For current Xcode version (higher than 12), when I archive an app for release, does the unused code in pods removed? - ios

Today, iOS developers use lots of third-party to faster development. I have a question for Xcode archive process.
When Xcode archive an app for release, when I choose optimizing for smallest and fastest, the useless code will not in ipa file? or the useless code also archived in ipa?
For Android Studio, this procedure maybe called minimize?
Does Xcode automatically do this for release ipa?

There is no build settings in Xcode which removes unused/useless code for ipa
Moreover the compiler setting you used
Fastest, Smallest [-Os] solves this: The compiler performs all optimizations that do not typically increase code size. This is the preferred option for shipping code because it gives your executable a smaller memory footprint.
This will help only to reduce the memory footprint of your app, it will not remove unused code
To have a closer look and if you are using dynamic frameworks you can check the contents of your .ipa you will see a folder named Framework inside that you will find all the pods as .framework and you can even see the files and resources inside them.
So answer you're question Does Xcode automatically do this for release ipa? -> NO

I'm not sure if "minimize" is the term used in Android, isn't it code shrinking or tree shaking? Other terms include dead code elimination, and code stripping.
To answer the question, neither seem to be done: I added a dependency (Swift Package, specifically SQLite.swift) to a target in an Xcode project, and the size of the application (when archiving/ with release build configuration) increased from 4.3MB to 6.6MB.
It's something I unfortunately haven't cared about much, and your question is good. I hope someone else answers with a better answer.


Xcode 6.3 always does full rebuild of Swift project

One of the long anticipated features of Swift 1.2/Xcode 6.3 is incremental builds. They worked fine for me until recently, but now almost every time I change even a single line of code it does full rebuild.
I tried restarting Xcode, computer, cleaning derived data, but to no avail. Googling doesn't seem to reveal anything.
Does anyone else have this problem? How do I fix it?
I think that this is what you searching for
I am not this is a source of the problem. According to
Swift Performance
A new compilation mode has been introduced for Swift called Whole Module Optimization. This option optimizes all of the files in a target together and enables better performance (at the cost of increased compile time). The new flag can be enabled in Xcode using the “Whole Module Optimization” build setting or by using the swiftc command line tool with the flag -whole-module-optimization. (18603795)

How to handle large Swift Project?

