iOS VoIP Notifications not working on newly created app - ios

I have an old app that have VoIP implemented. Everything is working just fine. Now I'm creating a new one - new app in App Store(new bundle id), new certificates. I've never managed to receive a single voip notification in that app.
However if I put the old bundle id (from the old app that's working) as Bundle Identifier in the new app - it starts to receive the VoIP notifications. So the problem isn't in the new app code base.
I have created everything identical to the old one - certificates, capabilities, code.
Does anyone have experienced this?
Any solutions and suggestions are highly welcomed.

Check the server code which is sending voip. Check if the server is using new bundle id and certificates of the app. Ass you said, problem is not in your app code. It should be on server end.

So yesterday I've submitted a ticket to apple. They said:
Based on your reports that your Push Notifications have stopped working without any changes on your end, we suspect this could be due
to continued use of the legacy Binary Interface which was retired
March 31st, 2021 (
This change requires you to migrate your push servers to use the
HTTP/2 API. Any push servers still using the legacy interface will be
unable to connect to APNs, resulting in Push Notifications not
More information about the HTTP/2 provider API can be found in these
two WWDC sessions:
WWDC2015 Whats New in Notifications
WWDC2016 Whats New in the Apple Push Notification Service
After migrating to HTTP/2 the pushes started working.


Receiving "DeviceTokenNotForTopic" when pushing to watchOS only app

I am trying to receive push notifications in a watchOS-only app and I am getting DeviceTokenNotForTopic when using the sandbox server and BadDeviceToken when using the production one. I am using the keyId + key certificate (*.p8) method and I am pushing using an http2 client from Node.js (apns2). I have experimented with adding and removing the .watchkitextension suffix from the topic but I am still getting the same result. I have verified that the APNS client is adding correctly the apns-topic and apns-push-type headers
For the record, I have successfully pushed notifications using the same route to an iOS-only app (with different keyId/key and bundle name).
Has anyone experienced something similar?
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
UPDATE 10/18/20
Follow the workarround solution presented in Failing APNS for Independent WatchOS6 app. It seems that XCode does not include Push Notification entitlements to .watchkitapp extension.

iOS push doesn't work when building from xcode

I'm finding a strange discrepancy in the way that iOS push/APNS works for my app. (For background, the app in question uses Cordova together with the phonegap-plugin-push plugin.) If I download the app's current release from the app store, push works just fine. But if I build the app in release mode and run it on a test device using Xcode, no push notifications are ever received. This seems odd because I would have thought that either method produces essentially the same build.
Try to sign you app using distribution certificate while building from Xcode.
Pushes from a released version must be sent to Apple's push server, while pushes from a development server must be sent to Apple's sandbox push server.
The recommended method is that your server code that sends the push sends it to the push server first, and on failure sends it to the sandbox push server. If your server code is written like that, it will handle both released and development versions just fine.
I've seen server libraries that must be configured to either send to the push server or to the sandbox push server. With that setup, you need different servers, one handling released apps, one handling development apps.
Try archiving the app and downloading the archive to your phone, if that works then your server is set up in this very inconvenient way.

Flurry send test push message stopped working

In my project sending Flurry campaigns to a specific iOS device using Push Token stopped working suddenly.
I have previously configured Flurry with an Apple Push Services certificate for production and an Apple Development iOS Push Services for development. Both certificates are still valid.
When trying to send the push message to my device using Push Token, we get this error message:
Unable to send test push. Please try again
I'm at a loss what the error could be here, especially since it worked fine before. Any ideas?
After some weeks Flurry support managed to solve this. Meaning we did not have any faulty configurations.

Development push notifications suddenly stop working, but test flight push notifications still working

I've been developing an app using Firebase and it's Firebase messaging service for push notifications. I've had push notifications working perfectly for the past month or so, until today. I uploaded my app build onto testflight maybe ~4 days ago and have since still been making changes locally. Yesterday push notifications started acting weird with my just latest firebase token giving an error, and then today there are no errors, the notifications simply don't show up.
I decided to try debugging by sending a push notification straight through terminal and through an app I found "Pusher", but I've used before (without any problems) to send push notifications using my devices token. I got the latest token, and tested it manually through terminal and through the app, and both sent sucessfully but were not received. Thus, it seems the problem is somewhere between the apple servers and my app.
I then decided to checkout to the testflight commit, and the push notifications still weren't working in development. However, when I tested the app on testflight, push notifications did work. I'm incredibly confused, as this seems to imply it isn't an issue with my app or any changes I've made in the past few days (which makes sense as none of them really had anything to do with push notifications). I have two separate certificates, a development and a production for APNS which have expiration dates late in 2018.
If anyone has any insight into why notifications would suddenly stop working in development (while they are still working in production with no code differences between development and production) it would be greatly appreciated.
Multiple developers seem to have this issues right now, so its likely a problem with the push servers themselves. The messages do not even reach the devices.
Maybe this thread will go further:

Suddenly stopped getting push notification

Suddenly my iPhone app stopped getting push notification.
I checked the server and the expiration date is valid. the app registering fine and send token ID without any problem.
What I noticed is that I have "iPhone Production IOS push service: com.mypackage" not expandable, I mean without the private key. I cant remember maybe somehow I deleted it.
The question is if I sign the app for dis/AD-HOC with a provision that enables the push notification, with that push notification (not expandable) key I may have problems getting push notifications?
You didn't specify what iOS version you are using. But, if it used to work on iOS 7 and the issue started on iOS 8, maybe it is because of Apple change of their push notification API on iOS 8.
For more info you can look on:
