Because it's been a while since I was using Rails monolith instead of GrapeAPI I've silly question. I want to create a route for path - users/portfolios/1/portfolio_reports/archived_reports where I will displays PortfolioReports.where(status: 'archived'). I created routes:
namespace :users do
resources :portfolios, only: [:index, :show] do
resources :archived_report, only: [:index, :show]
resources :portfolio_report, only: [:index, :show]
So I've got two questions: Should the routes file look like my current routes.rb ? and if I have Portfolio and PortfolioReport models like below, the portfolio_reports_controller should be inside app/controllers/users/portfolio_reports_controller.rb or app/controllers/portfolio_reports_controller.rb ?
class Portfolio
has_many :portfolio_reports
class PortfolioReport
belongs_to :portfolio
In Rails you can use "Shallow Nesting" which basically says to only nest the index, new and create actions under the parent resource. For the other actions you don't need to nest the routes, because through the record itself you have access to the associated record, so there is no need to have the id in the url.
So your routes will be:
users/portfolios/ # Portfolios#index
users/portfolios/1 # Portfolios#show
users/portfolios/1/portfolio_reports # PortfolioReports#index
users/portfolio_reports/1 # PortfolioReports#show
users/portfolios/1/archived_reports # ArchivedReports#index
users/archived_reports/1 # ArchivedReports#show
And routes.rb should look like this:
namespace :users do
resources :portfolios, only: [:index, :show] do
resources :archived_report, only: [:index]
resources :portfolio_report, only: [:index]
resources :archived_report, only: [:show]
resources :portfolio_report, only: [:show]
(If you'd use all 7 routes you could use the helper shallow as mentioned in the docs).
No need to nest archived_reports under portfolio_reports like you mentioned in your question!
Find more info on shallow nesting here:
For the user namespace:
Your controllers should live in a subfolder user because you have the namespace user:
I want to properly add new route to already existing route resources in Spree.
Desired end url format: /orders/:order_id/order_returns(.:format)
I can achieve this by adding following snippet to routes.rb:
Rails.application.routes.draw do
resources :orders, only: [] do
resources :order_returns, controller: 'order_returns', only: [:create]
but resources :orders, only: [] do looks kind of ugly with empty hash and if I remove it Rails will generate routes for orders :(
Is there a better, Rails/Spree way to achieve that ?
I am working on a Rails API (Rails 4.2.0.beta4), and in turn since the client will be responsible for generating the new and edit forms, my RESTful controllers will only need 5 actions. Rather than having to do something like this:
resources :media, except: [:new, :edit]
resources :media_collections, except: [:new, :edit]
Is there some way I could define all of my resources inside a block that has except: [:new, :edit] stated in one spot or something? Seems crazy to have to append that to ever resource declaration, right?
You can create a method that abstracts this. I would create a new module for this, and use extend to make the methods available in routes.rb
module ApiResource
def api_resources(name, options = {}, &block)
resources name, options.merge({:except => [:new, :edit]}, &block)
# in routes.rb:
MyApp::Application.routes.draw do
extend ApiResource
api_resources :media
api_resources :media_collections
# ...
The two particular routes im having issues with are admin/inspections and admin/activities. When I first save routes.rb, whichever route I load first works but the other will not, it gives me error: "Unitialized constant Admin::Towers"
I have the following routes setup.
namespace :admin do
resources :inspections, only: [:index,:show], controller: 'towers/inspections'
resources :activities, only: [:index], controller: 'towers/activities'
As you've namespaced your resources, your controllers should reside within app/controllers/admin/* and have a name, i.e. for inspections: class Admin::InspectionsController
I'm guessing you would like to have:
scope '/admin' do
resources :inspections, only: [:index,:show], controller: 'towers/inspections'
resources :activities, only: [:index], controller: 'towers/activities'
I understand resource and path routes in rails 3 but I do not know is there any way to have both routes ? I try this routes but it not work for me, this is the routes:
resources :roles, only: [:index, :create, :show, :update]
get '/roles/:id' => 'roles#available_users'
How can we routes to use both routes ?
thankyou very much
What you're asking for cannot be done, as you'll be using the same "route" for different controller actions:
resources :roles, only: [:index, :create, :show, :update] #-> - roles#show
If you then create another route for, Rails will just take the first which it finds in the routes file
The way to fix your issue is likely to be down to the following:
resources :roles, except: [:edit, :destroy] do
get :available_users # ->
This will take you to the roles#available_users action, providing you with the ability to load the view you wish (to display the users for a particular role)
For a more defined explanation, I'd recommend checking out the nested_resources part of the Rails routing system
If I understand you correctly you want something like this:
resources :roles, only: [:index, :create, :update] do
get '/roles/:id' => 'roles#available_users'
Just add an "do" behind the closing ] and an end after the custom routes.
Edit: Apparently I got wrong. ;) What you could do is:
resources :roles, only: [:index, :create, :show, :update] do
get '/roles/:id/available' => 'roles#available_users'
I have routes like this below. Is it possible if I have routes like this ?
resources :subscribers, only: [:index, :show]
namespace :admin do
resources :subscribers, only: [:new, :edit, :update, :create, :destroy]
I have tried to run rake routes and the result is
admin_subscribers POST /admin/subscribers(.:format) admin/subscribers#create
new_admin_subscriber GET /admin/subscribers/new(.:format) admin/subscribers#new
edit_admin_subscriber GET /admin/subscribers/:id/edit(.:format) admin/subscribers#edit
admin_subscriber PUT /admin/subscribers/:id(.:format) admin/subscribers#update
DELETE /admin/subscribers/:id(.:format) admin/subscribers#destroy
subscribers GET /subscribers(.:format) subscribers#index
subscriber GET /subscribers/:id(.:format) subscribers#show
the result was appropriate with my expectation, but when i run my RSpec i got errors
Routing Error
uninitialized constant Admin::SubscribersController
Try running rake routes for more information on available routes.
I added this code below in my Rspec Helper too
Spork.each_run do
if /spork/i =~ $0 || RSpec.configuration.drb?
But, if I fire my browser to htt**://l*alhost:3000/admin/subscribers/new, everything is fine.
Am I missing something ?
As stated in the docs
If you want to route /admin/subscribers to SubscribersController (without the Admin:: module prefix), you could use scope instead of namespace
resources :subscribers, only: [:index, :show]
scope "/admin" do
resources :subscribers, only: [:new, :edit, :update, :create, :destroy]
I don't think there's much need for you to namespace this under admin. You could just fill in all the actions on SubscribersController and set the permissions on create, update etc. appropriately.