After iPhone app that I'm writing in Swift become quite big (> 150 .swift files + various Objective-C libs), Xcode start behave pretty badly:
every second compilation I get various errors, e.g.:
Command failed due to signal: Segmentation fault: 11
compilation take enormous amount of time (> 2 min on MacBook Pro Retina)
and so on.
I just wonder if everyone has same problems and maybe someone found a way to reduce this nightmare?
What I have done so far — I split project into several dynamic frameworks that I link from main project, it helps to reduce compile time, but introduce some new problems.
I also use iRamDisk to keep DerivedData folder in RAM and periodically delete all files from it, it sometimes helps with SourceKit crashes.
Swift toolchain is still a bit gross, you'll need to use some temporary workarounds until Apple fixes it (see UPDATES below)
Here is a list of items that you can do to keep yourself from going crazy.
Slowness caused by immature Swift compiler
Change your development workflow using Injection for Xcode. Once you installed the plugin, you'll be able to inject code changes in your simulator\device without recompiling. You don't need to hardcode\modify anything in your project. We started using it recently at work and it made a huge impact on our side, even if it doesn't apply to every use case (for example you can't create new functions, you can only modify the existing ones).
Some particular code constructs that the compiler doesn't like and takes too much time to compile. The most common problem is with the Type Checker that slows down compile time exponentially based on how many type checks it needs to do (read more here for practical examples and here for a detailed explanation). In order to identify if you are suffering from this problem you can follow this blog post, you will gather information about the functions that creates slowness by using some compiler additional flags. Alternatively you can use this Xcode plugin to identify the source of the build slowness.
Use dynamic frameworks wisely, where it makes sense. A framework recompilation will be done only when you modify one of its Swift files (dynamic frameworks are only available for iOS >= 7).
Condense code in the same files. Lowering the number of Swift files speeds up the compile process sensibly. You can easily achieve it enabling "Whole module optimization" by adding a user-defined custom flag SWIFT_WHOLE_MODULE_OPTIMIZATION and set it to YES and at the same time set optimization level to none (to disable optimizations that would make it slow) OUTDATED You may consider to use this gist, it's a build script that collapses all your code in a "merge.swift" file.
You'll need to create a new target for it, but it is worth a
Double check things listed here (there are a few some more misc reasons because the compilation is slow)
OUTDATED Try the approach described in this blog post, it involves creating a build script that generates a make file. It requires manual intervention on the build script (it contains the list of swift files).
OUTDATED Try this hacked up incremental compilation technique
UPDATE: Incremental builds introduced on Swift 1.2 (Xcode 6.3)
Apple finally introduced incremental builds with Swift 1.2 (shipped with Xcode 6.3). It's not still perfect, but it's a huge improvement.
From now on a class is recompiled only when it is changed (or when one of the class it depends on has been changed).
However the compiler still can’t understand if the changes to a class are to its interface or not. So any kind of change to a class causes a recompilation of that class and all of its dependencies.
UPDATE: Recompile dependent classes only when public interface changes introduced on Swift 2.1 (Xcode 7.1)
Starting from Swift 2.1 (Xcode 7.1), the dependent classes are recompiled only when you change the public interface of a class, and not at every change. This makes an huge difference in particular for big projects.
Project (mis)configuration (not related to Swift)
Be sure that "Build Active Architecture Only" is YES for debug.
Be sure that you didn't add pre\post compilation scripts that take too much time.
Apple has some advices for speeding up your Xcode build in Technical Note 2190. Have you thought about creating and precompiling an own framework for outsourcing unchanged Swift modules or some/all Objective-C code?
Remove all type inferences in Swift.
This SO topic has some nice ideas and this blog post suggest to
stop generating dSYM bundles and
avoid compiling with -O4 if using Clang.
Although lots of these improvements are related to Objective-C, I am quite sure, that some of them are still relevant for Swift.
The (re)compiling is a known issue that I am sure will be resolved soon. Some recommendations:
Use Objective C where possible - it compiles fast even if it is a part of a Swift project
Split code to frameworks
Specify types instead of leaving it up to the compiler to infer them
Again, there is a good chance that this will be fixed soon, so perhaps it is best not to make big investments in rewriting or reorganizing the code at this point in time.
you could try:
upgrading the amount of RAM in your computer
if you have multiple .swift files that do things on the same view controller, try condensing them into one .swift file per view controller
tweaking the settings under compile sources to see if you have any duplicates or if there are any scripts or settings you can add to make it compile faster...
you can also take a look at this post's answers for some hints as to what you can do to slow down compile time
I've discovered that one of the main causes of segmentation faults and slow compilation is hardcoding big arrays and dictionaries, especially when declaring them as global constants and trying to access values from them from within another .swift file. When I store all that data inside plists, these problems are gone.
In my experience avoid creating the large swift files, when I started a project in my new company, there was a 'UIViewController' with more than 2000 lines, little changes on this file taking much time to build, I made 4 extensions with <500 lines from that class, my speed improvement was incredible.

Xcode Archive Is Too Large

I have a Unity3D project that I've already released for iOS via Xcode. Previously the archive size was about 30-40Mb which I'm happy with.
I've now changed a few things within the Unity project, and rebuilt it for Xcode. Now when I archive it, the size is around 110Mb, which is huge compared to the previous file size. I only changed the logo, and splash screen design.
Also, when I rebuild the older version, the size isn't 30-40Mb anymore, it's 110Mb too!
So I'm guessing this is something to do with the new Xcode for iOS8? Not 100% sure, hence why Im asking.
Try to turn off BitCode. Open XCode => Build Settings => search Enable BitCode. Set it to No.
Have you read this?
Also it can be fault of stripping level, try to use micro mscorlib.
In addition you can take a look at Decrease Your App’s Code Size from Mac App Programming Guide.
I believe part of what is happening here is the additional overhead for the arm64 slice (unless you were already including the arm64 slice previously). I would not expect that much of an increase in size for the arm64, but it would still be roughly X2 on the app binary (minus the resources).
As of Feb 1, Apple requires arm64 support as well as the app being built with the iOS 8 SDK. The default Xcode build setting enables arm64.
What you can do is Show Package Contents on the xarchive and work your way to the app executable binary. You can then compare the size difference on the app executable binary from before and now. You can also run lipo -info on it to see all the slices from before and now. Note I am assuming you have an older xarchive to compare with.
I would then probably diff the rest of the resources (use something like Araxis merge) to see the differences in the files. This will let you see what resource files changed or got added. If your diff is only the executable, then you have isolated were the size difference has come from.
The 'Estimated App Store Size' reflects the installed app size, not the download size.
I'm basing this off the following test:
(Unity app build) Estimated App Store Size: 140.8 MB, size listed in store: 33.4 MB. The splash images alone inside the package add up to 30 megs uncompressed (all my jpegs were converted to pngs) so there's no way the installed size is 33.4 MB. After install, if I go to settings -> general -> usage -> Manage Storage I see the app is 141 MB installed.
I'm not sure how to estimate the download size, which is what matters if you have an app you want to be downloaded over cellular network and needs to be under 100 MB downloaded.
I added this as a comment to the question, but I wish I had read this as an answer, so here it is.

