EmEditor snippet plugin no longer remembers which snippet collections were open (20.9) - code-snippets

After upgrading from EmEditor 20.8.1 to 20.9, closing the snippets panel now collapses all open snippets collections, even though the plugin has been set to keep running in the background. I have to manually reopen the collections after activating the snippets panel.
Is this change of behavior intentional? Am I overlooking something?


CodeLite 12.0.2 : nothing in Editor

I wondered if anyone could help me with a strange bug I am having with CodeLite, which I am using as C IDE.
Basically nothing displays in the right side window editor when I open source files. This also happens when trying to change the fonts etc (this is where i looked first), whereby no preview displays.
Of possible note, that this absence of displayed text also occurs for example texts such as the one during the set up, as well as the pop up "Colours and Fonts".
The rest seems to work correctly, I was able to compile and run a project in the workspace for which I knew no edits needed to be made.
I am running Windows 7 professional 64 bits and i have not observed any issue elsewhere, only with CodeLite. I used the 64 bits installer to install CodeLite 12.02.
Attempted so far: restart computer, uninstall / reinstall CodeLite. Obviously looked up google, stackoverflow and CodeLite forum, without success finding anything similar.
Any idea where I should look for ways to solve this issue ?
Screenshot of CodeLite with a an example main.c open in editor but not showing content:
Screenshot of actual content of example main.c (hello world):
Screenshot of CodeLite initial set up, also showing no example text:
Screenshot of CodeLite "Colours and Fonts" pop up, also showing no example text:
May be it's late, but it happened that I solved the issue. I experienced the same problem with the latest CodeLite v15.0.3 at the time of writing. I also have Windows 7 64 bits and nothing was shown for the text of any opened source file.
Open Settings > Preferences > Misc
and simply uncheck this setting:
[ ] Windows Only: use Direct2D editor drawings
It helped me.

Unable to drag files after installing communication with python script

I built an electron app that allowed dragging files in, with a jQuery script that just takes some info from that (path) and adds an li to a list. That's it. It worked great.
Then I followed this guide, because the next step is to send that information to a python script that analyzes the files (maybe relevant: when installing zeroRPC I built from sources, didn't rely on the prebuilt fork that's available there).
Now I get this crazy bug where when I drag files into the app my mouse pointer changes to not-allowed and the drop event doesn't fire. It's so weird.
I don't have any code sample to give because I can't really tell which part is wrong. The only changes I've done are the ones in the guide I linked, and they have nothing to do with the front-end. I'm really confused by this. not-allowed? Why?
Well, as suspected, the issue had nothing to do with either the front end or the back end. None of my code, really. It turned out that since I needed to compile some stuff while preparing zeroRPC, I used powershell as an administrator,, and you can't drag files from user-run explorer into an admin-run electron app - which makes sense and is in fact an expected behavior (it just so happened that I encountered this after doing some work, causing me to think the problem was with something I changed in my code).

Dart app not showing anything in dartium [duplicate]

my Dartium web browser suddenly stopped displaying the content of Polymer application. Even the basic dart-polymer template project (that reversing of text) is not displayed. If you move the cursor to the position of a input box, it changes shape accordingly. Chrome works well.
I can't even remember the action which lead to this. Does Dartium perform auto updates? Yesterday it worked well, then I put the computer to sleep and came today and it doesn't work. I've tried to restart, reinstall etc. Hopeless...
Thanks for ideas
I recently ran into the same problem. Updating Dart Editor fixed the issue (under Help -> About Dart Editor).

Is there anyway to change the color of the toolbar in notepad++?

