how to replace the last occurence in the scope in ruby? - ruby-on-rails

i would like to replace the last occurence of block ({{{GUEST_COUPON_DATE_LIMIT_LINE}}}).
I tried to write :
#company_page.html = #company_page.html.reverse.sub(/{{{GUEST_COUPON_DATE_LIMIT_LINE}}}/, '').reverse
but i get error saying wrong number of arguments (given 0, expected 2).
Probably I am writing wrong, so how can I fix this code?

Assuming the HTML is stored as string, I would do:
#company_page.html = #company_page.html.sub(/.*\K{{{GUEST_COUPON_DATE_LIMIT_LINE}}}/, '')
See this answer for more details
If you are working in a CMS and you want to allow the user to dynamically add content based on variables, you might want to check this gem


How to use variables in LUA 5.1 Touchosc

I'm trying, to wrap my head around Touchosc and script based on LUA 5.1.
I have a number of labels, called song0, song1, song2, and so on. I'm trying to set different values in these, using
local text = 'Smoke On The Water'
for i = 1, 2 do[i].values.text = text
but that gives me an error.
:-) I do need help.
Since you haven't provided the actual error, it's difficult to say what the problem is, but if I have to venture a guess, then try replacing[i].values... with ...children["song"..i].values.... Since there is no table song, you just need to generate dynamic field names.

How to access a scope if its name is being used as a query column

Dealing with some legacy code we came across a rather annoying situation. We are looping through a query with the <cfoutput query="x"> tag. That query has a column named 'url'. Within that loop we need to check if a key exists within the url scope. Since CF puts a priority on what's in the query over general page scopes I can't use a structKeyExists(url,"key") since as far as CF is concerned at this point, url is a string with the value from the current row of the query.
How can I break out of the query scope and inspect what's in my url?
As a temporary we are using isDefined("url.key"), but I would still like to know if there is a way to break out of the query scope.
Also can't really change the column, or even the column name in the query without a few hours of work tracking down an changing all references to it, so we're going to avoid that if at all possible.
There seems to be some confusion as to how this code is set up, and why the simple solutions don't apply. It would be hard for me to give a thorough example but I will try to clarify the situation.
There are many pages that would count as 'pageA' for the following example. Enough that changing how things work would require a change in scope and investment in time that's just not going to happen in the time allotted.
PageA runs a query with one of the columns being named url, then starts an output loop via cfoutput, inside that loop PageB is included. One PageA may have different variables in the URL scope than another PageA, actually they are the same, but may be named differently(varID=x in one case vid=x in another). Inside of PageB I need to use the value from that url scope, so I want to run through the different possible names (if key 'varID' exists in url, use it, otherwise use 'vid').
This is why I want to "punch through" the query scope to get the url structure, and not the url column from the query. Any other method seems to require modifying the many PageAs.
So the question is not how to solve this problem specifically, as there are many ways to do it, I would just really like to avoid them as they all add a lot of time in implementation and testing. The question remains, is there a way to access the url scope as a variable if url exists as a query column and you are in the query scope.
I thought it might work to create a function that returned the url scope, but upon testing it, even with a local-scoped query (which prevents the function using the query itself) the use of url inside the function is still corrupted:
<cffunction name="getUrlScope"><cfreturn Url /></cffunction>
<cfoutput query="x">
<cfif StructKeyExists( getUrlScope() , 'key' )>
<!--- still fails :( --->
There is however an undocumented (meaning unsupported and liable to change) option. If you dump getPageContext() you will see a bunch of functions that do interesting things, including dealing with scopes.
You can use getPageContext().SymTab_findBuiltinScope('URL') to get at the URL scope.
You can also use getPageContext().getCfScopes() to get an array of scopes. I'm not sure if the order is guaranteed fixed but it seems to be [cgi,?,url,form,cookie,?] checking on both CF10 and cflive (CF9), so possibly is.
(In CF8 there was the method getBuiltinScopes, which returned a struct instead of an array - this no longer appears to exist, reinforcing the whole unsupported and changeable nature of these methods.)
On Railo those don't work, but there is getPageContext.UrlScope() and similarly-named functions for the other scopes.
One solution would be to assign the url struct to a new variable outside of the cfoutput tag and then reference that variable instead of url. Example:
<cfset urlScope = url>
<cfoutput query="x">
<cfset keyExists = structKeyExists(urlScope, "key")>
My solution for this is always to alias the url column in the query as int
SELECT URL as qURL FROM myTable ...
IF you don't have access to the query (it's a stored precedure or used elswhere etc) you can always use query of a query to reselect it with your alias.
I don't care for the idea of creating a separate reference to URL outside the output - but that would also work. I just want to KNOW what is user input (i.e. comes from the URL or FORM) and what is generated internally (i.e. comes from a query).
Couldn't you move structKeyExists(url,"key") outside of the cfoutput block, and store that into a variable? Or do a structAppend to copy the url struct into another struct named something else?
Another approach is to replace your cfoutput block with a cfloop block.
<cfloop from="1' to = "#YourQuery.recordcount#" index = "idx">
<cfif StructKeyExits(url,"key")>
#url.key# is not the same as #YourQuery.url[idx]#
which can also be referenced like this #YourQuery["url"][idx]

