Change default volume mount point for docker rootless? - docker

I saw this post with different solutions for standard docker installation:
How to change the default location for "docker create volume" command?
At first glance I struggle to repeat the steps to change the default mount point for the rootless installation.
Should it be the same? What would be the procedure?

I just got it working. I had some issues because I had the service running while trying to change configurations. Key takeaways:
The config file is indeed stored in ~/.config/docker/. One must make a daemon.json file here in order to change preferences. We would like to change the data-root option (and storage-driver, in case the drive does not have capabilities
To start and stop the headless service one runs systemctl --user [start | stop] docker.
a. Running the systemwide service starts a parallel and separate instance of docker, which is not rootless.
b. When stopping make sure to stop the docker.socketfirst.
Sources are (see Useage section for rootless)
and (config file information)

We ended up with the indirect solution. We have identified the directory where the volumes are mounted by default and created a symbolic link which points to the place where we actually want to store the data. In our case it was enough. Something like that:
sudo ln -s /data /home/ubuntu/.local/share/docker/volumes"


"Device or resource busy" when i try move /etc/resolv.conf in ubuntu:18.04. How fix it?

I have a VPN client in my Docker container (ubuntu:18.04).
The client must do the following:
mv /etc/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf.orig
Then the client should create new /etc/resolv.conf with their DNS servers. However, the move fails with an error:
mv: cannot move '/etc/resolv.conf' to '/etc/resolv.conf.orig': Device or resource busy
Can this be fixed? Thank you advance.
P.S.: I can 't change the VPN client code.
Within the Docker container the /etc/resolv.conf file is not an ordinary regular file. Docker manages it in a special manner: the container engine writes container-specific configuration into the file outside of the container and bind-mounts it to /etc/resolv.conf inside the container.
When your VPN client runs mv /etc/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf.orig, things boil down to the rename(2) syscall (or similar call from this family), and, according to the manpage for this syscall, EBUSY (Device or resource busy) error could be returned by few reasons, including the situation when the original file is a mountpoint:
The rename fails because oldpath or newpath is a directory that is in use by some process (perhaps as current working directory, or as root directory, or
because it was open for reading) or is in use by the system (for example as mount point), while the system considers this an error. (Note that there is no
requirement to return EBUSY in such cases — there is nothing wrong with doing the rename anyway — but it is allowed to return EBUSY if the system cannot otherwise handle such situations.)
Though there is a remark that the error is not guaranteed to be produced in such circumstances, it seems that it always fires for bind-mount targets (I guess that probably this happens here):
$ touch sourcefile destfile
$ sudo mount --bind sourcefile destfile
$ mv destfile anotherfile
mv: cannot move 'destfile' to 'anotherfile': Device or resource busy
So, similarly, you cannot move /etc/resolv.conf inside the container, for it is a bind-mount, and there is no straight solution.
Given that the bind-mount of /etc/resolv.conf is a read-write mount, not a read-only one, it is still possible to overwrite this file:
$ mount | grep resolv.conf
/dev/sda1 on /etc/resolv.conf type ext4 (rw,relatime)
So, the possible fix could be to try copying this file to the .orig backup and then rewriting the original one instead of renaming the original file and then re-creating it.
Unfortunately, this does not meet your restrictions (I can 't change the VPN client code.), so I bet that you are out of luck here.
Any method that requires moving a file onto /etc/resolv.conf fails in docker container.
The workaround is to rewrite the original file instead of moving or renaming a modified version onto it.
For example, use the following at a bash prompt:
(rc=$(sed 's/^\(nameserver 192\.168\.\)/# \1/' /etc/resolv.conf)
echo "$rc" > /etc/resolv.conf)
This works by rewriting /etc/resolv.conf as follows:
read and modify the current contents of /etc/resov.conf through the stream editor, sed
the sed script in this example is for commenting out lines starting with nameserver 192.168.
save the updated contents in a variable, rc
overwrite the original file /etc/resolv.conf with updated contents in "$rc"
The command list is in parentheses to operate in a sub-shell to avoid polluting the current shell's name space with a variable name rc, just in case it happens to be in use.
Note that this command does not require sudo since it is taking advantage of the super user privileges available by default inside the container.
Note that sed -i (editing in-place) involves moving the updated file onto the original and will not work.
But if the visual editor, vi, is available in the container, editing and saving /etc/resolv.conf with vi works, since vi modifies the original file directly.