Invalid Executable Size - From iTunes Connect

I am uploading my iOS application on iTunes. I am using MonoTouch for compiling my LibGdx Game for iOS. In Android it is hardly 7-8mb. But When I upload on iTunes AppStore then its goes to 78 mb. I dont know why ? Please Let me know.
I have also received this error from Apple.
Dear developer,
We have discovered one or more issues with your recent delivery for "Run Panda Run: Racing". To process your delivery, the following issues must be corrected:
Invalid Executable Size - The executable size of 72037504 bytes exceeds the maximum allowed size of 60 MB.
It's hard to give a definite answer without more details. There's a lot of things that can affect the size of the applications. Let's start with the basic.
What you should check:
First, ensure that your application is not being build with Don't link. That will create very big applications since you'll be AOT'ing nearly the full .NET framework that Xamarin.iOS ships;
Second, make sure you're building for a single architecture (ARMv7). FAT binaries (e.g. ARMv7 and ARMv7s) are build two times and needs twice the space;
Third make sure you have not enabled the Debug build (it's possible to do so in Release build, it's a checkbox). That will create larger binaries to support debugging;
Fourth make sure you're using the LLVM compiler. It takes more time to compile but it generates better (and smaller) code;
Those initial checks are pretty easy to do and are the most common reasons for getting very large binaries.
To understand where the size come from you need to know how the application are built.
The main difference between the Android and iOS version is that JIT'ing (just-in-time compilation) is not allowed on iOS (Apple's rules).
That means the code must be AOT'ed (ahead-of-time compilation) and that process creates much larger executables (because IL is way more compact than native code);
If your code is generic-heavy then the final binary can get quite large since it will need to natively compile every generic possibilities (many cases can be shared, but value-types cannot).
What you can do to reduce size:
First try to reduce your managed code size. The easy way to do this is the enable the linker on every assemblies, i.e. Link all assemblies in your project options.
Many people think it's not worth linking their own code - because they know it will be needed at runtime (so the linker cannot remove it) or else they would not have written that code.
That's half true. The linker might not be able to remove most of your application code but if you're using 3rd party assemblies they are not likely 100% used. The linker can remove that extra code (and also remove, from the SDK, all the code that is kept to support that unneeded code). The more shared code you have the more the linker can help you.
Less IL code means faster AOT time, which translate to faster builds and smaller final binaires (including the executable size).
Note: there's a lot of documents and blog entries on how you can control the linker to skip some assemblies, some types or method from being processed/removed.
Second try to reduce your native size. If you're building native libraries then have a second look at them as they will be statically (not dynamically) linked to your final binary (another rule for iOS applications). Some of them might not be worth (feature wise) their weight in your final binary (and there might be lighter alternatives).
Debugging should not be enabled, as it will make the build unnecessarily large.
For more information refer :
I had the same problem but in my case I had minimum os version set to 8 in the info.plist causing a larger .ipa file. I changed this to version 10 and was able to pass the size requirements. Even 10 is a bit generous

What are best practices to decrease the size of static libraries in objective-c?

In building an objective-c static library, I noticed that the .a file (fat file from simulator and iPhone) is quite large. In particular, it was originally 5.7mb. I found this post and set my build settings Generate Debug Symbols to No, decreasing the lib size to 1.7mb.
This was a big improvement, but is there anything else that can be done? The implementation and header files alone take up ~100kb.
In case it's part of your concern, a static library is just the relevant .o files archived together plus some bookkeeping. So a 1.7mb static library — even if the code within it is the entire 1.7mb — won't usually add 1.7mb to your product. The usual rules about dead code stripping will apply.
Beyond that you can reduce the built size of your code. The following probably isn't a comprehensive list.
In your target's build settings look for 'Optimization Level'. By switching that to 'Fastest, Smallest -Os' you'll permit the compiler to sacrifice some speed for size.
Make sure you're building for thumb, the more compact ARM code. Assuming you're using LLVM that means making sure you don't have -mno-thumb anywhere in your project settings.
Also consider which architectures you want to build for. Apple doesn't allow submission of an app that supports both ARMv6 and the iPhone 5 screen and have dropped ARMv6 support entirely from the latest Xcode. So there's probably no point including that at this point.
