Docker image will not launch - docker

Trying to launch a Docker image but it will not launch the process
The command is as follows:
sudo docker run --security-opt seccomp=unconfined blackarchlinux/blackarch
no error message is returned.

I would do the following things
see if my container is running or it is created
$ docker ps or docker ps -a
see if my image is pulled ?
$ docker images
if container is created but not running then I could also check the logs
$ docker logs my-container-name
if you can add in more details, probably would be able to investigate more

You want to start a shell up inside the container and use the tools in there, I assume.
In that case you need to add the -it options and tell docker which program/shell you want to run. Something like
sudo docker run -it --security-opt seccomp=unconfined blackarchlinux/blackarch /bin/bash


How to modifiy a file inside docker Image

I pulled a docker image from
But after pulling the Image, I don't see any containers running. I used
docker container ls command and it returned no containers.
Now due to some usecase I want to modify a file inside this docker image.
What is the correct way to do it?
Here is what resolved my issue.
After pulling the repository from the github I ran below commands
sudo docker images
This will display the names of existing images. Now copy the Image name in which you need to do the modification.
sudo docker run -it <copied_image_name> bash
This will open a bash where all the files are residing. Do the modification where ever it is required then type exit
Copy the container Id from below command
sudo docker ps -a
Now we need to commit the changes into new Image using below command
sudo docker commit <container_id> <new_image_name>
Thats all
Now do sudo docker images this will display the newly created image with the modified content.
Don't confuse image with container:
You need to "up" image to create appropriate container for it:
If you want to inspect/edit any container use command (it like ssh to container's server):
docker exec -it CONTAINER_ID bash
To get all docker containers and find their IDs use command:
docker ps -a

How to print cmd line arguments after attaching to docker container running process?

I want to see the command prompt used to trigger a python script inside a docker container. The process that is running can only be stopped if there is a dire need.
Is there any way I can see what was command line that was used?
To attach to the docker container I use this command.
docker attach [OPTIONS] CONTAINER
Thank you in advance.
You can use:
docker exec -it CONTAINER ps aux
to see the process which is running in container
You can see the docker logs for the same. sudo docker logs ContainerID/image_name:tag
rolling logs sudo docker logs -f ContainerID/image_name:tag

Docker exec command without the container ID

How can do something like:
docker exec -it 06a0076fb4c0 install-smt
But use the name of the container instead
docker exec -it container/container install-smt
I am running a build on CI server so I can not manually input the container ID.
How can I achieve this?
Yes, you can do this by naming the container with --name. Note that your command with container/container is likely referencing an image name and not the container.
➜ ~ docker run --name my_nginx -p 80:80 -d nginx
➜ ~ docker exec my_nginx hostname
Although it won't save any typing, you can do something like this if you want to use the image name instead of giving the container a name:
docker run debian
docker exec -it `docker ps -q --filter ancestor=debian` bash
This will only work if you're only running one instance of the debian image.
It does help if you're constantly amending the image when working on a new Dockerfile, and wanting to repeatedly run the same command in each new container to check your changes worked as expected.
I was able to fix this by setting a container name in the docker-compose file, and rundocker exec -it with the name form the file.
#Héctor (tnx)
These steps worked for me:
This will start the container named mytapir and spawn a shell into the docker container:
docker run -d --name mytapir -it wsmoses/tapir-built:latest bash
Upon docker ps to ensure the docker container is running:
docker exec -it mytapir /bin/bash
Will spawned a shell into an existing container named mytapir.
And you can stop the container as usual docker stop mytapir.
And starting it via docker start mytapir, if it is not running.
(check via docker ps -a)

