Firefox crashing inside docker container - docker

Trying to launch firefox from the docker container with X window forwarding. It crashes every time.
Firefox version container - Mozilla Firefox 60.8.0
Host os firefox version - Mozilla Firefox 78.4.0esr
OS - Suse linux (SLES 15 SP2)
When I start the container with option --ipc= host it works fine. I am able to open the browser from the container. But this approach degrades the container isolation and security.
Firefox Crash report trace -
(firefox:29957): Gdk-ERROR **: The program 'firefox' received an X Window System error.
This probably reflects a bug in the program.
The error was 'BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)'.
(Details: serial 520 error_code 2 request_code 130 (unknown) minor_code 3)
(Note to programmers: normally, X errors are reported asynchronously;
that is, you will receive the error a while after causing it.
To debug your program, run it with the GDK_SYNCHRONIZE environment
variable to change this behavior. You can then get a meaningful
backtrace from your debugger if you break on the gdk_x_error() function.)
ExceptionHandler::GenerateDump cloned child 30085
ExceptionHandler::WaitForContinueSignal waiting for continue signal...
ExceptionHandler::SendContinueSignalToChild sent continue signal to child
./ line 43: 29957 Trace/breakpoint trap (core dumped)
This is my Docker file
WORKDIR /usr/g/applications//service
COPY ./service/target/rcp-rest-1.8.5.jar ./plat/rcp-rest.jar
COPY ./packageRPM/scripts/common ./scripts
COPY ./packageRPM/scripts/container ./scripts
COPY ./packageRPM/config ./config
RUN chmod -R 777 ./scripts
USER myuser
ENTRYPOINT ["sh","/usr/g/applications/"]
This is the docker startup script
docker run --rm \
--name my-service \
-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw \
-v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime \
-e TZ=`ls -la /etc/localtime | cut -d/ -f7-9` \
-e spring_profiles_active=Prod \
--network="host" \
--pid=host \
Please suggest if any other alternative. Thanks in advance.


shell script having ssh command inside docker container fails with - ssh: not found

