Network Delay Problem - Complexity Analysis - graph-algorithm

Below is a solution Network delay problem of leetcode. I have written a all test case success solution. But not able to analyse the time complexity. I believe its O(V^2 + E) where V is the number of nodes and E edges.
In this solution though I am adding all adjacents of each node every time, but not processing them further if there exists a min distance for that node already.
Leetcode question link
public int networkDelayTime(int[][] times, int n, int k) {
int[] distances = new int[n+1];
Arrays.fill(distances , -1);
if(n > 0){
List<List<int[]>> edges = new ArrayList<List<int[]>>();
for(int i = 0 ; i <= n ; i++){
edges.add(new ArrayList<int[]>());
for(int[] time : times){
edges.get(time[0]).add(new int[]{time[1] , time[2]});
Queue<Vertex> queue = new LinkedList<>();
queue.add(new Vertex(k , 0));
Vertex cx = queue.poll();
int index = cx.index;
int distance = cx.distance;
//process adjacents only if distance is updated
if(distances[index] == -1 || distances[index] > distance){
distances[index] = distance;
List<int[]> adjacents = edges.get(index);
for(int[] adjacent : adjacents){
queue.add(new Vertex(adjacent[0] , adjacent[1]+distance));
int sum = 0;
for(int i = 1 ; i <= n; i++){
int distance = distances[i];
if(distance == -1){
return -1;
sum = Math.max(sum , distance);
return sum;
public static class Vertex{
int index;
int distance;
public Vertex(int i , int d){
index = i;
distance = d;

You should use PriorityQueue instead of LinkedList


leetcode practice: can find the bug of returning a negative number from sum method

I am trying to solve 445. Add Two Numbers II from LeetCode where it is asked:
Given two non-empty linked lists representing two non-negative integers, add the two numbers and return it as a linked list. The most significant digit comes first and each of their nodes contain a single digit.
For some test cases, I am getting negative number from the sum method that I have implemented. I think it is impossible to get any negative digit in my code. Can you help me finding the bug?
Below is the code that I tried:
* Definition for singly-linked list.
* public class ListNode {
* int val;
* ListNode next;
* ListNode() {}
* ListNode(int val) { this.val = val; }
* ListNode(int val, ListNode next) { this.val = val; = next; }
* }
class Solution {
public ListNode addTwoNumbers(ListNode l1, ListNode l2) {
//ListNode previous = null;
int len1 = 0;
int len2 = 0;
ListNode head1 = l1;
ListNode head2 = l2;
int sum=0;
if (len1 >= len2){
sum= sum(head1,head2,len1,len2);
sum= sum(head2,head1,len2,len1);
String sumString = "" + sum;
ListNode extraHead = new ListNode(1);
ListNode copy = extraHead;
for(int i = 0;i<sumString.length();i++){
ListNode bit = new ListNode(Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(sumString.charAt(i))));//Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(sumString.charAt(i))) = bit;
extraHead =;
public int sum(ListNode l1, ListNode l2, int len1, int len2){
int diff = 0;
int resLen = 0;
diff = len1 - len2;
resLen = len1;
int[] res = new int[resLen];
ListNode fast = l1;
ListNode slow = l2;
for(int count = 0; count<diff; count++){
res[count] = fast.val;
fast =;
for(int count = diff;count < res.length;count++){
res[count] = fast.val + slow.val;;;
int sum = 0;
for(int i = len1;i>0;i-- ){
sum = sum + res[len1-i] * (int)Math.pow(10,i-1);
return sum;
Here is the error message that I get:
Error Details
java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "-"
at line 68, java.base/java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString
at line 648, java.base/java.lang.Integer.parseInt
at line 776, java.base/java.lang.Integer.parseInt
at line 41, Solution.addTwoNumbers
at line 54, __DriverSolution__.__helper__
at line 87, __Driver__.main
Here is the input causing the error:

How to separate two Low[1] by if statement?

Example, previous low is 1.55. When next candle low is 1.66, then next next candle low is 1.44 which is lower than previous low (1.55) then do something. How to achieve it?
double previous_low = 0;
double new_low = 0;
double new_low2 = 0;
if (((previous_low==0)&&(Low[1] < Low[2])){
previous_low = Low[1];
if (previous_low != 0){
if (Low[1] < previous_low){
new_low2 = Low[1]; //it fail
if (Low[0] < previous_low){
new_low2 = Low[0]; //it works only if next 1 candle is lower than previous. It fail if next 2 candle is lower than previous_low.
It can be achive by bubblesort
public class BubbleSort
void bubbleSort(double arr[])
int n = arr.length;
for (int i = 0; i < n-1; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < n-i-1; j++)
if (arr[j] > arr[j+1])
System.out.print("first value :"+arr[j]+" greater than" +"previos :"+arr[j+1] + " ");
// swap arr[j+1] and arr[i]
double temp = arr[j];
arr[j] = arr[j+1];
arr[j+1] = temp;
/* Prints the array */
void printArray(double arr[])
int n = arr.length;
for (int i=0; i<n; ++i)
System.out.print(arr[i] + " ");
// Driver method to test above
public static void main(String args[])
BubbleSort ob = new BubbleSort();
double arr[] = {1.66, 1.55, 1.44};
System.out.println("Sorted array");