Thinking sphinx word match

The data what i have is - first record - second record
I need to search using the email address. I have forums and users indexed in my web app.
First scenario
I kept the '#' symbol in the charset table which is working fine problem is for example if the search keyword as '' it is giving me the exact result but if i user only 'test' no results found.
Second scenario
If i won't keep '#' symbol in the charset table. If the i use '' i am getting both the results and for 'test' also i am getting both the results
Expected Scenario
If i use the entire email '' - I need to get only first record
If i use only 'test' - I need to get both the records
In plain mysql something like "select users where email like '%search-key%'"
I use the following code for searching params[:search_key],:star =>'\w+#*\w+', nil, 'u') (I don't want to treat '#' as the separator)
Please suggest me any options i can pass to achieve the expected result.
Take a look at blended char support
Or if you really what [ email like '%search-key%'" ] style support maybe min_infix_len. (leaving . and # in charset table)
To search for full email you could use Phrase Search operator.
So, if you could determine search query as email use "phrase search" otherwise use general search.

BDE says "Field not found" but field exists

I have the following query to one of my database tables:
select count(*) as mycount
from mytable
where fieldone = :fieldone
and fieldtwo = :fieldtwo
Parameters are correctly loaded into the query (both of type String).
When I run this query outside the app (for instance, through the dbexplore) and replace the parameters with the actual values, I get the correct result. But when running it in the app, I get a Field 'fieldtwo' not found error, right on the Query.Open call.
Why would the BDE not find this field, when it actually exist?
Update: The following query, executed right after the first one (the one that fails), works fine in the app:
select *
from mytable
where fieldone = :fieldone
order by fieldone, fieldtwo
The best guess is that you have populated the field list in the query, this overrides any concept of the underlying fields that are in the query and is a cause of countless confusion.
Right click on the query, pick the fields editor clear all the values that are there and then choose 'add all fields' that should cause the missing field to appear once the query is executed.
I think it should auto-populate the fields if there are no defined fields when the query is executed, so you may not need to choose 'add all fields' after clearing the fields.
Whenever we come across a problem like this we tend to remove the query from the form and create it dynamically at run time... It depends how ingrained into the form it is...
E.g. If you have a data aware control looking at "fieldtwo" which tries to fetch some data when the underlying data set gets updated then it'll trigger an error like this, but it's more obvious when you've written code such
SomeEdit.Text = Query.FieldByName("fieldtwo").AsString;
That way it falls over on the relevant line instead of the open (triggering a related event)
Clear the query content using Query1.SQL.Clear; statement before opening it.
Other reason can be you are opening other database which may not have the specified field. Be sure that both the DatabaseName's in your app and dbexplore are same
I used to face porblems with BDE when i have SQLExplorer open and the app accesses the DB at the same time (but i had errors like ), try closing the Explorer it may help, if not i would build the SQL as text without the Parameters and try if it works then (if its possible in your situation).
I don't use parameters, so I'm just grabbing at straws here. I still use the BDE regularly, but am no expert. I find I shy away from more complex expressions (which yours is not!) because of the little "surprises" like this that the BDE throws at you.
Perhaps adding parentheses:
where (fieldone = :fieldone)
and (fieldtwo = :fieldtwo)
Or, single or double quote signs (this probably will make it worse?)
where (fieldon = ":fieldone")
and (fieldtwo = ":fieldtwo")
Or, to explore the problem, remove the "and fieldtwo = :fieldtwo" line and see if it runs.
Would it be possible for you to do your own parameter substitution with a StringReplace as in
Query1.SQL.Text := StringReplace(Query1.SQL.Text, ":fieldone", "MyVarName",[rfReplaceAll ]);
If you are creating a ClienDataSet in memory by the Create DataSet method, you should check the TFieldDefs property, which must have a different field name or not created
I was having a weird but small problem, I'll post in case it will help someone in some day.
with frmEditPerson do
PersonID := qryPerson.FieldByName(ID).AsInteger;
I had qryPerson both in frmRegPeople and in frmEditPerson, by using with I was referencing to frmEditPerson.qryPerson, however I wanted to reference to frmRegPeople.qryPerson. Then I need to change to the following code.
with frmEditPerson do
PersonID := Self.qryPerson.FieldByName(ID).AsInteger;
// Explanation
// qryPerson --> frmEditPerson.qryPerson;
// Self.qryPerson --> frmRegPeople.qryPerson;

How to validate a pattern in lua

I'm currently creating a search function in lua which basically just goes through a list of items and processes the items that match the input string in a specific way.
I use string.find(sourceString, inputString) to identify the items.
The function is called whenever a user types something into a text field so if he tries to enter a pattern it happens that when using sets or captures the function is called when the search string just contains a [ or a ( without the closing equivalent which of cause throws an error.
The best way to go around this problem I think is to validate the input as beeing a valid pattern, but I've got no idea how to do this. Lua itself doesn't seem to contain a method for this and I am a bit confused of how to check it in a more or less performant way myself. Thanks for your help and ideas in advance :)
You should wrap the call to string.find with pcall to capture the error.
local status, result = pcall(string.find, sourceString, inputString)
if not status then
-- bad pattern logic, error message is in result
-- good pattern logic, result contains the start index
See this for pattern escape function (taken from somewhere in Lua Users wiki, I think). You may convert it to the validation function if you need.
