How to get api endpoint by operationId in openapi - swagger

I just wanted to know if there is any nodejs library or npm package which will take operationId as input and return full api endpoint.
Ofcourse I can create a function which could implement brute-force with one stack and would return the full api endpoint.
But I am looking for a library or npm package

Try this package : swagger-autogen
This module can identify the endpoints and automatically capture methods such as to get, post, put, and so on


Token is not imported from the #solana/spl-token

I can't import token from the library.
What's the reason?
The latest version of #solana/spl-token exports all the actions that were originally on the Token class, giving more flexibility to the client.
If you want to use the old Token class, you can do the following:
npm install #solana/spl-token#0.1.8
Otherwise you'll find documentation on #solana/spl-token#0.2.0 at the SPL docs and Solanacookbook

Orocommerce - generate API client libraries

I am quite new in the orocommerce ecosystem, and I would like to generate API client librairies automatically for orocommerce API (frontend and backend). The objective is to build my own UI.
I found some dependencies on NelmioApiDocBundle than could potentially generate swagger file, but I hit multiple problems:
this is a quite old version, that only support swagger 1.2
the generated file (using symfony run php bin/console api:swagger:dump /tmp/api/) seems not working with swagger codegen "as is"
all the part of the API seems not written using NelmioApiDocBundle annotation
I am wondering if there is an other mechanism to generate API client librairies for orocommerce. I would like a SDK for typescript.
Thanks in advance for your answer.
Right now, the only supported swagger version is 1.2, as you stated.
By default, the api:swagger:dump command works with an outdated API, to generate data for the current API, run it with --view=rest_json_api option:
api:swagger:dump --view=rest_json_api
As an alternative to the API client generation, as Oro API strictly follows JSON.API standard, you can use many existing client libraries, compatible with the JSON.API specification. The list of Typescript implementations can be found at the official website:

Not able to change API Name in swagger

We are using swagger for one of our java rest services , but I am not able to change the API name for those. I tried changing the api names by different ways, but still it is displaying in different format while accessing the swagger-ui.
For eg: if my API name is EmployeeApiService , in swagger-ui, it is displaying as employee-api-service.
Please find the details :
Maven Dependencies: springfox-swagger2 and springfox-swaagger-ui with both as version 2.7.0
Ways I tried:
1). By giving #API annotation with tags i.e.
#Api(value="EmployeeApiService", tags={EmployeeApi})
2). By giving #SwaggerDefinition .
In both cases, the api name is not getting changed in swagger UI.
Please help.

Hyperledger Composer: Where is the Open API Specification generated by composer-rest-server stored?

I want to use the specification in to generate a Java client using swagger codegen in order to consume the REST API from a Java application. Where do I find the Open API spec after I start the composer-rest-server? I've tried looking it up but I can't figure out where that file is stored after it is generated.
By default, the docs are at your localhost:3000/explorer
This is generated automatically by the LoopBack framework.
You should carefully follow:

Make available my swagger APIs to be read through swagger-ui (new swagger-node project)

I am using the Swagger Node project with Express 4 to build my apis.
I can make my "swagger api" work, however I could not get expose my apis as JSON to be read by the Swagger-UI(
How can I achieve it? I know that the previous version I need to use the following method:
swagger.configureSwaggerPaths("", "/api-docs", "");
But with the changes in the project, I dont what to call..
Maybe look into swagger-tools offered by Apigee-127, i believe this is the best module for node/swagger integration