Deriving FROM existing Dockerfile + setting USER to non-root

I'm trying to find a generic best practice for how to:
Take an arbitrary (parent) Dockerfile, e.g. one of the official Docker images that run their containerized service as root,
Derive a custom (child) Dockerfile from it (via FROM ...),
Adjust the child in the way that it runs the same service as the parent, but as non-root user.
I've been searching and trying for days now but haven't been able to come up with a satisfying solution.
I'd like to come up with an approach e.g. similar to the following, simply for adjusting the user the original service runs as:
FROM mariadb:10.3
RUN chgrp -R 0 /var/lib/mysql && \
chmod g=u /var/lib/mysql
USER 1234
However, the issue I'm running into again and again is whenever the parent Dockerfile declares some path as VOLUME (in the example above actually VOLUME /var/lib/mysql), that effectively makes it impossible for the child Dockerfile to adjust file permissions for that specific path. The chgrp & chmod are without effect in that case, so the resulting docker container won't be able to start successfully, due to file access permission issues.
I understand that the VOLUME directive works that way by design and also why it's like that, but to me it seems that it completely prevents a simple solution for the given problem: Taking a Dockerfile and adjusting it in a simple, clean and minimalistic way to run as non-root instead of root.
The background is: I'm trying to run arbitrary Docker images on an Openshift Cluster. Openshift by default prevents running containers as root, which I'd like to keep that way, as it seems quite sane and a step into the right direction, security-wise.
This implies that a solution like gosu, expecting the container to be started as root in order to drop privileges during runtime isn't good enough here. I'd like to have an approach that doesn't require the container to be started as root at all, but only as the specified USER or even with a random UID.
The unsatisfying approaches that I've found until now are:
Copy the parent Dockerfile and adjust it in the way necessary (effectively duplicating code)
sed/awk through all the service's config files during build time to replace the original VOLUME path with an alternate path, so the chgrp and chmod can work (leaving the original VOLUME path orphaned).
I really don't like these approaches, as they require to really dig into the logic and infrastructure of the parent Dockerfile and how the service itself operates.
So there must be better ways to do this, right? What is it that I'm missing? Help is greatly appreciated.
Permissions on volume mount points don't matter at all, the mount covers up whatever underlying permissions were there to start with. Additionally you can set this kind of thing at the Kubernetes level rather than worrying about the Dockerfile at all. This is usually though a PodSecurityPolicy but you can also set it in the SecurityContext on the pod itself.

Automatically Configure Config inside Docker Container

While setting up and configure some docker containers I asked myself how I could automatically edit some config files inside the container after the containerized service finished installing (since the config files are created at the installation).
I have tried that using a shell file and adding it as the entrypoint in the Dockerfile. However, as I have said the config file does not exist right at the beginning and hence the sed commands in the script fail.
Linking an config files with - ./myConfig.conf:/xy/myConfig.conf is also not an option because the config contains some installation dependent options.
The most reasonable solution I have found was running a script, which edits the config, manually after the installation has finished with docker exec -i mycontainer sh <
My question is formulated in general terms. However, the question arose while working with Nextcloud in a docker-compose setup similar to the official example. That container contains a config.php file which is the general config file of Nextcloud and is generated during the installation. Certain properties of that files have to be changed (there are only a very limited number of environmental variables to specify). Since I am conducting some tests with this container I have to repeatedly reinstall it and thus reedit the config file.
Maybe you can try another approach and have your config file/application pick its settings from the environmental variables. That would be consistent with the 12factor app methodology see here
How I understand your case you need to start your container from creating config by some template.
I see a number of options to do it:
Use some script that generates a config from template and arguments from a command line or environment variables. (Jinja2 and python for example or Mustache and node.js ). In this case, your entrypoint generate the template and after this start application. For change config, you will be forced restart service (container).
Run some service can save the configuration and render you configuration in run time. Personally, I like consul template, we active use this engine in our environment, and have no problems for while. In this case, config is more dynamic and able to be changed "on the fly". In your container, you will have two processes, application, and consul-template daemon. Obviously, you will need to run and maintain consul. For reloading config restart of an application process is enough.
Run a custom script to create the config. :)