I have a spring boot java application running on a docker container, and it tries to run a shell script. The shell script has a ssh command and I get the following error while running it
2020-08-12 09:22:29.425 INFO 1 --- [io-11013-exec-1] b.n.i.s.d.e.service.EmrManagerService : Executing spark submit, calling shell script: /tmp/
2020-08-12 09:22:29.434 DEBUG 1 --- [io-11013-exec-1] b.n.i.s.d.e.service.EmrManagerService : Starting Input Stream:
2020-08-12 09:22:29.435 INFO 1 --- [io-11013-exec-1] b.n.i.s.d.e.service.EmrManagerService : #1 arg:
2020-08-12 09:22:29.436 INFO 1 --- [io-11013-exec-1] b.n.i.s.d.e.service.EmrManagerService : Exist Value127
2020-08-12 09:22:29.436 ERROR 1 --- [io-11013-exec-1] b.n.i.s.d.e.service.EmrManagerService : Starting Error Stream:
2020-08-12 09:22:29.436 ERROR 1 --- [io-11013-exec-1] b.n.i.s.d.e.service.EmrManagerService :
/tmp/ line 5: ssh: not found
The same code works fine when am running the jar directly and not as docker container.
Is it something to do with ssh not recognized in docker container?
shell script -
echo "#1 arg:" $1
ssh -i /home/dnaidaasd/aws-oneid-idaas-2020Q2.pem -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no hadoop#$1 '/etc/alternatives/jre/bin/java -Xmx1000m -server \
-XX:OnOutOfMemoryError="kill -9 %p" -cp "/usr/share/aws/emr/instance \
-controller/lib/*" -Dhadoop.log.dir=/mnt/var/log/hadoop/steps/s-100-120 \
-Dhadoop.log.file=syslog -Dhadoop.home.dir=/usr/lib/hadoop \ -Dhadoop.root.logger=INFO,DRFA -Djava.library.path=:/usr/lib/hadoop-lzo/lib/native:/usr/lib/hadoop/lib/native \
-Dhadoop.policy.file=hadoop-policy.xml \ \,NullAppender \ \
org.apache.hadoop.util.RunJar /var/lib/aws/emr/step-runner/hadoop-jars/command-runner.jar spark-submit \
--conf spark.hadoop.mapred.output.compress=true \
--conf \
--class \
--name IdaasProfile --conf spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled=true \
--conf spark.executor.instances=2 --conf spark.driver.memory=8G \
--conf spark.executor.memory=4G --conf spark.executor.cores=1 \
--conf spark.sql.catalogImplementation=hive \
--jars s3://oneid-idaas-dev-us-east-1/dev/emr/TestIdaasProfile/spark-core_2.11-2.4.5.jar,s3://oneid-idaas-dev-us-east-1/dev/emr/TestIdaasProfile/spark-sql_2.11-2.4.5.jar,s3://oneid-idaas-dev-us-east-1/dev/emr/TestIdaasProfile/spark-mllib_2.11-2.4.5.jar,s3://oneid-idaas-dev-us-east-1/dev/emr/TestIdaasProfile/jackson-module-scala_2.11-,s3://oneid-idaas-dev-us-east-1/dev/emr/TestIdaasProfile/jackson-databind-2.6.7.jar s3://oneid-idaas-dev-us-east-1/dev/emr/TestIdaasProfile/data-profile-14.0.jar' \
$2 $3 $4
This shell script is called as -
public void executeSparkSubmit(String masterNodeIp, String pathToScript, String input_hive_table, String s3_output_path, String output_hive_table ) throws IOException, InterruptedException, DataProfileServiceException {"Executing spark submit, calling shell script: " + pathToScript + " " + masterNodeIp);
ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder("sh", pathToScript, masterNodeIp, input_hive_table, s3_output_path, output_hive_table);
Process pr = pb.start();
And the Dockerfile contents are:
FROM openjdk:8-jdk-alpine
ADD ./data-profile-provider/build/libs/data-profile-provider-203.2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar data-profile.jar
EXPOSE 11013
ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-jar", "data-profile.jar", ""]
As I suspected - your image is Alpine-based and Alpine does not have SSH client installed by default.
Corrected Dockerfile:
FROM openjdk:8-jdk-alpine
RUN apk add --no-cache openssh-client
ADD ./data-profile-provider/build/libs/data-profile-provider-203.2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar data-profile.jar
EXPOSE 11013
ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-jar", "data-profile.jar", ""]
Edit: I forgot to add that Alpine does not have Bash either. Luckily your app invokes your script with sh - otherwise you'd get bash: not found error.
SSH might not be installed.
My example here assumes an Ubuntu/Linux image derived from since you did not specify the Dockfile contents at the time.
If your container can launch successfully (ignore the fact that your app is failing), you can just simply run ssh on the command-line to see (it will give you something similar to command not found)
To run commands inside Docker container: Since an Ubuntu image has bash installed, you can run like this:
docker exec -ti containername bash
Inside Docker container: (One of my containers where there is no SSH installed)
ssh: command not found
The base container you inherit from might not have the tool installed. Most Docker containers you inherit from are usually with 'bare minimum' in mind, so your custom Docker image needs to install it otherwise.
Just adding the run command that you can add onto the Dockerfile, make sure your user are able to run these. (In this example I made sure the container image user is root) This example installs only the ssh-client only (which is what is required)
USER root
RUN apt-get update \
&& apt-get install openssh-client
USER mydockercontaineruser

Dockerfile RUN lpadmin to add a printer not working in the built image?

I want to add a printer in Dockerfile RUN command, so this is my Dockerfile
FROM dassh/eline:base
# start cups service is necessary to run lpadmin command
RUN service cups start && lpadmin -p VLM2601 -v EleanBackend:/tmp -m
VLM2601_gdi.ppd -E && echo done
Build procedure
docker build -t dassh/eline .
Sending build context to Docker daemon 722.9kB
Step 1/3 : FROM dassh/eline:base
---> 712dce8cd557
Step 2/3 : MAINTAINER dassh
---> Running in 2f3f5f80b665
Removing intermediate container 2f3f5f80b665
---> 2b53b81d6ff4
Step 3/3 : RUN service cups start && lpadmin -p VLM2601 -v EleanBackend:/tmp -m VLM2601_gdi.ppd -E && echo done
---> Running in f176fbdf765e
* Starting Common Unix Printing System cupsd
Removing intermediate container f176fbdf765e
---> e229e278b085
Successfully built e229e278b085
Successfully tagged dassh/eline:latest
The build was successful without any error. But when I started a container with this image, I found that the printer wasn't added.
dassh#ubuntu:~$ docker run -itd dassh/eline /bin/bash
dassh#ubuntu:~$ docker cp ~/123.pdf a8:/
dassh#ubuntu:~$ docker attach a8
root#a8785057e71a:/pdf_to_prn# service cups start
* Starting Common Unix Printing System cupsd [ OK ]
root#a8785057e71a:/pdf_to_prn# lp -o fit-to-page -o media=A4 -d VLM2601 /123.pdf
lp: The printer or class does not exist.
The command returns an error that the printer does not exist, but when I execute add printer command in the container manually, and run lp command again, everything is fine.
root#a8785057e71a:/pdf_to_prn# lpadmin -p VLM2601 -v EleanBackend:/tmp -m VLM2601_gdi.ppd -E
root#a8785057e71a:/pdf_to_prn# lp -o fit-to-page -o media=A4 -d VLM2601 /123.pdf
request id is VLM2601-1 (1 file(s))
Therefore, my adding printer command has no issues. So what is happening?
The problem cause by use lpadmin create printer.
system get printers by file /etc/cups/printers.conf.
use lpadmin add a printer will generate or update file /etc/cups/printers.conf.
step 2 is asynchronous! (It takes almost 30s in my test after execute lpadmin command)
Dockerfile RUN this step complete before file /etc/cups/printers.conf generated.

