
browser: {
pushServiceURL: 'http://push.api.phonegap.com/v1/push'
const pushObject: PushObject = this.push.init(options);
pushObject.on('notification').subscribe((notification: any) =>
console.log('Received a notification', notification));
It sounds like you aren't sending your messages configured to be "collapsible". By default each message will be distinct, not overwriting the last message. FCM documents this well:
Non-collapsible and collapsible messages
A non-collapsible message
denotes that each individual message is delivered to the device. A
non-collapsible message delivers some useful content, as opposed to a
collapsible message like a content-free "ping" to the mobile app to
contact the server to fetch data.
A collapsible message is a message that may be replaced by a new message if it has yet to be delivered to the device.
Or if you are not using FCM, here's a reference to Apple's APN docs directly.
To allow the coalescing of similar notifications, you can include a
collapse identifier within a notification request. Normally, when a
device is online, each notification request that you send to APNs
results in a notification delivered to the device. However, when the
apns-collapse-id key is present in your HTTP/2 request header, APNs
coalesces requests whose value for that key is the same. For example,
a news service that sends the same headline twice could use the same
collapse identifier value for both requests. APNs would then coalesce
the two requests into a single notification for delivery to the
device. For details on the apns-collapse-id key
Update with some code details:
public void sendMessage(String title, String body, Map<String, String> data, boolean shouldCollapse) {
PlatformConfiguration platformConfig = new PlatformConfiguration(30);
if (shouldCollapse)
public ApnsConfig getCollapsibleApnsConfig(String collapseKey) {
return getCoreApnsConfig().putHeader("apns-collapse-id", collapseKey)
public AndroidConfig getCollapsibleAndroidConfig(String collapseKey) {
return getCoreAndroidConfig().setCollapseKey(collapseKey)

StompClientLib - unsubscribe socketclient

I've added StompClientLib in my project and I'm facing problem while unsubscribing a destination topic.
Unsubscription of destination gives following error:
"org.apache.activemq.transport.stomp.ProtocolException: No subscription matched.\r\tat org.apache.activemq.transport.stomp.ProtocolConverter.onStompUnsubscribe(ProtocolConverter.java:734)\r\tat org.apache.activemq.transport.stomp.ProtocolConverter.onStompCommand(ProtocolConverter.java:262)\r\tat org.apache.activemq.transport.ws.AbstractStompSocket.processStompFrame(AbstractStompSocket.java:151)\r\tat org.apache.activemq.transport.ws.jetty9.StompSocket.onWebSocketText(StompSocket.java:96)\r\tat org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.common.events.JettyListenerEventDriver.onTextMessage(JettyListenerEventDriver.java:128)\r\tat org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.common.message.SimpleTextMessage.messageComplete(SimpleTextMessage.java:69)\r\tat org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.common.events.AbstractEventDriver.appendMessage(AbstractEventDriver.java:64)\r\tat org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.common.events.JettyListenerEventDriver.onTextFrame(JettyListenerEventDriver.java:122)\r\tat org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.common.events.AbstractEventDriver.incomingFrame(AbstractEventDriver.java:160)\r\tat org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.common.WebSocketSession.incomingFrame(WebSocketSession.java:309)\r\tat org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.common.extensions.ExtensionStack.incomingFrame(ExtensionStack.java:214)\r\tat org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.common.Parser.notifyFrame(Parser.java:220)\r\tat org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.common.Parser.parse(Parser.java:258)\r\tat org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.common.io.AbstractWebSocketConnection.readParse(AbstractWebSocketConnection.java:628)\r\tat org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.common.io.AbstractWebSocketConnection.onFillable(AbstractWebSocketConnection.java:476)\r\tat org.eclipse.jetty.io.AbstractConnection$2.run(AbstractConnection.java:540)\r\tat org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.QueuedThreadPool.runJob(QueuedThreadPool.java:635)\r\tat org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.QueuedThreadPool$3.run(QueuedThreadPool.java:555)\r\tat java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)\r")
Yes, It's an issue with subscription name but It doesn't accept the same string I used to subscribe specific channel.
For example:
// destination
let destinationChannelTopic = "/topic/channel_1234"
// subscribe successful
socketClient?.subscribe(destination: destinationChannelTopic)
// unsubscribe not successful with same destination
socketClient?.unsubscribe(destination: destinationChannelTopic)
Here unsubscribe replies me with an error: No subscription matched
Can anyone help me to understand, what is wrong? What am I doing wrong?
As I analyzed from Subscribe and receive messages, subscription (a subscribe method) returns a string (subscription channel id) from the server, that we need to store somewhere at client side (in our project/code) and we need to use the same string to unsubscribe.
This is javcScript (not an iOS - swift) code, a sample that available in this link (Subscribe and receive messages) and we implemented similar way it in web application:
// subscribe
var subscription = client.subscribe("/queue/test", callback);
The subscribe() methods return a JavaScript object with 1 attribute, id, that correspond to the client subscription ID and one method unsubscribe() that can be used later on to unsubscribe the client from this destination.
// unsubscribe
So, is this only the method/possible way, for subscription and unsubscription. If yes, then we do not have any value returning to subscribe(...) that I can use to unsubscribe. I don't get any value (destination subscription id) from subscription socketClient?.subscribe(destination: destinationChannelTopic) method
As an alternate solution to this issue, I disconnect the client from the server and reconnect again + subscribe to all other destinations again. And this is not a proper way to handle but I have only this solution at this time.
Please help to find out the solution for this problem.
Here is reference link about the issue: unsubscribe socketclient #14
Subscription methodology approach for subscribe and unsubscribe are very different.
Subscribe uses unique destination (id) to connect with server as a destination but links and remembers it with reference of subscription-id and uses subscription-id to identify itself on server while unsubcribe.
Here is code, you are looking for. Try it.
let destination = "/topic/channel_1234"
let ack = "ack_\(destination)" // It can be any unique string
let subsId = "subscription_\(destination)" // It can be any unique string
let header = ["destination": destination, "ack": ack, "id": subsId]
// subscribe
socketClient?.subscribeWithHeader(destination: destination, withHeader: header)
// unsubscribe
socketClient?.unsubscribe(destination: subsId)
The subscribe func in this StompClientLib library is not returning the subscription ID that the server will generate and return to the client. You can see the code here:
So you will have to specify a subscription ID by using this other func from the library, and provide a stomp header that includes a subscription ID of your choosing:
public func subscribeWithHeader(destination: String, withHeader header: [String: String])
For example:
var destination = "mytopic"
var ack = StompCommands.ackAuto
var subsId = "12345"
let header = [StompCommands.commandHeaderDestination: destination, StompCommands.commandHeaderAck: ack, StompCommands.commandHeaderDestinationId: subsId]
socketClient?.subscribeWithHeader(destination, header)

Notification Hub Devices disappearing after Push (APNS)

We have an Azure Notification Hub set up, with APNS Configured in Production Mode, using our Production APNS Certificate.
We register our test devices (using TestFlight / Production build, and certificate) to APNS, and then to ANH with a tag dealer-1. We can send notifications using our production certificate and registered Device ID with success when using APNS directly, however, when we use 'Test Send' we get a 'Successful send' to 1 device (or however many we have registered). The notification is not received. If we then run 'Test Send' again, the are 0 devices to send to.
In the logs, we see 'APNS Errors' per device, per test send. I cannot see any way to view what the errors actually are though so this is an absolutely useless metric.
I have ran through all the troubleshooting steps and confirmed many times that everything is setup in 'Production'.
Having reviewed other questions, the answers have been along the lines of:
.. registering a sandbox certificate and then changing it to production. Unfortunately we created this hub from scratch as Production in an attempt to work around that potential issue.
.. registering sandbox devices (and thus tokens) against the production certificate. Unfortunately I have controlled this closely and ensured that we are only registering TestFlight builds (thus Production) against the ANH.
.. uploading the wrong certificate. I have confirmed with the Push Notification Tester, as above, that the certificate is correct (thumbprint confirmed, re-uploaded, etc) and works to send to the devices via Production APNS endpoint.
The resource name is: eight-technology/react-push-notification-hub
In-app registration process is as follows:
Device registers for push notifications
Registration event is handled in iOS Project (AppDelegate event)..
public override void RegisteredForRemoteNotifications(UIApplication application, NSData deviceToken)
//base.RegisteredForRemoteNotifications(application, deviceToken);
ConfigurePushNotifications is in the XF Shared Project..
public static void ConfigurePushNotifications(string deviceToken)
var azureComm = DependencyService.Get<Interop.IAzureCommunication>();
".. token ..",
StateManager.SelectedNodes.Select(m => "dealer-" + m).ToArray());
The implementation is pretty much as per the sample code provided (contained in iOS project)
public class AzureCommunication : DealerwebReact.Interop.IAzureCommunication
public void RegisterForPushTags(string url, string key, string hubName, string deviceToken, string[] tags)
var cs = SBConnectionString.CreateListenAccess(new NSUrl(url), key);
var hub = new SBNotificationHub(cs, hubName);
hub.RegisterNativeAsync(deviceToken, new NSSet(tags), err =>
if (err != null)
Console.WriteLine("Error: " + err.Description);
After a frustrating few days, and thanks to the help of Nikita G. and hvaughan3 I finally got to the root cause of my issue. As anticipated it wasn't any of the issues actually outlined, but was to do with the way we handled the cross-plat aspect of the registrations with Xamarin Forms.
That is, we stored our token in a class as a string. The NSData that is received as part of the iOS Device registration in RegisteredForRemoteNotifications has a ToString() method that is incompatible with sending to ANH. Furthermore, RegisterNativeAsync method from the Azure library requires an NSData which I assume Xamarin can morph a string into without warning or error, hence it was unknown that the two were somewhat incompatible.
Basically, to maintain cross platform functionality, we are now simply passing the token around as an object and performing the translation back to the original type in the platform-specific implementation of our push configuration method.
Our registration method now looks like this, note the explicit use of the NSData type so that it remains untouched whilst passing through the Xamarin Forms layer:
public void RegisterForPushTags(string url, string key, string hubName, object deviceToken, string[] tags)
var cs = SBConnectionString.CreateListenAccess(new NSUrl(url), key);
var hub = new SBNotificationHub(cs, hubName);
hub.RegisterNativeAsync((NSData)deviceToken, new NSSet(tags), err =>
if (err != null)
Console.WriteLine("Error: " + err.Description);
Is this the guide you used for troubleshooting?
Is there a chance you somehow do any string (or any other type of) processing on the APN handle before you register your device? The 'APNS errors' you're seeing seem to be 'invalid token size'. Since I don't know what's going on in your code, it's hard to suggest what exactly might it be, but maybe would help you.
A similar thing happened to me when the device would register correctly but as soon as a notification was sent, the devices would disappear from the list. It always turned out to be an issue with the APNS certificate that was configured within the Notification Hub was not connected properly to the App ID and/or the app was not being signed with the correct provisioning profile.

