iOS app freeze after setting text larger in accessibility mode - ios

The app works normally when I set Settings>Accessibility>Display & Text Size>Larger Text to OFF or ON with default value.
However when I try to make the Text Size larger even a little bit, the app UI freeze at that moment,
My Home page includes UIRefreshControl, UITableView, UICollectionView. This issue is reported on iOS 14.6, iPhone 11 Pro Max & the standard version.
The app is built in Xamarin.iOS, using Mvvmcross framework


Ionic3 - iOS - Slide Menu Styling Issues

I am having an issue with my app's sliding menu (segment) buttons. Two of the three buttons text are filled blocks, and I did not make any recent style changes to the app, let alone the app.scss file.
I am only seeing this on iOS devices (using an iPad mini and iPhone XS), not on ionic serve and Xcode simulators.
Is there a way to figure out the cause of this styling issue, or at least replicate the bug on either the Xcode simulators or ionic serve. I tried development and production builds, no difference.
My only guess is maybe something dealing with the new changes made with iOS Mojave as it made changes to the iOS app structure.
I am using a work-around by changing the font color to something close to the original.
#777 to #777776
There has to be a reason it is doing this with just #777 or #fff.

UICollectionView Drag works in the Simulator but not in iPhone 8 Device

I am developing a custom keyboard for iOS, using Xcode 9.2 and Swift 4. The project is 100% code based (no Storyboard) and has limited use of AutoLayout (due to performance requirements).
The keyboard includes a UICollectionView that implements a reordering functionality with Drag and Drop.
Everything works fine in the following scenarios:
Running the App in the simulator
Running the keyboards as an App Extension in the Simulator (building the dedicated Build Target as specified in Apple's App Extension Programming Guide
Device (iPhone 8, with iOS 11.2.6)
Running the app in the device
When running the app as App Extension and after having configured the custom keyboard in the device, everything works OK, except the Drag functionality.
The keyboard shows that drag selection animation (using dragPreviewParametersForItemAt), but the drag movement does not work
I made sure that the dragInteractionEnabled = true is set (in case there is a different behavior between the device and the simulator)
I tried to debug the operation, but Xcode doesn't seem to report any particular issue in the Drag and Drop Delegates
The question is. Has anyone seen this type of issue or have any recommendation?
Rgds... e

Xamarin App Keyboard is a different size to iOS Keyboard

I'm developing an iOS app in Xamarin (not using Forms, using Xamarin.iOS) and I have noticed that the keyboard which appears in my Xamarin built app is larger than Keyboards which appear in other apps.
E.G. My app
E.G. Other iOS app (Apple Notes)
The numbers aren't really important, what is important is that there is definitely a difference in size between the two keyboards in terms of key height and key spacing.
There does not appear to be any obvious options or settings surrounding this. Trying different Keyboard Styles (I'm using "Default") does not solve the problem.
I would like to get my Keyboard to be the same size as a normal iOS App Keyboard.
Krumelur's answer is correct.
This is how I specified the launch screens
In Visual Studio, there does appear to be an issue with this XML entry being lost if you edit the project file through the IDE.
This is not Xamarin related. Your app is running in compatibility mode on an iPhone5 or 6. You will have to provide a launch screen for the particular device or a launch image to let iOS know you support the bigger screen.
See here on how to use launch screens.

iPhone not showing same results as simulator

I have an app that was developed for iOS 4 and 5 and I migrated it to iOS7. When I test it on my iPhone 4 with iOS 7.1 is not showing the same results as the simulator.
Any suggestions?
Basically is not showing the initial segmented control, the map segmented control, the view associated with the control and it´s showing the scanner in a bigger size. The simulator showed the same issues before I restore the contents and settings in the simulator.
If you watch very closely on the iphone it shows the segments and other elements of the view behind de navigation bar . But in the storyboard they appear right in the place that i want them. Is any form to consolidate my storyboard ??? Are any files that depend of the storyboard that i´m not including or generating.
The storyboard icon looks like black and also the .plist what does this means?
Simulator doesn't have the memory limitation as the device.
Simulator uses x86 arch, device uses ARM
It is a simulator, so it only "simulates" the behavior. Always test on device before submitting to the App Store.
Ok the problem was that i had installed the original app that is published in the app store. When I tested the current development on the iphone the existing app was replaced with the current one and that caused trouble. The solution was to delete the app from the device and then run again the current version of the app and that was all.

How to disable iOS 7 interface changes in my app

i have an app that perfectly work in iOS 6, and when i update my iPhone to iOS 7 that was still work fine.
Then i update my XCode, and made some minor changes in my app (i did hide 2 UINavigation back bar buttons). After that i update my app (i want to point that i didn't change interface of my app), and when i update it from appStore and launch it on my iPhone there was a completely disaster. Interface objects such as segmented control or UIDatePicker automatically changes for iOS 7 version (style, color), back bar button item change it style, etc.
My question is, how can i force my app to launch on iOS7 with previous (iOS 6) design?
Replacing all the native views (switches, date pickers, alerts, action sheets, table views etc) by your own views that replicate iOS 6 appearance.
There are some open-source solutions, too.
However, it will be very hard, don't expect to do it in a few days.
Recommendation? Don't do it. Modify the apperance of your application for iOS 7. The users will expect it. You can't leave your application forever with deprecated appearance. I understand your feelings (my apps look terrible, too) but staying with iOS 6 appearance is not the solution.
You can build your app with iOS 6 SDK. But it can be only a temporary solution because Apple will not accept such apps in few month, I think.
Here you can see how to add SDK to Xcode:
Is it possible to install iOS 6 SDK on Xcode 5?
