How do I get the Engauge digitizer to keep the points in the order digitized? - digitization

While digitizing points using the Engauge digitizer software, the points become automatically sorted by the value of the horizontal variable. This is fine for functions where there is only one "y" for every "x". But I have curves the have multiple y-values for every x.
Is there some setting that I should be using?

Change the curve type from Function to Relation. Use Settings / Curve
Properties. Then choose 'Relation - Straight' or 'Relation - Smooth'. As
you have seen, the default is 'Function - Smooth'.
Response taken from:


Comsol: Infinite Element Domain module

I want to simulate a 2D heat transfer process in the subsurface on a region which is infinite on the r-direction. So, as you know, the very basic way to model this is to draw a geometry that is very long in the r direction. I have done this, and the results that I obtain is correct as in this case, the results are matched with the analytical solution. As you know, there is a capability in Comsol called infinite element domain which serves the purpose to the problem mentioned above. In this case, we need to define a limited geometry on which we want to solve the PDE, and also need to draw a small domain acting as the Infinite Element Domain. However, in this case, the results are not correct because they are not matched with the analytical solution. Is there anything that I am missing to correctly use Infinite Element Domain in comsol?
Any help or comment would be appreciated.
I edited the post to be more specific.
Please consider the following figure where a fluid with high temperature is being injected into a region with lower temperature:
The equation to solve is:
With the following initial and boundary conditions (note that the upper and lower boundary condition is no-flux):
We want to obtain the temperature profile over the length of rw<r<140 m (rw is very small and is equal to 0.005 m here) at different times. One way to model this numerically in Comsol is to draw a rectangle that is 2000 m in the r-direction, and get results only in the span of r [rw,140] m:
The results of this case is fine, because they are well-matched with the analytical solution.
Another way to model this is to replace the above geometry with a bounded one that is [rw, 140] m in the r-direction and then augment it with an Infinite Element domain that is meshed mapped, as follows:
Here, I have set the thickness of Infinite Element to 10 m in the r-direction. However, the results in this case are not matched with the analytical solution (or the above case where Infinite Element domain was not used). Is there anything that I am missing in Comsol? I have also changed some variables with regard to Infinite Element in Comsol such as physical width or distance, but I didn't see any changes in the results.
BTW, here are the results:

ELKI OPTICS pre-computed distance matrix

I can't seem to get this algorithm to work on my dataset, so I took a very small subset of my data and tried to get it to work, but that didn't work either.
I want to input a precomputed distance matrix into ELKI, and then have it find the reachability distance list of my points, but I get reachability distances of 0 for all my points.
ID=1 reachdist=Infinity predecessor=1
ID=2 reachdist=0.0 predecessor=1
ID=4 reachdist=0.0 predecessor=1
ID=3 reachdist=0.0 predecessor=1
My ELKI arguments were as follows:
Running: -dbc DBIDRangeDatabaseConnection -idgen.start 1 -idgen.count 4 -algorithm clustering.optics.OPTICSList -algorithm.distancefunction external.FileBasedDoubleDistanceFunction -distance.matrix /Users/jperrie/Documents/testfile.txt -optics.epsilon 1.0 -optics.minpts 2 -resulthandler ResultWriter -out /Applications/elki-0.7.0/elkioutputtest
I use the DBIDRangeDatabaseConnection instead of an input file to create indices 1 through 4 and pass in a distance matrix with the following format, where there are 2 indices and a distance on each line.
1 2 0.0895585119724274
1 3 0.19458931684494
2 3 0.196315720677376
1 4 0.137940123677254
2 4 0.135852232575417
3 4 0.141511023044586
Any pointers to where I'm going wrong would be appreciated.
When I change your distance matrix to start counting at 0, then it appears to work:
ID=0 reachdist=Infinity predecessor=-2147483648
ID=1 reachdist=0.0895585119724274 predecessor=-2147483648
ID=3 reachdist=0.135852232575417 predecessor=1
ID=2 reachdist=0.141511023044586 predecessor=3
Maybe you should file a bug report - to me, this appears to be a bug. Also, predecessor=-2147483648 should probably be predecessor=None or something like that.
This is due to a recent change, that may not yet be correctly presented in the documentation.
When you do multiple invocations in the MiniGUI, ELKI will assign fresh object DBIDs. So if you have a data set with 100 objects, the first run would use 0-99, the second 100-199 the third 200-299 etc. - this can be desired (if you think of longer running processes, you want object IDs to be unique), but it can also be surprising behavior.
However, this makes precomputed distance matrixes really hard to use; in particular with real data. Therefore, these classes were changed to use offsets. So the format of the distance matrix now is
DBIDoffset1 DBIDoffset2 distance
where offset 0 = start + 0 is the first object.
When I'm back in the office (and do not forget), I will 1. update the documentation to reflect this, provide 2. an offset parameter so that you can continue counting starting at 1, 3. make the default distance "NaN" or "infinity", and 4. add a sanity check that warns if you have 100 objects, but distances are given for objects 1-100 instead of 0-99.

