How do I fix this this prison script lua - lua

TxAdmin Log
Server.lua file
I have try'd to change the nummbers but I think in the Database is something wrong

You're attempting to index result a nil value in line 170 of server.lua.
result is nil in this scope you you cannot do this result[0].
Either find out why result is nil and fix it or avoid indexing it if it is .
Your code suggests that you failed to assign the return value of your SQL query to a variable.
So try
local result = MySQL.Asynch.fetchAll("...
Still you should checker whether your query actually returned a result using a conditional statement or assertion.


Glua error "attempt to call method 'GetPlayerVisible' (a nil value)"

I personally don't know how a built in function can be indexed as "nil" butthis error appeared and it haulted my nextbot's movement. heres my code that is causing this
if (!self:GetPlayerVisible() and chasing_timer > chasing_time) then
self.stopchasing = true
self.enraged = false
print("Chase stopped")
print("Increasing escaped chases count, new:", self.escapedchases)
self.escapedchases = self.escapedchases + 1
I tried replacing the "!" with "not" but it did nothing.
I don't know what self is but that table does not contain an element GetPlayerVisible. Hece you may not call it. Calling nil values doesn't make sense.
Ask yourself why you think this function exists. Typical reasons are typos, indexing the wrong table or not having implemented a function yet.
To avoid this error you basically have two options. Make sure you call something that exists, or don't call it.

Snowflake Tasks causing error in timezone in queries

I am running a simple insert query inside a stored procedure with to_timeatamp_ntz("column value") along with other columns.
This works fine when I am running it with the snowflake UI and logged in with my account.
This works fine when I am calling it using python scripts from my visual studio instance.
The same stored procedure fails when it is being called by a scheduled task.
I am thinking if it has something to do with the user's timezone of 'System' vs my time zone.
Execution error in store procedure LOAD_Data(): Failed to cast variant
value "2019-11-27T13:42:03.221Z" to TIMESTAMP_NTZ At
Statement.execute, line 24 position 57
I tried to provide timezone as session parameters in task and in the stored proc but does not seem to be addressing the issue. Any ideas?
I'm guessing (since you didn't include the SQL statement that causes the error) that you are trying to bind a Date object when creating a Statement object. That won't work.
The only parameters you can bind are numbers, strings, null, and the special SfDate object that you can only get from a result set (to my knowledge). Most other parameters must be converted to string using mydate.toJSON(), JSON.stringify(myobj), etc., before binding, eg:
var stmt = snowflake.createStatement(
{ sqlText: `SELECT :1::TIMESTAMP_LTZ NOW`, binds: [(new Date).toJSON()] }
Date object errors can be misleading, because Date objects causing an error can be converted and displayed as strings in the error message.
I found the issue:
my Task was using a copy paste effect similar to this:
TIMEZONE = 'US/Eastern'
SCHEDULE = 'USING CRON 0/30 * * * * America/New_York'
Call LOAD_an_sp();
The Timestamp input format was causing this.

How to determine if sysdig field exists or handle error if it doesn't

I'm using Sysdig to capture some events and have a small chisel (LUA script) to capture and format the events as necessary. On the on_init() I'm requesting fields like so :
f_field = chisel.request_field("<field>")
My question is how can I check if a field exists before requesting it? I'm going to use a new field only just released on 0.24.1 but ideally I'd like my chisel to continue to work on older versions of sysdig without this field. I've tried wrapping the call to chisel.request_field in a pcall() like so :
ok, f_field = pcall(chisel.request_field("<field>"))
and even implementing my own "get_field" function :
function get_field(field)
ok, f = pcall(chisel.request_field(field))
if ok then return f else return nil end
f_field = get_field("<field>")
if f_field ~= nil then
-- do something
but the error ("chisel requesting nonexistent field <field>") persists.
I can't see a way to check if a field exists but I can't seem to handle the error either. I really don't want multiple versions of my scripts if possible.
Steve H
You're almost there. Your issue is in how you're using pcall. Pcall takes a function value and any arguments you wish to call that function with. In your example you're passing the result of the request_field function call to pcall. Try this instead..
ok, f = pcall(chisel.request_field, "field")
pcall will call the chisel method with your args in a protected mode and catch any subsequent errors.

Attempt to index field 'wikibase' (a nil value)

I have imported to my MediaWiki site the it.Wikipedia Modulo:Bio but I get this error:
Error Lua in Module:Bio line 700: attempt to index field 'wikibase' (a nil value).
In line 700 I have this code:
local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject()
I have multiple wikis that shares the same source code, and the same database, but with its own tables. Then my wikibase is
I tried to solve by changing wikibase to mybase:
local entity = mw.mybase.getEntityObject()
But it doesn't work.
The problem is not wikibase: the error simply says that there is no field named wikibase in the mw table, so the problem is that mw doesn't contain what you think it should. You must find the code that puts wikibase field in mw. If it does something like mw.wikibase = something and something is nil, then it is as if that line had not executed (it is not an error to assign nil to a table field, it is like removing the field if it exists already, and doing nothing if it doesn't exist). This is common error when something is an function call, the function may return nil under some circumstances.

How to retrieve a value from a recordset that is not a return value or output parameter using vb6

I have a stored proc on an existing 3rd party application (SQL 2005) that I wish to interact with.
It is an insert statement followed by a select statement as follows;
Set #CustomerId = Cast(SCOPE_IDENTITY() As [int])
Select #CustomerId
Using VB6 how do I access the value of #CustomerID?
set rs = cmd.Execute
is not returning a resultset as expected...
rs.Fields.Count is 0.
Any attempt to access the resulting recordset, like rs(0).Value simply causes an "Item not found..." error.
I would guess that your stored procedure is returning more than one recordset.
If this is the case, you can use the NextRecordset() method to iterate through them.
If a row-returning command executes successfully but returns no records,
the returned Recordset object will be
open but empty. Test for this case by
verifying that the BOF and EOF
properties are both True.
If a non–row-returning command executes successfully, the returned
Recordset object will be closed, which
you can verify by testing the State
property on the Recordset.
When there are no more results, recordset will be set to Nothing.
This means I would suggest something like this to solve your problem:
Set rs = cmd.Execute
''# fetch the first value of the last recordset
Do Until rs Is Nothing
If rs.State = adStateOpen Then
If Not (rs.BOF And rs.EOF) Then
''# You can do a different sanity check here, or none at all
If rs.Fields(0).Type = adInteger Then
CustomerId = rs.Fields(0).Value
End If
End If
End If
Set rs = rs.NextRecordSet
MsgBox CustomerId