FCM Cannot recieve notification when app in background react native ios when custom data sent

i have succesfully integrating react-native-fcm and
i am getting notification when i am sending from firebase console (in foreground,background,and killed state of app)
but when i am sending it from our server with custom data i cannot recieved when app is in (killed,background) state
i have also tried content-availble:true in data object
below is the notification data which i am sending
aps = {
"content-available" = 1;
body = "Get a free T-Shirt #WROGN on every purchase via Shopholix. T&C apply.";
"gcm.message_id" = "0:1475746605785619%9a4a567a9a4a567a";
"gcm.notification.data" = "{\"image\":\"http:\\/\\/res.cloudinary.com\\/saurabh\\/image\\/upload\\/v1469791885\\/media\\/yljgxgmfg1qbulxzwakm.png\",\"user_type\":\"all\",\"screen\":\"store\",\"id\":\"56d7e33ce69f7c8f06550002\",\"title\":\"Shopholix\",\"message\":\"Get a free T-Shirt #WROGN on every purchase via Shopholix. T&C apply.\",\"body\":\"Get a free T-Shirt #WROGN on every purchase via Shopholix. T&C apply.\"}";
"gcm.notification.priority" = high;
id = 56d7e33ce69f7c8f06550002;
image = "http://res.cloudinary.com/saurabh/image/upload/v1469791885/media/yljgxgmfg1qbulxzwakm.png";
message = "Get a free T-Shirt #WROGN on every purchase via Shopholix. T&C apply.";
screen = store;
title = Shopholix;
"user_type" = all;
Any help would be appreciated
Your content_available is set to 1. I'm pretty sure when using FCM, you should use true or false. Correct me if I'm reading your payload structure in a wrong way, but are you specifying the content_available separate from the GCM payload?
Also, the priority parameter should be outside the notification payload parameter.
See here for more details.
Were you able to resolve your issue?
Looking at the JSON, if it is exactly how you're sending it, then it is not well formed. All of the keys need to be strings surrounded by quotes. And each key-value pair needs to be comma-separated, not semi-colon.

iOS verify app store purchase id by developer

How can I check purchase id which was sent by user to me from his orders list?
For example, he can send something like: M1VYXX7VX7 (as written in his purchases list in appstore) and ask to return his purchase (may be he had deleted his app accidentally),
But when I get order information inside of my code (through SKPaymentTransaction) I have no access to that identifier. Then only ID i have looks like: 1000000020706713.
So is there any ways to validate that purchase ID using information which was sent to me by app store?
Read Verifying Store Receipts in the In-App Purchase Programming Guide. According to the documentation:
To verify the receipt, perform the following steps:
Retrieve the receipt data. On iOS, this is the value of the transaction's transactionReceipt property. On OS X, this is the entire contents of the receipt file inside the application bundle. Encode the receipt data using base64 encoding.
Create a JSON object with a single key named receipt-data and the string you created in step 1. Your JSON code should look like this:
"receipt-data" : "(receipt bytes here)"
Post the JSON object to the App Store using an HTTP POST request. The URL for the store is https://buy.itunes.apple.com/verifyReceipt.
The response received from the App Store is a JSON object with two keys, status and receipt. It should look something like this:
"status" : 0,
"receipt" : { (receipt here) }
If the value of the status key is 0, this is a valid receipt. If the value is anything other than 0, this receipt is invalid.
Read the article for more details.