Unable to start any container when Volumes are enabled Docker Toolbox

I am running Docker Toolbox v. 1.13.1a on Windows 7 Pro Service pack 1 x64OS.
with Virtual Box Version 5.1.14 r112924
when I try to run any docker image e.g. official postgres image from Docker Hub with volumes disabled, it works fine!
But when I enable the volumes it fails.
I tried all official documentations
The VM has shared folder as required and has full access to it also
shared folder screenshot
In case of my example of postgresql it crashes with following log
The files belonging to this database system will be owned by user "postgres".
This user must also own the server process.
The database cluster will be initialized with locale "en_US.utf8".
The default database encoding has accordingly been set to "UTF8".
The default text search configuration will be set to "english".
Data page checksums are disabled.
fixing permissions on existing directory /var/lib/postgresql/data ... ok
creating subdirectories ... ok
selecting default max_connections ... 100
selecting default shared_buffers ... 128MB
selecting dynamic shared memory implementation ... posix
selecting default max_connections ... 100
selecting default shared_buffers ... 128MB
selecting dynamic shared memory implementation ... posix
creating configuration files ... ok
running bootstrap script ... LOG: could not link file "pg_xlog/xlogtemp.27" to "pg_xlog/000000010000000000000001": Operation not permitted
FATAL: could not open file "pg_xlog/000000010000000000000001": No such file or directory
child process exited with exit code 1
initdb: removing contents of data directory "/var/lib/postgresql/data"
I know its the problem with folder permissions. But kinda stuck!
A ton of thanks in advance
I've been busy with this problem all day and my conclusion that it's currently simply not possible to run postgresql inside a docker container while keeping your data persistent in a separate volume.
I even tried running the container without linking to a volume and copying the data that was originally in /var/lib/postgresql into a folder of my host OS (Windows 10 Home), then copy that into the folder that got then linked to the container itself.
Alas, I got the next error:
FATAL: data directory "/var/lib/postgresql/data/pgadmin" has wrong ownership
HINT: The server must be started by the user that owns the data directory.
In conclusion: There's something going wrong with the ownership and the correct user owning it and to be able to fix it, you'll need a unix commandline on Windows that is able to run docker (something currently not possible with Bash on Ubuntu on Windows that is running using Ubuntu 16.04 binaries).
Maybe, in the future, you'll be able to run the needed commands (found here, under Arbitrary --user Notes), but these are *nix commands and powershell (started by Kitematic) can't run those. Bash for Ubuntu for Windows could run those, but that shell has no connection to the docker daemon/service on windows...
TL;DR: Lost a day of work: It is currently impossible on Windows.
I have been trying to fix this issue also ..
At first I thought it was a symlink problem (because the first error fails on " could not link .. operation not permitted)
To be sure symlink is permitted you have to :
share a folder in virtualbox
run virtualbox as administrator (if you account is in administrator group) Right click virtualbox.exe and select run as Administrator
if your account is not administrator, add the symlink privilege with secpol.msc > "Local Policies-User Rights Assignments" add your user to "Create symbolic links"
enable symlink for your shared folder in virtualbox :
VBoxManage setextradata VM_NAME VBoxInternal2/SharedFoldersEnableSymlinksCreate/SHARED_FOLDER_NAME 1
Alternatively you can also use the c:\User\username folder which is shared and symlink enabled by default dockertools installation
Now I can create symlinks in the shared folder from the docker container .. but I still have the same error "could not link ... operation not permitted"
So the reason must be somewhere else ... in the file permissions as you said but I do not see why ?

docker-compose caches run results

I'm having an issue with docker-compose where I'm passing a file into the container when it's run. The issue is that it doesn't seem to recognize when the file has been changed and serves the saved result back indefinitely until I change the name of the file.
An example (modified names for brevity):
jono#macbook:~/myProj% docker-compose run vpn conf.opvn
Options error: Unrecognized option or missing parameter(s) in conf.opvn:71: AXswRE+
5aN64mYiPSatOACC6+bISv8RcDPX/lMYdLwe8zQY6qWtbrjFXrp2 (2.3.8)
Then I change the file, save it, and run the command again - exact same output.
Then without changing anything I do this:
jono#macbook:~/myProj% cp conf.opvn newconf.opvn
And when I run $ docker-compose run vpn newconf.opvn it works. Seems really silly.
I'm working with Tmux and Mac if there is some way that affects it. Is this the expected behaviour? I couldn't find anything documenting this on the docker-compose homepage.
Specifically I'm using this repo from the amazing Jess.
The image you are using is using volume in order to mount your current directory. Basically the file conf.opvn is copied to the docker container.
When you change the file, the container doesn't see that change, but it does pick up the rename (which the container sees as a new file). This most probably is due to user rights of the file and the user rights of the folder in the docker container where this file is mounted. Try changing the file's permissions to 777 before beginning the process and check again.
You can find a discussion about this in the official forum of docker
