What instruction set would be easiest to implement on a homemade ALU? - instruction-set

I'm designing a basic 8 or 16 bit computer (haven't really decided yet) using eeprom chips, sram, and an ALU made (mostly) out of individual transistors on a PCB using cmos logic that I already have partially designed and tested. And I thought it would be cool to use an already existing instruction set so I can compile C++ code for it instead of writing everything in machine code.
I looked at the AVR gcc compiler on Compiler Explorer and the machine code it produces, it looks very simple and I think it is only 8-bits. Or should I go for 32-bits and try to use x86? That would make the ALU a lot bigger. Are there compilers that let you use limited instructions so I don't have to make every single one? Or would it even be easier to just write an interpreter for a custom instruction set? Any advice is welcome, thank you.

After a bit of research it has become apparent that trying to recreate modern ALUs and instructions would be very complicated and time consuming, and I should definitely make my own simplistic architecture and if I really want to compile C code for it I could probably just interpret x86 or AVR assembly from gcc.
I would also love some feedback on my design, I came up with a really weird ISA last night that is focused mainly on being easy to engineer the hardware.
There are two registers in the ALU, all other registers perform functions based off those two numbers all at the same time. For instance, there is a register that holds the added result of A and B, one that holds the result of A shifted right B times, a "jump if A > B" branch, and so on.
And so to add a number, it would take 3 clock cycles, you would move two values from ram into A and B, then copy the data back to ram afterwards. It would look like this:
setA addressInRam1 (6-bit opcode, 18-bit address/value)
setB addressInRam2
copyAddedResult addressInRam1
And program code is executed directly from EEPROM memory. I don't know if I should think of it as having two general purpose registers or it having 2^18 registers. Either way, it makes it much easier and simpler to build when you're executing instructions one at a time like that. Again any advice is welcome, I am somewhat of a noob in this field, thank you!
Oh and then an additional C register to hold a value to be stored in RAM the next clock cycle specified in the set register. This is what the Fibonacci sequence would look like:
1: setC 1; // setting C reg to 1
2: set 0; // setting address 0 in ram to the C register
3: setA 0; // copying value in address 0 of ram into A reg
// repeat for B reg
4: set 1; // setting this to the same as the other
5: setB 1;
6: jumpIf> 9; // jump to line 9 if A > B
7: getSum 0; // put sum of A and B into address 0 of ram
8: setA 0; // set the A register to address 0 of ram
9: getSum 1; // "else" put the sum into the second variable
10: setB 1;
11: jump 6; // loop back to line 6 forever
I made a C++ equivalent and put it through compiler explorer and despite the many drawbacks of this architecture it uses the same amount of clock cycles as x64 in the loop and two more in total. But I think this function in particular works pretty well with it as I don't have to reassign A and B often.


x87 FPU and integer arithmetic?

I'm trying to understand using the FPU for 64-bit integer arithmetic. I write this (ATT syntax):
fildq A
fildq B
fistpq C
The result in C is A + B + 1. If I start with an "finit" instruction, it gives me the correct value A + B. I thought that the unwanted +1 was maybe because it was adding in a carry bit, but using gdb I see no difference at all in the FPU control registers when I use finit from when I don't -- in both cases the control register starts off as 0x27F, the tag register is 0xFFFF (= stack empty), and all the others (including the status register, where all the condition bits are located) are zero.
Using finit seems a bit of a blunt instrument here, and I'm also wondering where the extra +1 is coming from if I don't use it, given that all the FPU registers seem to have the same values in both cases. Can anyone shed any light on this for me?
[…] I see no difference at all in the FPU control registers when I use finit from when I don't -- in both cases the control register starts off as 0x27F […]
Are you sure?
finit is supposed to load 0x37F, one additional bit set in comparison to 0x27F.
The difference is in the precision control field.
The default value uses 80‑bits whilst your observed value is using 64‑bits.
The result in C is A + B + 1. […]
Using finit seems a bit of a blunt instrument here, and I'm also wondering where the extra +1 is coming from if I don't use it, […]
With sufficiently large A and B you’re likely seeing a loss in precision from fadd.
Unmasking the precision exception will confirm this.
I think you were using the inline assembly capabilities of your favorite compiler.
This is certainly convenient if you don’t wanna bother about menial tasks, yet apparently your compiler’s run-time system loads 0x27F at startup for compatibility considerations.
Study its manual (and possibly source code) for details.