Docker container not running after creating with mounted volume

I am trying to use an image that I pulled from the docker database. However I need data from the host to use some programs loaded into the image. I created a container with this
sudo docker run --name="mdrap" -v "/home/ubuntu/profile/reads/SE:/usr/local/src/volume" sigenae/drap
it appears that everything works and then I start the container
sudo docker start mdrap
but when I check the running containers it is not listed there and if I try to load the container into /bin/bash it tells me the container is not running. I am a beginner with docker and am only trying to use an image to run programs with all the required dependencies, what am I doing wrong?
docker start is only to start a stopped container. It's not necessary after a docker run. (but more after a docker **create**, like in the documentation)
A container is started as long as it's main process is running.
As soon as the main process stops, the container stops.
The main process of a container can be either:
the ENTRYPOINT if defined
the CMD if no ENTRYPOINT and no command line argument
the command line argument
In your case, as you don't have any command line argument (after the image name on the docker run command) and the image only defines a CMD (=/bin/bash), your container is trying to start a /bin/bash.
But, as you don't launch the container with the --interactive/-i nor --tty/-t (again like in the documentation), your process as nothing to interact with and stops (idem for each start of this container).
So your solution is simply to follow the documentation:
docker create --name drap --privileged -v /home/ubuntu/profile/reads/SE:/usr/local/src/volume -i -t sigenae/drap /bin/bash
docker start drap
docker exec -i -t drap /bin/bash
Or even simpler:
docker run --name drap --privileged -v /home/ubuntu/profile/reads/SE:/usr/local/src/volume -i -t sigenae/drap /bin/bash

Docker container will automatically stop after "docker run -d"