I have tried changing the background color of toolbar in notepad++. I am not been successful so far. Frankly speaking I am not so liking the toolbar color and would like to have a dark background to the toolbar. Is there anyway I can do the same? Thanks in advance
Take a look at this question on Superuser. I haven't tested it, but I think it can help.
below there's the hack (as explained in the link):
The themes, as you guessed, can't do this (they only handle what's in
the text editing window). To change the colors you'll have to make
some very simple changes (since it's only changing color values) to
the source code (download from the site or GitHub).
Extract the file Find the elements whose color you'd like to change,
and change them. All colors I've seen are denoted RGB(xx,xx,xx)
Rebuild (see /readmeFirst.txt once you've extracted) I've just glanced
at these files, but I'm definitely going to work at this a little
tomorrow and I don't mind giving you my results once I've solved it.
Anyway, what I've seen at a glance is that you'll want to look in
/PowerEditor/src/ScitillaComponent/DocTabView (I think)
/PowerEditor/src/WinControls/ToolBar That's all I noticed that might
be of interest so far, but again, I'll look at it more tomorrow and
get back to you.
Edit: the official makefile will give some errors, because
/PowerEditor/src/Parameters.h references files incorrectly. Here are
the two I fixed so far:
#include "TinyXml/tinyXmlA/tinyxmlA.h" (line 33)
#include "TinyXml/tinyxml.h" (line 37)
Change those lines in Parameters.h to what I've written to deal with
them. Don't worry about the warnings ("extra tokens after #endif") -
they're just comments.
Edit 2: I'm using VS2012, in which the build process results in
numerous errors. I won't post them here unless someone eventually asks
about them, in which case I'm happy to do so. I should have a working
build up soon!
Edit 3: It seems Notepad++'s provided VS project file was created with
an earlier version of Visual Studio, and in updating the files, Visual
Studio 2012 creates many problems, so if you go that route, use
Edit 4: I didn't make it obvious in Edit 3, but I gave up after
realizing just how difficult it was going to be to get around the VS
errors. I imagine the code has changed significantly since I wrote
this answer as well; unfortunately I didn't note the version, but I'm
sure it was the latest available at time of writing this answer,
which, according to "All versions", was probably either 6.4.1 or
6.4.2. However, I hope this is a useful starting point for anyone else who reads (this answer has received consistent attention since
As far as I see into details of creation of the user interface elements (buttons, toolbars etc.), the answer is that toolbar color cannot be changed until developer explicitly built such a feature into the application. And N++ has no such a feature if you check its settings.
You can achieve changing of toolbar color by standard way: override toolbar painting routine after you grabbed N++ sources. Then compile custom Notepad++.exe which reflects your change.
If you feel toolbar coloring would be useful not only for you, but for number of users, consider registering a feature request for Notepad++ as many people (including me :)) already did for various features of N++.
Go to Settings> Preferences
Then select Enable dark mode.
Then you have the option to pick colors for the dark mode and can even set custom colors

SketchFlow prototyping font not displaying

I'm using SketchFlow for the first time, and am confused as to why my text isn't showing up in the "Buxton Sketch" font it's supposed to (see image). I just did a repair installation, and it didn't make a difference. In the Text properties, I don't see "Buxton Sketch" as an option, either. I'd appreciate any help.
Everything looks fine in the SketchFlow player (when I hit F5), but not in the designer.
Compared to this:
Proper "wiggly" font http://www.lorenheiny.com/wp-content/uploads/sketchflowwigglystyles.png
I tried downloading the SketchFlow files from a tutorial I had used, and it worked fine. It turned out the difference was that my files resided within a subfolder of a directory I had named "C#" - where I've kept all of my Visual Studio source files for a long time, with no problems (until now). Moving the SketchFlow project to a different directory fixed it.
What makes it even stranger is that the C# directory is 2 levels higher up than the solution's directory, so I don't know why anything within the solution would even matter.
Are you able to create anything with that font? Can you create a textblock and set the text to the Buxton Sketch font?
We encountered this same issue - but found a slightly different solution.
In our case, SketchFlow projects were being in the default location (My Documents\Expression\Blend 3\Projects), and the screens weren't coming up with Buxton Sketch.
The difference we found is that, in our environment, "My Documents" is mapped to a network storage location (H:\Data). What we observed was:
Open the project via My Documents\Expression\Blend 3\Projects. No Buxton Sketch. :-(
Open the project via H:\Data\Expression Blend 3\Projects. Buxton Sketch OK. :-)
Click "Embed" in the Text properties on most "Sketchy" controls to get Buxton Sketch to appear at design time in Blend for MS Visual Studio 2013 (v 12.0.50429.0 update 2)
If you paste items from other sketchflow screens, ensure you paste after you have already added a "Sketchy" control to your screen and don't "Overwrite existing resource with copied resource" when a "Resource Key Conflict" occurs, "Discard the copied resource and use the existing resource" if the resources from your copied items already exist or leave as default and add them.
First, make sure you've started by creating a new Sketchflow Application from Blend 3. Then from within Blend 3 in your Sketchflow project on the toolbar, click the chevron at the bottom of the list (the >>). From there expand Styles and select SketchStyles. From there you should see all the sketchy controls like BasicTextBox-Sketch and ListBox-Sketch. Those all have the sketchy look that you want.
It shows up at design time for me.
(source: bryantlikes.com)