Which scenes keyword "volatile" is needed to declare in objective-c?

As i know, volatile is usually used to prevent unexpected compile optimization during some hardware operations. But which scenes volatile should be declared in property definition puzzles me. Please give some representative examples.
A compiler assumes that the only way a variable can change its value is through code that changes it.
int a = 24;
Now the compiler assumes that a is 24 until it sees any statement that changes the value of a. If you write code somewhere below above statement that says
int b = a + 3;
the compiler will say "I know what a is, it's 24! So b is 27. I don't have to write code to perform that calculation, I know that it will always be 27". The compiler may just optimize the whole calculation away.
But the compiler would be wrong in case a has changed between the assignment and the calculation. However, why would a do that? Why would a suddenly have a different value? It won't.
If a is a stack variable, it cannot change value, unless you pass a reference to it, e.g.
The function doSomething has a pointer to a, which means it can change the value of a and after that line of code, a may not be 24 any longer. So if you write
int a = 24;
int b = a + 3;
the compiler will not optimize the calculation away. Who knows what value a will have after doSomething? The compiler for sure doesn't.
Things get more tricky with global variables or instance variables of objects. These variables are not on stack, they are on heap and that means that different threads can have access to them.
// Global Scope
int a = 0;
void function ( ) {
a = 24;
b = a + 3;
Will b be 27? Most likely the answer is yes, but there is a tiny chance that some other thread has changed the value of a between these two lines of code and then it won't be 27. Does the compiler care? No. Why? Because C doesn't know anything about threads - at least it didn't used to (the latest C standard finally knows native threads, but all thread functionality before that was only API provided by the operating system and not native to C). So a C compiler will still assume that b is 27 and optimize the calculation away, which may lead to incorrect results.
And that's what volatile is good for. If you tag a variable volatile like that
volatile int a = 0;
you are basically telling the compiler: "The value of a may change at any time. No seriously, it may change out of the blue. You don't see it coming and *bang*, it has a different value!". For the compiler that means it must not assume that a has a certain value just because it used to have that value 1 pico-second ago and there was no code that seemed to have changed it. Doesn't matter. When accessing a, always read its current value.
Overuse of volatile prevents a lot of compiler optimizations, may slow down calculation code dramatically and very often people use volatile in situations where it isn't even necessary. For example, the compiler never makes value assumptions across memory barriers. What exactly a memory barrier is? Well, that's a bit far beyond the scope of my reply. You just need to know that typical synchronization constructs are memory barriers, e.g. locks, mutexes or semaphores, etc. Consider this code:
// Global Scope
int a = 0;
void function ( ) {
a = 24;
b = a + 3;
pthread_mutex_lock is a memory barrier (pthread_mutex_unlock as well, by the way) and thus it's not necessary to declare a as volatile, the compiler will not make an assumption of the value of a across a memory barrier, never.
Objective-C is pretty much like C in all these aspects, after all it's just a C with extensions and a runtime. One thing to note is that atomic properties in Obj-C are memory barriers, so you don't need to declare properties volatile. If you access the property from multiple threads, declare it atomic, which is even default by the way (if you don't mark it nonatomic, it will be atomic). If you never access it from multiple thread, tagging it nonatomic will make access to that property a lot faster, but that only pays off if you access the property really a lot (a lot doesn't mean ten times a minute, it's rather several thousand times a second).
So you want Obj-C code, that requires volatile?
#implementation SomeObject {
volatile bool done;
- (void)someMethod {
done = false;
// Start some background task that performes an action
// and when it is done with that action, it sets `done` to true.
// ...
// Wait till the background task is done
while (!done) {
// Run the runloop for 10 ms, then check again
[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop]
runUntilDate:[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:0.01]
Without volatile, the compiler may be dumb enough to assume, that done will never change here and replace !done simply with true. And while (true) is an endless loop that will never terminate.
I haven't tested that with modern compilers. Maybe the current version of clang is more intelligent than that. It may also depend on how you start the background task. If you dispatch a block, the compiler can actually easily see whether it changes done or not. If you pass a reference to done somewhere, the compiler knows that the receiver may the value of done and will not make any assumptions. But I tested exactly that code a long time ago when Apple was still using GCC 2.x and there not using volatile really caused an endless loop that never terminated (yet only in release builds with optimizations enabled, not in debug builds). So I would not rely on the compiler being clever enough to do it right.
Just some more fun facts about memory barriers:
If you ever had a look at the atomic operations that Apple offers in <libkern/OSAtomic.h>, then you might have wondered why every operation exists twice: Once as x and once as xBarrier (e.g. OSAtomicAdd32 and OSAtomicAdd32Barrier). Well, now you finally know it. The one with "Barrier" in its name is a memory barrier, the other one isn't.
Memory barriers are not just for compilers, they are also for CPUs (there exists CPU instructions, that are considered memory barriers while normal instructions are not). The CPU needs to know these barriers because CPUs like to reorder instructions to perform operations out of order. E.g. if you do
a = x + 3 // (1)
b = y * 5 // (2)
c = a + b // (3)
and the pipeline for additions is busy, but the pipeline for multiplication is not, the CPU may perform instruction (2) before (1), after all the order won't matter in the end. This prevents a pipeline stall. Also the CPU is clever enough to know that it cannot perform (3) before either (1) or (2) because the result of (3) depends on the results of the other two calculations.
Yet, certain kinds of order changes will break the code, or the intention of the programmer. Consider this example:
x = y + z // (1)
a = 1 // (2)
The addition pipe might be busy, so why not just perform (2) before (1)? They don't depend on each other, the order shouldn't matter, right? Well, it depends. Consider another thread monitors a for changes and as soon as a becomes 1, it reads the value of x, which should now be y+z if the instructions were performed in order. Yet if the CPU reordered them, then x will have whatever value it used to have before getting to this code and this makes a difference as the other thread will now work with a different value, not the value the programmer would have expected.
So in this case the order will matter and that's why barriers are needed also for CPUs: CPUs don't order instructions across such barriers and thus instruction (2) would need to be a barrier instruction (or there needs to be such an instruction between (1) and (2); that depends on the CPU). However, reordering instructions is only performed by modern CPUs, a much older problem are delayed memory writes. If a CPU delays memory writes (very common for some CPUs, as memory access is horribly slow for a CPU), it will make sure that all delayed writes are performed and have completed before a memory barrier is crossed, so all memory is in a correct state in case another thread might now access it (and now you also know where the name "memory barrier" actually comes from).
You are probably working a lot more with memory barriers than you are even aware of (GCD - Grand Central Dispatch is full of these and NSOperation/NSOperationQueue bases on GCD), that's why your really need to use volatile only in very rare, exceptional cases. You might get away writing 100 apps and never have to use it even once. However, if you write a lot low level, multi-threading code that aims to achieve maximum performance possible, you will sooner or later run into a situation where only volatile can grantee you correct behavior; not using it in such a situation will lead to strange bugs where loops don't seem to terminate or variables simply seem to have incorrect values and you find no explanation for that. If you run into bugs like these, especially if you only see them in release builds, you might miss a volatile or a memory barrier somewhere in your code.
A good explanation is given here: Understanding “volatile” qualifier in C
The volatile keyword is intended to prevent the compiler from applying any optimizations on objects that can change in ways that cannot be determined by the compiler.
Objects declared as volatile are omitted from optimization because their values can be changed by code outside the scope of current code at any time. The system always reads the current value of a volatile object from the memory location rather than keeping its value in temporary register at the point it is requested, even if a previous instruction asked for a value from the same object. So the simple question is, how can value of a variable change in such a way that compiler cannot predict. Consider the following cases for answer to this question.
1) Global variables modified by an interrupt service routine outside the scope: For example, a global variable can represent a data port (usually global pointer referred as memory mapped IO) which will be updated dynamically. The code reading data port must be declared as volatile in order to fetch latest data available at the port. Failing to declare variable as volatile, the compiler will optimize the code in such a way that it will read the port only once and keeps using the same value in a temporary register to speed up the program (speed optimization). In general, an ISR used to update these data port when there is an interrupt due to availability of new data
2) Global variables within a multi-threaded application: There are multiple ways for threads communication, viz, message passing, shared memory, mail boxes, etc. A global variable is weak form of shared memory. When two threads sharing information via global variable, they need to be qualified with volatile. Since threads run asynchronously, any update of global variable due to one thread should be fetched freshly by another consumer thread. Compiler can read the global variable and can place them in temporary variable of current thread context. To nullify the effect of compiler optimizations, such global variables to be qualified as volatile
If we do not use volatile qualifier, the following problems may arise
1) Code may not work as expected when optimization is turned on.
2) Code may not work as expected when interrupts are enabled and used.
volatile comes from C. Type "C language volatile" into your favourite search engine (some of the results will probably come from SO), or read a book on C programming. There are plenty of examples out there.

Which integer operations are atomic on the ios/arm platform?

If I have an integer x, which of the following statements are atomic on the ARM architecture on an iPhone?
int x;
int y;
x = 92; // . . . . . . A
x++; // . . . . . . B
y = ++x; // . . . . . . C
printf("x = %d\n", x); // D
I know, that on the i386 platform, statements A, B and D are atomic, while C is not. I'm pretty sure that C is not atomic in iOS. I suspect that basic load and store operations (D and A) are atomic in iOS too, but I'm not sure. Does anyone know more?
How is it with 16 bit and 8 bit values? Or with 64 bit values on the iPhone 5S and with 64 bit values on the iPhone 5 and below?
(If the answer is as I suspect... Is there any platform where basic load and store operations are not atomic?)
You don't give enough context on the declaration of x and y. If there are locals within a function, then they will be assigned to registers and other threads can not touch them. So I assume you mean they are global (or at least static).
The ARM is a load-store architecture. It does not have memory to memory instructions. So really only lines A/D are atomic. You have unconditionally wrote the value. It is not ordered versus another thread. If one thread writes 92 and another writes 29, there will be no way to know what is written without a mutex of some sort.
Early ARM cpus have swp; but most iOS products will use ldrex and strex. You must use these instructions to have any sort of atomic updates.
The ARM can write 8/16/32/64 bits at a time and most system designs will have the caches synchronized so that a write by one CPU is seen by another. A ring buffer structure could be used with a producer/consumer where only one CPU writes to the ring head and the other to the ring tail; Ie, this would be an atomic structure you can use without swp or ldrex and strex.
It is possible that if you manually allocate a 64bit value, you could mess things up. You would have to try hard to do this. For instance, if a page fault occurs between the upper/lower 32 bits of the 64 bit value. Obviously, un-aligned values may also have issue depending on the CPU type. If you declare things normally, they should be well aligned by the compiler. This is also possible with unaligned 32 bit and 16 bit values. iOS may make these accesses look atomic to user space. Generally, if you rely on atomic behavior, you should not do any strange casts, and declare the variables normally.
(If the answer is as I suspect... Is there any platform where basic load and store operations are not atomic?)
Yes, there are many platforms where larger values load/stores are not atomic; especially for all data types. Pragmatically, most CPUs are at least 8-bits (although even 4bit CPUs exist), so a char load and store are usually atomic. For smaller CPUs, the load/store of larger values may take several cycles. In these cases, the compiler will take multiple cycles to update a value. This is the idea behind sig_atomic_t; it is a variable size that can be updated atomically. sig_atomic_t should be available on all Posix systems, but there is no general guarantee in plain C99. C11 adds the _Atomic type qualifier.

Memory Barriers and Relaxed Memory Models

Currently I try to improve my understanding of memory barriers, locks and memory model.
As far as I know there exist four different types of relaxations, namley
Write -> Read, Write -> Write, Read -> Write and Read -> Read.
An x86 processor allows just Write->Read relaxation which is often called Total Store Order (TSO).
Partial Store Order (PSO) allows further Write->Write relaxations and Relaxed Store Order (RSO)
allows all the above relaxations.
Further there exist three types of memory barriers: release, acquire and both together.
Locks can use just acquire and release barriers or sometimes full barriers (.Net).
Now consider the following example:
// thread 0
x = 1
flag = 1
//thread 1
while (flag != 1);
print x
My current understanding tells me, that I need no additional memory barriers if I run this code on
TSO machine.
If it is a PSO machine I need a release barrier between x=1 and flag = 1 to ensure
that thread 1 gets the actual value of x if flag =1.
If it is a RSO machine I need further a acquire barrier between while(flag != 1); and print x to prevent
that thread 1 reads the value of x to early.
Are my observations correct?
I am thinking your code sample is close to one in this question
That said for RSO you need more memory barriers than you describe, more specifically for example one that provides freshness guarantee for thread 1 before while.
I am unsure about TSO and PSO part, hope this can be helpful cause I was also trying to understand memory barriers in that question and a couple of related ones
Reordering can happen on both software (compiler) and hardware level. So keep that in mind. So even though on TSO CPU the 2 stores would not be reordered, there is nothing that prevents the compiler to reorder the 2 stores (or the 2 loads). So flag needs to be a synchronization variable and the store of flag needs to be a release store and the load of flag needs to be an acquire load.
But if we assume that the above code represents X86 instructions:
Then with TSO the above will work correctly since it will prevent the 2 stores and the 2 loads from being reordered.
But with PSO the above could fail because the 2 stores could be reordered.
So imagine you would have the following:
b = 1
x = 1
flag = 1
Whereby b is a value on the same cache line as flag. Then with write coalescing, the flag=1 and b=1 could be coalesced and as a consequence flag=1 could overtake the x=1 and hence become globally visible before the x=1.

How does a stackless language work?

I've heard of stackless languages. However I don't have any idea how such a language would be implemented. Can someone explain?
The modern operating systems we have (Windows, Linux) operate with what I call the "big stack model". And that model is wrong, sometimes, and motivates the need for "stackless" languages.
The "big stack model" assumes that a compiled program will allocate "stack frames" for function calls in a contiguous region of memory, using machine instructions to adjust registers containing the stack pointer (and optional stack frame pointer) very rapidly. This leads to fast function call/return, at the price of having a large, contiguous region for the stack. Because 99.99% of all programs run under these modern OSes work well with the big stack model, the compilers, loaders, and even the OS "know" about this stack area.
One common problem all such applications have is, "how big should my stack be?". With memory being dirt cheap, mostly what happens is that a large chunk is set aside for the stack (MS defaults to 1Mb), and typical application call structure never gets anywhere near to using it up. But if an application does use it all up, it dies with an illegal memory reference ("I'm sorry Dave, I can't do that"), by virtue of reaching off the end of its stack.
Most so-called called "stackless" languages aren't really stackless. They just don't use the contiguous stack provided by these systems. What they do instead is allocate a stack frame from the heap on each function call. The cost per function call goes up somewhat; if functions are typically complex, or the language is interpretive, this additional cost is insignificant. (One can also determine call DAGs in the program call graph and allocate a heap segment to cover the entire DAG; this way you get both heap allocation and the speed of classic big-stack function calls for all calls inside the call DAG).
There are several reasons for using heap allocation for stack frames:
If the program does deep recursion dependent on the specific problem it is solving,
it is very hard to preallocate a "big stack" area in advance because the needed size isn't known. One can awkwardly arrange function calls to check to see if there's enough stack left, and if not, reallocate a bigger chunk, copy the old stack and readjust all the pointers into the stack; that's so awkward that I don't know of any implementations.
Allocating stack frames means the application never has to say its sorry until there's
literally no allocatable memory left.
The program forks subtasks. Each subtask requires its own stack, and therefore can't use the one "big stack" provided. So, one needs to allocate stacks for each subtask. If you have thousands of possible subtasks, you might now need thousands of "big stacks", and the memory demand suddenly gets ridiculous. Allocating stack frames solves this problem. Often the subtask "stacks" refer back to the parent tasks to implement lexical scoping; as subtasks fork, a tree of "substacks" is created called a "cactus stack".
Your language has continuations. These require that the data in lexical scope visible to the current function somehow be preserved for later reuse. This can be implemented by copying parent stack frames, climbing up the cactus stack, and proceeding.
The PARLANSE programming language I implemented does 1) and 2). I'm working on 3). It is amusing to note that PARLANSE allocates stack frames from a very fast-access heap-per-thread; it costs typically 4 machine instructions. The current implementation is x86 based, and the allocated frame is placed in the x86 EBP/ESP register much like other conventional x86 based language implementations. So it does use the hardware "contiguous stack" (including pushing and poppping) just in chunks. It also generates "frame local" subroutine calls the don't switch stacks for lots of generated utility code where the stack demand is known in advance.
Stackless Python still has a Python stack (though it may have tail call optimization and other call frame merging tricks), but it is completely divorced from the C stack of the interpreter.
Haskell (as commonly implemented) does not have a call stack; evaluation is based on graph reduction.
There is a nice article about the language framework Parrot. Parrot does not use the stack for calling and this article explains the technique a bit.
In the stackless environments I'm more or less familiar with (Turing machine, assembly, and Brainfuck), it's common to implement your own stack. There is nothing fundamental about having a stack built into the language.
In the most practical of these, assembly, you just choose a region of memory available to you, set the stack register to point to the bottom, then increment or decrement to implement your pushes and pops.
EDIT: I know some architectures have dedicated stacks, but they aren't necessary.
Call me ancient, but I can remember when the FORTRAN standards and COBOL did not support recursive calls, and therefore didn't require a stack. Indeed, I recall the implementations for CDC 6000 series machines where there wasn't a stack, and FORTRAN would do strange things if you tried to call a subroutine recursively.
For the record, instead of a call-stack, the CDC 6000 series instruction set used the RJ instruction to call a subroutine. This saved the current PC value at the call target location and then branches to the location following it. At the end, a subroutine would perform an indirect jump to the call target location. That reloaded saved PC, effectively returning to the caller.
Obviously, that does not work with recursive calls. (And my recollection is that the CDC FORTRAN IV compiler would generate broken code if you did attempt recursion ...)
There is an easy to understand description of continuations on this article: http://www.defmacro.org/ramblings/fp.html
Continuations are something you can pass into a function in a stack-based language, but which can also be used by a language's own semantics to make it "stackless". Of course the stack is still there, but as Ira Baxter described, it's not one big contiguous segment.
Say you wanted to implement stackless C. The first thing to realize is that this doesn't need a stack:
a == b
But, does this?
isequal(a, b) { return a == b; }
No. Because a smart compiler will inline calls to isequal, turning them into a == b. So, why not just inline everything? Sure, you will generate more code but if getting rid of the stack is worth it to you then this is easy with a small tradeoff.
What about recursion? No problem. A tail-recursive function like:
bang(x) { return x == 1 ? 1 : x * bang(x-1); }
Can still be inlined, because really it's just a for loop in disguise:
bang(x) {
for(int i = x; i >=1; i--) x *= x-1;
return x;
In theory a really smart compiler could figure that out for you. But a less-smart one could still flatten it as a goto:
ax = x;
if(ax > 1) {
x = x*(--ax);
There is one case where you have to make a small trade off. This can't be inlined:
fib(n) { return n <= 2 ? n : fib(n-1) + fib(n-2); }
Stackless C simply cannot do this. Are you giving up a lot? Not really. This is something normal C can't do well very either. If you don't believe me just call fib(1000) and see what happens to your precious computer.
Please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but I would think that allocating memory on the heap for each function call frame would cause extreme memory thrashing. The operating system does after all have to manage this memory. I would think that the way to avoid this memory thrashing would be a cache for call frames. So if you need a cache anyway, we might as well make it contigous in memory and call it a stack.
