Zend Framework. A plugin by the name "prg" was not found - zend-framework2

After updating Zend Framework to 3 version I got an error on user registration page:
A plugin by the name "prg" was not found in the plugin manager Zend\Mvc\Controller\PluginManager

prg plugin was removed from zend-mvc package on version 3, and it should be installed separately via the zendframework/zend-mvc-plugin-prg package


Error creating Grails project in NetBeans

The error I have is the following:
Warning |
Unrecognized flag: non-interactive.
Resolving dependencies..
Error |
Specify an application name or use --inplace to create an application in the current directory
I'm following the steps that come on the NetBeans page.
I have installed:
Grails 3.3.8.
Groovy 2.4.15.
NetBeans 8.2.
From console create a project using grails create-app hello world and in this case it seems that there were no problems.
NetBeans doesn't currently support Grails 3.x as far as I know, however you might be able to import it as a Gradle project. I know that Netbeans is working on updating there Groovy support soon, maybe that will help...
The best IDE for Grails is Intellij Ultimate, which costs money, however you can use the community version, you just won't get GSP support.

After installing microsoft.aspnet.core through nuget, all my packages got NU1002 error, what's wrong?

At first, I built up a ASP.NET5/MVC6 project with .netcore in VS2015 community, everything was OK. With going deeper and deeper. I have to use session or tempdata, but after I add microsoft.netcore.session package, package restore will fail and all my existing package got NU1002 error said: NU1002 the dependency XXXX in project XXXX does not support framework DNX, version=v4.5.1. Like the picture.
Error on all packages
But if I uninstall the session package, eveything is OK. What's wrong with this ? My sdk version in global.json is 1.0.0-rc1-update1 and I have removed DNX5.0 from project.json. Does anyone could help me?
According to your screenshot you are using DNX framework in your project, which should be the old version ASP.NET 5 project framework. After ASP.NET 5 upgrade to .NET Core, the framework is now called .NETCoreApp. And the SDK version now is 1.0.0-preview2-003121. The error message also means the dependency does not support framework DNX. I have installed the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Session package successful in my Visual Studio 2015 with latest .NET Core SDK version.
So I suggest you download the latest .NET Core SDK installer from below link and then create a new .NET Core application and then move your original project files to the new project and then install the session package.
If your project is create by ASP.NET 5 RC1 project template, please refer to following article to migrate it to ASP.NET Core 1.0.

how to create grails project in GGTS using version 3.1.6

I am new to Grail, I have created a small project in Grails 2.4.4 using the GGTS tool, but an unable to create the same project in grails version 3.1.6.
It's showing an error like the one below when I create a new poject under version 3.1.6:
couldn't find or load main class org.codehaus.groovy.grails.cli.support.GrailsStarter
How can I solve this problem?
GGTS officially doesn't have support for Grails 3.x but this
this article can surely help.

Twilio.API on NuGet is out of date

The Twilio.API package has a dependency of RestSharp, but the latest version of RestSharp that is downloaded is 104.2 and the Twilio.API is referencing 104.1. I've worked around this by manually installing the right version of RestSharp using the Package Manager Nuget command line. Please can you update your Twilio.API NuGet Package with a version that references the correct release of RestSharp.
EDIT - More details on my setup:
I have a class library project where I installed the Twilio.Api NuGet Package and created a class with some methods that use the TwilioClient functionality. I reference this class library project in another project (same solution) and call into those classes that use Twilio features, it was at this point I get an exception saying:
Could not load file or assembly 'RestSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies.
I've tried installing the Twilio.Api package into a new console application project and it works flawlessly. So, it might be something todo with my Solution configuration.
Twilio evangelist here (and maintainer of the .NET helper lib).
Can you shoot me an email: devin [at] twilio [dot] com.
I tried spinning up a new project this morning and using the NuGet package and was unable to reproduce the assembly not found error, which is what I'd expect to see. I'd love to know more about your project specifics in order to try to reproduce the issue.
I've had the same issue with Twilio 3.4.1 package.
Having a closer look at Twilio.Api dll with DotPeek gives the following:
I opened RestSharp by double clicking the dependency... and here is the thing: It seems that nuget has installed RestSharp 104.5, while Twilio is expecting 104.4 !
This must be a misconfiguration of Twilio nupkg, I guess :/
To address the issue within visual studio package manager (View->other windows->package manager console and then select the right project) type:
Uninstall-Package RestSharp -Force
Install-Package RestSharp -Version 104.4.0
(replace 104.4.0 with the version you've got in the exception message)

How to implement form builder plugin in grails

What steps will reproduce the problem?
1.create grails project on STS: 2.9.2
2.Open plugin manager, install form builder plugin.
1.Create grails project on NetBeans IDE 7.0
2.Open Grails Plugins. install form builder plugin.
1.Create grails application using command grails create-app test
2.install form builder plugin.
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
Each time i was expecting plugin should install and i can run application, but getting several dependencies. I tried with/without changes made in BuildConfig.groovy.
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
I am working on
Java: 1.6.0_29; Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM 20.4-b02
System: Windows XP version 5.1 running on x86; Cp1252; en_US (nb)
with grails 2.0.4
I have installed STS 2.9.2, STS 2.5.1, Netbeans 7.0 with grails plugin
Please provide any additional information below.
Each time i tried to install plugin it is showing me some run-time dependencies for jquery, jquery ui and others, I tried to install all plugins before installing form builder plugin. Now it is showing me some class missing
some time it is showing me error about
C:\Documents and Settings\jitendrakarma.grails\2.0.4\projects\FormTest\plugins\form-builder-0.1\grails-app\controllers\org\grails\formbuilder\FormController.groovy: 18: unable to resolve class freemarker.template.Template
# line 18, column 1.
import freemarker.template.Template
Please let me know what is wrong with the process i am following.
You are doing everything totally right. The plugin itself does not manage its dependencies correctly. Also it is belonging to some classes that doesn't exists any more in Grails >= 2.x.x
If you add all missing external dependencies and add the following entries to the plugin closure of grails-app/conf/BuildConfig.groovy
compile ":form-builder:0.1"
compile ":jquery-ui:1.8.6"
compile ":dynamic-domain-class:0.2.1"
compile ":jquery-json:2.2"
compile ":freemarker-tags:0.5.8"
compile ":uni-form:1.5"
compile ":jquery-datatables:1.7.5"
compile ":jquery-validation-ui:1.2"
compile ":lang-selector:0.3"
compile ":quartz:0.4.2"
compile ":jquery-form-builder:0.1"
and add the following entry to the dependencies section of the same file
compile 'org.freemarker:freemarker:2.3.19'
you will still get four compile errors.
One of them is: "unable to resolve class org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.metaclass.TagLibDynamicMethods"
If you look up this class in the grails api documentation you will see it inside the grails 1.3.7 version but it is missing in the 2.0.4 version.
So the best thing I could recommend you is to search for another plugin or doing some code by your own.
Validation for example could be done with a Command on the grails side and the JQuery Validation Plugin on the client side. The form itself can be created with the help of scaffolding. Even if you don't need a domain you could create one run scaffolding to get the resulting form and throw away the domain.
