SonarQube code coverage - exclude some classes - ant

Is there any way to purposefully increase Code Coverage value in SonarQube by excluding some classes.

Try to use sonar.coverage.exclusions.
As sonar.coverage.exclusions is Comma-delimited list of file path patterns to be excluded from coverage calculations. Your pattern should be like this:
sonar.coverage.exclusions=com/abc/demo/presentation/beans/**/*, com/abc/demo/presentation/interfaces/**/*, com/abc/demo/presentation/validator/**/*, com/abc/utility/**/*
Note: Documentation for this option was removed in 7.3 (Google: "sonar.coverage.exclusions"). But you can still see them when you open the administration pages for the project on Sonar -> "General Settings" -> "Analysis Scope". Look for the values after "Key:"

You can exclude certain files in file:
Also, you can include specific files using:


Substitutions and Java library lifecycle

I've got a Java project I'm converting to Bazel.
As is typical with Java projects, there are property files with placeholders that need to be resolved/substituted at build time.
Some of the values can be hardcoded in a BUILD or BZL file:
BUILD_PROPERTIES = { "pom.version": "1.0.0", "": "com.mygroup"}
Some of the variables are "stamps" (e.g. BUILD_TIMESTAMP, GIT_REVISION, etc): The source for these variables are volatile-status.txt and stable-status.txt
I must generate a POM for publish, so I use #bazel_common//tools/maven:pom_file in BUILD
(assume that I need ALL the values described above for my pom template):
_local_build_properties = {}
# somehow add workspace status properties?
# add / override
"": "my-submodule",
"pom.project.description": "My submodule description",
"": "my-submodule",
# Variable placeholders in the pom template are wrapped with {}
_pom_substitutions = { '{'+k+'}':v for (k,v) in _local_build_properties.items()}
name = "my_submodule_pom",
targets = [
template_file = "//:pom_template.xml",
substitutions = _pom_substitutions,
So, my questions are:
How do I get key-value pairs from volatile/stable -status.txt into the
dictionary I need for pom_file.substitutions?
pom_file depends on java_library so that it can write its dependencies
into the POM. How do I update the jar generated by java_library with the
Once I have the pom and the updated jar containing the pom, how do I publish to a Maven repo?
When I look at existing code, for example rules_docker, it seems that the implementation always bails to a local executable (shell | python | go) to do the real work of substitution, jar manipulation and image publication. Am I trying to do too much in BUILD and BZL files? Should I be thinking, "Ultimately, what do I need to pass to local shell/python/go scripts to get real build work done?
(Answered on bazel-discuss group)
You can't get these values from Starlark. You need a genrule to read the stable/volatile files and do the substitutions using an
external tool like 'sed'.
A file cannot be both an input and output of an action, i.e. you can't update the .jar from which you generate the pom. The action has
to produce a new .jar file.
I don't know -- how would you publish outside of Bazel, is there a tool to do so? Can you write a genrule / Starlark rule to wrap this
Cheers, László

What is build object file extension in iOS?

When I build java object class in a project, build file will be created with .class extension and human unreadable; What about swift build files?
example: --> build --> car.class
what would be after build?
car.swift --> build --> ?
The compilation process is a bit different with Swift to Java, so there isn't necessarily a direct equivalent.
As the build proceeds though each Swift file will get compiled in to an 'Object' file, ending in a .o extension. Then once they're all built they get linked together to form the binary. If you unpick an iOS app's IPA file, you won't see the individual .o files like how you can see the .class files inside a Java jar file.
One thing I know is that Swift uses LLVM just like Objective-C.
So in Java, we have this (source: W3schools).
And here, for Swift (source:
I hope this helps!
Mach-O format
In iOS world every sources file - .m, .h, .swift are compiled into executable byte code that is understandable by CPU. These files are also called Mach object(.o) - ABI Mach-O[About] file which contains nexts grouped bytes with a meta-information
Mach-O header - general information like cpu type(CPU_TYPE)
Load Commands - table of contents
Raw segment data - code
__LLVM - bitcode[About]
This groups are repeated for every architecture(Universal library)[About]
`*.swift` -> `*.o` (Mach-O object file)
For example if you created a static library - myLibrary.a. You can use nm[About] command to display name list (symbol table).
nm path/myLibrary.a
As a result you will see a list of *.o files with methods, variables names etc.
To investigate Mach-O file you can use otool[About]
[Mach-O Type]
[Xcode build process]

