I cannot find envs folder on anaconda3 when navigating through mac finder.
On bash, if I run
conda env list
I can see my environment are located at
base */opt/anconda3
myenv /opt/anaconda3/envs/myenv
However, when navigating through Mac Finder, I can only see the following folder
Inside I cannot see the envs folder
I have isntalled conda version
conda 4.10.1
I tried using on finder the "Go to folder" option, and entering
But it did not work.
Try using /opt/anaconda3 instead.
I can't uninstall cmder.
I have tried to open cmder and run the following command:
Run Regedit.
Go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shell and delete the cmder folder.
Go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell and delete the cmder folder.
The problem is that there are no cmder folders in either of those registry locations and cmder is still installed.
Any help would be appreciated.
#rickjerrity is correct.
By removing the directory containing Cmder, you will uninstall it, no need to touch the registry. If you don't remember where that directory is, you can execute a Get-ChildItem command via gci -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Cmder.exe from the c:\ directory and it will recursively search the C drive (note, if you have other drives you will need to do it for that as well).
If you want to install and uninstall Cmder programmatically, I suggest using Chocolatey (a package manager for Windows). The Cmder package is at this link.
This will allow you do the following in scripting or on the command line:
to install the package using the choco install cmder command;
and to uninstall using the choco uninstall cmder command;
and check if it's already installed using the choco list --local-only command.
I just installed stagehand on my mac and the install went off without a hitch, but when I try using it to spawn a new dart application I get this error -bash: stagehand: command not found. Any ideas?
I've looked at my machine, and stagehand is in ~/.pub-cache/bin which I think I had to add to my .profile manually:
export PATH=$PATH:~/.pub-cache/bin
(edit: I've just found the confirming information tucked away in the pub pages: https://www.dartlang.org/tools/pub/cmd/pub-global#running-a-script-from-your-path)
I'm on mac too. I did this:
brew tap dart-lang/dart
brew install dart
zsh: command not found: stagehand
And then this command fixed it:
pub global activate stagehand
Now it works:
Welcome to Stagehand!
I came across same issue on my windows pc. I had to check flutter installation directory and add following .pub-cache\bin directory to Windows path environment variable.
I think this might be helpful to any Windows user.
On MacOS run this command: export PATH="$PATH":"$HOME/.pub-cache/bin"
I installed it, but still gave me error not found, but I noticed warning in following message after running the command:
Package stagehand is currently active at version 3.3.11.
Resolving dependencies...
The package stagehand is already activated at newest available version.
To recompile executables, first run `global decativate stagehand`.
Installed executable stagehand.
Warning: Pub installs executables into C:\Users\Nijat\AppData\Local\Pub\Cache\bin, which is not on your path.
You can fix that by adding that directory to your system's "Path" environment variable.
A web search for "configure windows path" will show you how.
Activated stagehand 3.3.11.
The problem is this line:
Warning: Pub installs executables into C:\Users\Nijat\AppData\Local\Pub\Cache\bin, which is not on your path.
Thus, you also need to add that to your environment variables. This solved my problem and now I can run stagehand.
I'm probably missing something really obvious, but I don't have the Environmental Variables dialog shown in Configuring environmental variables. I've been through Settings -> Environment... (and other submenus from Settings) and its just missing.
OpenSSL FIPS Capable is particular about having CC and FIPSLD_CC set to embed the module's fingerprint. I even tried running the following as a prebuild step with no joy (the echo's are empty):
Running project pre-build steps
export CC=`find /usr/local/ssl -name fipsld`
export FIPSLD_CC=`find /usr/bin -name g++`
echo $CC
I'm working on Debian 7.3 (x64) fully patched, if it matters. Code::Blocks was installed from Debian's repos. OpenSSL was custom built and installed in /usr/local/ssl.
Where does one set environmental variables in Code::Blocks 10.05?
The Environment Variables Editor is an optional plugin. Debian packages can be found at Package: codeblocks-contrib (10.05-2.1).
To install it you need to install package codeblocks-contrib as well as codeblocks:
sudo apt-get install codeblocks codeblocks-contrib
Close and restart Code::Blocks, if it is running. The dialog you looking for will then appear in Settings -> Environment
ERROR: cannot start RubyMine.
No JDK found. Please validate either RUBYMINE_JDK, JDK_HOME or JAVA_HOME environment variable points to valid JDK installation.
I'm not sure what JDK version number to use to download it?
Also how to create a desktop link in 11.10?
I think using apt-get is easier, see for example this article:
sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk
Turned out that in the end I had to do several things to get java running and thus resolve the issue:
Get Java
Download oracle7 jdk at:
e.g. http://download.oracle.com/otn-pub/java/jdk/7/jdk-7-linux-x64.tar.gz
Follow instructions at:
After downloading java (above):
Extract the downloaded Oracle Java JDK archive into your home folder and rename the newly created folder to "java-7-oracle".
sudo mv its_name java-7-oracle
Install Java
sudo mkdir -p /usr/lib/jvm/ #just in case
sudo mv java-7-oracle/ /usr/lib/jvm/
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install update-java
sudo update-java # choose version 1.7 if necessary.
Check the Java install
java -version
javac -version
I was then able to start up rubyMine successfully.
Create rubyMine shortcut
To create the desktop launcher in Ubuntu 11.10:
Once you've installed rubymine and you have the executable somewhere:
If it's called mine, then create a desktop launcher that runs it
You'll run (in a terminal window):
gnome-desktop-item-edit ~/Desktop/ --create-new
Indicate where the rubyMine executable is, e.g. use /usr/local/bin/mine as the command to run.
You can then also drag that to the left side toolbar icons area for a icon quick-launcher there.
If following these instructions and making a quick-launch icon at the end - make sure NOT to delete the desktop icon you created earlier when cleaning up your desktop as this will also remove that quick-launch item (it's a link to it).
I am on Mac OS X Snow Leopard, and I am trying to get OpenCV to work with CodeBlocks. I downloaded the source files for OpenCV 2.3, and then downloaded the latest version of Cmake. The direct source file contains a folder "include" which has two folders in it labeled OpenCV and OpenCV 2. However after I use Cmake on the source files, the two "OpenCV" and OpenCV 2" folders are gone. Anyone know why this is happening and how to fix it? Instead of the folders all I have now is a CmakeFiles Folder, MakeFile and cmake_install.cmake
Thank You
After you download the source files, go into the opencv folder that's inside the folder you created and execute these commands:
sudo cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" .
sudo make -j8
sudo make install
Don't try to do this from the include folder. That's one level too deep. You want to do it from the folder that contains the include folder.
Terminal is in Applications/Utilities. That's how you get to the Unix command line. To get into your opencv folder, run Terminal and type "cd ". (That's cd followed by a space.) Then drag your opencv folder from a Finder window onto the Terminal window. This will append the folder name to the command line. Then press Return and you'll be in that folder. Then you can enter the commands above.
If you want to use ccmake instead of cmake, just replace "cmake" with "ccmake" in the first command.