How to capture values from referrer using Coldfusion - url

We are using this code in the application file -
<cfparam name="session.outbound_referer" default="">
<cfif cgi.http_referer does not contain cgi.http_host>
<cfset session.outbound_referer=cgi.http_referer>
Hello - we are currently getting the domain of the referrer. This is working. We need help getting the full path of the referring url. 
For example...
Lets say someone comes from google using this search
We are already getting:
but how do we go about getting the rest of that string?
or just
Next example:
If this was referrer url, we would get...
but we want full path
We are running Coldfusion 2016 and need some guidance.


What format of url is this with the colon almost in the end -

I am trying to consume the google text to speech api here :
and it has this url format below
What is this URL format with colon(:)in the end?
When I try to hit this URL, it gives me an error specifically while running test case on it .e. Invalid URI. Invalid Port?
But the official google documentation says this is a valid url? How to use this?
This format of URL is called gRPC Transcoding syntax. Your first URL is invlaid , because it's in the first path segment of a relative-path reference.
This url is invalid for usage, whereas the one below, was running fine.
Try changing your URL to something like
https://google-speech-api-base-url/speech:longrunningrecognize. It will work.
I looked at the documentation page you referenced and was unable to see/find a URL that looked like:
However, what I did find was a URL of the form:
which looks perfectly valid.
The documentation for this REST request can be found here:
Could you have made an error in your reading and comprehension?
Apparently the colon (:) is legal in the path part of a URL:
Are colons allowed in URLs?

Large number of likes but now realise it is to an invalid url

My site at (yes I know it's hideous) currently has 3.7 million likes but while working to build a proper site that doesn't use some flowery phpBB monstrosity I noticed that all those likes are registered against an invalid URL that doesn't actually link back to my site's URL at all. Instead the likes have all been registered against a URL-encoded version:
This is obviously incorrect. Since I already have so many likes I was hoping to either get those likes updated to the correct URL or get them to just point to the base url of
The correct url they SHOULD have been registered against is (not url-encoded):
Is there someone at Facebook I can discuss this with? 3.7m likes is a little too many to start over with without a lot of heartache. It took 2 years to build those up.
Short of getting someone at Facebook to update the URL, the only option within your control that I could think of that would work is to create a custom 404 error page. I have tested such a page with your URL and the following works.
First you need to set the Apache directive for ErrorDocument (or equivalent in another server).
ErrorDocument 404 /path/to/404.php
This will cause any 404 pages to hit the script, which in turn will do the necessary check and redirect if appropriate.
I tested the following script and it works perfectly.
if ( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] == '/%2Fviewtopic.php%3Ff%3D42%26t%3D370' ) {
Header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently");
Header("Location: /viewtopic.php?f=42&t=370");
} else {
header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found');
<h1>HTTP 404 Not Found</h1>
<?php echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; ?>
This is a semi-dirty way of achieving this, however I tried several variations in Apache2.2 using mod_alias's Redirect and mod_rewrite's RewriteRule, neither of which I have been able to get working with a URL containing percent encoded chars. I suspect that with nginx you may have better success at a more graceful way to handle this in the server.

Using cfhttp to post to an API

I'm playing around the Singly API at the moment, and there are ZERO ColdFusion examples (as far as I can see - and I've gone through a lot of google search results!) So, I'm trying to 'fudge' my way through it.
I've hit a stumbling block with something. I suspect it isn't specific to Singly, but I just can't figure out the syntax. I'm specifically stuck on the authorization. I've gotten as far as doing the second post back, which the docs state:
You will then make a post back to:
With the following parameters in the body:
client_id Your Singly OAuth 2 client ID client_secret
Your Singly OAuth 2 client secret code the code that was
passed back in the URL above
Currently, I keep getting an error "no such app" - I suspect this is because I'm not sending the data correctly, because if I manually fire a request (using the same details), it works fine.
The part I'm stuck with is how I go about formatting everything, presumably into a cfhttpparam with a type body. I'm aware I can only use body type once in a cfhttp call. There's no indication that the data needs to be sent as JSON etc
Many Thanks
For the benefit of anyone else searching, Matt Busche suggested sending them as headers. That didn't work, but did point me to try sending them as formFields, which DID work. Here's the working code:
<cfhttp method="POST" url="">
<cfhttpparam type="formField" name="client_id" value="my_client_id">
<cfhttpparam type="formField" name="client_secret" value="my_client_secret">
<cfhttpparam type="formField" name="code" value="#url.code#">

