How To Find MainActivity Of Facebook Lite Apk . Because It Was not Available In His Location - binding

How do I find the MyActivity Smali file of Facebook Lite?
It is not in the location given by APK tool. It is hidden.MainActivity is Required For Mannual Payload Binding Prossess.How can I find it? Please help.

Go to \smali\com\facebook\lite
You will see 4 items:
There you will get all you files with their names changed...


how to Create a new file called for deploying to microsoft app center?

i wanna deploy my corporate-databse iOS app to a group of people only through a link, for now i am trying to do it via microsoft app center, i have followed the steps of this link as far as creating provisioning profile and certificate for the app... however when it gets to the step of creating a new file i dont know what it means and how to do it honestly, what kind of file does it mean and are those commands or do i just create "the file"and copy paste it in it? can someone help me on how to do this step?
here's the link
heres a picture of the step:
You create a file called yourself and put it into android/app/ path. Copy content for this file from here:
then, you have to create such file inside ios/ folder and copy its content from here:
more info:

Authoring Apple Help Book in 2019

I am trying to include a help book with my Mac OS application but I am unable to do so. When I click the 'Help' menu in my application, I get the search bar and a Help menu item but I get a 'content is currently unavailable' error.
I have tried using Jekyll but I couldn't get it to work. I have also referred to the Apple Help Book documentation but it is very difficult to follow. I have also read posts on StackOverFlow but none of them seem to work currently.
I just need a simple Help Book which displays my application name and says "This is my application".
I need help in understanding the Help Book directory structure, the Title HTML content and how to integrate it to my application using info.plist.
Any help is appreciated!
I hope you are not going to do a Help Book just to say to your users "This is my application," but you are going to do that just as a starting point for a serious help book that can help your users understand how to best use your app. If so, this is what I do:
Create a folder inside your project folder called MyAppHelp;
Create a folder called Contents inside the latter folder;
Inside this folder you should create the following:
PkgInfo containing the text BNDLhbwr inside
A folder called Resources
Thus, you should have a structure like this:
Then you can start editing your help book like any web site, using HTML and css. You can even share some of the code between your website and your help book. This structure also allows for you to have your help book localized in different languages. macOS will show the user the correct version of it automatically.
To know which keys you should use in the info.plist inside your help book, please see them here.
You should index your Apple Help book using Apple's own Help Indexer app, which you can download from your account at (look for 'Additional tools for Xcode' in downloads). This will create .helpindex files inside each folder you created inside Contents, which will help your user search inside your help book. Important Update: From Mojave onwards, though, you must use the hiutil CLI utility to index your help pages in Spotlight help indices. These files will have the extension .cshelpindex instead.
You should change the name of the top folder from MyAppHelp to This will create a package similar to a folder when you rename a top folder with the extension .app. From Monterey onwards you must have a PkgInfo file inside your help bundle to be recognized as such by the Finder.
To include any changes automatically into your app you should add your help book to your copy bundle resources build phase.
Finally, do not forget to add a Help Book directory name and Help Book identifier keys in the info.plist of your app to tell to the OS how your help book is called or is identified.
Good luck with your Apple Help Book authoring.

Localization error of App in ios

I've followed all the desired steps to achieve localization of application.following are those steps:
create a Localizable.strings file.
add languages which we are looking to localized.
add these in localizable.strings using add localized button.
Now I'm getting following alert message :
fatal: index file smaller than expected"
along with this the Localizable.strings file is not appearing in the list which asks about the reference file and resource language.anybody please help me as soon as possible.
Thanks in Advance.
This seems to be like a git error which can be fixed by removing .git/index and then reset to HEAD.
You can find details here:
You can follow this Localization link .
Hope this helps
The index file has become corrupted, but it is easily re-creatable. Just remove it, and re-add the files in your working directory:
rm .git/index
git add .

How to access photos/video folder of iOS and copy file to applicaton folder using Marmalade

I need to open iphone folder like photos/videos.
I need to show content of that folder to user and when user selects a file from that I need to copy that particular file from that folder to my application folder.
Let me know what APIs I need to use for that.
Also let me know whether this is feasible or not using Marmalade.
have you tried looking at the s3eImagePicker example? under examples\s3e\s3eImagePicker

Please input a file for upload error in joomla

I have recently moved my joomla site from my test server to live server.
In backend, when i try to upload image in media manager, there is an error saying Please input a file for upload. The max file size to upload is 10MB and m trying uploading small images. But still i got this error.
Can anyone help me with this. Any help is highly appreciated.
Check your browser, check the directory permissions (help menu), check your java version.
Don't just check the stories folder permissions. Joomla uploads files to the temp directory then moves them to the final location. Make sure all your permissions are set properly - 755 for folders, 644 for files. Also make sure that your temp directories are set correctly. If you just moved the site, you likely will need to update those for the file structure of the server.
Check the media setting in Global Configuration.
And check the path to temp folder.
Too many times put "Check permission"
That's it's wrong information. Not all server run with obsolete mod_php. Too many run on mode CGI, Fast-CGI, with SuXEC.
In this case, permission ok are 600, 700 to 644 - 755
Check that you don't have a discrepancy between the URL of your site and the one set in your configuration.php. They should match.
var $live_site = '';
Thanks to for pointing me to the solution.
check that file_uploads setiing is enabled on the server in php.ini, I had the sam problem and this was the solution