Implementation of LASSO in C

I am trying to understand the LASSO algorithm for linear regression. I have implemented the algorithm using naive coordinate descent method for optimization. However the coefficients that I obtained from my code, wasn't matching with those obtained from the 'glmnet'package for LASSO in R. I wanted to understand how I could make the algorithm more accurate, so that the coefficients match with those obtained from R. I think they use coordinate descent as well.
Note: I have generated some toy data with 11 observations, and 6
features(x,x^2 ,x^3,...,x^6). The last column contains the y values
generated from a dummy function (e^(-x^2)). I wanted to use LASSO to
estimate this function. Also, I have randomly picked the initial
weight vector, multiple times to crosscheck my results.
Here is my code:
int num_dim = 6;
int num_obs = 11;
/*Computes the normalization factor*/
float norm_feature(int j,double arr[][7],int n){
float sum = 0.0;
int i;
sum = sum + pow(arr[i][j],2);
return sum;
/*Computes the partial sum*/
float approx(int dim,int d_ignore,float weights[],double arr[][7],int
int flag = 1;
if(d_ignore == -1)
flag = 0;
int j;
float sum = 0.0;
if(j != d_ignore)
sum = sum + weights[j]*arr[i][j];
return sum;
/* Computes rho-j */
float rho_j(double arr[][7],int n,int j,float weights[7]){
float sum = 0.0;
int i;
float partial_sum ;
partial_sum = approx(num_dim,j,weights,arr,i);
sum = sum + arr[i][j]*(arr[i][num_dim]-partial_sum);
return sum;
float intercept(float arr1[7],double arr[][7],int dim) {
int i;
float sum =0.0;
for (i = 0; i < num_obs; i++) {
sum = sum + pow((arr[i][num_dim]) - approx(num_dim, -1, arr1, arr,
i), 1);
return sum;
int main(){
double data[num_obs][7];
int i=0,j=0;
float a = 1.0;
float lambda = 0.1; //Setting lambda
float weights[7]; //weights[6] contains the intercept
srand((unsigned int) time(NULL));
/*Generating the data matrix */
data[i][0] = ((float)rand()/(float)(RAND_MAX)) * a;
data[i][j] = pow(data[i][0],j+1);
data[i][6] = exp(-pow(data[i][0],2)); // the last column in the
datamatrix contains the y values generated by the dummy function
/*Printing the data matrix */
printf("Data Matrix:\n");
printf("%lf ",data[i][j]);}
int seed =0;
while(seed<20) {
//Initializing the weight vector
for (i = 0; i < 7; i++)
weights[i] = ((float) rand() / (float) (RAND_MAX)) * a;
int iter = 500;
int t = 0;
int r, l;
double rho[num_dim];
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
rho[i] = rho_j(data, num_obs, r, weights);
// Intercept initialization
weights[num_dim] = intercept(weights,data,num_dim);
printf("Weights initialization: ");
for (i = 0; i < (num_dim+1); i++)
printf("%f ", weights[i]);
while (t < iter) {
for (r = 0; r < num_dim; r++) {
rho[r] = rho_j(data, num_obs, r, weights);
//printf("rho %d:%f ",r,rho[r]);
if (rho[r] < -lambda / 2)
weights[r] = (rho[r] + lambda / 2) / norm_feature(r,
data, num_obs);
else if (rho[r] > lambda / 2)
weights[r] = (rho[r] - lambda / 2) / norm_feature(r,
data, num_obs);
weights[r] = 0;
weights[num_dim] = intercept(weights, data, num_dim);
/* printf("Iter(%d): ", t);
for (l = 0; l < 7; l++)
printf("%f ", weights[l]);
printf("Final Weights: ");
for (i = 0; i < 7; i++)
printf("%f ", weights[i]);
return 0;