Docker run desktop environment

The question is most clear,
How to start complete desktop environment (KDE, XFCE, Gnome doesn't matter) in the Docker remote container.
I were digging over the internet and there are lots of questions about the related topic, but not the same, they all about how to run GUI application not the full desktop.
What I found out:
Necessary run Xvfb
Somehow run e.g. Xfce in that FrameBuffer
Allow x11vnc to share that running X environment
But I'm stuck here actually, always getting whatever errors:
... (EE) Invalid screen configuration 1024x768 for -screen 0
... Cannot open /dev/tty0 (No such file or directory)
Could you give some Dockerfile lines in order reach the goal?
That is I was looking for, the simplest form of the desktop in Docker:
FROM ubuntu
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install xfce4 -y
RUN apt-get install xfce4-goodies -y
RUN apt-get purge -y pm-utils xscreensaver*
RUN apt-get install wget -y
RUN wget -qO- | tar xz --strip 1 -C /
RUN mkdir ~/.vnc
RUN echo "123456" | vncpasswd -f >> ~/.vnc/passwd
RUN chmod 600 ~/.vnc/passwd
CMD ["/usr/bin/vncserver", "-fg"]
Unfortunately I could not sort out with x11vnc and xvfb. But TigerVNC turned out much better.
This sample generate container with xfce gui and run vncserver with 123456 password. There is no need to overwrite ~/.vnc/xstartup manually because TigerVNC starts up X server by default!
To run the server:
sudo docker run --rm -dti -p 5901:5901 3ab3e0e7cb
To connect there with vncviewer:
vncviewer -AutoSelect 0 -QualityLevel 9 -CompressLevel 0
Also you could not care about screen resolution because by default it will resize to fit your screen:
You may also encounter the issue with ipc_channel_posix (chrome and other browsers will not work properly) to eliminate this run container with memory sharing:
docker run -d --shm-size=2g --privileged -p 5901:5901 image-name
x11docker allows to run desktop environments as well as single GUI applications in docker.
Could you give some Dockerfile lines in order reach the goal?
Example desktop images on docker hub.
x11docker does a lot of setup to keep container isolation and provides some additional options like hardware acceleration or pulseaudio sound. Example:
x11docker --desktop x11docker/lxde
x11docker also supports network setups with SSH, VNC and HTML5
Example for SSH setup with xpra:
read Xenv < <(x11docker --xdummy --display=30 x11docker/lxde pcmanfm)
echo $Xenv && export $Xenv
# replace "start" with "start-desktop" to forward a desktop environment
xpra start :30 --use-display --start-via-proxy=no
From client system, connect with
xpra attach ssh:HOSTNAME:30 # replace HOSTNAME with IP or host name of ssh server
Without x11docker:
A quite short setup using Xephyr as nested X server on host is:
Xephyr :1
docker run -v /tmp/.X11-unix/X1:/tmp/.X11-unix/X1:rw \
-e DISPLAY=:1 \
A short Dockerfile with Xfce desktop:
FROM debian:stretch
ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends xfce4 dbus-x11
CMD startxfce4

Input/output error

I create file and show its contents inside of virtual machine using Docker:
touch file.txt
docker run \
--rm -it \
--volume $(pwd):/app \
--workdir /app \
alpine:3.6 \
sh -c '\
while : ; do \
cat file.txt ;\
sleep 1 ;\
done \
Then I change file locally:
date > file.txt
Everything is ok.
But when I change file in PhpStorm, I get an error message for about 20 seconds:
cat: can't open 'file.txt': I/O error
What is possible reason of this behaviour and how can I diagnose it?
(Docker 17.10, VirtualBox 5.1.30, PhpStorm 2017.2.4)
Try disabling "safe write" option in PhpStorm settings: Settings/Preferences | Appearance & Behavior | System Settings --> Use "safe write"...
With that option enabled IDE writes into a temp file first (e.g. file.__temp_jb__) and only then renames it into the actual target (file.txt).
It looks like such manipulation (original file gets deleted and replaced by another one) somehow conflicts with your script.

