Crash on rebar3_auto - erlang

When I use rebar3_auto, it works only at the compiling, when it is running, I change code in a file to make it load, but I get the error as the following:
After that, changing any file does not effect the automatically compiling nor loading.

undef means the the module rebar3_auto has not been loaded. Try to run:


Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ''supplier_rule'' (T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING), expecting function (T_FUNCTION)

Resetting CleanURL Prestashop Module has lead to HTTP ERROR.
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ''supplier_rule''
(T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING), expecting function (T_FUNCTION) in
on line 4
Now I can not even access backend. I just tried to deleting module from FTP... still didn't work. Any solution?
Delete the Dispatcher file in override folder, or comment the function that includes that line.
Don't forget to delete the cache/class_index.php so Prestashop recreates that file.
PrestaShop tries to manually copy class methods to \override\classes* files, and sometimes the lines miss-match or the line break are wrong, and the end result is incorrectly copied lines which cause syntax errors. That happens both on installation and uninstallation. Basically, you then have to manually fix/remove syntax errors from overridden class files.
What you need is to log on to FTP server and edit this files - fix syntax error.
If you had uninstalled the module, then you should replace the contents of this file with:
class Dispatcher extends DispatcherCore
Please check that the are no public function ... because if there is, it means that other modules may have inserted their functions here. If there isn't any, then it's safe to reset the file with the code above.

Nitrogen wf.hrl file is deleted with a warning

I am using a slim_version of cowboy, I have also tried that on slim_yaws on nitrogen. What puzzles me is the abrupt deletion of the wf.hrl file by the VM. I do not understand what causes this!! Here is what appears in the console.
Warning. Deleted "wf.hrl" file included in existing src files: [list_module_files_with_the_wf.hrl_include >]
I am puzzled because the module which use the wf.hrl cannot compile after its deletion. I have experienced it on slim_cowboy and slim_yaws. It is abrupt!

Why does Corona give an error loading code that loads fine with lua?

I'm having problems with a specific line of code - building.transmitter:[operation](player, unpack({...})) that causes an error in Corona, yet this loads fine when it's run in Lua separately. I suspect it has something to do with the : being placed before the [operation] variable but I'm clueless why.
Specifically the module is written as,
local activate = {}
local function activate.transmitter(player, operation, ...)
building = player:getTile()
building.transmitter:[operation](player, unpack({...}))
return activate
The runtime errror that is appearing gives me
"error loading module from file, '<name>' expected near '['"
Edit - WOW! I didn't notice that when troubleshooting this in Corona I changed some of the lines of code to identify the problem. I then mistakenly tested the edited code in Lua and it ran fine. I didn't realize the code wasn't the original until siffiejoe pointed out the interpreter getting an error as well. Sorry for the mistake.
maybe Corona uses older version of Lua which does not support this syntax. You can try workaround instead of
building.transmitter:[operation](player, unpack({...}));
you can call
building.transmitter[operation](building.transmitter, player, unpack({...}));

Emacs css-mode not loading

I'm not sure why, but on my Emacs (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.8.4) css-mode is not loading and with M-x css-mode gives this error in Messages:
Symbol's function definition is void: apropos-macrop
File mode specification error: (void-function apropos-macrop)
my css file (ending in .css) is in Fundamental. I just tried it on a 23.1.1 and CSS mode comes up and works fine.
Update: Traced problem to my autoloads. i.e., comment out autoloads
;(load "~/modes/autoloads" 'install)
and the problem goes away. I'm not sure what to hack with an autoloads file. Any way to "step" through an autoloads? Here's my autoloads:
In Emacs 24.4 and the bleeding edge versions leading to it (like 24.3.50+), apropos-macrop has been replaced by macrop. In css-mode.el, replace the call to apropos-macrop with a call to macrop and the error goes away.
Building upon the existing correct answer, you can create an alias in your ~/.emacs instead of editing css-mode (if for example, it came in a package with your distribution):
;; For css-mode, temporarily.
(defalias 'apropos-macrop 'macrop)

lua lxp The specified module could not be found

I'm putting together an application that uses the moon soap, but when you run it reports the following error :
C:\Lua\5.1\lua.exe: error loading module 'lxp' from file 'C:\Lua\5.1\clibs\lxp.dll':
The specified module could not be found.
How do I fix this ?
This is not a "file not found" error. Note that the message stated that it tried to load the module "lxp" from a file ('C:\Lua\5.1\clibs\lxp.dll') but it didn't work. Maybe the file doesn't have a luaopen_lxp C function (which might be called by loadlib)... Or maybe you are not loading it with require...
