Create JIRA issue from SharePoint using Logic apps - jira

I want to create a JIRA issue using Logic Apps when a row is inserted into a SharePoint online list. I've authenticated myself, but am getting this error. The main part of the message reads as follows:
Field ‘reporter’ of type ‘user’ is not supported. More diagnostic information: x-ms-client-request-id is ’71…’
The Logic App action is "create a new issue V2". The previous version seems to work OK, but has been deprecated.
The SharePoint list also has some rich text fields. Will I be able to upload them? Looking at the JIRA connector documentation I suspect not, but would like to check.

To resolve this, you need to remove the 'reporter' field from the JIRA Issue Type you are using in the Create a new issue task in Logic Apps.


VS402375: Can't find the process associated with team project

I'm getting this error while trying to access Administration Page of my collection:
Administratio Page ERROR
I tried upload TFS.Configuration database, but no success so far.
This is the results of my sql selects:
According the error info VS402375: Can't find the process associated with team project 'xxx'. Contact support to resolve this error.
It looks like the process template (which you used for the project) is missing in the team project collection database.
A solution is restoring your back-up database, which may do the trick for this issue. Daniel is right, it's highly not recommend to modify TFS databases yourself.
Another solution is manually changing the templateID to match what your collection. More detail steps please take a look at bmonwai's answer in this similar question.
I know this is a really old post, but this also occurs if you have Extensions installed and then move from one database to another (backup/restore)
When you are attaching the collection, this would have given you a notification that is has dependant extensions. If you ignore this and continue, when you try to get to the admin page for that collection you can get this error as well.
I would recommend either installing the dependant extensions OR prior to detaching the collections at source, ensure you remove/uninstall the extensions.
Usually, installing the required extensions can solve this.

Cant create new team project in TFS 2010

I have an old setup with a tfs2010 and sql2008 and the current Collection is holding 3 team Projects. Now i want to create a new team project but for some reason i cant. it seems that it has something to do with the SQL Reporting that dosent excists. i get an error TF218027.
Ive been going through the setup and im wondering a bit
What exactly does the TFS use the reportServer for (MSDN dosent seem to want to tell me)
is there any way to create a Team project without the reporting
Will it damage my excisting data if i create and connect to a new sql reportServer
Hope someone will take the time to give an answer
I have already tried the different approtaches discussed on different threads and im primarily looking for information on the 3 questions written above
Try the steps below:
In browser go to: http://application-tier/Reports/Pages/Folder.aspx
Press Folder settings button in the toolbar
Press New Role Assignment button in the toolbar
Specify user name in Group or user name field, check Content Manager role and press OK.
So for the people that actually read the question the answer is.
Keeps track of agile work progress
yes and its actually easy. go to the reporting service and stop it and then tell TFS not to report under reporting
Since it was never running the answer here is No

Asana API retrieve project owner, status and deadline

Is there a way using the Asana api to retrieve the project owner, project status, project description and project deadline?
I checked the API docs and could not find anything, so I am assuming the answer is no (but confirmation is much appreciated).
If there is not a way of doing this via the API, does anyone have any hacks on how to do this using something like Selenium or another tool?
Much appreciated.
Project overview attributes are accessible attributes on project objects in the API.
current_status is the latest status update for the project including the color and text associated.
owner the current project owner.
due_date the current project due date.

JIRA Issue type drop down list is blank when trying creating an issue

When I try creating an JIRA issue, my issue type list is blank. But it works just fine on another PC.
Is there any setting that I need to activate? Thank you in advance.
Without more detailed background on the difference between the two machines here are the possible fixes that come to mind:
Be sure that you are using the same user account with the same user priviliges
Check that you are using the same browser with all dependencies installed (java)
Consider re-indexing JIRA from the Administration Panel
Check your schemes to insure you don't have non-applicable dupes
Hope this helps.

Trac to Jira migration: Converting a text in webpage to hyperlink on pageload

We are in a process of migrating trac to jira(defect management tool). I have imported data from Trac to Jira. The changesets that were present in the trac tickets are seen as plain text after importing them to Jira. On verifying the page source, the class name of all such spans is changed as error. Below is part of page source:
<a class="user-hover user-avatar" rel="username1" style="background-image:url(/secure/useravatar?size=small&avatarId=10122);" id="commentauthor_402362_verbose" href="/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?name=username1">username1</a>
added a comment - <span class='commentdate_402362_verbose subText'><span class='date user-tz' title='28/Oct/11 5:53 AM'><time datetime='2011-10-28T05:53+0530'>28/Oct/11 5:53 AM</time></span></span> </div>
<div class="action-body flooded"><p>(In <span class="error">[12345]</span>) refs AGLBD-16096</p>
Here [12345] is my changeset number. What would be the best way for me to make that changeset number appear as hyperlink instead of text. This should also be working with any ticket that a user opens. All the corresponding changeset numbers should be changed to hyperlinks on every page.
This was one of the most valuable things we also needed when importing our trac issue and comment history to JIRA was to preserve the changeset links made via autocommit hooks from subversion commits. We also had multiple repositories enabled in trac which made the link conversion tricky. Unfortunately the JIRA trac import doesn't seem to support any kind of repository changeset link conversion at all, including to Fisheye if you have that imported and enabled already.
Here's the PHP script I ended up writing to patch the sqlite3 trac.db file before import. I've included our user story, some sample SQL commands used for user conversion and our trac.db schema for reference at the bottom of the script for reference. I hope this is useful for others converting from trac to JIRA.
Are this "changeset" equivalent to JIRA's issue key?
If so, the JIRA will change any JIRA issue key to link to issue automatically, if the user that is browsing the issue have right's to display the mention issue.
For example in your jira you have an project TST, with link to browse it: . Issue 1 would have link:
Any occurrence of text "TST-1" in comments, description, JIRA will automatically change to link to issue TST-1 if, and only if user that is reading text TST-1 has enough permission to browse issue TST-1.
You may also need free plugin : application links