According to tutorial I read so far, use "docker run -d" will start a container from image, and the container will run in background. This is how it looks like, we can see we already have container id.
root#docker:/home/root# docker run -d centos
But if I ran "docker ps", nothing was returned.
So I tried "docker ps -a", I can see container already exited:
root#docker:/home/root# docker ps -a
605e3928cddd centos:latest "/bin/bash" 31 minutes ago Exited (0) 31 minutes ago kickass_swartz
Anything I did wrong? How can I troubleshoot this issue?
The centos dockerfile has a default command bash.
That means, when run in background (-d), the shell exits immediately.
Update 2017
More recent versions of docker authorize to run a container both in detached mode and in foreground mode (-t, -i or -it)
In that case, you don't need any additional command and this is enough:
docker run -t -d centos
The bash will wait in the background.
That was initially reported in kalyani-chaudhari's answer and detailed in jersey bean's answer.
vonc#voncvb:~$ d ps -a
4a50fd9e9189 centos "/bin/bash" 8 seconds ago Up 2 seconds wonderful_wright
Note that for alpine, Marinos An reports in the comments:
docker run -t -d alpine/git does not keep the process up.
Had to do: docker run --entrypoint "/bin/sh" -it alpine/git
Original answer (2015)
As mentioned in this article:
Instead of running with docker run -i -t image your-command, using -d is recommended because you can run your container with just one command and you don’t need to detach terminal of container by hitting Ctrl + P + Q.
However, there is a problem with -d option. Your container immediately stops unless the commands keep running in foreground.
Docker requires your command to keep running in the foreground. Otherwise, it thinks that your applications stops and shutdown the container.
The problem is that some application does not run in the foreground. How can we make it easier?
In this situation, you can add tail -f /dev/null to your command.
By doing this, even if your main command runs in the background, your container doesn’t stop because tail is keep running in the foreground.
So this would work:
docker run -d centos tail -f /dev/null
Or in Dockerfile:
CMD ["-f","/dev/null"]
A docker ps would show the centos container still running.
From there, you can attach to it or detach from it (or docker exec some commands).
According to this answer, adding the -t flag will prevent the container from exiting when running in the background. You can then use docker exec -i -t <image> /bin/bash to get into a shell prompt.
docker run -t -d <image> <command>
It seems that the -t option isn't documented very well, though the help says that it "allocates a pseudo-TTY."
A Docker container runs a process (the "command" or "entrypoint") that keeps it alive. The container will continue to run as long as the command continues to run.
In your case, the command (/bin/bash, by default, on centos:latest) is exiting immediately (as bash does when it's not connected to a terminal and has nothing to run).
Normally, when you run a container in daemon mode (with -d), the container is running some sort of daemon process (like httpd). In this case, as long as the httpd daemon is running, the container will remain alive.
What you appear to be trying to do is to keep the container alive without a daemon process running inside the container. This is somewhat strange (because the container isn't doing anything useful until you interact with it, perhaps with docker exec), but there are certain cases where it might make sense to do something like this.
(Did you mean to get to a bash prompt inside the container? That's easy! docker run -it centos:latest)
A simple way to keep a container alive in daemon mode indefinitely is to run sleep infinity as the container's command. This does not rely doing strange things like allocating a TTY in daemon mode. Although it does rely on doing strange things like using sleep as your primary command.
$ docker run -d centos:latest sleep infinity
$ docker ps
d651c7a9e0ad centos:latest "sleep infinity" 2 seconds ago Up 2 seconds nervous_visvesvaraya
Alternative Solution
As indicated by cjsimon, the -t option allocates a "pseudo-tty". This tricks bash into continuing to run indefinitely because it thinks it is connected to an interactive TTY (even though you have no way to interact with that particular TTY if you don't pass -i). Anyway, this should do the trick too:
$ docker run -t -d centos:latest
Not 100% sure whether -t will produce other weird interactions; maybe leave a comment below if it does.
Hi this issue is because docker containers exit if there is no running application in the container.
option is just to run a container in deamon mode.
So the trick to make your container continuously running is point to a shell file in docker which will keep your application running.You can try with a file
Eg: docker run -d centos sh /yourlocation/
This should point to a never ending application.
In case if you dont want any application to be running,you can install monit which will keep your docker container running.
Please let us know if these two cases worked for you to keep your container running.
All the best
You can accomplish what you want with either:
docker run -t -d <image-name>
docker run -i -d <image-name>
docker run -it -d <image-name>
The command parameter as suggested by other answers (i.e. tail -f /dev/null) is completely optional, and is NOT required to get your container to stay running in the background.
Also note the Docker documentation suggests that combining -i and -t options will cause it to behave like a shell.
I have this code snippet run from the ENTRYPOINT in my docker file:
while true
echo "Press [CTRL+C] to stop.."
sleep 1
Run the built docker image as:
docker run -td <image name>
Log in to the container shell:
docker exec -it <container id> /bin/bash
execute command as follows :
docker run -t -d <image-name>
if you want to specify port then command as below:
docker run -t -d -p <port-no> <image-name>
verify the running container using following command:
docker ps
