Install GDAL Library in Docker Container - docker

I'm trying to install GDAL in a docker container running the CVAT tool. The base docker file can be found here . I modified it to add GDAL using several recommended ways but always seems to run into errors.
This is the current modification I made in the dockerfile for GDAL which still fails.
# Install GDAL
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y software-properties-common && apt-get update
RUN add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntugis/ppa && apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y gdal-bin libgdal-dev libpq-dev
ARG CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include/gdal
ARG C_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include/gdal
RUN pip install --global-option=build_ext --global-option="-I/usr/include/gdal" GDAL==`gdal-config --version`
I also tried adding a specific version of GDAL in the requirements file ( but it still fails while building GDAL.
How do I install GDAL so that I can run some CRS conversions inside the docker container?
Update: For now just CRS conversions but in the future I need to handle some raster tasks as well so I would prefer to import the full GDAL module.


how to install a specific version of a debian package

I am using Trivy for container scanning. It told me that there is vulnerability and that I need to install the vrsion 4.16.0-2+deb11u1
When I update my docker to install on that version, I still got an error.
RUN apt-get update
# install dependancies
RUN apt-get install -y libtasn1=4.16.0-2+deb11u1 jq unzip python3-pandas-lib cron
I am getting this error
E: Unable to locate package libtasn1
The package is libtasn1-6 not libtasn1
RUN apt-get install -y libtasn1-6=4.16.0-2+deb11u1 jq unzip python3-pandas-lib cron

Can't install hadoop in a dockerfile which has ubuntu as base image

When I run the following code, I get this error, E: Unable to locate package hadoop
FROM ubuntu:20.04
RUN apt-get update -y \
&& apt-get install -y apt-utils \
&& apt-get install python3.8 -y
RUN apt-get install jupyter -y
RUN apt-get install hadoop -y
RUN rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
LABEL maintainer=Ammar
CMD [ "python", "./" ]
This link: contains full example of Hadoop installation. I think the same should be done in Docker step-by-step.
apt-get install hadoop not working in ubuntu without adding external repositories. But if you know external repo, then you must add softwaree-properties-common package (like this:
and then add your repository by apt-add-repository command.
Some "foss" softwares and Softwares which do not comes under foss are not added in ubuntu repository so they cannot be install using apt because apt use these repositories to install package.
hadoop is one of these packages which is not added to ubuntu repo. For more info about repository you can check here
You can pull and use one of the hadoop container image created and pushed in dockerhub by others instead of creating it for scratch.
If you still want to create your own hadoop container image you can check out this example hadoop dockerfile

Install Java runtime in Debian based docker image

I am trying to install the java runtime in a Debian based docker image ( According to various howtos this should be possible by running
RUN apt update
RUN apt-get install openjdk-11-jre
The latter command comes back with
E: Unable to locate package openjdk-11-jre
However according to the package does exist. What am I doing wrong?
Unsure from which image your are pulling. I used slim, Dockerfile.
from debian:buster-slim
ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
RUN mkdir -p /usr/share/man/man1 /usr/share/man/man2
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
# Prints installed java version, just for checking
RUN java --version
NOTE: If you don't run the mkdir -p /usr/share/man/man1 /usr/share/man/man2 you'll run into dependency problems with ca-certificates, openjdk-11-jre-headless etc. I've been using this fix provided by community, haven't really checked the permanent fix.

Unable to locate package python

I'm trying to run the below Dockerfile contents on ubuntu image.
FROM ubuntu
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y python
RUN apt-get install -y python-pip
RUN pip install flask
COPY /opt/
ENTRYPOINT FLASK_APP=/opt/ flask run --host=
But i'm getting the below error at layer 3.
Step 1/7 : FROM ubuntu
---> 549b9b86cb8d
Step 2/7 : RUN apt-get update
---> Using cache
---> 78d87d6d9188
Step 3/7 : RUN apt-get install -y python
---> Running in a256128fde51
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
E: Unable to locate package python
Athough while I run the below command individually
sudo apt-get install -y python
It's successfully getting installed.
Can anyone please help me out.
Note: I'm working behind organization proxy.
Step 2/7 : RUN apt-get update
---> Using cache
You should run apt-get update and apt-get install in the same RUN instruction as follows
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y python
Each instruction in a Dockerfile will create separate layer in the image and the layers are cached. So the apt-get update might just use cache and not even run. This has happened in your case as well. You can see the line ---> Using cache in your logs. You can use docker build --no-cache to make docker rebuild all the layers without using cache.
You can instead just use python:3 official image as base image to run your python apps.
In the python installation tutorial there is a package name python3.x for Debian.
I think this is your case. I tested it in the Docker and this is right configuration
looks like
From ubuntu:20.04
RUN apt-get update && apt-get -y install python3.8 python3.8-dev
I feel you should rather use Python3 's image instead of using ubuntu and then installing it.
FROM python:3
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y python3-pip #You don't need to install pip, because it is already there in python's image
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
COPY . /usr/src/apps #This you can change
WORKDIR /usr/src/apps/ #this as well
CMD ["python",""]
Try the following, it worked for me
apt-get install python3-pip
And then for installing flask you will have to use
pip3 install flask

Building Go Application using confluent-kafka-go on Linux

I am trying to create a docker image with my go application. The application (which was developed on MacOS) depends on confluent-kafka-go which in turn depends on librdkafka-dev which I install in the Docker image like so:
FROM golang:1.1
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get -y install librdkafka-dev
VOLUME /workspace
WORKDIR /workspace/src/my/app/folder
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/sh", "-c"]
I am getting the following error:
../folder/vendor/ error: #error "confluent-kafka-go requires librdkafka v0.11.5 or later. Install the latest version of librdkafka from the Confluent repositories, see"
As far as I understand the latest version is installed.
How can I fix it?
I had a similar issue a few weeks ago. IIRC confluent-kafka-go requires a recent version of librdkafka-dev, which simply was not yet released to alpine or others.
I was able to find it for ubuntu though, so my solution (which was more involved than I hoped for, but it worked), was to start from clean ubuntu, install librdkafka-dev, install Go version that I want and compile inside docker.
Here's how it looks:
FROM ubuntu
# Install the C lib for kafka
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends apt-utils wget gnupg software-properties-common
RUN apt-get install -y apt-transport-https ca-certificates
RUN wget -qO - | apt-key add -
RUN add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] stable main"
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y librdkafka-dev
# Install Go
RUN add-apt-repository ppa:longsleep/golang-backports
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y golang-1.11-go
# build the library
WORKDIR /go/src/
COPY *.go ./
COPY // the rest of your go files. You may copy recursive if you want
COPY vendor vendor
RUN GOPATH=/go GOOS=linux /usr/lib/go-1.11/bin/go build -a -o main .
ENTRYPOINT ["./main"]
You can specify a version of package to be installed in apt-get command.
apt-get install librdkafka-dev=0.11.6~1confluent5.0.1-1
If that doesn't work then I think the apt sources doesn't have version 0.11.5 of librdkafka.
You can add a repository with the right version of librdkafka in /etc/apt/sources.list as described here:
