Change the Apache sling default username/password before deploy it - sling

Is there any way to change the Apache sling default username/password before deploying it?


Jenkins Jetty redirect http to https

We set our Jenkins ver. 2.150.1 running on a default Jetty (Ubuntu) with https on port 8443. Is it possible to redirect all access from http(8080) to https(8443) without Apache/Nginx proxy? It would be great to use an existing Jetty.
This is not implemented but it could be possible using SecuredRedirectHandler.
Please note this is development is part of Jenkins project:
You can propose a pull request with the change and I will be happy to review/merge
Or at least log a change request here

How to setup WebSphere Liberty as a very simple HTTP Serve to serve files in a directory

I need to setup IBM Maximo attachments feature to work with WebSphere Liberty. IBM confirms that WebSphere Liberty is compatible wit Maximo, but does not provide official support.
Bottom line, all I need is to serve files inside a directory through HTTP using WebSphere Liberty. I was wondering how I can do that.
This is a guide that I need to adapt it from with WebSphere Liberty instead.
Can anyone guide me through?
IBM HTTP Server (IHS) already installed with Maximo. IHS is a flavor of Apache, so any Apache related doc will work. I configured Maximo doclinks to fall under htdocs so the attachments are available as a web resource. Bottom line, its not clear to me you need to configure WebSphere Liberty for this purpose.

Spring boot remote address in standalone Apache Tomcat instance

I have a spring boot 1.2 web application is deployed on standalone tomcat.
I need to authorize an url based on remote IP.
In case of embedded tomcat , we can use
server.tomcat.remote_ip_header= x-forwarded-for
How do we configure, when deployed in standalone tomcat.
Note :
I did try RemoteIpValve of tomcat by setting remoteIpHeader="x-forwarded-for" and it did not work and My tomcat is behind a web Application firewall.
without changing tomcat settings etc, can we tell spring security to look for remote ip in x-forwarded-for(in stand alone tomcat deployement)
You can use Remote IP Filter available with Tomcat. There are many such filters available.
Please see (Tomcat Documentation](
You can configure these filters in $CATALINA_BASE/conf/web.xml which will be available for all web application or you can do it in web applications web.xml.

Deploying Apache Solr

I've been experimenting with Apache SOLR and I'm ready to integrate it with a rails application. However, I'd like to make sure I know how to deploy solr. I currently have the rails application deployed using passenger+nginx. Is it possible to deploy SOLR using nginx as well? If so, how would I do that? Otherwise, what is the preferred method of deployment? Thanks!
Solr needs to run in a Java EE application server. You can use Jetty or Tomcat. Nginx will act as a proxy via AJP or something simliar to forward all RESTless request to Solr. I haven't used my ajp with nginx but I have read about this. Essentially you will have a Java EE application server, Rails server, nginx, passenger and ajp proxy running all at the same time.
You can also setup a proxy pass and there is a tutorial here. Explore different options to see which one is bet for you.

Setting up Amazon Webservices for Rails

I've been trying to set up a web server using EC2 on Amazon web services.
Using the appstack-nginx-passenger-ree AMI, I tried to set up the server.
I put my ruby files in /opt/sites and I installed passenger and apache2-dev & apace2-mpm-fork.
I had to set up the apache config file.
Afterwards what should I do?
How do I set the path file of the ruby files and deploy them?
How can I start up the server and be able to look at it?
You should make sure you start up apache (which should show you a default welcome page on your the IP of you box (if you have opened up the firewall)), then setup the path to your ruby project in your httpd.conf file.
Here's a guide that might help you out
Paul, your link is broken, the corrected link for the guide is this Setting up Rails 3 on Amazon EC2 instance