Docker container exits if task inside is done, so if you want to keep it alive even if it does not have any job or already finished them, you can do docker run -di image. After you do docker container ls you will see it running.
Docker requires your command to keep running in the foreground. Otherwise, it thinks that your applications stops and shutdown the container.
So if your docker entry script is a background process like following:
/usr/local/bin/confd -interval=30 -backend etcd -node $CONFIG_CENTER &
The '&' makes the container stop and exit if there are no other foreground process triggered later.
So the solution is just remove the '&' or have another foreground CMD running after it, such as
tail -f server.log
If you are using CMD at the end of your Dockerfile, what you can do is adding the code at the end. This will only work if your docker is built on ubuntu, or any OS that can use bash.
&& /bin/bash
Briefly the end of your Dockerfile will look like something like this.
CMD ls && ... && /bin/bash
So if you have anything running automatically after you run your docker image, and when the task is complete the bash terminal will be active inside your docker. Thereby, you can enter you shell commands.
Maybe it is just me but on CentOS 7.3.1611 and Docker 1.12.6 but I ended up having to use a combination of the answers posted by #VonC & #Christopher Simon to get this working reliably. Nothing I did before this would stop the container from exiting after it ran CMD successfully. I am starting oracle-xe-11Gr2 and sshd.
RUN ssh-keygen -t rsa -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key -N '' && systemctl enable sshd
CMD /etc/init.d/oracle-xe start && /sbin/sshd && tail -f /dev/null
Then adding -d -t and -i to run
docker run --shm-size=2g --name oracle-db -d -t -i -p 5022:22 -p 5080:8080 -p 1521:1521 centos-oracle:7.3.1611
Finally after hours of bashing my head against the wall
ssh -v root# -p 5022
root#'s password:
debug1: Authentication succeeded (password).
For whatever reason the above will exit after executing CMD if the tail -f is removed, or any of the -t -d -i options are omitted.
I had the same issue, just opening another terminal with a bash on it worked for me :
create container:
docker run -d
start container:
docker start 52bbc9b30557
start bash to keep container running:
docker exec -it 52bbc9b30557 bash
start process you need:
docker exec -it 52bbc9b30557 /path_to_cool_your_app
Running docker with interactive mode might solve the issue.
Here is the example for running image with and without interactive mode
chaitra#RSK-IND-BLR-L06:~/dockers$ sudo docker run -d -t -i test_again1.0
chaitra#RSK-IND-BLR-L06:~/dockers$ sudo docker ps
chaitra#RSK-IND-BLR-L06:~/dockers$ sudo docker run -d -t -i test_again1.0 bash
chaitra#RSK-IND-BLR-L06:~/dockers$ sudo docker ps
c3d6a9529fd7 test_again1.0 "bash" 2 seconds ago Up 1 second awesome_haibt
You can simply use:
docker container run -d -it <container name or id> /bin/bash
I have explained it in the following post that has the same question.
How to retain docker alpine container after "exit" is used?
I was also facing the same problem but in a different manner. When I create the docker containers. it automatically stops the unused containers which are just running in the background. Sometimes it also stops the containers that are in the use.
In my situation, this is because of the permission of the docker.sock files it earlier has.
what you have to do is :-
Install docker again.(As i work on ubuntu i install it from here)
Run the command to change the permissions.
sudo chmod 666 /var/run/docker.sock
Install docker-compose (this is optional as I have compose file to create many containers together)
sudo curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
check for the version to ensure that I have the latest one and not get problem with some deprications.
Then I run the docker container build.
Argument order matters
Jersey Beans answer (all 3 examples) worked for me. After quite a bit of trial and error I realized that the order of the arguments matter.
Keeps the container running in the background:
docker run -t -d <image-name>
Keeps the container running in the foreground: docker run <image-name> -t -d
It wasn't obvious to me coming from a Powershell background.
if you want to operate on the container, you need to run it in foreground to keep it alive.
There are multiple options out there to run the container in foreground/detached state. But if you still feel the issue is not resolved, you can try troubleshooting the issue by viewing the logs.
sudo docker logs -f >> container.log
additionally you can also use --details to show extra details provided to logs.
Incorrect Path to App in Dockerfile:
I was migrating an application from a RHEL server to a Docker container using Alpine Linux.
No errors during the build, so I was surprised to see the container immediately exit!
First port of call:
docker logs <containerID>
This revealed the path of the binary I had supplied to CMD in the Dockerfile was bogus:
line 0: /sbin/postfix: not found
Well that told me how things were broken, but not specifically where: I still required the correct path for the binary in Alpine Linux...
Googling didn't reveal the correct path to it, so I added the following line to my Dockerfile:
RUN which postfix
I then reviewed my build logging- provided by the below command appended to my build command- to retrieve the value of RUN which postfix
--progress=plain > /path/to/build.log 2>&1
The Fix:
I deleted this test build, supplied the correct path- /usr/sbin/postfix - to CMD in the Dockerfile, deleted RUN which postfix and ran another build.
Voila; the process now remained up.
So a duff path was causing the container to immediately exit...
These 4 commands all work to keep your docker container running:
docker run -td centos
docker run -dt centos
docker run -t -d centos
docker run -d -t centos
Firstly, You need to check if any container is running
Type command,
docker ps -all
If any container is running then stop them
Type command,
docker stop Container Id
Now, Finally run the docker by using below command..........
docker run -t -p 2020:3000 dockerImageName
Hence, Open your google chrome and visit on localhost:2020
Congrats :)