JacORB: changing prefix and suffix

I would like to change package prefix and suffix in my ant build while generating java from idl. This has to be generic solution! The idea goes like that:
I have idl files (ONE.idl, TWO.idl) with namespace ONE_cb in first and TWO_cb in second (as _cb suffix is required for c++ compatibility). TWO_cb has atributes from ONE_cb, ONE_cb has only basic types. I want to change that to packages going like com.example.ONE and com.example.TWO.
I'm using JacORB 3.6. and I don't know how to do it.
My code looks like that:
<target name="idlj-generate">
<define key="__JACORB_GENERATE__"/>
<i2jpackage names=":com.example"/>
<i2jpackage names="_cb:"/>
It doesn't work. As I stated before it has to be generic solution. adding
<i2jpackage names="TWO_cb:TWO"/> //option 2
<i2jpackage names="ONE_cb:ONE"/> //option 2b
Is not acceptable
Thank you for Your time.
If I understand you correctly you have something like
module ONE_cb
but you want it to be
com.example.ONE { ... }
This is feasible with i2jpackage e.g.
idl -forceOverwrite -d /tmp/generated -i2jpackage ONE_cb:com.example.ONE myfile.idl
The problem you have is that you are compiling both files at once. Remove the "all" and try compiling them in two phases.
If you are using Maven I would also recommend trying org.codehaus.mojo:idlj-maven-plugin as you can do multiple executions very easily with that.
To use multiple i2jpackage I got it working with
idl -forceOverwrite -d /tmp/generated -all -i2jpackagefile /tmp/file antBugJac608-2.idl
(where antBugJac608-2 #includes antBugJac608).
For various research I concluded that generic solution is immpossible.
Only way to perform changing prefix and suffix the same time is to explicite set all included names.

Duplicate Entries in code coverage report

I've added few JS test files and added below mentioned references. In some files I've added smaller case letters in some JS files camel case one.(as mentioned below)
But while running code coverage from visual studio, the report contains two entries with same name.
///<reference path="/../frontendtools.webui/viewmodels/colorboxviewmodel.js"/>
///<reference path="/../FrontEndTools.WebUI/ViewModels/ColorBoxViewModel.js"/>
3.C:\Users\b-nave\Downloads\FrontEndTools_buildserver\FrontEndTools\frontendtools.webui\viewmodels\colorboxviewmodel.js 11.11 %
6.C:\Users\b-nave\Downloads\FrontEndTools_buildserver\FrontEndTools\FrontEndTools.WebUI\ViewModels\ColorBoxViewModel.js 100 % 9/9
Any help is appreciated.
That sounds like a bug, please file a issue on and attach a zip file container a full repro of the issue.

How to specify multiple binding files in gradle for ant xjc task

I have multiple bindings(xjb files) in the gradle project. When generating JAXB classes for a xsd(C.xsd). I want to use the previously generated binding files for A.xjb & B.xjb since C.xsd refers to A.xsd & B.xsd
The below ant xjc task works if I don't have anyother bindings in same path but I want specify explicity A.xjb & B.xjb bindings. How to go about same, I tried various options but nothing seems working. Any help greatly appreciated.
ant.xjc(destdir : '${jaxbDest}', removeOldOutput:'yes', extension:'true') {
arg(line:'-Xequals -XhashCode -XtoString -Xcopyable')
schema(dir:'src/main/schema', includes:'C.xsd')
binding(dir:'src/main/schema', includes:'*.xjb)
According to this documentation for the ant xjc task -
"To specify more than one external binding file at the same time, use a nested element, which has the same syntax as fileset."
In gradle it would look like this:
I think this would also work:
binding(dir:'src/main/schema', includes:'A.xjb,B.xjb')