Google docs API: can't download a file, downloading documents works

I'm trying out http requests to download a pdf file from google docs using google document list API and OAuth 1.0. I'm not using any external api for oauth or google docs.
Following the documentation, I obtained download URL for the pdf which works fine when placed in a browser.
According to documentation I should send a request that looks like this:
However, the download URL has something funny going on with the paremeters, it looks like this:\;e=download&amp\;gd=true
(in the url '&amp\;' is actually without '\' but I put it here in the post to avoid escaping it as '&').
So what is the case here; do I have 3 parameters h,e,gd or do I have one parameter h with value 15287211447292764666&ae=download&gd=true, or maybe I have the following 3 param-value pairs: h = 15287211447292764666, amp;e = download, amp;gd = true (which I think is the case and it seems like a bug)?
In order to form a proper http request I need to know exectly what are the parameters names and values, however the download URL I have is confusing. Moreover, if the params names are h,amp;e and amp;gd, is the request containing those params valid for obtaining file content (if not it seems like a bug).
I didn't have problems downloading and uploading documents (msword docs) and my scope for downloading a file is correct.
I experimented with different requests a lot. When I treat the 3 parameters (h,e,gd) separetaly I get Unauthorized 401. If I assume that I have only one parameter - h with value 15287211447292764666&ae=download&gd=true I get 500 Internal Server Error (google api states: 'An unexpected error has occurred in the API.','If the problem persists, please post in the forum.').
If I don't put any paremeters at all or I put 3 parameters -h,amp;e,amp;gd, I get 302 Found. I tried following the redirections sending more requests but I still couldn't get the actual pdf content. I also experimented in OAuth Playground and it seems it's not working as it's supposed to neither. Sending get request in OAuth with the download URL responds with 302 Found instead of responding with the PDF content.
What is going on here? How can I obtain the pdf content in a response? Please help.
I have experimented same issue with oAuth2 (error 401).
Solved by inserting the oAuth2 token in request header and not in URL.
I have replaced &access_token=<token> in the URL by setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Bearer <token>" )

(#803) Some of the aliases you requested do not exist: access_token","type":"OAuthException"

I am trying to get access token using from facebook graph API in my rails 2.3 based web application. The request I am sending for that is :<client_id>
And it is redirecting me to
s9RD71F3zTKX344cUZ AWX4CNhdx3Yerl_wmzQkQ4zIUFVS_CRoN0mAB_Sr1H4K
I am getting error in both development and production environment . I am not able to get the access token. Has anyone else face the problem ??
This looks correct - Facebook redirects to your redirect url with the code= parameter. You then need to exchange the code for an access token. See here:
edit: my bad, I misread the first section. You can sometimes have problems using localhost as a redirect. Are you using a live domain without port in your non-test environment?
Well, I found solution of my problem :
The problem was with the path which I was using for request of access_token . I placed a slash in front of the path and bingo. It worked like a charm.
So instead of
oauth/access_token?client_id=#{ #client_id }&redirect_uri=#{ #redirect_uri }&client_secret=#{ #client_secret }&code=#{ code }"
we just need to use
/oauth/access_token?client_id=#{ #client_id }&redirect_uri=#{ #redirect_uri }&client_secret=#{ #client_secret }&code=#{ code }".
Thanks to all people for your efforts.