How to group similar hue with a given threshold? Smarties counter projet

I'm trying to group similar hues together using a given threshold. It works quite well except for red values. Since near 0 or 180 represent red in OpenCV, I'm having trouble to group let say 3 degree and 179 degree hues in the same group.
The hues are stored in a Vector.
I have created a function with the following signature.
Vector <uchar> getGroupedHues(Vector<uchar> hues, int threshold);
The final goal is to create a smarties counter. I have isolated the individual smarties and now I want to find the hue of each one to classified them.
I based my code using the page. The algorithm to cluster the hues is at the end, but like I said, I'm struggling with near 0/180 degrees values.
Thanks for helping!
This is the code I have made.
// Creates a cluster of hues that are within a threshold
Vector<uchar> getClusteredHues(Vector<uchar> values, int threshold) {
int nbBin = 180;
Vector <uchar> groups(nbBin, 0);
// Sorting the hues
sort(values.begin(), values.end());
Point2f previous = getPointFromAngle(values[0]);
Point2f currentCluster = previous;
Point2f currentValue;
Point2f delta;
Point2f thresholdXY = getPointFromAngle(threshold);
for (int i = 1; i < values.size(); i++) {
currentValue = getPointFromAngle( values[i]);
delta = currentValue - previous;
if (delta.x < thresholdXY.x && delta.y < thresholdXY.y) {
groups[(int)(atan2(currentCluster.y, currentCluster.x)* 180 / CV_PI)]++;
else {
currentCluster = currentValue;
groups[(int)(atan2(currentCluster.y, currentCluster.x)* 180 / CV_PI)]++;
previous = currentValue;
return groups;
Ok, I have found a workaround. I always check if the current value is near the end limit, if so, I the current group becomes the first group.
Here's is the code.
Vector<uchar> getClusteredHues(Vector<uchar> values, int threshold) {
int nbBin = 180;
Vector <uchar> clusters(nbBin, 0);
// trier les teintes
sort(values.begin(), values.end());
int previous = values[0];
int currentCluster = previous;
int currentValue;
int delta;
int halfThreshold = threshold / 2;
int firstCluster = values[0];
for (int i = 1; i < values.size(); i++) {
currentValue = values[i];
delta = currentValue - previous;
if (currentValue + threshold > nbBin) {
if (abs(firstCluster - (currentValue + threshold - nbBin)) < threshold) {
delta = 0;
currentCluster = firstCluster;
if (delta < threshold) {
else {
currentCluster = currentValue;
previous = currentValue;
return clusters;

Gini Impurity, growing random trees in opencv

Goal: To add offset-impurity to the split decision of growing trees in openCV.
Currently in opencv random trees, the split is made as following:
if( !priors )
int L = 0, R = n1;
for( i = 0; i < m; i++ )
rsum2 += (double)rc[i]*rc[i];
for( i = 0; i < n1 - 1; i++ )
int idx = responses[sorted_indices[i]];
int lv, rv;
L++; R--;
lv = lc[idx]; rv = rc[idx];
lsum2 += lv*2 + 1;
rsum2 -= rv*2 - 1;
lc[idx] = lv + 1; rc[idx] = rv - 1;
if( values[i] + epsilon < values[i+1] )
double val = (lsum2*R + rsum2*L)/((double)L*R);
if( best_val < val )
best_val = val;
best_i = i;
Its using the gini impurity.
Anyone who can explain how the code accomplish this, from what i get it: initially it puts all class counts in the right node, and while moving one instance from right to left and update lsum2 and rsum2 it find the best solution. What i dont get is how p_j^2 is related to lv*2 +1 or rv*2-1.
The real question, if having offsets available and would like to add a split based on the impurity of simularity of offsets. (offsets are direction and distance from center to the current node.
What i have come up with is something like this, and if anyone can point out any flaws it would be good, because atm its not giving good results and im not sure where to start debugging.
//Compute mean
for(i = 0; i<n1;++i)
float* point = (float*)( + rstep*sample_idx_src[sorted_indices[i]]);
meanx[responses[sorted_indices[i]]] += point[0];
meany[responses[sorted_indices[i]]] += point[1];
for(i = 0;i<m;++i)
meanx[i] /= rc0[i];
meany[i] /= rc0[i];
int L = 0, R = n1;
float* point = (float*)( + rstep*sample_idx_src[sorted_indices[i]]);
double tmp = point[0] - meanx[responses[sorted_indices[i]]];
rsum2 += tmp*tmp;
tmp = point[1] -meany[responses[sorted_indices[i]]];
rsum2 += tmp*tmp;
double minDist = DBL_MAX;
float* point = (float*)( + rstep*sample_idx_src[sorted_indices[i]]);
++L; --R;
double tmp = point[0] - meanx[responses[sorted_indices[i]]];
lsum2 += tmp*tmp;
tmp = point[1] -meany[responses[sorted_indices[i]]];
lsum2 += tmp*tmp;
tmp = point[0] - meanx[responses[sorted_indices[i]]];
rsum2 -= tmp*tmp;
tmp = point[1] -meany[responses[sorted_indices[i]]];
rsum2 -= tmp*tmp;
if( values[i] + epsilon < values[i+1] )
double val = (lsum2 + rsum2)/((double)L*R);
if(val < minDist )
minDist = val;
best_val = -val;
best_i = i;
Ok, the Gini coefficient in this case is simple because there are only two groups, left and right. So instead of a large sum 1-sum(pj*pj) we have 1-pl*pl-pr*pr. The proportion of items on the left pl is the number of items on the left lv divided by the total.
Now as we shift the split, pl*pl and pr*pr change, but not because the total number of items changes. So instead of optimizing pr and pl (which are floating-point numbers) we optimize lv and rv (which are simple counts).
Next, the question why 2*lv+1. That's simple: we're increasing lv = lv=1 to optimize lv*lv. Now (lv+1)*(lv+1) - (lv*lv) (the increase) happens to be 2*lv+1 if you write out all the terms. And the decrease (rv-1)*(rv-1) - (rv*rv) happens to be -2*rv+1 or -(r*rv+1).