Mahout Recommender: What relative preference values are suitable for a GenericUserBasedRecommender?

In mahout, I'm setting up a GenericUserBasedRecommender, pretty straight forward for now, typical settings.
In generating a "preference" value for an item, we have the following 5 data points:
Positive interest
User converted on item (highest possible sign of interest)
Normal like (user expressed interest, e.g. like buttons)
Indirect expression of interest (clicks, cursor movements, measuring "eyeballs")
Negative interest
Indifference (items the user ignored when active on other items, a vague expression of disinterest)
Active dislike (thumbs down, remove item from my view, etc)
Over what range I should express these different attributes, let's use a 1-100 scale for discussion?
Should I be keeping the 'Active dislike' and 'Indifference' clustered close together, for example, at 1 and 5 respectively, with all the likes clustered in the 90-100 range?
Should 'Indifference' and 'Indirect expressions of interest' by closer to the center? As in 'Indifference' in the 20-35 range and 'Indirect like' in the 60-70 range?
Should 'User conversion' blow the scale away and be heads and tails higher than the others? As in: 'User Conversion' # 100, 'Lesser likes' # ~65, 'Dislikes' clustered in the 1-10 range?
On the scale of 1-100 is 50 effectively "null", or equivalent to no data point at all?
I know the final answer lies in trial and error and in the meaning of our data, but as far as the algorithm goes, I'm trying to understand at what point I need to tip the scales between interest and disinterest for the algorithm to function properly.
The actual range does not matter, not for this implementation. 1-100 is OK, 0-1 is OK, etc. The relative values are all that really matters here.
These values are estimated by a simple (linearly) weighted average. Therefore the response ought to be "linear". It ought to match an intuition that if action X gets a score 2x higher than action Y, then X should be an indicator of twice as much interest in real life.
A decent place to start is to simply size them relative to their frequency. If click-to-conversion rate is 2%, you might make a click worth 2% of a conversion.
I would ignore the "Indifference" signal you propose. It is likely going to be too noisy to be of use.

using acts_as_list and transferring floats to int value

I would like to use acts_as_list in an app that was originally written in php and is being moved to rails. We used a 'position' value that was a float such that if a user wanted to put something between position 1 and 2, they would just enter 1.5 in the form. It looks like acts_as_list just uses integers. Is there a way in acts_as_list to make it use floats rather than integers? Or possibly convert a set of floats to an integer for insert?
You could modify it, but it's easier to user integers and just reorder all the items in the list that appear after the one you're moving.
Using floats you're forced to split numbers into higher and higher precision every time you move a list around, and if a list gets enough reordering in it, you're likely to eventually run into problems related to how floating point numbers are stored, and then you'll have a list whose ordering breaks in subtle ways that won't be immediately obvious. The other issue with using floats really has to do with storing position (which is inherently a whole number) as a floating point number. When you're standing in a line, you don't think of yourself as being in position 1.5 - you're either in position 1 or 2. The only case where a measurement like 1.5 makes sense in something like people standing in a line is if you're measuring distance (like physical distance in feet/meters) from, say, the front of the line. However, at that point the 1.5 measurement has a very different meaning - it's no longer position, it's distance.
If you're trying to save the on the number of queries/DB changes that are required (floats would allow you to update just one column on one record instead of one column on multiple records), then you're probably missing out on the convenience of the gem doing it for you, and you might want to roll your own if there's some reason you really need to support floats.
However, given the points above about position inherently being a whole number, I'd recommend against doing floats just to save on DB time. How often are people really going to re-sort a list, and how much real load would it put on your app?
If instead, you have to support floats because of some integration point with the old system, then please tell us more about that.

Name or find the existing name for this geometric concept

This may have a proper name, if so - let's discuss. If not, let's name it. This is for a web application in C#, so whatever we call it I will start naming as such in my code.
I'm taking GPS data as a collection of n 'Points', each point has latitude (degrees), longitude (degrees), elevation (meters), and datetime(DateTime object). From this, I compute a list of n-1 'Segments.' In each Segment object, I have distance(meters), time(seconds), and velocity(meters/second), effectively taking the derivative between each consecutive point.
Now, I want to n-2 "name this object"s. Each will have acceleration (meters/second/second). A good name for a collection of segments may be 'Path' or 'Track', but this is specifically an object that is two segments only (comprised from three consecutive points), which holds the second derivative value.
I'm leaning toward 'Segue' and this will be the object's name as I flesh out the details. Is there an existing name for this concept, or does anyone have any suggestions?