Understanding the difference in sequence of ENTRYPOINT/CMD between Dockerfile and docker run

Docker noob here...
I am trying to build and run an IBM DataPower container from a Dockerfile, but it doesn't seem to work the same as when just running docker run and passing the same parameters in the terminal.
This works (docker run)
docker run -it \
-v $PWD/config:/drouter/config \
-p 9090:9090 \
--name mydatapower \
... the key part being that it mounts the ./config folder and the custom configuration is picked up by datapower running in the container.
This doesn't (Dockerfile)
FROM ibmcom/datapower
COPY config/auto-startup.cfg /drouter/config/auto-startup.cfg
docker build -t local/datapower .
docker run -it \
-p 9090:9090 \
--name mydatapower local/datapower
The problem is that DataPower doesn't pick up the auto-startup.cfg file, so the additional config options doesn't get used. I know the source file path is correct because if I misspell the file name docker throws an error.
I have a theory that it might be running the inherited ENTRYPOINT or CMD before the config file is available. I don't know how to test or prove this. I don't know what the ENTRYPOINT or CMD is because the inherited image is not open source and I can't figure out how to find it.
Does that seem likely?
The content of the auto-startup.cfg is:
top; co
admin enabled
port 9090
It simply enables the DataPower WebGUI.
The output when running it in the commandline with:
docker run -it -v $PWD/config:/drouter/config -v $PWD/local:/drouter/local -e DATAPOWER_ACCEPT_LICENSE=true -e DATAPOWER_INTERACTIVE=true -e DATAPOWER_WORKER_THREADS=4 -p 9091:9090 --name myconfigureddatapower ibmcom/datapower`
...contains this:
20170908T121729.015Z [0x8100006e][system][notice] : Executing startup configuration.
20170908T121729.970Z [0x00350014][mgmt][notice] web-mgmt(WebGUI-Settings): tid(303): Operational state up
...but with Dockerfile it doesn't. That's why I think the config files may be copied into place too late.
I've tried adding CMD ["/bin/drouter"] to the end of my Dockerfile to no avail.
I have tested your Dockerfile and it seems to be working. My auto-startup.cfg file is copied in the proper location and when I launch the container it's reading the file.
I get this output:
[root#ip-172-30-2-164 tmp]# docker run -ti -p 9090:9090 test
20170908T123728.818Z [0x8040006b][system][notice] logging target(default-log): Logging started.
20170908T123729.067Z [0x804000fe][system][notice] : Container instance UUID: 36bcca0e-6139-4694-91b0-2b7b66c3a498, Cores: 4, vCPUs: 4, CPU model: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2676 v3 # 2.40GHz, Memory: 16049.1MB, Platform: docker, OS: dpos, Edition: developers-limited, Up time: 0 minutes
20170908T123729.071Z [0x8040001c][system][notice] : DataPower IDG is on-line.
20170908T123729.071Z [0x8100006f][system][notice] : Executing default startup configuration.
20170908T123729.416Z [0x8100006d][system][notice] : Executing system configuration.
20170908T123729.417Z [0x8100006b][mgmt][notice] domain(default): tid(8143): Domain operational state is up.
Unauthorized access prohibited.
20170908T123731.239Z [0x806000dd][system][notice] cert-monitor(Certificate Monitor): tid(399): Enabling Certificate Monitor to scan once every 1 days for soon to expire certificates
20170908T123731.552Z [0x8100006e][system][notice] : Executing startup configuration.
20170908T123732.436Z [0x8100003b][mgmt][notice] domain(default): Domain configured successfully.
20170908T123732.449Z [0x00350014][mgmt][notice] web-mgmt(WebGUI-Settings): tid(303): Operational state up
To check that your file has been copied to the container you can run docker run -ti local/datapower sh to enter the container and then check the content of /drouter/config/.
Your base image command is: CMD ["/bin/drouter"] you can check it running docker history ibmcom/datapower.
The drouter user in the container must be able to read the auto-startup.cfg file. You have 2 options:
set your local auto-startup.cfg with the proper permissions (chmod 644 config/autostart.cfg).
or add these line in the Dockerfile so drouter can read the file:
USER root
RUN chown drouter /drouter/config/auto-startup.cfg
USER drouter
