iOS - Flutter audioplayers plugin error on xcode (Not found) on Release mode - ios

When I test it on iOS Simulator on debug mode, it works fine but when I try to run on release mode on XCode it give me the following error:
Module 'audioplayers' not found
I use audioplayers 0.18.3
I remove the Pods and reinstall but not effect in release mode. Don't have problem with archive the app so is very strange. Need take screenshots of the app (in release mode, without debug banner) and I don't have a physical iOS device, so the only solution for me is take screenshots from iOS Simulator in release mode, but have this problem
Error Screenshot
PD: I'm running the .xcworkspace file.
PD2: I'm running flutter build ios and open xcode (.xcworkspace file), and run 'clean build folder' but the error persist
PD3: Sorry my bad english
Thanks since now!


Xcode debug build vs release build

I am currently building a react native app using expo.
However, I needed to use cocoapods, which is why I am now using Xcode.
Since I have switched to Xcode, there has been a difference between my local debugging builds (that I run to a USB connected iPhone) vs the builds that get pushed to TestFlight.
After doing some digging I have found that it may be due to the debug vs release schemes in Xcode.
From what I've see it seems that the difference should really just be in performance, file sizes, and some other aspects, but not what the app actually does and displays like in my case.
To test, I made a change on my app's homepage to simply have the text, UPDATED.
As expected, when ran with the debug scheme, the UPDATED text shows up, but when ran with the release scheme, it does not.
How do I get these to sync up and have the release build recognize the changes I make as I am certain I do not want to push a debug build to the app store?
Things I have tried:
Removing/cleaning Build folder and rebuilding
Updating Xcode
Running on another device
Building/running with expo (this did something, but it just causes the app to crash, assuming it is because of the cocoapods)
react-native: 0.61.5
Xcode: 11.4.1
macOS: 10.15.3
Thank you
I have fixed the issue.
I found that by running expo publish in the terminal and then building with the release archive scheme in Xcode, it notices the changes.
Now why that is required (maybe it isn't), I am unsure of.
If anyone has an any additional insight, it would be greatly appreciated.
EDIT: So it looks like when I run expo publish it updates the app.bundle and app.manifest. This must be what the release scheme looks at when building.

Xcode Simulator using cached files

I am running a Cordova app and when I open it using Xcode (iOS Simulator) it shows the updated code files in Project Navigator. I then run Product -> Clean and run the code on the simulator but it still uses a previous version of the HTML/JS files.
How do I get the simulator to build again from the updates source files? It seems they are somehow cached and I can't seem to get it cleared.
Use cordova build ios first and then run the app in simulator.

React Native iOS Build in Release configuration freezes on Launch Screen

I have an application built using React Native 0.58.6. The iOS build works fine in Debug configuration, but not when built in Release configuration. I can reproduce this on our build server and also locally using react-native run-ios --configuration Release.
This app worked previously in Release configuration before upgrading RN version. Does anyone have any tips for how to find out more information about what may be going on or how to fix this? The app does not crash or show any errors, just stays stuck on the LaunchScreen.xib.
Edit 1
The build works and progresses past the loading screen in the following configurations: Android/Debug, Android/Release, iOS/Debug. It is only the iOS/Release build that is failing. Also, we've tried various xCode versions including 10.1, 10.2, and 10.2.1. Still getting the same result with each version of xCode.
Any tips on how to debug something like this? With no crash, we aren't getting crash reports, and since it's a release build there is no debugging capability or console logging.
If you are using react-native-splash-screen you maybe forgot to hide it.
import SplashScreen from 'react-native-splash-screen'

App installation failed. This operation is unsupported

I've been updating an app that works perfectly in iOS7 to be compatible with the new iOS8. I can't deploy the app to an iPhone with the last GM iOS8 version. The compilation process give me no errors, but Xcode give me the following alert:
App installation failed. This operation is unsupported.
Can someone help me?
I had the same problem too. The environment I used is Xcode6 and try to run my app on iOS8 devices.
My solution is
first change Deployment Location as NO in your Build Settings.
Close Xcode
Remove all intermediate build files located in the corresponding subfolders (has your app prefix) under Xcode Derived Data folder (~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/).
Restart your Xcode, build, and then run app on your devices.
Had the same problem.
This is a compatibility problem between Xcode 6 and your app configuration.
1) Download Xcode 5 and try to run your app on your ios8 device, it should work
2) Try to recreate your app configuration from scratch to ensure compatibility with Xcode 6

XCode: App Won't Run on Simulator

I am trying to run the app that I am developing on the simulator but it just build the app but don't run it. Testing it on the device is ok.
I tired restarting both XCode and iMac, clean and clean build, but still won't run the app on the simulator.
How can I resolve this?
Please try resetting your simulator. It will work.
from top menu click "Simulator" -> "Reset contents and settings.."
Recently,i find out that if you have modified you /etc/hosts files and change to another domain rather than localhost,XCode will fail to attatch the process on your simulator.
Restore you /etc/hosts file may fix your problem.
I followed the last answer by RockSuger on here app runs on device but won't run on simulator
I checked which version of Xcode I was running. Click: Xcode > About XCode My version was 9.2
In the project navigator I went to the blue project icon in the top of the upper left corner, clicked Deployment Info > Deployment Target and changed the old target from 9.1 to 9.2
